Guilt and Redemption


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Lena arched an eyebrow at Angela who was the one who turned a little embarrassed this time.

"Soldier 76 and I have been through a lot," she said without being prompted. She sighed and closed her eyes as if picturing him. "Jack is not as young as he used to be but, mein Gott, that man is handsome with his facemask off."

Lena giggled, "Oh wow! You and Jack?"

"Well," Angela sighed with a smile turning to Lena, "not officially of course."

"Of course."

"Then there's Pharah," Angela continued but stopped when Lena gasped in shock.

"Wait, hold the phone," she said with wide eyes, "you and Fareeha are...?!"

Angela looked stunned "No, not that!" she laughed. "Fareeha and I are very close and I watched her grow up to be the strong, beautiful woman she is today. Sorry Lena, I don't like girls like you do."

Lena laughed.

"What I mean is Fareeha and I love each other in a very sisterly sort of way," Angela explained. "If anything were to happen to her, I would be devastated. She once got so injured during a mission that I feared her dead. If Jack hadn't stopped me, I would have probably gotten in the way of the medics that were treating her. He couldn't stop me from going to the hospital and camping out in her room, however. When she woke, I was there asleep at her bedside."

Lena nodded. "So, if you had gone in with guns blazing trying to save her life, you probably would have ended up losing her because you were thinking with your heart and not as a doctor."

"Exactly," Angela replied. "You can be there for someone you love and support them, but sometimes, you have to use your head and let your heart take a break."

"Symmetra said something like that too," Lena said.

"Symmetra is a smart girl," Angela smiled. "Now, does she love you?"

Lena looked at Amélie realizing that she hadn't stopped touching her this whole time. "I don't think she even knows what she is feeling. I know she's realizing that there's something there and well, it's not just attraction between us."

"As she gets these emotions back, she will break the hold Talon has over her," Angela agreed. "I don't think they were counting on her falling for her greatest rival."

Lena only nodded as Angela turned to pick up a device from a table. She brought it over with another syringe.

"I have an idea," Angela said, lifting Amélie's head. "I don't know how effective this will be but it is my expertise."

"What are you going to do?" Lena asked helping Angela to hold the unconscious woman.

"As you know, I helped develop applied nanobiology," Angela replied. "That being said, I can examine what they did to condition her and see about finding a way to block it."

"You're going to have to dumb that down for me," Lena said a little lost.

"Ok, you know about how they use treatments to change how an insane person's brain works normally so that they can no longer hear voices or continue to think abnormally as they do?"

Lena looked horrified. "Oh God," she said, "you are going to give her a lobotomy?"

Angela looked shocked. "Oh Lena, no," she said equally horrified. "I would never do something so barbaric. I don't care who Widowmaker is, there is no way I would do something so horrible to her."

Lena looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry," she said, "I didn't mean it like that. I know you wouldn't."

"You do love her."

Lena looked up to see Angela smiling and she reluctantly nodded. "Yeah," she admitted, "I guess I do."

"I promise, if this is successful, she will be better for it," Angela said. "One thing that you must already know, Talon will not give up their greatest weapon. They will come looking for her. If they cannot recapture and recondition her, they will kill her. Of that, I have no doubt. We know how dangerous she is to us and Talon has no illusions that she can be equally, if not more, dangerous to them."

Lena nodded as she lifted Amélie some. "We know," she whispered in a frightened voice. "I will do all I can to protect her."

"WE will," Angela said as the injected the syringe into the base of Amélie's skull. "If she can overcome the conditioning and free herself of Talon's grip, I'm sure she would be a great asset to us."

"I don't know," Lena said. "It will take time and I don't think Winston or the others might be so welcoming of her."

"If she survives this and comes out clean," Angela said with determination, "the others will see it. Besides, despite what she says, Ana isn't as young as she used to be either. She could use another sniper of Widowmaker's caliber backing her up."

"Don't let her hear you say that," Lena smiled.

"I won't tell if you don't," Angela smiled back.

They lay Amélie back on the table and Angela pushed a few buttons on her screen before checking another computer screen.

"I've injected her with some nanomachines right at the base of her skull," Angela explained. "They are online and operational. Assuming they tortured her when they kidnapped her in order to brainwash her, I will treat her as I would someone with PTSD. We will use these nanomachines to treat her synopsis to counteract the conditioning she received using pain and terror as the catalyst and reverse it to something that helps her overcome the implanted suggestions. That way she will retain her training but not be conditioned to think or react to Talon's orders."

