Heading West Pt. 02


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The Apache were now only a couple of hundred yards out. "Here we go, hang on tight!" She nudged her horse forward over the rise to face the warriors, as if they were leaving the village. They were spotted instantly and with wild war whoops the Indians streamed towards them. Lsa spun her mount and kicked him to a dead run and they flew over the ground. They rode as one with Lauri locked tightly to her. They crested the rise and pounded towards the village. Judging it almost too fine, Lsa hauled back on the reins until they slowed enough for Lauri to bail off and dive in her hole. She instantly covered herself with grass and grabbed up her rifle that had been staged there. Lsa galloped away at a slight angle to keep their pursuers from running over Lauri.

She knew where Ty was because they had poked a small bush in the ground to mark his spot. She headed straight for him and rode like the devil was on her ass. She pulled her little bow off her shoulder and strung an arrow, while keeping the reins in her teeth. The Indians galloped past Lauri's hiding place and she threw her grass off and laying down prone, placed her sights on the attacker who was in the rear. She gently squeezed the trigger and she watched as he flopped off his horse. She swung on the second one and severed his spine with her second shot. The Indians in the lead surely heard the shots but kept driving straight for Lsa. They were now out of range of Lauri's little rifle so she jumped out of her hole and ran diagonally towards the fight. She had to stay clear of Ty's line of fire.

Ty sighted down the barrel of his buffalo rifle. He saw two braves fall off their horses then Lauri flying out of her hole and begin running towards him. She was cutting to his right and out of his way. "Good girl." He whispered to himself. Then, "C'mon Lsa. Get outta the way!" She was supposed swing out of his line of fire. Suddenly, her horse stepped in a gopher hole! He heard the horse's leg break like a gunshot and he went down like he was poleaxed. Lsa's tiny body flew through the air until she landed motionless in a cloud of dust. Ty clenched his teeth and concentrated on his job, ignoring her plight for the time being. "That's it you bastards, line up for me!" Two of the braves were riding almost exactly one behind the other. He pulled his set trigger, and when the braves were lined up perfectly he touched the primary trigger. The mighty recoil threw him back, but when he recovered and peered through the smoke, he saw both of them down. "Four more to go." He said to himself and quickly reloaded. A flicker of movement caught his eye. Jack was riding like the devil towards Lsa. She was struggling to stand up while her horse was screaming in agony adding to the confusion. He lowered his eye to his sights and as the recoil slammed into him again, another brave went down hard. "Three left." He muttered.

He cursed when one broke off and headed for the trees. The other two slung themselves low on the sides of their horses and came in sideways for Lsa, hiding so he couldn't see them anymore. "Yeah? Well fuck you too!" He muttered as he reloaded. He shot the horse carrying the lead Indian and they went down in a cloud of dust. He was reloading frantically but he could see he was out of time. The next Indian was still heading for her when Jack hit the ground and grabbed Lsa, throwing her over his shoulder. She still had her bow and arrows gripped tightly in her hands. He turned to run back to his horse just as the brave threw his lance. It flickered through the air and punched into Jack's chest. He and Lsa fell down and the brave ran them over, a hoof catching Jack in the head as he trampled them.

Lsa let out a bloodcurdling war cry when she got to her feet and saw Jack bleeding in the dirt. The Indian spun and raced back towards her, not giving Ty a clean shot. Lsa flung up her bow and seemingly without aiming, shot the galloping horse between his eyes. He went down hard and the brave flew over it's head. He landed like an athlete and rolled smoothly to his feet only to have Lsa slam into him, and she gutted him like a fish with her fighting knife. His eyes bugged as he slowly fell to his knees. She stayed on her feet and gripping her knife, ripped upwards until she reached his sternum. He screamed when she twisted her knife in a circle, then reached in his chest and tore out his heart. She ripped a piece out with her sharp white teeth and spat it in his face, then showed him the bloody organ before the light in his eyes faded away.

