Harem House - Selene Pt. 13


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"Your turn." Mindy shook her head.

Arthur patted her shoulder again and took his turn. Strike. "That was luck." He said honestly, nodding toward the lane.

"Isn't it still your turn?" Mindy asked.

"No. When you knock them all down, that's the frame. So it's your turn again." Arthur explained.

"Oh. Okay." Mindy nodded and stood up again, almost surprised to have to do it so soon.

The frames continued that way for most of their first game together. Mindy got the hang of it as they went on. By the ninth and tenth frames, she was knocking down most of the pins but still seemed unable to get the elusive strike or spare.

Arthur, by contrast, had a scorecard on the screens above them that was made up almost entirely of strikes and spares, and his final score was quite high. He encouraged her, though, every time she was up, and she seemed to be having fun. Arthur's final frame ended up with him getting a spare and then bowling an extra frame, which was a strike. He turned back to Mindy, who was sitting in the chairs and clapping for him.

"You're really good at this." Mindy said. "Or at least, way better than me, so I hope you're really good at this, or I suck worse than I think." She laughed.

"You don't suck." Arthur shook his head.

"I will if you want me to." Mindy said under her breath.

"What?" Arthur's head turned to look at her with lightning speed.

"Hm?" Mindy feigned innocence as if she hadn't said anything, and her fingers started idly playing with the string of her velvet choker.

"I thought you said something?" Arthur asked.

"Nope." Mindy said, then laughed, which gave away the game. "Just thinking out loud, I guess. Trying to come up with ways to throw you off your game."

"Ha." Arthur struck a heroic pose. "Good luck."

As if to prove her point, Mindy slid her legs apart, causing the skirt to ride up and show off the skin above her thigh-high stockings. She reached down and lifted the dress a little, flashing him what appeared to be a pair of red panties made of nothing but intricate lace. Arthur froze, looking around for a moment and then back at Mindy, who pushed her skirt back down with her hand and took on a devilish smile.

"I think I just thought of a new way to make this game more fun for me." Mindy said with a laugh.

"Are you not having fun?" Arthur asked.

"Oh, I am." Mindy assured him. "But I want to have a little more fun. With you. I..." She hesitated, then hooked her finger, beckoning him closer. He stepped toward her and lowered his ear to her lips so she could whisper into it. "I want to be a little naughty." She confessed quietly.

Arthur felt the blood rushing to his pants, and he took a deep breath. As far as distraction tactics went, that was a good one. "Naughty girls get punished." Arthur whispered back into her ear.

Mindy reached up to take hold of his forearm as she sat up a little to whisper back. "That's what I'm counting on, Boss."

Arthur gulped.

The second game was, consequently, more interesting. Every time Mindy went up to bowl, she adjusted her clothing. The first was when she watched Arthur bowl a strike to start the game and waited for him to turn around and see her in the seats before she flashed her panties. Arthur looked around, but no one else seemed to notice.

The second time, after his second frame, she sat with her legs crossed. She drew her finger up the side of her leg, pushing the skirt higher up her thighs and showing off the tan line over her hip, denying him a view of what he desperately wanted to see. She locked eyes with him as he looked at her, after watching his eyes roam up her legs and under her skirt.

The third was, in the pretense of fixing her shoe, she bent over at the waist and would have presented herself directly to Arthur's seated face had it not been for the pleats of her skirt blocking his view despite their sway.

The fourth was, after getting up to take her turn, she decided to take off her cropped sweater. She pulled the strings of the bows one by one. Arthur watched as they tugged free, then she shrugged her shoulders to get rid of the garment and rolled it down her arms behind her.

Arthur watched as she rolled the sweater off her shoulders and realized that the dress beneath it had less fabric on top than he thought. The top was little more than if it were the top of a set of overalls, pulled tightly against her by halter straps and barely covering her double-D breasts from the side. Arthur gulped when she turned to show off quite a bit of side boob and showed off the fact that it was a backless dress. Two deep dimples were at the base of her spine, but no bra strap crossed her shoulder blades.

Then she made a point of turning, standing in profile, and showing off her curves. Arthur was always surprised by the size of her breasts when he saw them without being hidden by the baggy t-shirts she wore for delivery or the blazers she wore over her blouses sometimes at work. The dress seemed explicitly chosen to show off.

