Halloween Treat


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Rick shook his head. "Not if she's marrying somebody else you're not."

I looked at Nico. "So do you think she knows that her father's setting her up with this guy?"

"Don't know. Mom just said she thought he should let her make her own decisions. She's got her law degree, so I think she's smart enough to know what she wants. But her father's pretty old school, and probably thinks he can still tell her what to do. And from what mom said Lianna's mother and nonna don't think much of Marco and they think her father has no business trying to set them up."

I just hoped he was wrong and that her father wouldn't try and force her into a loveless marriage, just to keep his business secure. And now I had to figure out what I was going to do about it. Because even if she didn't want to keep seeing me, there was no way I could just sit by and let her marry some like that.


I got to my parent's house just before six, and noticed something was off as soon as I stepped inside. Normally my two sisters would have been invited too, but there was only my father, my mother and my father's mother, my nonna Margherita. And I noticed right away that no one looked too happy, like they'd just been arguing before I got there.

After we'd all kissed hello, my mother looking uncharacteristically sullen, announced, "We're eating in the kitchen tonight," so I followed them, noticing that no one was saying a word. And I just hoped that everyone was okay.

My mother served us all a bowl of stracciatella soup, a cheesy egg with broth she knew was one of my favorites. And I'd just picked up my spoon to have a taste when my father cleared his throat, looked at me and said, "Marco Bertelli would like to ask for your hand in marriage, and his father and I have both given our blessing."

My hand started shaking as I put my soup spoon down, and I could feel my stomach starting to heave, and actually thought I was going to be sick. This had to be some kind of joke. I couldn't believe that my father was trying to tell me who to marry. And even worse that he'd pick a creep like him. "Dad, you can't be serious. Marco and I don't even like each other, so there's no way I'd even consider going out for dinner with him, never mind tying myself down with him for the rest of my life."

I looked at my mother and nonna for support, and saw that they were both glaring so hard at my father, that I knew if looks really could kill, that he'd be a dead man.

Then my mother spoke up, still staring right at my father. "I told your father that you have a mind of your own, and you can decide who you'd like to marry."

Bristling, with the veins popping in his throat, and his eyes flaring, my father shot to his feet, stared us all down and stabbed a finger at his chest. "In case you've forgotten, I call the shots around here, remember? I am still the head of this family, and if I tell my daughter I've found the perfect match for her, then I think she owes it to me to at least consider who I've chosen for her. And I will have the final say in who she marries."

I'd never seen him so angry and though I could tell his mind was made up, I had to try and make him understand that I just couldn't do it. "Dad, please, you can't seriously expect me to agree to this. I just don't like him. Marco's nothing like he seems. He's not a nice person at all. And I can't believe you'd even consider asking me to marry someone like him."

He softened his tone a little, but not much. "Lianna, Marco's a man now and he's not a silly kid anymore. Once you two get to know each other a little better after you've gotten engaged you'll see, he's changed. And I think you'll realize that he'll make you a really good husband."

Could he not hear what I was saying? It was just too crazy to believe. I'd never heard him talking like this, like he was some stone-age patriarch, intent on trying to dominate his family. "Dad, I can't believe you're serious, and that you're trying to push me into doing something that will affect my entire future." When he wouldn't even answer me, I knew he wouldn't be swayed, but neither would I, and I knew I had to leave. I tossed my napkin on the table. "Sorry, but I just can't stay and listen to any more of this. I have to go." And I pushed my chair back, got up, turned and ran out of the house as fast as my legs would take me. And I could him hear angrily calling after me as I slammed the front door shut behind me. All the way home, I was afraid I was going to be sick. My stomach just wouldn't stop heaving.

When I got inside, I crawled into bed. And when I heard my phone chime I was afraid to even see who it was, in case it was my father, ready to give me another earful and trying to tell me that I had no choice about who I was going to marry. But I was so relieved to see it was Gabe.

I picked it up and said, "Hey, Gabe."