"Lsa!" A frantic cry from Lauri spun her around. The brave whose horse was shot out from under him was almost on her. He swung his tomahawk and Lsa parried the blow, her knife flying from her grip. He tackled her down and started choking her. She fought like a demon but she was no match for an Apache warrior's strength. Ty was now in a footrace with Lauri as they ran to help. Lauri beat him by three paces. She dropped her rifle and drew her knife. She leaped on the brave's back and grabbed his hair. Yanking his head back, she stabbed him in the neck and sliced forward, ripping his throat out. Blood fountained over Lsa and she coughed and sputtered violently, retching for air as Lauri kicked the Indian off of her.

"Jack! Jack!" Lsa cried out. Dripping blood, she crawled towards him while Ty and Lauri stood in near shock. Jack was on his back and the spear was stuck in his chest. He was motionless. Gathering herself, Lauri quickly knelt over him. She tried to analyze his wound. It was high in the chest, just under his collar bone on his right side. The wide blade had taken him perpendicular to his ribs. It had entered about three inches until his thick rib bones stopped it. A 90 degree angle change and it would've slipped deep inside him.

Lauri was taking this all in. He was breathing but not bleeding too badly. Suddenly, frantic screams rang from the trees. "Shit!" Ty cursed. "There's still one more of those bastards!" He sprang on Jack's horse and rode like a madman toward the wagons. He was halfway there when two shots echoed out, increasing his fear. He thundered into the trees to see the Indian straddling Julie as she lay on the ground. He was bleeding from two gunshots in his belly but was still fighting. He raised a tomahawk high to chop her head open. Just as Ty threw himself off his mount, an arrow sprouted from the braves eye, plunging half it's length in his skull to protrude from the back of his head. He tipped over, jerking spasmodically in the dust. Ty pulled his pistol and shot him in the forehead to make sure he was dead, then he knelt and cradled Julie in his arms. She cried and clung to him tightly. Mary ran up with her bow in her hands and threw herself on Ty and Julie, sobbing. He hugged her quickly. "Jack is down and hurt badly. I need some help. You girls get a fire going and heat all the water you can find. I'm taking a wagon out to pick him up."

He quickly harnessed two mules, and cracking the whip, drove them pell mell out to Jack where Lauri was examining him. She saw a big gash in his head where the horse's hoof had caught him. It looked horrible and was bleeding steadily. Ty pulled up and ran to her with her medical supplies. "We need to get him on a bed so we can clean him up." Lauri ordered. "But first we must remove this damn spear. Ty, you pull slowly and I'll plug the hole." Surprisingly it took little effort to pull it out, but it was followed by a gout of blood that Lauri quickly staunched with her bandages. "Let's get him in the wagon and back to camp. I can save him, I know it!" She said confidently.

In the village, Julie and Mary were frantically laying out a cot for Jack. Water was steaming over the fire in preparation of his arrival. They gasped when their companions showed up. Lsa was bathed in blood from her head to her waist. Lauri was bloody to her elbows from tending Jack, and Ty was a filthy mess.

Lauri determined the chest wound had priority over his head. She cleaned his chest then pried his wound open. She showed Mary how to hold her hand mirror just so, to reflect the dying sunlight into the bloody gash. She could see the two ribs that stopped the spear's flight had notches broken out of them and one was cracked badly. She took stock of her companions. Ty was scanning the area looking for any trouble. He was upset that he'd forgotten about the last Indian that had almost killed Julie. Lsa was cradling Jack's head between her bloody breasts and crying quietly. Mary was right at her shoulder. "What can I do? Please let me help!" She begged. Lauri quickly washed her hands and had Mary do the same, then had Julie pour alcohol over both of them along with her tweezers, small pliers and a scalpel.