"She used to get off on killing," Lena admitted. "They not only made her a killer, they conditioned her to enjoy it."

"Then we replace that sociopath behavior with a more positive one," Angela replied with a smile.

"I didn't even know how that is possible," Lena admitted. "We're going into more psychological stuff and I really don't understand all that."

"You are instrumental in all this," Angela told her and Lena looked at her shocked.

"What? Me?"

"Yes," Angela said seriously. "That is why I asked how you feel about her and how she feels about you. You are going to be her reconditioning."

"Oh, God," Lena said frightened. "I told you, I don't know how she feels about me. Are you sure this will work."

Angela took a deep breath. "You need to stop denying yourself," she said. "You told me you would help her and you are in love with the woman. It should be obvious that you have been for a long time even if you didn't realize it. The same goes for her."

Lena looked at Amélie. The look of this woman's face brought more emotion and determination to Tracer than she had ever known. She knew she had always been drawn to her. She needed her. Amélie had come to her and pleaded for her help. She had to do this. She had to do this for Amélie and herself.

Amélie's face twisted into a grimace of pain and Lena panicked.

"What's wrong," Lena asked. "What's happening to her?"

"The nanomachines are working over the synopsis and she is reliving being kidnapped.," Angela said. "Lena, you have to reverse the process. Let her hear your voice. Comfort her. Help her find the hope and strength she needs to get through this."

Lena heard Amélie moan and start to struggle. She remembered seeing her do the same on her sofa and felt the same feeling of protection she felt then. It strengthened her resolve.

"Amélie?" she said taking hold of the woman's hand. "Amélie, can you hear me?"

Amélie groaned and squeezed Tracer's hand.

"Amélie, I'm here, I'm right here," Lena said. "Fight them, Amélie, don't let them control you."

"Hurts," Amélie murmured and groaned again.

"Fight through it," Lena said. "You can do this. You are stronger than them. I'm with you. Fight them. I'm here. You can do it. They can't hurt you anymore. They can't break you. You're too strong for them. They know it. They fear you, Amélie. They know what you can do and they need you under their control. Are you going to let them control you?"

The look of pain and terror on Amélie's face changed. Lena was taken aback by the look of calm determination. She looked at Angela who only nodded and gave her an encouraging look.

"You know what they did?" Lena asked her, leaning in close to her ear. "They tried to make you into a cold, heartless killer. They want you to kill your beloved Gérard."

Amélie's brow creased in anger and she squeezed Lena's hand.

"Moreover, they want you kill all sorts of people," Lena continued. "Worst of all, they want you to enjoy it like some monster."

Amélie twitched and growled, fighting. Lena held onto her hand tighter.

"They know you are stronger than they are, Amélie," Lena said. "They know and they fear it. Make them fear you. Turn on them. If they are going to make you a monster, show them what a real monster can do. How dare they make you kill the ones you love."

Angela motioned for Lena to keep talking. "OK, anger is good," Angela said, "it's helped her get started, but anger isn't going to save her and get her through this. You know what to do."

Lena took a deep breath and cupped Amélie's cheek.

"They try to get you to destroy who you love," Lena said and found tears in her eyes. "They killed Gérard. They have you try to kill me."

Amélie gasped and squirmed. "No," she said in a pained whisper. Tears ran down her cheeks.

"You won't let them hurt anyone you love anymore," Lena said blinking back her own tears. She leaned in and kissed Amélie's forehead. "I love you, Amélie," she whispered.

Amélie sighed and a look of peace came over her.

"I love you," Lena repeated. "You aren't going to let them kill me. I'll protect you. You protect me."

"Yes," Amélie said. "Protect ... you."

Lena kissed her again and looked at Angela. Mercy only nodded and smiled reassuringly.

"Now what?" Lena asked.

"Now, we wait for her to rest and let this new reconditioning take hold," Angela replied. "The nanomachines will continue to work until the process is complete and then, her body will dispose of them like any other waste."

Lena looked at Amélie and saw only peace on her face.


