Happy New Year's Patty


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But, with all that, he reminded her of the most important fact. He was still here.

He wanted to stay stoic as he relived that night, but he lost that battle. The raw emotions he felt as he held that blade to his wrist came rushing back. His voice broke and cracked throughout the entire ordeal.

For Kendra, every word that came from his mouth was a knife to the heart. Her anger melted away, and she was able to hear him. As he retold his story of that night, a rush of conflicting memories swarmed her, causing her to replace her anger with feelings of guilt.

That night, Patrick was sitting there, all alone and drowning in a sea of depression and loneliness. Meanwhile, she was out having the time of her life with Sean. He'd been invited to a party to watch the ball drop with a group of friends. For the first time since all this started, he was able to openly introduce her as his special lady.

Kendra hung on his arm all night like a doting girlfriend. She smiled. She laughed. She drank. She charmed his friends. And at midnight, she passionately rang in the new year with her new boyfriend.

Then, early in the wee hours of the morning, Kendra and Sean christened 2021 in the most erotic way. They snuck out to the balcony under a guise of grabbing a quick smoke. But neither of them smoked. They just realized that while the party raged on inside, they were out here. Alone.

Kendra would never be considered a prude. She learned early on that she had an effect on men. In her marriage, her sex drive always dwarfed her husband's, even before the depression. She was the one introducing new and fun adventures in the bedroom. She always took the lead, even when Patrick initiated. That was their dynamic.

With Sean, it was completely different. He preferred to be the dominant one, and truthfully, Kendra liked it. She enjoyed submitting to his will. Ever since the first time she met him in that hotel room, she found that there was so much more to explore than she even thought about.

She didn't know that she'd like getting spanked or fucked while her hands were helplessly tied behind her back. She never realized the thrill that would rush through her when Sean's cock was buried deep inside of her cunt while people came dangerously close to discovering them. And when Sean would whisper obscene things to her while he was pounding her, it would drive her closer to an explosive orgasm than any man before him had driven her. Including her husband.

So, while a drunk Patrick was gathering up the courage to end his life, Kendra was bent over a balcony, gripping the hand railing as she braced for the relentless pounding of Sean's vigorous thrusts. Her back was arched, her knees were bent, and she was taking all he had to give.

"Ungh. Uhh. Shit. That's right baby. Fuck me." Kendra said, her whiny moans mingling with a throaty whisper.

This encouraged her lover, who asked, "Who's pussy is this?"

"This is your pussy."

"My pussy?"

"Ungh, yeah. Yeah. Ahh fuck. Your pussy, baby. All yours."

Sean stung her ass with a smack. With his other hand, he grabbed her around her throat as he pumped even harder. Their skin collided with soft slaps.

Something came over him. He couldn't explain it. Here he was, fucking the hottest woman he'd ever had, and a mental image of her husband flashed his mind.

He got jealous. Irrational, yes. But it didn't stop him from feeling like he was living in Patrick's shadow right now.

Cruelly, he asked, "Does he ever fuck you like this?"

That almost snapped Kendra out of the mood. He felt her tense up, and he knew he took it too far. He quickly chastised himself and didn't push that. The last thing he wanted was for her to tell him to stop. His dick was rock hard, and this was so fucking hot that he needed to finish. So, he squelched his jealousy and changed the focus.

"Say you like my cock."

A wave of relief filled Kendra. Sean occasionally did that; belittled Patrick. She didn't understand it. Whatever reason he did it, she didn't like it. So, she was happy for the refocus.

"I LOVE your cock, baby! You have the best cock ever." She said, giving him the ego boost she knew he was looking for.

The two of them fucked outside beneath the stars while a party raged on with a roomful of people who could walk out and catch them at any moment. The deliciousness of that scenario had Kendra on the brink of cumming so hard.

That's when the unexpected happened.

The two of them heard a voice. A woman's voice. She announced that she was going out to smoke. They had no time to recover and preserve their modesty. Sean's pants were around his ankles. Kendra's dress was flipped onto her back, pulled down over her tits, and her panties were twisted around her knees.