She smirked at him and took her turn. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He didn't even see how many pins she knocked down. It was fortunate for him that the computer kept score.

"Do you like my dress?" Mindy asked as she waited for the ball to return. She twirled one of her pigtails at her shoulder and smiled at him.

"I love it." Arthur nodded. "You look amazing."

"Thanks, Boss." Mindy gave him a wink as she spun around to bowl the second half of her frame.

Arthur smirked and shook his head as he watched her again, blissfully unaware of the rest of the world. "You really like calling me Boss, huh?"

"It's cute." Mindy defended as she returned from the lane. "I like giving people nicknames, and yours is Boss."

"So, what do you call Beth?" Arthur asked as he stepped up to take his turn. "After all, she's our boss. I'm technically just your coworker."

"But you check all my work, you help me out if I have any questions, you do all the work Beth should do as the manager, you just don't have the title. And you've been there longer than anyone else, including Beth. You know everything about that place. It's your office. We just work there." Mindy smirked.

Arthur chuckled. He took his swing and bowled a strike, only to turn around and see Mindy with one hand grasping at the side of her neckline. She quickly pulled it to the center once his eyes moved to her hand and flashed her nipple at him. It was only a lightning flash of a moment. If he blinked, he would have missed it. Yet he could see and remember a small dark circle of flesh amid the sea of her tanned skin with golden undertones. Arthur physically stopped moving in surprise.

Mindy giggled. "I should have done that before you bowled." She realized. "Would have thrown you off your game."

Arthur shook himself out of his stupor and let her trade places with him. He swatted her behind as she stepped past him, and she spun so fast that her skirt nearly flew up. He thought she would yell at him for a moment, but she didn't. She stared at him.

"So that's what it took to get you to take some initiative?" Mindy asked.

Arthur laughed. "What are you talking about?"

"You." Mindy said. They turned toward one another, and Mindy moved closer to him. She had to tilt her head back so she could look up into his eyes as he looked down at her. "I had to ask you out, and I had to start the flirting today. You're letting me lead."

"I thought-" Arthur started to defend himself. "I didn't want to assume-"

"It's sweet. Sometimes. But... There's a reason I like calling you Boss." Mindy explained. "I've been fantasizing about us, you, for weeks now. And none of those fantasies have me leading you. And I know you have it in you. The girls said you-" Mindy paused.

Silence passed between them as the lanes around them thundered with the noise of the sport.

"What did they say?" Arthur asked, looking down at her.

"They said if I told you what my fantasies were, you would help them come true." Mindy answered carefully.

"I suppose that depends on the fantasy." Arthur admitted. "But, if I can, I'd like to."

"Then don't be afraid to live up to your name. Alright, Boss?" Mindy raised an eyebrow at him and stepped back, crossing her arms over her chest.

Arthur nodded. "Alright. You're saying you want me to take the lead, then? Set the pace for the flirting, that kind of thing?"

Mindy nodded.

"And what will you do if I push things too far?" Arthur asked. "How do I know where the boundaries are?"

"There are no boundaries." Mindy answered.

"You say that, but-"

"I know what I'm saying. No boundaries." Mindy repeated. "And if I need to, I'll stop you."

"How?" Arthur asked. "What's your safeword?"

Mindy seemed surprised by the question and had to think about it for a moment. "Should we just use red light like the rest of the harem?"

"We can if you want to." Arthur laughed. "Or we can use a word you'll remember because you came up with it. It's totally up to you."

"We both have to remember it, though, right?" Mindy asked.

"Well, yes. But I will remember it. I promise."

Mindy thought about it. "Bratwurst."

Arthur laughed. "Okay. I'll stop if you say Bratwurst. You sure about the no boundaries thing?"

"I trust you." Mindy smirked.

"Should you?" Arthur asked. Then he stepped closer to her and brought his lips to her ear for a whisper. "If I wanted to, I could rip that dress off you right now, bend you over these seats, and do all kinds of things to you."

Mindy looked shocked for a moment, but then she closed her mouth, leaned forward, and brought her lips to his ear as he bent down to hear her. "Don't you want to?"

