Head Nurse


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"So, a quick wipe down and you can be back in bed."

I started to wipe down his thighs and then the lower part of his stomach. Seeing is dick up close was starting to turn me on and I glanced down to see if that was noticeable in my shorts. I definitely didn't want him to see that. I took the towel and ran under his balls and I heard him gasp a little and his cock started to swell. I cleaned that area and then wrapped the towel around his growing dick. He let out a large sigh then.

"I am sorry man. I can't help. Outside of some sponge baths by nurses, no one has touched any of that area in months. I am going crazy." His breathing as he said this was ragged.

"I understand, no worries." I kept wiping it with the warm cloth and had circled the, towel around his dick and quickly strocked it up down. I honestly was just making sure it was clean but I also couldn't believe I had his hard dick in my hand.

"Hey, you better stop that, or you will have another mess to clean." He said quickly.

A brief thought of how great it would be to see his cum explode out his dick went through my mind. I came to my senses and stopped.

I stood up and said "Um, sorry for leaving you like that. You are all cleaned maybe you should sleep like that in case you need to pee again."

"Thanks man. I definitely owe you something for cleaning me up." He turned and went to his room.

I grabbed another towel to clean the floor up with and then picked up his clothes and took all of it down to the washing machine. I headed back up to bed in an almost trance like state. As I fell back to sleep, the imagine on my mind was Zach's gorgeous hard swollen veiny dick.

Chapter 4

I woke up the next morning and immediately went through the previous night events in my mind. I wanted to make sure I hadn't dreamed what had happened. In most of my sex dreams, especially ones that involved other men, there was also a part where I was panicked about being caught or found out. I knew that last night I had really held Zach's hard dick in my hand, or with a towel between my hand and his dick, but still. Although that did make me wonder, would it have felt hot in my bare hand? Could I have felt those beautiful veins on my fingers?

I heard the hall bath toilet flush and knew that Zach was also up. I quickly went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I stared in the mirror for several minutes trying to get the courage to walk out into the hallway. I knew I would have to come face to face with him at some point, but I was definitely more than a little nervous about how that would go after last night. I finally walked out and headed to the kitchen to start some coffee. As I went by his room the door was closed but I could hear some movement.

"Hey, good morning." I heard from behind and I know I kind of jumped when he said it.

I turned the first thing I noticed was that he was able to get a pair of gym shorts on by himself this morning and a sleeveless t shirt. "Good morning, just getting some coffee going. Do you want some?"

"That would be awesome. Along with some water and Advil if you have it. A little hungover this morning."

I grabbed the Advil out of the cabinet and got a Smart Water out of the fridge that I poured in his special cup. I then realized he wouldn't be able to hold the Advil himself. I got a shot glass for him and put them in that. He smiled at my solution and downed the Advil and water.

"Maybe I should have done Advil shots last night instead. Hey thanks for helping me last night. I know that was really awkward and I definitely appreciate it."

"No problem, my pleasure." What, my pleasure, my face turned fire truck red as I realized what I said. I saw a big grin and a raised eyebrow on his face. "Wait not my pleasure. Just no problem."

"Hey, no judging here." But he did laugh as he said that.

I quickly wanted to change the subject. "I normally have toast and yogurt for breakfast, but I also have bagels, eggs, cereal if you want that?"

"A bagel and yogurt would be great. Lots of carbs to chase the hangover away."

I made our breakfasts and we sat down to eat. He was able to use his hands for the bagel and a special spoon for his yogurt.

"So, what is your schedule today?" I asked.

"Occupational therapist should be here around 10:00 and the home health nurse at 2:00. I am also planning on doing a light workout... a walk, some squats, sit ups, etc. as some point. I need to get this back to how it looked before." He lifted his shirt to show off his stomach.

He had lost some of his washboards but it was still flat and I quickly thought about how much I wanted to run my tongue from his belly button downward. I heard my phone vibrate and reached to pick it up.

"Let me know when you are planning to workout and I will join you if you don't mind."

Anne had texted- Hey Princess... hearing that last night was fun and that boys enjoyed themselves. Also hearing you are great host and housekeeper. In fact, they are thinking of getting you an apron as gift to give you on their next visit.