Shit. They were caught.

"Oh...my...god!" this voice gasped in surprise when she saw the depraved scene in front of her.

Sean stopped thrusting, and Kendra turned to see one of the ladies that she'd been introduced to only a couple of hours earlier. Sheryl...or Sharon. Whatever. Her name didn't matter. What did matter was the fact that she was standing there, looking at them in this undignified situation.

Suddenly, Sheryl giggled and licked her lips, which then curled into an impish smirk. In a seductive tone, she said, "Please, keep going. Don't stop on my account."

Kendra tried to stand up straight, but was pushed back down. Surprised, she looked back over her shoulders and met Sean's eyes. Nothing was said, but the look he gave her was electric. Then, he started thrusting again.

His message was clear. He was going to fuck her right here, with this woman watching.

Kendra looked back at Sheryl and found that she was staring back at her. She wasn't watching them, she was watching her. She lustfully watched Kendra's face, seeing her reactions to what Sean was doing.

Sheryl's eyes slowly roamed down to Kendra's bouncing tits, to her ass as it rippled with each thrust, and her toned legs that were flexing to keep her upright. They then came back up to meet Kendra's gaze again before she finally said, "God! You are so fucking hot!"

Kendra's pussy flooded.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" she moaned in unison with Sean's thrusts. He was really going at it now. His movements were becoming bolder as he himself cared less about getting caught. In a fit of lust, he grabbed a fistful of Kendra's mane and yanked her head back.

"Uuuuuughnnnnn!" Kendra cried out at the abrupt move. However, she and this woman never lost the connection through that intense eye contact.

During this entire time, the woman had been inching closer. One of her hands was up her dress and stuffed into her panties. At this moment, she was right up on them, close enough to reach out with her free hand and cup one of Kendra's dangling tits.

She then repeated what she said earlier. She whispered, "You are a fucking goddess. You know that?"

Then, she gently grabbed Kendra's chin, lifted it upwards, and met her lips with one of the most intense kisses she'd ever had.

Electricity shot straight to her pussy. Kendra wasn't attracted to women, but in this moment, kissing her while Sean was fucking her with all he was worth was the most erotic thing to ever happen to her.

Her insides exploded. All she could do was whimper into this woman's mouth.

She never saw Sheryl again after that night, but that memory lingered. She could still taste Sheryl's lips.

Now, almost a year later, the eroticism she always felt when reliving that night was replaced with immense guilt and fear. That night could've very well been the last night Patrick was alive. As great as it was, it was nowhere near worth what it could've cost her and Jessi.

What would she have done if she returned from that party to find out that her daughter's father was dead?

That's the only thing that was running through her mind right now. She could've lost him forever. She never even imagined living a life without him. Even now, in their separated state, he was there. Whenever she started missing his voice, she'd call. If she needed to see his face, she'd make up some paper thin emergency. He'd always come, even when he didn't want to. And lately, he started accepting her invitations for dinner, like he did on Christmas.

But like Jessi, she realized that she was almost robbed of those chances. He could be gone, and she'd never have a chance to make things right. But she couldn't even be angry about that because it was all her fault. He felt like he had to end his life because of her.

"I'm so sorry, Patty." She said as she crumbled into tears. "I'm so, so sorry for everything I've done."

For the first time, she saw. Truly saw. Until this moment, she hadn't really understood what she put her husband through. Sure, she knew it was wrong, but she could always justify it. Patrick was pulling away from her, Patrick was shutting her out, Patrick didn't care enough about their marriage to try and get help. It was all on him. Her affair was just a result of his inaction.

But now, she was forced to look past her own hurts and see Patrick's. She saw him, sitting there prepared to die with no one by his side. How unloved must he have felt to know that he had no one to call; to know that the entire world was moving on without him, as if he never existed? His own wife was out experiencing sexual bliss that she'd never before experienced, and he was sitting in a puddle of his own vomit.

How could she have been so selfish? How could she have such little regard for the man who'd stood by her during her worst moments? Even during his lowest moments, he never made her feel like he would abandon her. She knew that no matter what, he would still be there.

