Happy 10th Anniversary, Darling

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He receives the ultimate anniversary present.
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Happy 10th Anniversary Darling

On the morning of our 10th anniversary I gave my wife, Sue, her present. She promptly opened it to find, as she had suspected, a set of exotic lingerie - black lace hold-up stockings, a tiny peephole bra, and a minute lace micro-thong which might just cover the vital parts if she did not move, in which case the miniscule garment could almost disappear inside!

Obviously her reply was a very sexy kiss, and she laughingly told me that she would wear these all day except for this evening when she knew I had already booked a table at our favourite restaurant. "As usual I don't intend wearing anything at all under my dress," she chuckled. "I have never done so for any anniversary and I don't intend doing so at all future ones!"

She then went on to tell me that she was reserving her present to me until after the meal. "I have a surprise for you, something you have dreamed about but have never had as far as I am aware. But I know you will enjoy it," she explained mysteriously.

So off I went to work, knowing that as it was a Friday we could really enjoy ourselves tonight with no thoughts of having to be at work tomorrow.

I was home before Sue as a rule, but tonight she had beaten me to it, explaining that a colleague of hers had promised to finish her work for her as it was a special occasion.

She went upstairs for her bath and I saw to various little things around the house until it was my turn for the bathroom. We have always played a little game about this, that on our anniversaries neither of us saw the other partner undressed until after the meal. For the meal itself Sue would be dressed with nothing at all underneath, although last year she did put on a pair of self-supporting fishnet stockings. I, too, would wear just an open-necked shirt and a pair of thin cotton trousers with no underclothing either. After the meal we would have a short drive out into the country and find somewhere private and secluded and make love outside the car, or inside should the weather be against us.

And so I did not see Sue until it was time to go, when I called her and saw her mode of dress for the first time.

"Like it?" she asked me. "I bought these today."

'These' were an outrageously see-through white chiffon top and a pleated micro-skirt which came, I would guess, to no more than an inch below her crutch! But when she gave a twirl the pleats allowed the skirt to billow out and nothing was hidden at all!

I moved towards her to be told to "Wait - touch me AFTER the meal - that's the ritual!" she laughed.

I joined in and told her that she had never looked so ravishing before, and that I was really looking forward to "my real dessert - not that restaurant apology for dessert!"

I gallantly opened the car door for her and courteously allowed her to climb into the passenger seat, as she wickedly made no effort to cover herself from my lecherous stare. After all, there was no way that she could possibly hide anything in that diminutive skirt, and I found myself hoping that there might be someone else around in the car park when I opened the door for her again!

However, I held myself in restraint driving there and also when I opened the door for her once more, a little disappointed that we were alone in the car park at the time.

I had booked a corner table, and allowed Sue to sit so that her back was to the rest of the room. That meant that no-one, (except the waiter, of course,) would realise her state of dress, or rather, undress!

The waiter arrived to take our order, and I noticed that Sue was sitting with her napkin positioned over her thighs in such a way that the actual length of the skirt was hidden from his view. But that did not stop him from ogling her visibly displayed breasts, and Sue actually looked up at him and smiled as if to encourage him as she leaned slightly back at the same time, causing her breasts to protrude more prominently and her nipples to appear to be trying to force their way through the material.

As soon as he had gone she grinned at me, then deliberately unfastened the next two buttons of the already gaping top. This meant that when the waiter next appeared he was able to see more of her naked breasts with even less hindrance that previously! And she made sure he

did by once more leaning back and breathing in deeply!

We certainly enjoyed that meal, and I was even more excited when we came to the dessert course and a waitress appeared with the sweet trolley.

Although Sue had never shown any signs of desiring another woman before when the waitress went through her descriptions of the sweets on offer Sue stood up and dropped her napkin onto the table whilst she made a point of bending over the trolley so that her scarcely confined breasts almost fell out of her top! And then, having chosen, she sat down again making no effort to hide the brevity of her skirt which unsurprisingly was now clearly displaying the puffy lips of her smoothly shaven pussy!

To give her full due, however, the waitress was in full control of herself, and although she gave an obvious and lingering stare at Sue's display she showed no signs of either approval or disapproval, but continued to serve quite normally.

When she returned later to clear away the empty dishes, though, she did say, "If you would like your coffee in the lounge I can serve you there, and the seating is much cosier and intimate."

We did as she had suggested and found that the lounge, which seemed to be new from our previous visits, was indeed equipped with plush seating with both easy chairs and settees.

