Haunting of Palmer Mansion Pt. 16


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"Running naked is ... supposed to be good for ..." Julie looked up at the ceiling as she thought up a lie. "I read this thing online that running naked is good for ageing women. It helps our bodies keep the sag away. You know, in Paleolithic times women didn't have any supportive underwear."

"You're supposed to run like a caveman?" George stopped at the laundry room door and cocked his head. It was an interesting theory.

"A cavewoman. Yes." Julie nodded and dressed herself.

"You don't need to worry about sag, Jules." George watched her boobs disappear back into her sports bra. "I mean, sure your breasts hang a bit. But they look wonderful. Better than on our wedding day."

"Thank you, honey." Julie blushed and pulled her pants on.

"Wow, Mom, I ..." Daniel froze at the bottom of the stairs. "Oh, hi, Dad."

"Avert your eyes, Danny. Your mother's getting dressed." George gave Julie an I-told-you-so look. When she'd pulled her shirt on, he looked back at Daniel. "Welcome home. It's almost like I just warned someone of this exact situation."

"What?" Daniel raised his eyebrows and looked back and forth between his parents. "Look, sorry to interrupt. I got your note, Mom. And I thought ..." Daniel gave an exaggerated shrug.

"Note?" George felt like he was missing something.

"Oh, I just left a note on Danny's desk welcoming him home and congratulating him on his test." Julie studied George closely to see the effect of this lie. It seemed to do the trick. When had lying become such a habit for her? When had she become good at it?

"Test?" George perked up. "You did well on a test?"

"Yeah, I aced a math test today." Daniel frowned. This was a lie. He'd actually barely passed his math test after Penelope had dropped him back at school. He hadn't been able to concentrate after the news she'd dropped on him. The lack of studying hadn't helped either.

"Excellent. Extra dessert for you tonight, kiddo." George smiled, opened the door, and disappeared into the laundry room.

Daniel gave Julie a look that said what the heck is he doing here?

Julie mouthed the word sorry at Daniel. "Yes, lots of goodies for you tonight, Danny. Now run along upstairs and we'll catch up with you later." She gave him a wink. "If you're in your room, I might bring you an early dessert in a few minutes."

"Oh, okay. Thanks, Mom." Daniel smiled and bounded back up the stairs.

"George. Are you busy for the next hour?" Julie called into the laundry room.

"Yeah, I've got to work on this leaky valve near the water heater. Why, you need something?" George called out at her.

"No. That's fine, dear." Julie couldn't stop the smile that spread on her face. "That's fine. I'll catch up with you at dinner."

"Sounds good. The water will be off for a little while." George turned off the main and got to work. This house certainly kept him busy.

"Not a problem." Julie turned and headed for the stairs. Hopefully the water would be back on by the time she needed a shower. They'd have to make this a quicky. No more than an hour, she promised herself.


"I was thinking you could put it in my butt, today. What do you want, sweetie?" Julie stroked his penis with her breasts, giving the head a lick every once in a while.

"About that ..." Daniel took a deep breath. He really hoped she wouldn't be mad at him. Better to tell her while she had her tits wrapped around his dick. He figured she'd be less likely to scold him that way. "Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment. Right?"

"Don't quote the bible while I'm doing this for you, pumpkin." Julie looked up at him with adoration. When was he going to mount her? He better do it soon or they were going to run out of time.

"I got a girl pregnant."

"You what?" Julie stopped moving her breasts up and down and held them with his penis still buried between them. She looked up with incredulous, wide eyes at her handsome son. "You did what now?"

"It was an accident."

"Well I guessed that much." Her hands moved, almost as if on their own, and squeezed her boobs slowly up and down again. "Who is it? Is she one of your classmates? Did you use the condoms I got you? No, this must have happened before I got them. Was I too late?" Her hands sped up.

"She isn't a classmate." Daniel leaned back on his bed. He couldn't believe she was still giving him a titjob after he'd broken the news.