Arthur smiled at her as he stood back up and gave her a wink. "I want to finish this game first."

Mindy slapped his arm but spun and stepped toward the return to pick up her ball. She bent over farther than she had to in lining up her shot while Arthur sat down and watched. Then she strode forward and bowled, knocking down most of her pins.

"You seem pretty confident about all this." Arthur commented.

"Bowling?" Mindy asked.

"No, the rest of it. The safe word stuff." Arthur commented.

"Ah, well, like I said... my ex and I... He was really into it." Mindy blushed as she stood there and waited for her ball to return.

"Just him?" Arthur asked.

"I was into it too." Mindy admitted quietly. "Really into it." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Really, really, into it. You have no idea how hard my imagination kicked into overdrive when I saw you were into it too."

Arthur smirked. His imagination was kicking into overdrive now, so he had a good idea. He watched as Mindy bowled her the rest of the frame and then passed her to bowl his.

"So you have a bit of experience with it, then?" Arthur asked as Mindy sat.

"Just some, I guess, but enough, I hope." Mindy suggestively tugged at the side of her halter top again, and Arthur unconsciously bit his lip.

He bowled but, despite his distracting imagination, knocked down all the pins. Mindy pouted at him as she traded places with him again and bowled her next frame without comment.

"So." Mindy started as she stepped away to wait for her ball to come back. "What should we do after bowling? Do you have any ideas?"

Arthur chuckled. He rocked his head back and forth as though thinking and stroked his chin. "How hungry are you?"

Mindy raised an eyebrow at him. "Not very. It's pretty early."

Arthur looked around to ensure no one was watching them or eavesdropping. "Well, what fantasies did you have that you wanted me to make real?" He asked.

"Didn't the girls tell you?" Mindy asked.

Arthur shrugged. "Kat mentioned something about messing around in the office?"

Mindy nodded. She bowled the second half of her frame, letting Arthur step up to bowl as she stepped down.

"I... might be able to make that happen." Arthur said quietly. "I wouldn't want either of us to get fired over it."

"Me neither." Mindy nodded as she took her seat and drew her hand up the top of her thigh to reveal a band of skin just beyond her thigh-high stockings and the garter straps.

Arthur turned away after a moment of smirking at her and bowled. This time, his ball spun and only struck a few pins on the end.

Mindy giggled.

"What about you? Beyond the bondage stuff, what are some of your fantasies?" Mindy asked. "What kind of things are you into?"

"I'm into a lot of different things." Arthur answered with a shrug.

"Come on!" Mindy protested. "You promised to try and be more specific about what you like." She pouted at him and looked up at him with puppy-dog eyes.

He laughed. "Fair enough." He nodded as his ball returned, and he picked it up. "I've uh..." He hesitated and then leaned in a little as if confessing a secret. "I've always wanted to do it in a movie theater."

"Really?" Mindy asked. "That's it?"

"I mean, that's not my only fantasy." Arthur laughed. "It's just one I've always wanted to do."

"You've never gotten up to anything in a movie theater?" Mindy asked to verify.

Arthur shook his head. "No, I had a recent experience that was kind of a Netflix and Chill kind of moment, but it wasn't the same. And my ex-girlfriend was plenty kinky, but she didn't go in for any mischief in public areas like this."

"I get turned on by it." Mindy smirked. "It's a bit of a thrill to get away with teasing you like this." She drew her hand up the inside of her thigh to punctuate her point and showed off the front of her red lace panties to him for a brief moment before she pushed her skirt back down and straightened it.

Arthur glanced around, but no one was watching them, and where she was sitting, she was hidden from most of them anyway. He was the only one with the vantage point to see what she was teasing him with, and he had to smile at her. He shook his head, turned, and bowled his frame. He hit the spare, which made Mindy pout when he turned back to her.

She stood with her hands on her thighs and brushed against him as they swapped places.

"Have you ever thought about doing it anywhere else?" Mindy asked.

"A few places, I suppose." Arthur smirked. "Like the office."

"Oh yeah?" Mindy asked, sticking her butt toward him as she lined up her shot. "Anyone in particular?"