Sue chose an easy chair, and as she flopped backwards into it she was unable to control her skirt riding up to reveal her enticing pussy lips once again. But as we seemed to be the only people in the lounge she remained nonchalantly showing all she normally kept hidden, even when the waitress re-appeared with our coffee. This time, though, the waitress made no effort to be discreet and openly stared quite noticeably at Sue's exposure. But Sue, not normally so blatant, seemed oblivious to her display.

Just then there came an interruption as another couple came into the lounge.

They looked across at Sue, momentarily making as if to cover herself up, resumed her position other than to wave a hand and say, "Hi! Liam and Fran! Nice to see you here!"

I was a little taken aback at this interruption, not having a clue as to who these two were.

Then Sue said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I must introduce you all. This is Steve, my husband, and these are Liam and his fiancée Fran, two of my work colleagues." Then to me she added, "They were the ones who took over my work this afternoon to let me get away early because it was our anniversary." And then to them she said, "Come and join us - bring two chairs up and we can have a foursome!"

But to my astonishment she was making no move whatsoever to cover up her

indecency, and both of them could see as much as I could!

I did notice that Fran, like Sue, was wearing an extremely short skirt, but nothing like as short as Sue's, which must be said was positively obscene!

As they sat down Liam made no effort to conceal the fact that he was looking straight at Sue's exposed pussy lips, but nor did Sue try to hide them, either, evoking a strong feeling of excitement in me which I never experienced before. In fact, I was wishing that she would show more, although to show more than she was already doing would have meant a deliberate act of either hitching her micro-skirt higher or parting her legs.

But I suddenly became aware of Liam speaking to me. "Steve," he was saying, "Sue and I are going to disappear for a short while - to do with your anniversary present from her. OK?"

He chivalrously held out his hand towards Sue to help her up, and to my immense delight she actually did part her knees momentarily as she slid forwards and up into a standing position! It was obvious, too, how wet she had become there as her parted lips glistened with her juice, and she left an obviously wet patch on the leather upholstery.

Sue and Liam disappeared round the corner, Liam acting as if Sue were his fiancée by the way his hand was now behind her waist and actually with the tips of his fingers inserted down the back of her diminutive skirt!

But any thoughts I was beginning to harbour in that direction were overshadowed when Fran turned to me and said, "Actually, I am your anniversary present from Sue! We arranged this meeting some time ago, the idea being that I am to be yours for the entire night, or even longer should you wish. And, like Sue, I shave my pussy and am not wearing any knickers or anything else at all under this dress. Liam has paid for both meals as his contribution towards your present, so there is nothing to be settled other than where you are going to take me. We can go to your usual nookie spot where Sue says you always go, or you can take me to your home. Whichever you choose, remember there is just one rule which Sue has imposed, (although it didn't take much imposing on me), and that is that I shall obey your every whim, with no holds barred. Whatever you want me to do I shall comply, no matter how obscene or degrading it might appear to anyone else. I owe this to Sue for the times she has kept guard at the office when Liam and I are feeling fruity. Many is the time we have stripped each other off whilst Sue stands at the door and watches for anyone coming, although she always watches Liam and me when we are coming!" she punned.

"So if you have any fantasies which you have not yet confessed to Sue, tonight is the time when they will become reality. I don't think that the perversion has been invented yet that Liam and I haven't already tried, and Sue has watched us perform many of them whilst keeping guard, so don't hold back for fear of offending me or upsetting Sue! She knew what she was doing when she made me your anniversary present!"

Happy 10th Anniversary, Darling – 2

I was a little stunned by this statement from Fran, but at the same time I was excited. Sue and I had often fantasised about swapping partners, but never until now with anything more than just in our imaginations. And then the thought that Sue had gone off with Liam! These thoughts raced through my mind, but so quickly that there seemed no pause between Fran’s words and my reply,

“Great!” I answered. “But what if Sue is there when we get to my house!”

“She won’t be,” came the answer. “She is staying the night at my house, and Liam is keeping her company!”

The implications of this shot through my mind, and the thoughts of Liam and Sue together only helped to increase my horniness.

“She’ll be all right,” laughed Fran. “She, Liam and I all work together in the one office as you have just learned, and we are all three close and intimate friends. I said that Liam and I have tried every perversion we have ever known about, and that Sue has watched us. Well, actually, she has also joined in once or twice. For instance, she has already sucked Liam off on more than one occasion whilst I was sitting on his face, and she has actually sucked me off whilst I have been sucking Liam and he has been sucking her out.”

By now we had reached the car park and I was even more eager to take Fran home for the night. When I reached the car, though there was another couple just abut to get into theirs and after Fran’s confessions I was not surprised when she deliberately made a noise as she was about to get into the passenger seat, briefly attracting their attention, and then just as purposefully unfastened the bottom three buttons of her skirt so that she could sit down on the seat in such a way that her skirt was almost to her waist, and due to the lighting of the car park her pussy was openly displayed!