"You conquered a teenager with this enormous thing, didn't you?" Julie stood, straddled her son, and positioned his penis at her entrance. She really should be angry. Furious even. But the thought of him taking one of those high school seniors, digging her out, and leaving her full made Julie giddy. She wished she could have seen that girl's eyes when Daniel plastered her womb. "Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh." Julie lowered herself onto his penis and felt inch after inch slide in. "This is the penis that ... uuugggghhhhhhh ... penetrated some innocent girl."

"I told you ... uh ... uh ... uh ... Mom." Daniel grunted as his mother planted her feet on the bed and rode him with long, bouncing strokes. "She's older."

"You did?" Julie, her face twisted with lust, looked down into Daniel's blue eyes and knew. A mother always knows these things. "You ... ugghhhh ... didn't stop doing it with Penelope. Did you?"

Daniel shook his head and watched her big tits bounce and shake.

"Oh, gosh, Danny. You impregnated your brother's wife?" The thought set Julie on fire. She switched up her movements, and rubbed her clit against him with hard, twisting gyrations. "What have you done?"

"She ... was on the pill."

"Your seed was so strong that ... oooohhhhhh ... it beat her birth control?" How many different layers of wrong were carefully placed on this one moment? A massive orgasm seized Julie and she convulsed with quick jerking motions on top of Daniel. "Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh." Just as she came down from the orgasm, she felt the hot splashes inside her and heard Daniel's familiar soft grunts. Another climax took her, one on top of the other. She closed her eyes and let the rapture carry her away.

A few minutes later, Julie opened her eyes and looked down at Daniel. He had his usual post-orgasm dreaminess about his face, but he also looked a little worried. She put her hands on his chest and felt that long pole still nestled inside her. "It's okay." She wouldn't be a hypocrite. She was hardly one to cast stones on the baby issue. "I know Brad and Penelope were thinking about starting a family in a year or two. It's just a little early. Everything's going to be fine. Are you happy you'll be an uncle?"

"Yes?" Daniel was not sure what the right answer was.

"Good." Julie thought about something and her shoulders tensed. "Did you tell her about us? I know how pillow talk goes."

"No." Daniel shook his head adamantly. "I haven't told anyone."

"Good boy." Julie squeezed her pussy on his penis and felt Daniel flex his giant thing back at her. "I'm disappointed you didn't listen to me and you kept seeing her. But I understand how it is with teenagers. You are a horny lot." Julie smiled at him. "Promise me you'll use condoms from now on. No matter what the girl says about birth control."

"I promise." Daniel would certainly try.

"And you can't sleep with your sister-in-law again." Julie tried to look cross, but this was hard to do while naked and straddling her son's lap. "I won't have her break Brad's heart."

"I promise." Daniel reached up and fondled her boobs. He was confident that he wasn't really going to get in trouble. He thought about what would have happened if he'd told his mom about knocking up his sister-in-law before they'd moved into Palmer Mansion. It would have been fire and brimstone. But now, not so much.

Julie sighed and her hips rocked back and forth. "Okay, maybe one more time before I make dinner. Your father should be busy in the basement a while longer." It was actually well past the hour she'd given herself, but Julie felt optimistic. "Fill me up ... one ... more ... time." She bounced her hips and she could hear the slurping sounds as that hard penis displaced the sperm he'd already dumped inside her. Why did sex with her son have to be so perfect?


The car slid to a stop in the snowy parking lot. Maxamed was a couple miles from the Anderson house, but he didn't want to park any closer. He didn't want the house to see him coming. The wheels slipped and spun as Maxamed pulled into a spot. Tonight was a perfectly lucid night for Maxamed. He felt clear headed. He'd woken at two in the morning, sneaked out of bed, and with the knowledge of exactly what he needed to do.

Maxamed got out of the car, opened the trunk, took out the tiki torch and lit it with his lighter. Not a roaring fire, but plenty good enough to burn the vile place to the ground. It seemed odd to hike down the street with a lit torch, but with the falling snow he needed something to help light his way. His boots crunched in fresh powder as he began his walk.

Awhile later, he arrived. Pulling his jacket tight around him with his left hand, Maxamed held the torch up with his right. He blinked in the snow at the shadow of the two Victorian towers rising above him. "You cannot have my wife," he whispered.