It was a while before Amélie woke up. Her eyes opened to find a brightly lit room. Her eyes adjusted and she reoriented herself to where she was. Mercy's lab. She was with Mercy and Lena. At the thought of her, Amélie looked around for Tracer. She didn't have to look far. Arms encircled her as Lena hugged her close.

"You're awake," Lena said relieved. She looked at Amélie and brushed the hair from her eyes. "How are you feeling?"

Amélie thought for a moment and let memories run through her head. The kidnapping, the torture, was fresh in her mind but it was different now. She remembered it all and not just the what the conditioning did. She not only remembered them doing it, but now, she remembered Tracer being there. She held on to her and encouraged her to survive. Fight what Talon was trying to do.

"They tortured me," Amélie said. "They tried to make me kill my husband."

"You did," Lena said quietly. "Gérard is gone."

Amélie looked at Lena horrified. "Oh no," she said and covered her mouth with her hand. The tears fell and Lena held her while she sobbed.

"It's alright," Lena said. "It's ok. It happened a while back when you were under their control."

Amélie sobbed and held Lena tight. "I'm a murderer?" she cried. "Mon dieu, Lena. I killed all those people?"

Lena took Amélie's face in her hands. "You were conditioned. They brainwashed you into being an assassin. What do you remember?"

"They kidnapped me," Amélie said, bringing back the memories that were buried and now released. "They were trying to get to Gérard. Told me that he was a threat and he was my enemy. Told me that they needed my help stopping him. They turned me against him. But, you were there somehow. I heard you tell me to fight them. I fought and fought, hearing you encourage me. I couldn't see you but I could hear you. I'm so confused."

Mercy was standing nearby monitoring something on a handheld device. "It's going to be confusing for a while," she said. "We used nanomachines to break through the initial conditioning and, while your memories were brought back to you, used those memories to recondition you away from their control."

"But I'm still an assassin," Amélie said turning to Lena. "I'm still Widowmaker."

"Yes," Lena said and wiped the tears from Amélie's cheek. "That won't change. What we hope will change is that you won't let Talon use you like a robot to kill whomever they want dead."

Amélie thought about that as Mercy came to her side and took her hand. "What you need to understand is that you were under their control and now, we've cut their strings. You are free," Mercy said softly. "You will still retain all the training you went through, still be able to be an assassin, but this time, you can use those skills how you see fit and not how they want. It will take some time for you to find yourself again. Well, a new you. Still Widowmaker but no longer the Widowmaker you were."

Amélie looked from Angela to Lena. "Do you still love me knowing what I am, what I did?"

Lena pulled Amélie to her and kissed her. "Yes," she said. "I think I have for a long time."

Mercy blushed at the display but was very happy for them. "The question now is, what are you going to do with this newfound freedom? What will motivate you?" she asked.

Amélie looked at her with a fierce look of determination. "I will protect the ones I love and matter to me," she said. "I will also show Talon the mistake they made making me a monster."

Angela nodded.

"We can help you," Lena said bringing her attention back to her. "You can not only stop Talon but any other threats that come. You are very skilled. I know, we've tangled more than a few times."

"Where would I go?"

"We can include you with us," Angela said. "I talk with Winston and the others and get you into the Overwatch program."

"Me? In Overwatch?" Amélie almost laughed at the idea. "I wouldn't think Overwatch would have use for an assassin."

Lena smiled. "Oh, Amélie," she said, "we have an assortment of people in Overwatch. Think of this as your chance to set things right."

Amélie looked into Lena's eyes and nodded. "As long as you are with me, I will go."

Lena hugged her tight and kissed her face. "I'll always be with you," she promised. "I'm not going to leave you alone ever again."

Angela squeezed Amélie's hand. "We all will," she promised as well. "As long as you are fighting with us for peace and good in this world, I'll be by your side as well."

Angela gasped a little in surprise as Amélie pulled her into a tight hug. "Thank you," she whispered. "I will never forget this."


Two days later, Lena and Amélie were still planning on what to do to finalize some things about their situation. There had been much debate, talks, and, of course, mind blowing sex. Winston had told her that he would accept her on the team but only once he knew she was completely trustworthy. They accepted that and Amélie accepted the challenge of proving herself with anticipation.

"I'm not going to be of much use without my weapons and equipment," Amélie said to Lena as they planned some things over coffee at that cute cafe Lena had told her about. "I can't shoot what I don't have."