Even in his depressed state, he was a better partner than she deserved. Both of them now knew that while he would never leave her, she would abandon him at his lowest point.

Kendra looked over to the side of the bed that Patrick once slept on and imagined him lying there. Like a mirage, she could see him clearly. There he was, reading some gibberish on his phone. He was never the super intellectual type to read novels or world news. No, Patrick just scrolled through mindless entertainment like Reddit or Tik Tok.

In her vision, Patrick looked up at her with a humored grin, turned his phone towards her, and showed her some stupid video of a cat or a dog doing something silly. She rolled her eyes as she grabbed his phone, and the two of them shared a laugh.

Those were her memories with Patrick. Simple. Sweet. Silly. Over an extended period, like a long marriage, those memories can become mundane; boring even. But there is something intimate about being so familiar with a person that those small moments add up.

When she thought about Sean, it was always something exciting and overtly sexual. The things the two of them did together! Sex on the balcony while another woman watched. Him fingering her beneath the table at a restaurant as they waited for their food. Or the time he pressed her up against the window at their motel room as he fucked her for all the world to see. She got butterflies in her cunt just savoring those memories.

Here's the funny thing. Despite all of the exciting memories she shared with Sean, her favorite was with Patrick. It happened six months ago, when he showed up on her doorstep to take Jessi on a father/daughter date. It was the happiest/saddest memory for her. After seeing Patrick day after day being the most dismal person ever, she saw him finally looking like the man she fell in love with. And yet, it was sad because she couldn't share that with him.

Sean was excitement, and fun, and sex. But Patrick was everything else. Everything she needed.

Here's the kicker. Patrick could fill Sean's shoes easily. There was a time when the two of them had lots of fun together. Sure, he wasn't as adventurous as Sean, but she could teach him. She could coax him into doing wild and crazy things, just as she used to.

Patrick was already changing. She'd noticed it lately. His social media was filled with things that she'd never seen him take an interest in before. Rock climbing. Martial Arts. Hiking. Canoeing. These are things she would've loved exploring with him. Why did it take them separating for him to come out of his shell?

For everything that Sean brought to her life, there was always that missing...something. No matter how much she enjoyed being with him, she could never envision a real future for them. She couldn't understand why. He was sweet. He was sexy. He worshipped the ground on which she stood. But he wasn't...


She wished she realized this before things got out of hand with Sean. She wished she could go back and undo what she did to her family. What if she waited a bit longer for Patrick? What if she tried harder to help him fight his depression? What if? Would the two of them be sharing Patrick's newfound adventures together?

Or perhaps it was the separation, and the attempt on his life, which drove him to make such changes. Maybe he needed to hit rock bottom before he realized that he needed help.

Neither of them would never know. The only thing Kendra did know was that she would not survive losing Patrick. She needed him in her life.

"Oh God!" she said dismally, her voice cracking with the tears that were steadily streaming down her face.

"Ken?" Patrick said, concern lacing his voice. "You okay?"

Her sobs became too violent for her to speak. Her entire body was shaking. All she could manage to say was, "I'm sorry, Patty. I gotta go."

Patrick was saying something, but she couldn't hear it. Her thumb was already ending the call.

"What have I done?" she thought as a loud wail escaped her mouth. It was so filled with pain that it reverberated throughout the entire house.

As if exhausted, Kendra collapsed onto the bed and curled up into a fetal ball. Then...she wept.

A worried Jessi appeared in her doorway. Her mom's wail of distress struck her ears, even through the headphones she was wearing. She knew it had something to do with what her dad almost did. She too had been sitting in her room, unable to think of nothing else.


The only answer she received was Kendra's crying. Seeing her mom like that beckoned her to the bed to join her. She laid behind her, and spooned her with her little arms.

"Don't worry mommy." She said comfortingly. "You'll always have me."

That only made Kendra cry harder. However, there was comfort in that.

"I love you, Jessi." She said in a jittery voice. "You're the best parts of me and your father."

Jessi smiled at that. Hearing that meant the world to her.

