Guardian Angel


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It was agreed by all three that they would say nothing to him, Sally had already seen the way his mood could change and was determined not to experience his wrath again. Unfortunately, Sally being Sally, she could not let it rest. She was going to find this woman and give her a piece of her mind. Jordon had always looked out for her, now for the first time in her life, she would look out for him.

Sat in her bedroom with Melissa, she discussed what she wanted to do.

'I've only seen her the once and that was from a distance, what I do know is that she had a dog with her. I presume she walks it over the fields regularly, so all we have to look out for is an older woman with a dog.'

Melissa didn't like the idea one bit, preferring to leave Jordon to sort his love-life out. In truth, hoping that eventually he would forget about this Sylvia and become interested in her.

For the next few evenings, the two girls trawled the fields all around. Sally first visiting all the area's that she could think of that had been near their previous home, moving nearer to their present house without catching sight of anyone. It was on the fourth outing, having gone in the opposite direction, that she caught sight of a woman and dog going back into a house and garden. She was too far away to tell properly, but Sally was insistent that the next evening if they came out earlier in this direction, she could confront the woman.

Things went to plan or not as the case may be, yes, they located the lady and her dog, but as they approached, the woman seemed to recognise them both.

Sally, as usual, did not know when to say nothing and went steaming in.

'Are you Sylvia, are you the one that's been seeing Jordon. Don't you think you're a bit old for him?'

Melissa knew that trouble was coming. Her friend may get away with that type of attitude among their peers, but this was an older woman. The look on her face and the way her hands had balled into fists, told Melissa, that Sally was very quickly going to feel her wrath unless she could diffuse the situation.

The woman eyed Sally steely. 'Young lady, I suggest you turn around and go home before you say anything else and I put my fist in your mouth. Anything that went on between Jordon and me, is none of your business.'

The woman started to inch forward, the dog growling menacingly when Melissa interjected. 'Sally! Shut the fuck up and go away, if this lady does not hit you, I will.'

Sally backed away. Melissa had never spoken to her like that. She had always been the pushy one while Mel normally just followed. She didn't go far, keeping an eye on the woman, just in case her friend needed assistance.

'I'm sorry about that, Sally tends to get a bit protective about her brother I'm afraid. I don't think they got on well in the past and now she's trying to make up for it.'

Sylvia looked puzzled. 'Sister? I thought she was one of his girlfriends. I presume you must be his girlfriend then?'

Melissa smiled, but the smile only conveyed the sadness she so often felt.

'I wish, I would like nothing better than to be his girlfriend, but it would appear I am just a friend.'

Sylvia was feeling confused after convincing herself that Jordon was having a relationship with one or the other of these beautiful young women.

They walked side by side, Sally at first following closely behind before finally catching them up.

'How do you feel about Jordon?' Melissa asked.

Sylvia just looked at her before replying, 'It's over.'

Mel studied her for a moment, 'I didn't ask you that. I asked how you felt about him, and your face tells me everything. You have fallen in love with him. I know that look, it's how I feel all the time.'

Melissa continued, her voice cracking, as for the very first time she unloaded her feelings for Jordon.

'I love him every bit as much as you do, the only trouble is, he does not love me But I think if you do not want him, then maybe I can make him love me in time.'

Sylvia noticed how the young girl's voice went up and down, feeling her pain as she finally accepted what she felt for that charming young man.

'Say you don't want him, and I will take him in the blink of an eye. but if you love him half as much as I suspect, then you need to give him a chance.'

Sally had not realised how Melissa felt about her brother, wrapping her arm around her friend as she saw the first tears run down her face.

Sylvia felt the tears prick her own eyes.

'I don't want to spoil his life. I don't understand what he sees in me and it is not fair to expect him to bear all this responsibility at his age. Anyway, how do I compete with someone of your age when they come along eventually.'

Melissa dried her tears, she laughed trying to make light of how she felt. 'Then you join the club of those that are in love with him, those that tried and lost, and those who are still to try.'

'Do you know that I managed to get into his bed last week and he made love to me?'