"Hey. Where are you?"

"I'm back at home. I didn't stay for dinner."

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know. I'm feeling kind of sick."

"You want me to come over?"


"I'll be there in a few minutes."

The only person I wanted to see right now was Gabe. I knew he'd understand, and he'd know just what to say to calm me down, because I was starting to wonder if I was losing my mind. I'd never seen this side of my father before and it scared me to think he could act like that with me, like I had no say in what happened with my life and I was just a pawn.

As soon Gabe stepped inside, he pulled me into his arms, hugged me tight to his chest, kissed the top of my head and I just let go and started bawling like a baby.

He picked me up, took a seat on the couch, sat me in his lap and let me cry, rubbing his hand in soothing circles on my back for the longest time, till finally I managed to catch my breath long enough to tell him what had happened. But oddly enough, I noticed he didn't look too surprised.

After I hiccupped and wiped at my eyes, I told him that I was still a little scared. "And now I'm afraid my dad might come over here, and try to convince me to change my mind." I shook my head. "If my dad had any idea what a conniving bastard Marco really is, he'd be apologizing to me. But he wouldn't even hear me out."

"How about we go over to my place, and you get some rest. Then you won't have worry about dealing with your father anymore tonight."

I thought that was a good idea. So I put a few things in an overnight bag, locked up and drove behind Gabe over to his place, knowing if I left my car in the driveway and my father came over, he'd think I was still inside trying to ignore him. And with the mood he was in I imagined he'd start yelling his head off to try and get me to answer the door, and my neighbors would probably call the cops on him. What a mess my life was turning into, and yet just last night with Gabe, had to be the best night I'd ever had.

Gabe's condo was really nice, neat and tidy, too, which I kind of expected, with how well he took care of himself. It was soft grey and white with black leather couches and of course a humongous TV in the living room.

Once I got inside and thought about what had happened with my father, I started to feel sick again. Gabe probably noticed I looked pale and told me to go lie down in his bed. Then he came and pressed a cool cloth to my forehead and gave me some ginger ale to help settle my stomach.

I managed a smile and thanked him, and wished my father was more like his mother, my nonna, who thought so much of Gabe that she'd tried to set me up with him.

I noticed he had a big flat screen TV on the wall in his bedroom too, and he turned it on for me, I guess to take my mind off what had happened. I was glad when he crawled into bed beside me, took hold of my hand, lifted it to his lips and pressed a kiss into my palm.

Then when he said, "We'll get through this together, okay?" suddenly I didn't feel so scared and confused anymore. Because I believed him, and knew that he had my back, and wouldn't let anything happen to me.

I must have dozed off, and when my phone woke me up, I blinked a few times and answered it without even looking at the call display. Of course it was my father looking for me.

"Where are you, Lianna?"

I looked over at Gabe, who was sitting up in bed beside me. "I'm uh... staying with a friend."

"Well, I'm at your house, and I want you to come home now, because you can't just run away from this. We need to talk, and I think you'll realize that your father knows what's best for you. And I would never suggest you marry someone that I didn't trust, and I know you and Marco can be happy together if you just give him a chance. He's a nice looking guy, he drives a nice car, he's learning our business, and probably will take it over one day. So you'll never have to worry about money."

I'd never told anyone why I hated Marco, but I knew I had to be honest, or my father would never stop.

So I just blurted it out. "He attacked me, Dad." I actually felt a shiver run up my spine as I thought back to what he'd done and my stomach started churning again.

"He did what?"

"Remember almost four years ago, his family invited us over for a New Year's party? Well, I forgot my phone in the car, and I didn't know that Marco followed me outside. Then he forced me into the garage, pushed me up against the wall, rammed his tongue down my throat, shoved his hand up my dress and started to grope me, and tried to tear off my underwear. And I knew I had to do something to make him stop, before he did anything else. I was wearing high heels, so I dug a heel into the top of his foot as hard as I could, and he howled like crazy, but he finally let go of me, though he'd bruised my arms. Then he called me a bitch and promised he'd kill me for disrespecting him like that. And I just ran and got in my car and took off. Remember I phoned you guys when I got home and said I'd felt sick and that's why I left early?"