"I love you too mommy."


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lujon2019lujon20193 months ago

she doesnt love Jessi, if she did she never would have destroyed her life

Pappy7Pappy73 months ago

I find it interesting that Kendra went with Sean because she didn't feel fulfilled with sex with Patrick. But you also said that she was the one that directed sex in her marriage. If that is indeed the case then she had to have lost the respect a wife has to have for her husband and that would have made it easier for her to give herself totally to Sean. And since she was the conductor of the band why didn't she add some of the kink she obviously wanted. Patrick is a pussy and Kendra is a really fucked up bitch. Don't see a resolution to this one that is believable. If Patrick is getting his shit together he doesn't need her fucked up view of, well, anything. Poor daughter is just going to have to cope the best she can. But, that said, I always like your writing, it is entertaining and easy to read. Look forward to seeing a story by you.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x5 months ago

In the first story, there was the idea that she'd drop Sean if Patty came back. Some of us, including me, thought it should be the reverse, drop Sean first. Well, now Sean is gone...


If Kendra was spending New Year's Eve with Sean, why wasn't Jessi with her father?

RePhilRePhil5 months ago

Thanks for the escape. Life was really crapping on me these past couple weeks


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

"That night could've very well been the last night Patrick was alive. As great as it was, it was nowhere near worth what it could've cost her and Jessi." What a shameless bitch Kendra is!

Kudos to javmor79 for the brilliant cuck raac. Reconciliation at all costs is what you do best. Even if it involves emasculating the dumb af cuck and justify the slut wife in the name of "humanizing" her character. 1 star.

pummel187pummel1877 months ago

Okay the ex husband doesn't owe that pig a thing, his daughter yes because she found the suicide note pt 1 (someone may get the reference), but I'll tell you if it were me I'd tell my EX wife that it is not any business of her's anymore, but if there needs to be more explaining to their daughter I'd be happy to WITH HER, not you

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Life is rarely about moral judgment. Most of us see ourselves as the hero or good guy not the villain in the story of our lives. New Testament makes it clear that we all need forgiveness and beware the hypocrisy of morals judgment ("Let he who casts the first stone...")..

Regardless it is infuriating how long it took Kendra to see the full scope of what she did and the epiphany that she is actually the villain in her life's story...

Harryin VAHarryin VA8 months ago

What we have here is an author who is good writer , but is incapable of actually coming down with the moral judgment about what some person does. Take a look at this


"But like Jessi, she realized that she was almost robbed of those chances."


No, she wasn't robbed these chances. She intentionally destroyed these chances .

she did that

By saying or thinking she was robbed of het Chances to be with her ex-husband it implies if somebody took them away .

oldtwitoldtwit10 months ago

Oh this just gets better, you really have got into the mindset of a couple of people who just cock it up between themselves

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A beautiful and heartbreaking story.

usaretusaret11 months ago

My God, this has become personal. What writing, it has the power to affect people who may have had some of these same feelings, thoughts, ideas. At times some of the authors’ words hurt.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Loved this story.

Kendra l cheated on him because he was suffering from depression...that's so egregiously evil. Depression is one of the hardest things in the world to deal with. Kendra is a goddamn bitch from hell, christ lol. One of the most evil characters in LW

Great story. Enthralling as hell!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Sorry, doesn't make sense. In reality these women are so twisted and self-centered that this wouldn't be enough to get through to them. They build up their own little world and reality, and place themselves so high in the center of it that nobody can reach them. Part of the stupid Princess movement out there for little girls, which women used to grow out of many years ago. Not now, they're too spoiled and everything is about them and their feelings and their emotions and their wants. So your narrative just doesn't ring true. Maybe it belongs in the "Fantasy" category instead, eh?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Actually Paddy is short for Padraig! Erin go bragh.

RimmerdalRimmerdalabout 1 year ago

sbrooks103x has it right.

Patty was in the very lowest part of his life and needed his wife. She abandoned him for her affair and justified it by telling herself it was his fault.

And yes Patty is an acceptable variant. Look it up.

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