"Chances are Talon has already gone to your safe house in France," Lena said sadly. "They probably figure you were captured with your equipment left behind, but they will look for you."

Amélie sighed and stared into the depths of her cup. She felt useless without Widow's Kiss. They probably had a tracker on it. They knew what she was capable of and was certain they wouldn't take any chances.

"I'm fairly certain Ana could find you a suitable rifle," Lena said. "Or we could modify it. As for your visor..."

"That technology was Talon I assure you," Amélie said grumpily. "I'm not even sure we could reproduce that."

"I'm sure we'll think of something," Lena assured her as she took hold of her hand across the small table.

"I may have a suggestion or two," a voice said from beside them. Amélie and Lena sprang up from their chairs as a woman materialized from a purple field sitting in a chair beside them at the adjoining table. She was dark complected and sported a purple mohawk that lay over the right side of her head. She was dressed in similar purple with strange gloves adorned with circuitry and cords. Her equally purple eyes were full of mischief and she seemed unperturbed by the actions of the other two women.

"Sombra," Amélie said coldly and casually glanced around. The foot traffic of London seemed to have slowed enough for Sombra to appear relatively unnoticed. There didn't seem to be any Talon foot soldiers in sight, but Sombra didn't need soldiers.

"Hola chica," Sombra said to Amélie. "You are a hard woman to find. Well, for most people."

Lena had her guns out and ready but Sombra didn't look concerned. "Amélie, who is this?" she asked, not taking her eyes off the woman.

"This is Sombra," Amélie said also watching the young Hispanic woman. "She's a Talon operative and saboteur."

"Normally, yes, but I'm not here for that today," Sombra said casually as she winked at Amélie.

"What do you want?" Lena asked still aiming her guns.

"Dios mío, you two are causing a scene," Sombra said looking around casually. "Have a seat you guys, I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to help."

Lena huffed a laugh. "If you are with Talon, we don't need your help."

"Oh no?" Sombra said slyly. She calmly pulled up her chair to the table Amélie and Lena had been sitting at and rested her elbows on the tabletop. "Come on, I'm alone and unarmed. Like I said I have some suggestions."

They stood still and didn't move. Sombra sighed.

"Oh my God, OK, I can prove it," She said with a roll of her eyes. "Honestly, chica, do you think you would be able to slip out of France and disappear from Talon without me covering your ass? Why do you think they haven't found you?"

Amélie looked at Lena and nodded. They slowly took their seats and Tracer put away one of her guns. The other, she kept handy.

"Not ideal, but better," Sombra said. "So, you are the famous Tracer. It's an honor."

"The pleasure is all yours, I assure you," Lena said.

"Geez, attitude girl," Sombra teased. "See if I ask you for an autograph."

"What do you want?" Amélie asked.

"I want to help you," Sombra said leaning back and crossing her legs. "You and I have always been kinda close and I don't want to see you dragged down, ok?"

"Why would you want to help her escape from Talon?" Lena asked.

"Because it's time to come clean," Sombra sighed. "Look, don't you think someone of my prestige would have been able to succeed in some of our more," she swayed her head from side to side as if to weigh her words, "dicey operations?"

Amélie thought about a few that failed due to some unfortunate complication at the last moment and it dawned on her. "You're a double agent," she said with wide eyes.

"Ok, well, not really double agent," Sombra said laughing. "More like I only really work for one person: me."

"So why are you with Talon?" Lena said surprised.

"Talon is a means to an end," Sombra explained, "They give me shiny new toys to play with and I use them how I see fit. Sometimes we are on the same page and sometimes, well, I use their shiny new toys to play how I want to play."

"You've been using them?" Amélie sat back staring at Sombra with new eyes. "Why?"

"I told you, they're a means to an end."

"To what end?"

"Information," Sombra smiled. "I live for the knowledge of who's doing what and why. It's a rush to be able to hack into government or top secret files and either expose the corruption or use it to blackmail the worst of the worst into doing something for me."

"That's really shady and you want us to trust you?" Lena asked.

"Let's put it this way," Sombra said leaning forward and resting her chin on her hands, "I find out what the bad guys are really up to and use it to make them do what I want. It's empowering to outsmart someone who think they can hide information or try to be sneaky. And the best part is that I usually uncover the dirty little secrets of bad guys that people don't even know are bad."