"Why didn't you tell us this happened?"

"Dad, Marco's father is your partner, and I didn't want to come between you two, so I never told anyone, not even my sisters know what he did to me."

I looked up at Gabe, and he was clenching his jaw so tight, I was afraid he was going to crack his teeth. So I took hold of his hand and gave it a squeeze, to try and calm him down. Because I realized that just saying out loud what had happened, felt so much better than holding it all inside. And in a way, it felt kind of cleansing to let someone know what he'd done.

"Honey, I'm really sorry that happened," my father said, sounding like he meant it. And I actually let out the breath I'd been holding and hoped that now that he knew the truth that everything would be okay. But then he shocked me all over again when he said, "But that was a long time ago. And I'd heard he was doing drugs back then, so I think you should realize that he's not like that anymore and he's changed. People do change you know. And his father and I have already agreed to buy you two a house for a wedding present and we'll give you the best wedding you've ever seen. Money is no object, a hundred thousand, even two; you can spend whatever you want on your wedding. But I think you owe it to yourself not to throw away this chance because of something that happened years ago, that I'm sure he regrets ever doing."

I just stared at the phone, and I couldn't believe what he was saying. After I'd just told him about the vicious animal he wanted me to marry, he was still trying to convince me that we'd be happy together.

"Dad, nonna once told me that a leopard never changes it spots, and she also said that when someone shows you who they really are, believe them. Well, I saw who Marco is, and I don't think he's changed. And he hates me enough that he threated to kill me. And if we ever got married, he'd probably want to strangle me out in front of the church while everyone was taking pictures, before we even made it to the honeymoon. I can't even think about being with someone like him, who I could never trust."

Gabe pushed a piece of paper in front me, where he'd written, "Tell him that you already have a boyfriend."

"Who?" I mouthed.

He pointed at himself and whispered, "Me, who else?"

I shook my head and gave him a smile, wondering if he could be any sweeter, trying to rescue me from the hell my own father was trying to put me through. Then I nodded and said to my father, "Besides, Dad, I already have a boyfriend." As looked up into Gabe's eyes, I told him the truth, "And we're really happy together."

"You never told us you had a boyfriend. Who is this guy, do we know him?"

"It's Gabe Rossi. We've been seeing each other for a while, and he took me to the Halloween party last night."

I wasn't really lying, since I'd known him all my life, so we really had been seeing each other forever.

I held onto Gabe's hand a little tighter, as I told my father, "And Dad, I don't need a big house or a two hundred thousand dollar wedding. I just want what I have with Gabe. He not only makes me happy, but he understands me like no one ever has, and I feel really safe with him."

My father went quiet, till finally he said, "Well, now I don't know what to say. I shook hands with Marco's father, and we had an agreement about you two getting married. But the Rossi family are good friends of ours, so I would never do anything to jeopardize what our two families have together, and your nonnas are like sisters they're so close. So, I guess I'm going to have let my friend know that you've already got a man in your life, and you won't be able to marry his son."

After I hung up, relieved beyond belief that that was over, when Gabe snuggled us back into bed with me on his chest, I stroked my hand over his cheek and I kissed him. I was so grateful that he was here for me, and that I really knew that I could trust him. "So, how long are we going to be telling everyone that we're boyfriend and girlfriend?"

He tugged my head down and whispered against my lips, "I guess for as long as you'll have me."

And of course I loved the sounds of that.

But when he asked, "You want me to rearrange Marco's face for you?"
I shook my head, smiling at him. "No. I just want to put it behind me, and start looking into the future."

He wiggled his eyebrows and squeezed my backside. "As long as I'm part of that future, I think it sounds like a plan."


