Harem House - Selene Pt. 25


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"No. It felt right." Arthur shrugged. "And I wanted us to enjoy ourselves."

Rani gave a short laugh. "Ha." She shrugged. "Well, I enjoyed myself. But what will we do on Sunday, then? Something with more bondage?" She asked.

"Well, you needed me to model for your photography midterm, right? Do you want to do that on Sunday afternoon? That should give me a chance to get homework done while you're at brunch." Arthur suggested.

"Homework." Rani sighed. "I have too much fuckin' homework."

"Or..." Arthur said. "We could keep it a homework date like it says on my calendar."

"Are you okay with a homework date?"

"Yeah, you know. We hang out, have some shoulder-to-shoulder time, and do our homework together." Arthur said. "It still counts as a date."

"Do you want me to do my homework with your dick in my mouth or sit in your lap while I do it?" Rani asked.

"I mean, you could if you wanted to, but no. I think it'd be nice if we just hung out and did our separate homework in the same place at the same time. We can do it at my place. I'll cook dinner. Or we could order takeout to save time." Arthur said.

"That's couple shit." Rani had stopped cleaning and was sitting back on her heels.

"Well, yeah." Arthur said. "You're my girlfriend. We're a couple."

Rani looked down, and a sense of dread shadowed Arthur's mind, a foreboding that told him he'd said something wrong. People didn't get upset when he said the right words. They got pissed off over the wrong ones.

When Rani lifted her gaze. She didn't look pissed. "Yeah, okay. Homework date. And if we can get ahead, maybe you can tie me down and go down on me again? I'm not kidding. You're really good at that."

"A perfect way to end any date." Arthur couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth. His eyes sparkled with it. "And you can spend the night if you want to."

Rani's gaze flicked up, then lowered again. She chuckled. "If I want to? Well, isn't that nice of you."

Arthur ran his fingers across her scalp, palming her head and stroking her hair.

For a moment, Rani's body stiffened, but then she grinned. When she finished with the sponge, she dried him with a paper towel. Then she stood. Arthur held out his hand for the sponge, but she shook her head. She cleaned herself. Arthur wet the paper towels and cleaned the stage.

Arthur dressed and checked his phone. The group chat had popped off in their absence.

Whore: Where are you???

Wifey: He's taking care of Rani. You can't complain after the three of you disappeared for so long.

Whore: Ooooh.

Brat: But I want more snacks.

Wifey: I'm sure they'll bring back snacks. Lol.

Whore: I want nachos!

Brat: I want fries.

Wifey: We just had fries. I shared mine with you.

Brat: I want more fries!

Slut: I want chicken nuggets. Do they have chicken nuggets?

Wifey: It's a stadium, not a McDonalds.

Slut: Well, now I want McDonalds.

Brat: Gross. Nobody wants McDonalds.

Master: We're on our way back. I'll stop and get snacks.

Slut: McDonalds?

Master: Not McDonald's.

Queenie: Did we miss much of the game?

Brat: The third quarter started. You missed the halftime show.

Whore: It was awesome!!!

Slut: Mindy caught a t-shirt out of a cannon!

Whore: Free merch!

Master: lol. Did anyone notice we were gone?

Wifey: Lynn has been looking for you since you left but hasn't asked. MMBJ noticed you and Rani left together but haven't said anything.

Master: MMBJ?

Slut: Mark, Maria, Brad, and Jen.

Master: Oh okay. We'll be back soon.

Whore: With snacks?

Queenie: With snacks.

Whore: Yaay! Can you get a Sprite too?

Master: Sure.

Arthur laughed as he put his phone away, having dressed during the conversation. Rani fixed her makeup in a small compact mirror. Arthur hadn't noticed any damage to her makeup during the sex, but she was touching up her eye makeup anyway. She re-fixed her ponytail and joined Arthur at the door. Together, they exited the art building.

Rani walked beside him through the nearly empty campus without speaking, their hands intertwined. She glanced at him, though, as they walked. After the fourth glance, he grew concerned.

"Everything okay? Are you dropping?" Arthur asked.

"No, I'm fine." Rani answered too quickly. Arthur squeezed her hand. "I was just thinking." She admitted. "Did you mean that stuff you said?"

"About you being beautiful?" Arthur sounded surprised. "Of course."

"No, not that. I know I'm beautiful. I'm fucking gorgeous, and you're lucky I even let you look at me." She tossed her ponytail over her shoulder.

Arthur smiled but didn't let Rani's attitude distract him. "So, what did you mean?"

Rani checked for any nearby eavesdroppers before answering and slowed her pace. "That stuff about owning me. Me being yours." Her voice was the quietest he'd ever heard her speak, forcing him to lean in to listen to her explanation. "Wanting to do couple shit."