Maxamed trudged down the front walk. The snow blanketed the place in silence. When he reached the front door, he was surprised to find it wide open. Was this the house's invitation to its own destruction? Maxamed stepped in and held the torch aloft. The mansion was not as he remembered it. There were strange, dark paintings on the walls and new furniture. White people were always changing their décor. A door to his left stood open and a warm glow flickered from inside.

A flash of memory hit Maxamed. That was where he'd taken the boy for his exorcism. And something else had happened in there. Something horrible. Maxamed decided to start the fire there and then wake up the Andersons to flee. Once the fire got going, they wouldn't be able to stop it. He strode across the large entry room, past the main stairs, and into the once locked room. He stopped dead in his tracks upon entering the room, his heart nearly beat out of his chest. Behind him, the door swung silently closed.

"Welcome to my favorite room, Mr. ...?" A tall man in three-piece suit and top hat lounged in an armchair at the far end of the room.

"Samatar." Maxamed ogled the man and his surroundings. The man had a thick, dark mustache and the blackest eyes Maxamed had ever seen. Smoke rose slowly from a pipe in his left hand. The room contained a sofa, a sideboard, a glowing oil lamp, and the armchair. Maxamed suddenly remembered tying Daniel Anderson to that chair. The room's most striking feature, however, was an enormous brown bear that stood right next to the armchair and leaned its left forepaw on the man's right shoulder. It watched Maxamed with hungry intensity.

"Mr. Samatar. Ah." The man tipped his hat at Maxamed. "I am Mr. Frederick Palmer and this is my home." He took a puff from his pipe and blew smoke up into the air, watching it writhe and twist.

"You are mistaken, this is a demon's home." Maxamed held the torch in front of him, as if it would ward off this new evil.

"The devil has his hooks in this place, to be sure." Frederick nodded with thoughtful purpose. "But so does God. For I am His agent, messenger, and guardian. And He is filled with wrath. Our God is a vengeful God."

"I do not recognize your god." Maxamed eyed the sofa. A good place to start a fire. The bear moved slightly, shifting its weight. Allah help him, the thing was alive. Maxamed had hoped it was taxidermy. Maxamed's knees began to tremble.

"But He does recognize your countenance." Frederick's gaze shone cold in the room. "And he cares not for it. Are you so wrapped in your possession of a woman that you would commit arson upon my house and burn alive those living in it?"

"I'll get them out first."

"That is a poor plan." Frederick's smile seemed more ice than human flesh. "It is said that to colonize a land, the colonizer must first till its soil, consume its fertility, and reap its harvests."

"You talk in riddles."

"It is metaphor." Frederick sighed and looked over his shoulder at the bear. He nodded. The bear looked down with a sad, ursine face and nodded back. "I don't see as much as I used to. As the years pass, my vision darkens and shadows move through my house. But He has told me that your wife has already been colonized by that witch."

"Who? What witch?" Maxamed was beyond confused.

"You hear that clock?" Frederick paused and cupped a hand to his ear. The tick tock of a great grandfather clock somehow made its way into the soundproof room. "That was a wedding gift from my wife's father. When her treachery became clear, I cleaved and hung her various parts in place of the clock's pendulum and weights. The fucking thing kept ticking. Hell of a sight, that was. I moved the clock's parts inside her. I'm happy to tell you that she no longer went tick tock tick tock."

"That's horrible." Maxamed took a step back and looked over his shoulder to see the door closed behind him. "It can't be true." His pulse now beat in his ears.

"For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer," Frederick recited one of his favorite bible passages and rose from his chair, chewing on his smoking pipe. As he sucked in, the embers reflected red in his eyes. "You came tonight to foment fire and realize murder. That He cannot suffer. That I cannot suffer." He nodded at Maxamed and the bear lumbered out from behind the armchair. Standing at its full height, it was greater than ten feet tall. It walked on its hind legs across the room.

"Back. Get back." Maxamed's voice wavered. He turned to the door, but it was locked. He then turned back to face the beast. "Help. Somebody help me." He held the torch before him. The bear was only a few feet away. Maxamed could smell its sickly-sweet breath, and see the torchlight glistening on its sharp, yellowed incisors.