Again, the princess comment caused a small stir in my groin area. I was assuming that the she was passing on the comments from the truck company guys at the kitchen table of the firehouse. It would not surprise me that they would be busting on me in effort to throw out some male bravado in front of Anne, Kayla, and the engine company guys.

I responded with- Yea, very obvious last night I am not one of them, but it wasn't bad. And Zach had a good evening so all in all it is good. So, did you get Bob's dick last night or will you need a message from Kayla when you get off work in the morning. I added a wink and heart eyed emoji, it did feel nice to get a dig in.

A short response of- No need for a message for this girl. Follow by a half dozen heart eyed emojis.

Before I could respond she texted again- How about you, did you get any dick last night?

I glanced up at Zach then who was getting up right then and felt my cheeks flush. There was no way I was texting what had happened last night, so I just set my phone down.

Zach headed up stairs and I cleaned up the kitchen. Then went and switched the stuff in the laundry to the dryer before going to change into my workout clothes. I walked by the open door bathroom and saw Zach brushing his teeth with a specially designed tooth brush. I told him I was going for a run and would see him later.

I got back from my run and saw a strange car out front. When I entered the house I heard a woman saying "stop, I told you I am not interested and if you do it again I am leaving."

I closed the door louder than normal and headed into the kitchen to see a woman around 50 years old, in scrubs, sitting at the kitchen table working with Zach on devices it looked like to help him but socks on. I could see a look of relief on her face when she saw me.

"Hi, I am Susan the occupational therapist and you must be the guy who gave Zach a place to stay. I am just finishing up for today. Zach I will be back tomorrow but only if you can behave." She looked at me and asked if I could walk out with her and I nodded yes.

"I am Justine, nice to meet you."

"This is the deal. The guy keeps pawing at me and rubbing against me. I feel sorry for him, it is a little bit flattering even, he is really good looking. He is also almost half me age and I have a very jealous cop husband, so I am not about to fool around with him. Let him know that if he wants me to keep coming, he has to knock it off." I nodded and she turned and walked to her car.

When I went in Zach wasn't in the kitchen, I found him in his room. "Really?"

He looked very sheepish and said "Yes. I mean no, not normally, but I am getting pretty desperate."

"Well she said, and I think I am quoting her- knock it off. I think she is serious so if you want her to keep working with you, I would stop. How about we do that workout you wanted then have some lunch?"

He just nodded and we went out front and went through a workout of squats and crunches. I was surprised at how hard he went at it. I also enjoyed seeing the sweat form on him and I could see that actually being able to work out was good for his mental health. When we finished, we headed into the kitchen and I asked him if he wanted some pasta salad for lunch. He nodded in the affirmative and headed into the living room and I heard the TV click on.

"Hey, can we eat out here. I have been watching this and it sort of became my routine when I was in the hospital." He shouted to me.

I put our pasta salads in bowls and carried them out to the living room and returned for our drinks. When I came back, I saw that there was an old episode of the show Emergency from the early seventies on TV. I had watched a bunch of these on VHS when I was kid, over and over. It was part of the reason I had become a paramedic.

"Emergency? A big truckie fireman watching a show mostly about paramedics?" A smiled as I said it, but he could hear the question in my voice.

"Yea, yea. Although there is always one good fire or rescue every episode. Plus, Dixie is hot." He quickly responded.

"Dixie? She is older- maybe that explains the occupational therapist earlier." I laughed as I said it. "Or maybe the time in the hospital you developed a nurse fetish? Oh, wait the Ex is nurse so maybe you have always had one."

"Oh, fuck off. My crush on Dixie has nothing to do with what happened with the occupational therapist. That is the result of my balls having two months worth of cum built up in them." He paused to eat more of his pasta salad, I was impressed with how he worked the specially designed fork. "And fuck you for bringing up the ex! Although I will admit a tight pair scrubs on a nice ass is potentially something that gets me going. That made being the hospital without any relief pretty miserable."

"First, sorry about the Ex comment. Second, Dixie doesn't wear scrubs she wore and old school nurse uniform, right?

Zach finished chewing and said. "Yep. A bright white uniform. In the early episodes it was a dress. In the later ones she wears pants. I prefer her in the dress but in either she still has her big tits and big eye make-up. Hell, if I could wrap my hand around my dick, I would probably start jerking off right now just thinking about her."