When we drove off, though, she demurely pulled down her skirt, smiling at me as she told me that she did not want to distract my attention whilst driving.

But she did continue to tell me more about the three of them in the office.

“Yes,” she said. “The fact that we are almost isolated in our office means that we are unlikely to get caught out when we have our sex-breaks, as we call them. In fact, that happens two or three times a week, according to circumstances or according to how the conversations go. For instance, there was this morning when Sue told us about your anniversary present to her. She not only described them but she stripped off to show us how tiny the g-string was and how the peephole bra actually stimulated her nipples. She then told us she intended buying the tiniest skirt she could find for tonight, and I notice that she must have found one.”

“That was when Liam suggested she went home early so that she could look for the skirt, after making her promise that she would also wear it to work some time, even though he knew that he would see her in it tonight. And without it, as you can probably guess! Although he has seen her stark naked before in the office on many an occasion.”

“Yes, we have had some adventures in our office in the past,” she again said.

I interrupted her chain, though, when I thought I had better query and confirm her promise of earlier.

“I gather, then, that you have tried all kinds of perversions in the past, then?” I was getting very worked up by this conversation, and was eagerly looking forward to getting home for a night of uncontrolled sex and lust.

“We all three have,” she laughed. “Or at least Liam and I have, and Sue has joined in some of them. For instance, when Liam wanted to try anal on me Sue kept watch but was fingering her own arse all the time. But when I pissed all over Liam she helped me put down the polythene and then helped me mop up the mess afterwards. Then when I did it straight into his mouth she asked if I could do it into hers. She drank it all down, just like she did with Liam’s afterwards, and just like we both did when she pissed on our faces!”

“But she has always drawn the line at letting Liam fuck her. She has always insisted that both her holes are yours alone until such time as you can be persuaded to lead the way by fucking someone else. Which is the real reason for tonight’s venture. She has promised Liam access to both her holes tonight knowing that you will access both of mine!”

“And anything else I feel like doing?” I asked, as my cock seemed to stretch even more than it usually did when I talked sex with Sue.

“What? Like pissing on me?” she laughed. “That’s OK as long as you put your prick in my mouth whilst you are pissing. I want to swallow it! But don’t talk about that any more, please! Liam and I have been drinking champagne all evening and I am dying to pee right now. I’m only holding it for you.”

By now we had reached my house, and we hurriedly left the car in the drive whilst I fumbled for my door key, Fran visibly squirming and pressing her hand to her groin beneath her skirt as she attempted to control her flow.

As soon as the door was opened I ran upstairs, shedding my sparse clothing as I did so, to find that Fran had also shed her shoes and mini-dress. Leading the way into the bathroom I flung myself on my back in the bath and Fran scrambled to position herself above me as she arched forwards, both hands spreading her cunt lips in order to direct the stream. “Come on!” I shouted as I opened my mouth to its fullest extent just as the first splashes came out of her piss-hole, drenching my face until she was able to squat closer and direct the torrent right into my eager mouth.

Her flood seemed never-ending, but was being avidly received. Sue and I had talked about this, and she had promised to think about it sometime, but we had never actually tried it. Now I was having one of my life-long ambitions realised.

The came a sudden squirm from Fran as she managed to keep her pussy in position, still gushing out its torrent, but twisting herself round so that she was able to clamp her mouth over my throbbing dick.

This last feat was enough to send me over the top, and I was unable to control myself further as I began to erupt into her mouth. I do not remember producing as much spunk as I seemed to on this occasion, but just as my mouth was filled to overflowing as I swallowed as much as I could, so was Fran copying as spurt after spurt spewed out.

But eventually we both finished, for the time being, at least, and now she twisted again so that we lay side by side. As our lips met I tasted my own spunk in her mouth just as she must have been tasting her own pee in mine.

“That was just starters, darling,” she said. “As soon as you can recover I shall want fucking – in my cunt and in my arse. I want to go home sore. I want to go home and boast to Liam how filled I am and how much of a slut I have been. And I shall want Sue to know as well. After all, she has promised Liam that tonight he can be the first man to fuck her up her arse.”

“So, if you are willing, I am going to suggest that we go out again. I know it is late, but for what I have in mind the night is just beginning. Liam and I belong to a private sex club. Sue knows about it from what we have told her at work, but obviously she has never been, although I feel that Liam will probably ask her to go there tonight as his guest. In this club anything goes, and I really mean anything, like I promised you earlier tonight – the same kind of anything. “

“Shall we go?” she asked.