That single comment cut Sylvia deep, even though she knew there must be other women, and that she had no hold over him. The thought of him being in bed with this beautiful creature, hurt her deeply. Before she could say anything, Mel continued, 'The only trouble was, he was not making love to me, he was making love to you. In the end, he even called me by your name.'

Sally had not known any of this, but it did not matter, by now all three of them had tears streaming down their cheeks, the one thing they all had in common was their affection for Jordon.

'You need to speak to him. I'll give you a few days, but if you haven't contacted him by next week, then I'll take it that you no longer want him. I will do everything I can to make him mine, and if I do, then I will never let him go.'

Sylvia nodded, she knew exactly what the young woman meant, detecting the steeliness beneath her parting comment.

Jordon was in his usual haunt, laid out on the camp-bed with his earphones attached listening to music, his brain refusing to stop bringing him images of Sylvia. He was missing her badly and was disgusted with himself for the way he had used Melissa. He knew how she felt about him, but no matter how he tried, at the moment, he felt nothing for her other than a friendship that was no different than he felt for his sister.

He wished it could be different, knowing that he had only to say the word and she would not hesitate. He was wondering if he said yes and started to date her, whether overtime he would feel more for her, she deserved better than being treated the way he had done.

His thoughts were interrupted as the music cut off and his phone rang, looking at the incoming number, he did not recognise it as he answered.

'Hello Jordon,' a voice said timidly, he recognised the sound of her immediately. His heart soared but his voice hardened, he had been hurt and could not stop the bitterness creeping into his response.

'Hello Sylvia, what do you want?' If she thought it was going to be easy, she was quickly disillusioned, his voice sounding cold and distant towards her.

'I need to speak to you,' she said very quietly.

'You're speaking to me now, what do you want?'

Sylvia was struggling to keep her emotions under control, feeling herself near to tears. 'Not over the phone Jordon, I would like to speak to you and explain, please.'

There was no sound at first and she began to wonder if he had hung up on her when his voice came back on. 'Where do you want to meet?'

She quickly wracked her brains, trying to think of somewhere that would not elicit the wrong sort of message.

'I have to go to the city tomorrow; would you meet me there. Say about two-thirty, outside the station?' She held her breath, wondering if he would agree or if she had left it too long and her chance with him had gone.

'I'll pick you up outside the station at two-thirty, don't be late, I won't be waiting, bye.' The phone cut off and he was gone, and then the tears came as she broke down and sobbed.

Jordon did not know what to feel, on one hand, he felt elated that she had called him. On the other hand, he steeled himself for more hurt. The bitterness he felt, over-riding any other feelings. As he replaced his earphones and escaped back into his music, he was deliberating what he would say to her. Perhaps it was better to move on, perhaps it was time to give Melissa her chance. They got on well and she made him laugh, his family had continually tried to push them together, perhaps that was the sign that he had been waiting for, he decided that the next time he saw her, he would ask her out and see how it went.

That evening he was a little brighter than he had been in a while, he was up in his room when Sally came in. 'It's nice to see you smile again. How are things?'

Jordon shrugged his shoulders, 'I'm not sure Sal, I'm thinking of asking Melissa out.'

Sally sat on the end of his bed looking puzzled, 'Has Sylvia not called you?'

Now it was Jordon's turn to look puzzled, 'Why do you ask about Sylvia, I thought you might be happy that I had decided to ask Melissa?'

Sally took a moment, 'Has she called you?'

Jordon nodded. 'Listen to me Jordon, Melissa would be over the moon if you asked her, you know she has wanted that for so long. But before you do, you need to speak to Sylvia, promise me you won't say anything to Melissa until then.'

Jordon could not see what difference that would make but agreed to Sally's request. The next morning, he was up bright and early, the rest of the family still in bed as he sat and ate his breakfast, he heard footsteps descending the stairs as his mother appeared.

He presumed that Sally must have spoken to her because she launched straight into him with questions.

'I believe that the woman you have been seeing is Sylvia Masters when did that start? She's quite a bit older than you, how do you feel about her? I've heard she is getting divorced. You know she has children, are you involved in all of that mess?'