I honestly wasn't sure if he was serious, I took a second to try and glance at his crotch to see if he was getting hard. I know remembering what his dick looked like last night was making my dick stir some. He looked over at me and smiled and I think it was because he had caught me trying get glimpse of his crotch.

"So, how about you? You in on Dixie? Or anyone else on the show?"

"I am fan of Dixies uniform, I have never really thought about it. I watched this show when I was like 9 or 10. I wasn't looking for jack off material."

We were both done eating so I took our plates into the kitchen to clean them up. I looked over at my phone and saw some missed texts. I opened them up and saw they were all from Anne.

The first one= Hey everything okay? Haven't heard from you since this morning?

The next one- First, I miss you. Kayla isn't bad to work with but she isn't you. Second, one if I bunched your panties about something please let me know. I will apologize.

The last one- Are you there?

I poked my head into the living room and saw that Zach was actually sleeping sitting upright on the couch. I looked that clock and realized that the home nurse wouldn't be here for another forty five minutes or so.

I texted Anne- Hey sorry. My panties are fine. And we are all good it has just been busy here. I worked out myself and then with Zach and no, that wasn't an euphemism. I added a smiley face emoji.

I added another one- How about coffee at The Beanery tomorrow morning at 08:00 after you get off work, we can catch up. I do have a story for you but nothing to exciting.

Anne replied- Glad you and your panties are okay. Getting ready to clear the hospital now. Coffee sounds great. I have stories from last night also. That got a wink and smiley face emojis.

I went in and nudged Zach and told him the nurse would be here in about fifteen minutes. He said thanks and headed up stairs to the restroom. While he was in there, I heard a knock on the door and answered it.

"Hi, sorry I am a little early but thought I would see if it was okay to get started instead of sitting in the car. Is Zach here? Oh, I am Ashley the home health care nurse."

She followed that with a big smile, and I knew this wasn't going to go well. Ashley was cute, she was wearing scrubs, and she seemed like she was a little flirty. When I heard Zach behind me and turned towards him, saw the look on his face, I knew I was right.

"He is right here. I will be upstairs if you need anything." As I walked by Zach I quietly said. "Behave yourself, please."

That turned out to be too much to ask because 20 minutes later I heard the door slam, the kind of sound you know that is made in anger. I came out of my room and saw Zach sitting on the couch, his head resting in his hands.

"What happened? And why did she leave mad?" I asked.

Zach looked up at me laid back into the couch and said "this is what happened." And looked down at his shorts that were completed bulged out because of his very obvious hard dick. "I swear I was trying to control it, I just can't right now. I HAVE to get off and soon. My fucking balls actually ache."

I knew right then what I would do, what I wanted to do, what I felt I had to do. I just didn't know what Zach would do when I did it. I walked over and stopped in front of him. He still had his head laid back but then looked up and saw me standing there. His eyes questioned me. I sank down on my knees between his legs and moved my hand to the band of his shorts.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

I didn't say anything and pulled his shorts down and off and then moved up to do the same thing with his boxer briefs. When I pulled the elastic band over the head of his cock, it popped free and I heard him gasp, or maybe I heard myself gasp. I do know, watching that cock spring free was a beautiful thing to see.

As I moved his boxer briefs down his legs, he quietly said "Are you?"

He didn't finish the question as my hand reached for the gorgeous dick. My hand wrapped around it and it pulsed. It felt amazing it was so hard and warm. I jerked it up and down, gently.

"Oh God, please."

I smiled and knew that at least right now this dick was all mine. All the times I had fantasized and dreamed about this was going to come true. I moved a little closer, leaned forward, and put my lips on the tip of that marvelous mushroom head. If his dick had felt warm in my hand, on my lips it felt red hot. My nose inhaled the aroma from the sweat we had worked up earlier and I knew that would be my favorite scent now and forever.

One hand moved down to the base of the shaft and I parted my lips and moved it down on his cock. I my tongue felt the veins and I now knew what a dick tasted like. I was a salty, tangy taste that was also going to be favorite now.

"Oh Jesus, thank you, this is amazing."

It thrilled me to hear him say that and I started to bob my head up down while rubbing his balls with my hands. I felt them quickly tightening and his dick getting harder in my mouth, if that was possible. I knew this was going to be quick and for some reason I thought of the character Sergio in the book "Scruples" who knew he was going to disappoint the guy at the glory hole for cumming so quickly. Although, there was no way this experience was going to be disappointing to me.