Arthur leaned back, attempting to glimpse her face. She turned away, averting her gaze toward the stadium. He squeezed her hand. She'd told him to be more dominant. Part of that was confidence. So Arthur went with his gut. Now that he recollected the memory, 'dominant' wasn't her first choice of word when describing how she wanted him to be toward her. She'd said 'possessive'.

"Yes." He said. "I meant it. Was that okay? I know you're not into humiliation. Was the owning you comment too demeaning?"

"It wasn't demeaning." Rani corrected him. She squeezed his hand. "It was nice."

"I was afraid you wouldn't be into it." Arthur confessed. "I know you like to keep things casual and open. I was worried you'd rankle at being owned."

Rani frowned. "Yeah. I mean, casual is great. This is me, after all, casual sex Rani--Well, that's not important. I just think it's nice to be wanted. I like knowing you want to keep me to yourself, and you want me around before and after sex, too. To pamper me and claim me when you want me. That you'll fight dudes like Sanjay and Jace to have me. To own me. That shit right there? That's hot as fuck."

"Kind of primal he-man stuff." Arthur chuckled.

"Hey, don't kink shame me." Rani knocked him with her hip.

Arthur slapped her ass and laughed. "Wouldn't dream of it."

They walked in silence for a few comfortable strides until Arthur asked her a question he'd been pondering. "What would you say if I were to ask your opinion on keeping the polycule an open relationship or closing it?"

"I'd tell you to ask without sounding like an indecisive, whiney beta." Rani deadpanned.

"Ow." Arthur clutched his chest, miming a bullet wound.

Rani laughed. She brought her hand up to his face and kissed him. They stopped in the walkway, and she stood an inch away, her head tilted to meet his gaze. "You're my King. You're our Master, Sir, Boss, and Coach. Stop asking us to make the hard decisions for you. One of the major benefits of being one of your women is not having to stress over this shit. It's easy unless you make it difficult, right?"

"Is it?" Arthur asked.

Rani nodded. "If you want our relationships closed, tell us they're closed. Do you want the polycule open? Tell us it's open. Fuck, tell us you want us to only sleep with you while you fuck whoever you want, and Selene would cum on the spot."

Arthur chuckled.

"The rest of us would just get a bit wet." Rani said.

Arthur doubted Kat would appreciate the declaration, and he had not spoken to Mindy about the situation. Mindy was more likely to want to share him than Kat, though. He knew that much.

"So, figure out what I want and decide?" Arthur asked.

Rani rolled her eyes. "Yes, idiot, that's what we've been saying." She lightly smacked her fingers against his cheek, then withdrew and made a bow. "I mean, yes, my King."

Arthur frowned and shook his head. "And if that's a deal breaker for one or more of you?"

Rani sighed. "We know our safe words. If it's a deal breaker, we'll back up, talk it out, and figure things out. But I don't think democracy is the way to go, given our dynamics with you. We girls are equals. You're the Coach. We've agreed to submit to you, remember? We're your slaves, sluts, concubines, whatever, and even Brat submits after a reminder or two."

Arthur nodded. Taking on the dominant role outside the bedroom wasn't a new concept, but sustaining it twenty-four-seven? For multiple women? The responsibility intimidated Arthur. "Thank you, my Queen."

"No problem." Rani took his arm and started walking again. "Just one favor?"

"Ask your boon, my queen." Arthur held his head high, acting as regal as he could.

"If Kat asks, I agreed with her one hundred percent."

Arthur laughed.

"So tying that into the whole owning me thing, is that a thing now? We're a couple just like you and the others in the harem? I'm yours?" Rani asked. "Should I tell other guys they have to ask you if they want to fuck me?"

Arthur nodded. "Mine." He squeezed her ass, then tentatively added: "And mine alone. I'll fight off any other guys who come near you."

Rani's expression flickered between lust and amusement. "What about the girls? Can I fuck the other girls in your harem?" Rani asked. Her expression turned flat, but Arthur noticed a hint of anxiety in her voice.

"Of course." Arthur said. "They're mine too."

"Girls outside the harem?" Rani asked.

Arthur contemplated her question. "Only with my permission and participation."

"Hot." Rani laughed it off, but the smile remained when the laughter faded. It lasted through the stadium doors and snack line until they were back at their seats. When they returned, cheers and exclamations met them for the size of the stack of snacks they carried.

Mindy jumped up to help, and they made a bucket line of snacks as she passed to Selene, who passed to Kelly, who passed to Kat.

Arthur took his place in the middle, and Rani returned to the far end of their seats.