I had to pick the coldest day in January to take my little princess out for a skate on a deserted pond, surrounded by lush green snow-covered forest just before sunset, hoping to make it memorable for both of us.

Lianna laughed as she carefully took to the ice and I started skating circles around her. "Hey, you really know how to skate."

I shrugged. "I used to play hockey as I kid."

Holding hands, we skated circuits around the pond, and it was so cold we could see our breath, and even the birds weren't out chirping.

Deciding it was a little too cold to stay for very long, I took off and raced across the ice, then I skated back towards her and slid onto one knee until I was looking up at her. I pulled the ring box out of my pocket and looked up into her beautiful hazel eyes that I could see were already misting over. "I wasn't planning on it being this cold when I did this, and my knee already feels like it's freezing to the ice. So, I guess I've only got one thing to ask, before we both freeze to death out here. "Will you marry me, Lianna, and make both our dreams come true?"

She actually gasped and started laughing, she looked so happy. Then she dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around my neck. And the way she kissed me, before she answered, I took that as a definite yes. But finally she nodded. "Yes. I would love to marry you Gabe. Now why don't we go get something hot to drink to celebrate?"

"You don't want champagne?" I had a bottle in the car along with some fruit and cheese to snack on.

Shivering so hard her teeth were chattering, she shook her head, rubbing her hands up and down on her arms. "It's so cold out, I'd rather have hot chocolate and I don't even care if it has marshmallows."

Chuckling, I got to my feet and helped her to stand, and I warmed her up with a long slow kiss, whispering against her lips, "I love you." And when we got back home I made her the hot chocolate she'd asked for, and then I took my time and really warmed her up in bed.

Two years later, on Halloween, we were at my nonna's again for coffee, and of course Lianna's nonna Margherita was there, too. I'd just finished carving the pumpkins with both of them fussing over my beautiful heavily pregnant wife, who was about to give birth to our son any day.

As my nonna set a plate of biscotti on the table, she patted my cheek like she always did, and gave me sly a wink. "You know, we might be old, but even you have to agree that we know a match made in heaven when we see one."

I kissed her cheek and thanked her for meddling, and she laughed. And I was so glad now that the two of them had conspired to get us together or I wouldn't be married to my beautiful wife, about to welcome our baby into the world.

Alone in the kitchen, I slipped my arm around Lianna under her breasts, and pressed a kiss to her neck, and the way she softly moaned and looked back at me, smiled, and whispered, "Mmm, I love you," I decided that life didn't get any better than this. And if you took a chance and played your cards right, and even dressed a little silly for the woman you loved, sometimes you really could have it all.

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muskyboymuskyboy7 months ago

5/5, very nice and well told. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Two interfering old bitch grandmothers

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

5*, just for nonna Rossi.

She deserves them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Excellent story. Easy reading great flow. And a father that did not disown her for not doing what he wanted. All in all, a very good ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wonderful story! I really enjoyed it! 5* for sure.

The only thing that would have made it better was if it was a bit longer. As another poster mentioned, it might have been good if the build-up to asking her out might have been longer. Perhaps they meet the day before and he finally asks her on Halloween morning. Also, the fix-up by the dad could have been drawn out a bit more. Perhaps the creep and his family are there and she has to endure an entire dinner with them. And she can't see Gabe for a couple of days (because he had to go out of town on business?) and the turmoil lasts a bit longer. Perhaps a six page story instead of 4.

OTOH, I know that writing takes time, and when you have a deadline for a contest, sometimes you just need to get the story done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Gabe is 30yrs yet at the start he's written like a teenager. Was expecting crazy wild hot tempered Italian hands flying all over the place

alexetlaurealexetlaureover 2 years ago

No other word as perfect !

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Lovely Story

Thoroughly enjoyable read. Loved the two meddling nonnas, all the food, but mostly the wonderful love story. Thanks for sharing.

Ginger630Ginger630over 3 years ago

This was such a sweet story!!!!! I absolutely loved it!!!!!

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