"Holy fuck, that feels so good. I am going to cum soon!" Zach practically shouted. "Please don't stop!"

I had no intention of stopping. I was loving every bit of this. I did slow down just a little hoping to make it last just a few seconds longer. Precum was pouring from his dick now and I knew it would be soon. I felt his hand, or the bandages on his hand, on top of my head now.

"I am going to cum!" This time he shouted it. He did remove his hand from head, I guess to give me the opportunity to take his dick out my mouth but there was no chance of that. I wanted him to cum in my mouth.

His dick spasmed and the first shot hit the back of my throat so hard I honestly wasn't sure had happened, then my mouth was flooded with cum, it was thick and definitely had a salty taste to it and I decided it was delicious. As his cum continued to pour out I couldn't keep up with swallowing and some ran down my chin and down his dick. When he stopped cuming, I lifted my mouth off him and used my tongue to lap up the cum I hadn't been able to swallow earlier.

I leaned back and looked at Zach. I realized then that I still had cum on my chin and I took a finger and scooped that into my mouth. I was looking him right in the eyes as I did it and I saw shock and then a smile.

"That is the first time a guy has ever blown me. That was incredible. Wow. I didn't know you were gay. I thought maybe but I wasn't sure."

"I am not gay. Or at least I don't think I am." I said looking right at him.

"Dude you just sucked my cock, like a pro. You are gay."

"That was the first time I have ever done that. I will admit I have been curious about it but I had never done that before."

"Seriously, the first time? I am still not sure I believe that but if it is true you are a natural cocksucker that is for sure."

I felt my dick twitch and realized I was hard when he said cocksucker. I realized that I was now a cocksucker, for real.

"So, it was good, huh?" I smiled. "Good enough to keep you from hitting on the help that comes here?"

"It was great. But I have two months of back up in here so unless you are planning on doing that before their visits, I can't make any promises."

I smiled and said "I can only do it before their visits? That is disappointing I was hoping to do it again today."

"So, my cocksucker wants more dick and cum?"

"Your cocksucker. Hmmm... I think I like that label and yes, yes, I do! How about you take a little nap and I will give you a special wake up in about a hour. I am going to take a shower, and start working on getting dinner, together."

"A blow job, nap, and dinner this is turning out to be a great day."

I went up stairs, before getting in the shower I sent a text to Anne.

I wrote- Can't wait for coffee tomorrow morning and to tell you about my day but so you know I am now the HEAD nurse here! OMG it was fantastic. Speaking of nurses, any idea where I might be able to find and old school nurse uniform? Seems my patient has a fetish.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Damn Hot!

This story was so hot. I kept picturing Zach as an Ed Quin look alike. (He plays the president on Tyler Perry’s The Oval).

CuriousPeteCuriousPeteover 3 years ago

Great story & very hot at the end

It was a bit slow developing but really loved the sex when they got around to it. Don't particularly like the superior attitude of the firemen but enjoyed the repartee between Justine & Anne. Look for lots more hot sex in following chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Had me on edge all the way through

fd8984596fd8984596almost 4 years ago

What a hot well written 1st post!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Head nurse

A good ending so far, I hope there's more to this story in the pipeline if you pardon the pun.

It would certainly be good if justin gets fucked, and as well anne perhaps gets a 3some or maybe 4some if she and her new work partner join forces 😉

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Brilliant pace and tone. Would love more details about his dick - size - make it big! Can’t wait for more. So much potential here! Officially a fan.

greystongreystonalmost 4 years ago
Interesting characters

Bit of a slow start but your characters are personality wise well developed. I very much enjoyed reading this and hope you will continue the story. Now that the "cum dam" has been burst I would expect more frequent explosions.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Head Nurse

Great build up. Can't wait to find out what happens; lots of sex and gallons of cum, I hope!

69stroker6969stroker69almost 4 years ago

great story. Please continue.

Reggie2xxReggie2xxalmost 4 years ago
Nice I like where this might be going

I’m sure hoping for part two to hear how everyone is doing the two girls working together, does she get in bed with her new partner. Does Justine finally get more of Zach’s cock as a bottom.

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