Lynn glanced up to observe the proceedings, but so did MMBJ.

Brad was the first to speak up. Arthur expected teasing over his and Rani's disappearance but was thankful when Brad redirected the attention to the snacks.

"You didn't bring any snacks for me?" Brad asked. "And here I thought I was special."

"Does Arthur even eat snacks? What'd you get, carrot sticks?" Mark teased.

Arthur was silent and looked guilty.

"Oh my god, he got carrots." Maria laughed.

He reached into his basket and produced an apple slice to the laughter of everyone present. He bit into it with a satisfying crunch and winked at Mark, who chuckled and returned his attention to the game. Their school's home team was down by three points. The game had been close and exciting, with ample time for the Wolves to reclaim the lead.

"Any crises happen while I was away?" Arthur asked Kelly.

She kissed his cheek. "No. Now sit back and enjoy the game, Mister." She left her hand on his thigh, and he left his hand over hers.

They enjoyed watching the game together for a while, cheering their team on to victory. They booed the opposing team, argued with referees who never heard them from their stadium seats, and laughed at the quick conversations they had between plays.

Arthur looked around at his girls. Mindy, clapping her hands at a successful catch. Selene, leaning forward in her seat, her eyes on the game. Kelly, gripping Arthur's thigh every time something might go wrong. Kat, distracted and reading on her phone. Rani met his gaze and smiled, her bright smile lighting up her face.

Life was great.

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SirAeghannSirAeghann23 days agoAuthor

HeroToo, apt timing! Chapter 26 went live on Literotica this morning. It's available now!

HeroTooHeroToo23 days ago

Do we have an ETA on next chapter

SirAeghannSirAeghann28 days agoAuthor

JohnAPeterson, thank you! My goal was to write the characters first and have their exploration of kink and polyamory be their adventure. I'm glad to hear you enjoy the story even if the category wouldn't normally be your thing!


Anonymous, I'm glad you love the story! More is coming! I should be posting Chapter 26 on Literotica this Saturday, and then it'll likely go up a few days after that.

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

MORE! I want MORE! fuck that I NEED MORE!!! Fucking love this story! I wish I never read it just so I can read it all over again? Does that make sense? Whatever, I NEED MORE!!!!

JohnAPetersonJohnAPeterson28 days ago

Amazing story. Characters are vivid with their own personalities and motivations. I was not into BDSM but this story is a nice introductory to it. Together with polyamorous romance, I find this story very approachable to anyone.

SirAeghannSirAeghannabout 1 month agoAuthor

Anonymous, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy the work. As for your scene suggestion, I don't know how well it would go over, but it does sound like a hilarious way for him to spend a Saturday. Lol.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Fantastic as always! Keep up the good work! Maybe this is just me, but I would find it hilarious if Arthur just spent an evening at the house playing Warhammer or Red Dead Redemption 2 or something by himself, and getting increasingly annoyed with all the sexual invitations he gets. Just a thought, and might not sit well on a erotic site anyway :/

SirAeghannSirAeghannabout 1 month agoAuthor

Anonymous, Thank you! I work hard to keep the characters distinct, which gets difficult when there's this many of them! The notes I keep for this story are extensive lol. I'm working on a wiki.

Selene is absolutely the core imo. Arthur would be lost without her. As for jewelry, we'll have to wait and see. Christmas and birthdays are going to be expensive for Arthur lol.


Stitch_26, Thank you! I've read this one a few times myself and honestly it's my favorite chapter. I think it's my best one and definitely focuses on the characters and their relationships. Though, I did try to balance that with steamy, kinky sex. Lol. Thanks again for the compliments and I look forward to your feedback on the next one.

stitch_26stitch_26about 1 month ago

Wonderful chapter. I read it a few times - this one hit home a bit, so thank you for that...

Love the development of Rani, and I loved how this was more about relationships and not just sex/kinks.

It was also easier to follow the perspective changes. I enjoy how we bounce between concurrent events, but following it was easier this chapter.

As always, looking forward to the next. Great job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Kudos for the solid characterization in this story.

All of the mains, and most of the sides, have distinct personalities and voices.

Far too many LE series authors can't keep up with their own plots and end up with blank interchangeable casts.

As the title implies, Selene is the indispensable core of the story. Despite her intentional role as bottom-most omega submissive, she is the driving force that holds things together, far moreso than Arthur.

Kat is indeed a brat, Rani is a high-maintenance diva, Mindy will someday provoke mandatory HR training at her office, and Kelly is a mighty spouse who knows when to take charge and when to love, honor, & obey.

I hope Arthur finds grandma's old jewelry chest in the attic and gives some classic pieces to Kelly.

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