When I agreed she told me to dress again like I had done earlier, but said that she could have done with something a little sexier than the dress she had been wearing and wondered if she should call at her house to change.

“But just in case Sue and Liam are there perhaps you had better not,” I argued. Then I had a thought. Why not let her wear the outfit I had bought Sue for our anniversary, and which Sue had worn to work.

Immediately I suggested that she whooped and flung her arms round me. “Great idea!” she cried, “especially if the g-string still has Sue’s juice on it!”

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WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorld5 months ago

Total bullshit. No man wants his wife back after she sets up a night of cheating. I would have left Fran in that lounge. Gone to a big box store and bought enough locks to replace the front and back door and the garage or side door if needed. If I made it home before her, I would expect Fran to call and warn her if I rejected her 'gift'. I would then stuff her clothes into garbage bags and set outside. The next day I would request a meeting with her boss, the head of their HR if any, and their legal counsel. I would start divorce proceedings as irreconcilable differences. Then I would walk away from her forever. After I beat Liam half to death late one night.

Busman19639Busman1963910 months ago

What a lot of BS. The husband is an ass.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 2 years ago

Cute story. Thanks for writing.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Cheating whore story from a.real piece of shit that everyone should skip.

BSreaderBSreaderalmost 3 years ago
Even in this late date

The husband allowed this bull divorce is a given from a real man.

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaover 3 years ago
What a sad piss-poor story...

Looks like Steve is an unknowing cuckold husband. She has been cheating (at work) on him for a long time (blow jobs and with Fran) and now Sue WILL be giving Liam her pussy and ass. IF Steve had any balls, he would just leave Fran at the restaurant and tell her to tell Sue to go to hell. Sue can go and live with her lovers since he is going to divorce her cheating ass. NOW that is the kind of ending for a 10 year anniversary. Just put an end to it and save face, maybe sue their company for moralizing of employees by having sex on the job site. Then sue her lovers for alienating dissolution of his marriage. If I could only give negative stars, that would be here.

AbctoyAbctoyover 3 years ago
OK read

It appears to be written ok just din't like the story.

YouamiYouamiabout 4 years ago

What a fucked up story! You attempted to disguise a plot which is straight out of the slut wife, cucked hubby play book. I don't reward writers who try to hoodwink me! Secondly, I can't think of anything more erotic than a perfect stranger directing their champagne fueled urine into my mouth. Yep that just reeks of erotic joy....NOT!!!!! His old lady is nothing but a cheating whore and she has cucked hubby well and truly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
great story


Great story. sounds like your wife has amazing fashion sense to go out for dinner, basically unable to cover her cunt. When you walked into the restaurant surely all of the seated guests would have been able to see her labia from their angle. My wife wants to try this and would love to stop and chat to the other couples in the restaurant (maybe they would comment on what they could see to get her to stop) and perhaps let them finger fuck her while she stands there and lets everyone watch.

Later in your evening when you were with Fran in the lounge I am surprised you didn't spread her wide open, fuck her and then let her sit there spreadeagled for the staff to see your cum dripping out of her. That's what my wife would have wanted you to do and she would have happily sucked the waiters cock so that by the time she left she would have had cum dripping from her cunt and more all over her face and tits.

tazz317tazz317about 6 years ago

what will the next decade bring TK U MLJ LV NV

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 10 years ago
to the curb

His wife is giving her anal virginity to someone else ON THEIR ANNIVERSARY!!

She has also been cheating on him.

Even if he wants to be a swinger he should have been part of the decision to "share" with Liam and Fran.

To the attorney in the morning, what a sorry way to spend an anniversary.

rixelsrixelsalmost 10 years ago
What a Wife!

As an anniversary present Sue has arranged for Steve to have Fran for the night because Sue wants to fuck Liam that night and later at work. How thoughtful! How sweet!

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

or un-spoken knowledge. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
no show

If i was the husband i would have yelled my head off and told my wife to get back here and the hell with the present

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Not a very great present

I as a husband would have preferred watching my wife having sex right in front of me on every anniversary with lots of men. I mean I have sex with my wife round the year and just for the change I would like her to watch with other men on the anniversary and I am sure that my wife would love it as well.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 19 years ago

Yes, a great present---finding out your wife has been fucking around on you forever.

It's easy to see that every man would love to have that presented to him on his 10th anniversary.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 19 years ago
Anniversary Present?

Maybe but for who? He should have gotten rid of Fran and then "gotten rid of" his wife.

Divorce the slut.

Nightowl21Nightowl21almost 20 years ago
A real slut

Well, the anniversary gift is a GREAT way for Sue to justify all the fucking around she has been doing!

If he wasn't a weirdo himself he could have just thrown both women out.

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