"They cannot hear you." Frederick laughed. "No one will hear you."

The bear knocked the torch away from Maxamed with a mighty arm. The flame extinguished as it clattered to the floor.

Maxamed made his last earthly sound, a keening, plaintive scream. But Frederick was right. No one heard him. No one came to his rescue.

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mrdata9770mrdata9770over 3 years ago

Okay, so you killed of Maxamed, no great loss there. But why didn’t Frederick go after Daniel when he was tide to the chair or even let him mate Khadra? So, Frederick is an agent of God and Eloise is a witch in league with Lucifer. Frederick Kills Eloise chops her up and sticks her in this clock. Eloise’s spirit while being seductive seems to be caring and protective while Frederick (the agent of God) is a homicidal killer. And what about this new character from school. Damn, I hope you were able to sort all this out in the remaining chapters. I have faith in you. 5 Stars.

YourMommysDaddyYourMommysDaddyover 3 years ago
Watch out, there's a Monster coming!

Who would think that you could laugh at something in a erotic story?

But you've made it happen several time now. Boy, what a guilty pleasure.

So now we have a new piece of the puzzle. Frederick doesn't just have some anger issues.

I love how Penny is keeping score. First to be knocked up by Daniel. It's a very "mean girl click brain thing" to do.

Lots of baby bump are coming to the Palmer Mansion. Penny, Mom, and Karkat.

Three pregnant women and a pregnant Female ghost.

That's more dangerous then Frederick! lol!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Chapter 17 !

It’s nearly 5 weeks since Pt 16 came out !

boobfuckerboobfuckeralmost 4 years ago

Incredible series this is. Many thanks! I tried to buy them from your subscribe site, but my credit cards are rejected time after time! They work fine on other sites, so I do not know what happens. Will have to wait another month, sigh! Am looking forward to a possible triangle between the twins and their mom! It might not happen, but as a fantasy it works miracles.

octabrainoctabrainalmost 4 years ago

Agreed with JxxxTolkien. The best story of 2020!

DivwayDivwayalmost 4 years ago
This brings in a new and sinister development...

Julie I thought was already with Daniel's child, along with his sister. The next-door neighbor and some others when they had the baby shower, and now Penelope. One lucky man.

Dam that teacher is maybe going to be part of the tic-tock of the grandfather clock. Her involvement sounds like it could bring her on to his cock or more. Love how you introduce these new scenario's Annabelle.

I like some others agree this has the hallmarks of an adult Netflix series. Keep them coming. I, like so many others, are addicted to this wonderfully crafted story.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

That part when Palmer mentions dismembering his wife was disturbing. A boned-killer for sure. Ugh I don’t think I’ll keep reading these anymore. I could handle the incest but this is too far.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Love these characters

these are very well written characters 👍. i love Julie the most. I'd love to see more interactions between Julie and her daughter. the plot is so interesting that I want a Netflix series based on this for real. can't wait for the next chapter 😍.

TheInsanePumkinCarverTheInsanePumkinCarveralmost 4 years ago
Great chapter!

Julie and Penelope are some really great characters and I love how they interact with Daniel. Can't wait to see how their pregnancies are handled in the next chapters.

JxxxTolkienJxxxTolkienalmost 4 years ago

The only thing good about 2020 has been this series. Looking forward to the next chapter

rawlyrawlsrawlyrawlsalmost 4 years agoAuthor
More on the way

Chapters 1 - 26 are complete including the finale. Chapters will arrive on Literotica three to four weeks apart.

If you want to read them sooner, or feel like supporting my writing, you can do that here: https://www.subscribestar.com/rawlyrawls

Thanks for reading!

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 4 years ago
A very good addition!

A very good addition indeed. It's nice to see some evolution in the story, one male down... I like it! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
So glad tHHat you have picked up this wonderful story once again.

I can't say that I'm going to miss Semitar. While I'm anxious to watch this tale unfold, I am not in a.hurry to see.its completion.

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