Jordon sat back, leaving his breakfast for the moment.

'Yes, I've been seeing Sylvia,' he went on to explain how she had bumped into him one day and yes, he knew that she was the woman that he and his mother had watched.

'Is she the one? I suppose she comes as close as anyone has. I can't have the 'one', so I must settle for second best.

'I knew she was married and had kids and no I'm not involved in that 'mess' as you put it, she had already broken it off.'

Lucille looked at him, full of concern for her son, 'Why are you settling for second best,' she asked him, wondering who else he had designs on.

Jordon just looked into her beautiful face, 'Because the 'one' also happens to be my mother.'

'Anyway, I'm going to ask Melissa out, you've all tried to push us together, so perhaps it might work.'

His mother nodded her head sagely. 'Do you love Melissa?' Jordon shook his head, 'Are you in love with Sylvia?'

It took Jordon a moment before he could admit it to himself as he nodded his head.

'Sally says she has phoned you. You need to go and speak to her before you do anything and be careful.'

She stood and kissed the top of his head as she went and made herself a brew, she loved her son dearly but knew they could never have what he fervently desired.

The journey into the city did not go exactly as planned. The day had turned wet and the traffic going in had been heavy. Jordon glanced at his watch, realising that he was going to be at least five minutes late. He felt himself starting to panic slightly, afraid that he would miss her, why had he told her he would not wait?

Sylvia got down off the train, walking out into the street, she glanced at her watch, two-thirty on the dot. She looked up and down the road but could see no sign of Jordon. Five minutes passed and she could still not see him, the panic was slowly beginning to build in her. She checked her watch again, was it correct she suddenly wondered. There was a clock on the platform, but that meant going back inside, what if he turned up as she was inside and did not wait, indecision ate at her as her panic built and she felt like crying.

Jordon slowed down on the station approach, it was busy, and he was unable to park directly outside. He finally managed to find a spot in the carpark, rushing around to the main entrance as he looked at his watch.

'Shit,' he was ten minutes late. He walked up and down outside but could see no sign of Sylvia, she must have thought he was not coming and had gone on to do whatever had brought her to the city, now it was his turn to feel the panic rising. It was now a quarter to three, convinced that it had all gone wrong, as a last resort, he entered the station looking down the platform.

Sylvia sat on a bench at the far end of the station, not wanting people to see the tears that just wouldn't stop. She had popped in and then back out again, but still no sign of him, she had nobody to blame but herself, she was the one that had finished it and now he didn't want to see her. She had never felt as sad in her life as she did at that very moment, turning her head to one side as someone sat next to her, why couldn't they go away and leave her alone.

'Hello, Sylvia.'

Her head swivelled as she turned to see Jordon sat there, he moved closer, putting his arm around her shoulders as he comforted her. He could feel her trembling as he held her tightly, wondering if that was what she wanted. She finally dried her eyes, they looked red and puffy as she dabbed at them with a tissue, 'I thought you weren't coming. God, I must look a mess.'

Jordon just gave her an apologetic smile, 'I'm sorry, the traffic was heavy and then I couldn't find anywhere to park. Do you want to go and grab a coffee?'

Going into the station buffet, he found them a table and went and got two coffee's, returning to the table and putting one in front of her. He sat down opposite, taking a sip from his cup, 'What do you want to talk to me about?'

It took Sylvia several attempts to get started. 'Have you found someone else?' her heart was beating rapidly as she waited for his answer, relief flooding through her as he shook his head.

'I'm sorry, I thought I was doing it for the best, you know I'm getting divorced, it did not seem fair to get you involved in that.

'Look, Jordon, I'm at least ten years older than you. I have two kids and I have bills to pay. Your young and have your life ahead of you, why would you want to be saddled with someone like me?'

Jordon already knew the answer and was finally able to say it, 'Because I love you.' As he watched, her tears came again.

'You have got to be sure Jordon, this a lot of responsibility, it's not going to be easy.'

Jordon nodded his head, 'I don't care, as long as you are with me, then we will get through it somehow.' Her hand reached out across the table as she grasped his, despite the tears and ruined make-up she managed a smile, 'You know I'm in love with you as well.'