Arthur felt a little guilty for not having sexually fantasized about Mindy before, at least not in any graphic detail. Selene had been the last one he'd pictured tied up under his desk, forced to suck him off as he worked. Though, now that he knew about Mindy's desire to get it on in the office, Arthur felt he would definitely be thinking about her while he was there from now on.

"Not really." Arthur confessed. "I didn't know you were interested until you asked me out."

Mindy bowled and then stood straight to get back to Arthur. "And now?" She asked.

"Now I can't get the image of you bent over my desk or stashed under it out of my head." Arthur confessed.

Mindy smiled. That, it seemed, was the correct answer. "I like the idea of hiding under your desk, sucking you off while the others work, Beth wondering where I am."

Arthur smirked. "That'd be quite risky."

Mindy bit her lip. "I like a bit of risk." She said and pulled the hem of her skirt up her thigh with one hand as if to prove her point before letting it drop when she sat down. "The idea of getting caught makes me hot."

Arthur smirked a little. "Want to go see a movie after this?"

"Sure." Mindy answered immediately. "I don't even care which one."

Arthur had a hard time, literally, bowling his next frame, but he managed it without appearing indecent.

Mindy was smiling by the end of their second game. Her point total was higher than the first, and Arthur's was lower, which she took full credit for. He still won, but by a much smaller margin. Arthur returned the balls and shoes as Mindy put her heels back on. When he returned to the lane, she was ready to go, with her sweater and high heels back on, bringing the top of her head level to his shoulders.

"Shall we?" Arthur offered her his arm, and she looped hers through it, holding on to his bicep with her other hand.

Together they made their way out of the bowling alley and back to his car. They both looked forward to the movie that neither planned to watch.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Mindy is a surprise package — from a traditional Korean family but with significant BDSM experience, and still only 18.

SraulersSraulersabout 1 year ago

An 18-year old with extensive BDSM experience… she’s not a prize. Chapters are getting too long for the ground covered…

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story! Lots of vivid imagery in this story. Binged on the story and sad that I only have one left to be caught up. I need to read slower or SirAeghann needs to write faster!

4275727065657342757270656573over 1 year ago

Very good story. An easy 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story is absolutely fantastic!!! Can't wait for more!!

JohnSimmsJohnSimmsover 1 year ago

Just binged the first 13 installments and have been thoroughly entertained. Some quality writing and reasonable editing. SirAeghann is developing interesting characters and story threads within the BDSM-harem tropes and I am curious about where and how this all goes. The MC is a nice guy but damaged. He does not seem to realize how much. He doesn't need to develop into the common Alpha-hole but shouldn't default to be the clueless naif Arty either. A shy Korean freshman from a traditional upbringing has to throw herself at him even though he has been told to take control? He seems to think that he is a very mature college Senior, similar to his 30ish boss Beth. However, he forgets about his slave even knowing she may harm herself with her devotion. He doesn't control his rage at his parent's house or before his CNC episode with Selene. Is Arthur capable of love? He seems to care for or about Lori, Selene, and maybe others, but how much and how deep? He has little reaction to being forgiven for stalkerish behavior in HS? How bad was he, or how entitled is Laura? I am curious about the backstory and what happens next. I am interested in seeing if Selene becomes more of a switch as she develops the harem. Will Brat continue to explore submission? Are Kelly/Katelyn a sometime couple? Do either/both join the harem? Does Beth act on her attraction? Does a lesbian join the house with her bi girlfriend? What are Mindy's kinks? Do the Kats recruit fellow volleyballers? Is this story polyamory with other males involved or classic harem? I am enjoying Sir's storytelling and look forward to further entries. Thank you SirAeghann!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I thought for sure Mindy would feign running late to get Arthur to come up to the dorm room where all three would be waiting for him...

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 1 year ago

This is fast becoming a great story even though the first few chapters were a bit slow and boring. You’ve getting some good characters and the storyline is getting interesting though predictable. I hope there a twist to it at the end. I’d LMAO if he actually marries Lori and she become the Mistress.. Either way I can’t wait for the next chapter…⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The difference in how they both get ready for the date is hilarious and a fantastic bit of characterisation, well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love your stories! Please don't stop until it's complete, that would suck... it's such an amazing story!

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