He got up from the table, holding his hand out for her to take.

'Let's get out of here and find somewhere quieter.' As they left the station this time, he did not walk behind her as he had done on previous occasions, today he firmly wrapped his arm around her shoulders as he held her to him. He had decided that he would start as he meant to go on and let anyone watching, know, that she was his.

Sylvia knew where they were going straight away, she lowered the sunshade and checked her face. It didn't look as bad as it felt as she patched up around her eyes. Jordon parked the car at the rear of the apartment in the private compound, taking her hand and leading her around the front.

'Good afternoon Master Jordon, Miss Sylvia, lovely to see you again,' said Robert as he welcomed them in.

Once upstairs he took her coat, looking at her from a distance as he hung it in the closet. She was exactly as he remembered as he admired her curves. She turned as he was looking at her, blushing slightly as she noted the adoration written across his face.

They were stood in front of the large window, seemingly joined at the hip.

'Do you realise that this is where it all started?' Sylvia said.

'Not for me,' he replied, 'It started when I first saw an Angel.'

She turned and offered her lips to be kissed, Jordon taking her in his arm and embracing her, remembering the taste of her lips and mouth. It was as though nothing had changed as she felt him pushing against her belly.

Just being held by him again, brought back that familiar excitement and she wondered if that was why he had brought her here. As their mouths parted, she gave him a quizzical look as she turned her head and nodded towards the bedroom, but Jordon initially disappointed her and she felt a slight wobble, fearing there was a reason behind the rejection.

'I can think of nothing better than taking you in there and ripping your clothes off before making love to you, but it's not going to happen today.

'Today is the first day of a new start, I want to get to know you, and ultimately your family. I want you to get to know my family, and I want us to finally become a family.

'Don't worry. There will be plenty of time in the future to take care of that beautiful body of yours.' Jordon told her.

All the old familiar feelings were returning, what he said made sense. It was not just herself she had to consider, it was the divorce and her two children, Andrea and Ian.

'Very well, would you mind getting me a drink,' she asked as she moved over to the large couch.

Jordon poured her a gin and tonic before helping himself to coke as he was driving.

'There are a couple of conditions attached to this,' he said, noticing as she became wary again.

'Firstly, if there is a problem, you speak to me about it, no matter what it is.

'I'm not promising I can solve everything, but together we will find a solution.

'Secondly, and I'm not suggesting this happen immediately, but in time, I want to visit your home, and I want you to visit mine, if we are going to be a couple, then folks need to get used to the fact.'

Sylvia could not help but beam, he never failed to amaze her. He was young only in looks, whatever went on inside his head at times belonged to someone twice his age.

They spent the rest of the afternoon becoming re-acquainted, Jordon finally asking the question that was on his mind. 'What made you decide to call me?' He asked.

Sylvia took a sip of her drink.

'I got waylaid by some of your fan club one evening. I had seen you a couple of time with one or the other of them and presumed they were possibly girlfriends.'

'One of them was a bit forward and mouthy and I thought at first I was going to end up in a fight, but it turned out she was your sister.'

Jordon could not help but smile, that sounded exactly like Sally. Sylvia went on to explain what the other girl had said to his sister. 'She was a stunning young woman, more so because of her olive skin.'

Jordon was surprised, especially to find Melissa speaking to his sister like that.

'She was the one that stayed with us for Christmas last year, you remember I said to you about her, she is called Melissa.'

Jordon could just imagine the surprise on Sally's face when someone stood up to her like that.

Sylvia was looking at him in astonishment, 'Good god Jordon, why would you give up a gorgeous young woman like that for me?'

'It's simple,' he replied, I fell in love with you, and no matter how I tried, I was not in love with her.' Sylvia was stunned as well as feeling elated, it was as though someone had just picked her up and stuck her on a pedestal ten foot high.

At the end of the day he drove her home, pulling up outside her house, she looked up and down her street nervously.

Jordon gave a small laugh, 'They are going to talk, no matter what you do, we might as well give them something to talk about,' he said as he pulled her closer and kissed her goodbye.