"I'll try to get the bone splinters out and generally just get the wound as clean as possible." She said. Mary held the gash wide while Lauri buried her finger in it and felt around. Jack jerked and let out a painful groan. "Sorry baby." Lauri whispered. She scooped thick blood out and peered inside. She got her tweezers and picked out several chips of bone. Something caught her eye. A long splinter was still attached to his rib. "Shit fire." She muttered. She picked up her scalpel and whittled the bone until the long splinter came free. Lsa comforted him as he moaned and shook under the knife. Lauri daubed the blood out of the wound and watched as it slowly refilled. Her hopeful expression fell as a tiny air bubble popped to the surface. "Fucking hell!" She cried. "His lung was nicked. We have to be extremely careful with him. I'll sew him up, that's all I can do for now." She set a row of catgut sutures deep in his muscle, pulling the edges tightly together, then a second row to close the wound. Mary was an invaluable assistant as Lauri did the best work she knew how. They moved to his head wound next. It was nasty but nothing like Ty's had been back when he'd gotten shot. She shaved the area and stitched him up nicely.

She straightened up and worked the kinks from her back. She noticed the villagers were standing quietly, watching her work. She nodded to the Chief. He came over and chatted with Lsa for a few minutes. He turned and left and the entire village went to their teepees and started cooking their evening meals.

"What's up, Lsa?" Lauri asked.

"The Chief says the entire village owes us a great debt. One they can never repay. He's very grateful for us saving their lives. They'll do everything they can for us until we all leave." She looked at Jack, and Lauri could see her heart breaking.

She held her arms out and Lsa went to her. They hugged tightly for awhile. "Come on, Honey. Let's get cleaned up. Mary can tend Jack for a bit." Lauri whispered.

They gathered their bathing gear and went to the creek. An old squaw shooed any curious eyes away while they cleaned up. Lsa sat in the creek bed while Lauri doused her with water and gently scrubbed her clean. She washed her long black hair and brushed it out to dry. Lsa was covered in small cuts and bruises from getting thrown from her horse but was in decent shape considering. Lauri cleaned herself and they headed back to camp. Ty had shot Lsa's poor horse, and then done a quick patrol around the perimeter about a half mile out and confirmed there were no more hostiles.

A few Indians brought them some dinner, consisting of venison, Indian corn and a few fried trout. They all ate hungrily except for Lsa. She stayed kneeling at Jack's head, cradling him in her arms and singing to him. Soon, they lifted him into the wagon and onto the bed. They tied up the side flaps to let the cool night breeze blow through. Lsa stayed with him all night. Ty and the girls rotated guard shift throughout the night, still uncomfortable even though the Chief had a few older children out to raise the alarm if any trouble brewed up.

Ty had the last shift, and after putting coffee on he looked in the spare wagon. Lauri, Julie and Mary were all sleeping soundly together. He smiled to himself. They all looked so beautiful and innocent. He stripped down and slid in with them. They sleepily adjusted to his bulk, draping arms and legs over him and he laid there drowsily, basking in their warmth. Slowly they woke up and kissed him good morning. "Would you two mind looking in on Jack and helping Lsa if she needs anything?" He asked, looking at Julie and Mary. They slid into their dresses and went to do his bidding.

Lauri snuggled in tightly to him and sighed deeply. "What a day that was. I never want to go through that again." She said quietly. He hugged her close.

"None of us do, Sweetness. Can you tell me what was up with Lsa? I've never seen her like that." Lauri took her time explaining what had happened between Lsa and Jack.

Then she added. "Now she's frightened that Jack will die not knowing that she's forgiven him. She is devastated right now. She also feels terrible for barking at you yesterday too. Maybe you can talk to her today?"

"Of course I will. Our poor little girl must be hurting so bad. I feel for her." A voice beckoned them from outside. Ty stuck his head out to see that the Indian ladies of the village had brought them breakfast. They all ate and discussed their next move. "We may as well get comfortable for awhile." Ty said. "Lauri says we can't move Jack until he awakens, and then we'll feed him and slowly mend his health. We may be here a long while. Any objections?" Of course there were none. Ty went to Jack's wagon to see Lsa. She flew into his arms as he climbed aboard. She sobbed in his arms and apologized profusely for her behavior the day before.

He comforted her and dried her tears. "Have you eaten or drank any water?" She shook her head. "You need to, Jack will wake soon and you need to be strong for him." He grabbed a nearby canteen and held it for her as she sipped greedily.

He held her in his lap and she snuggled in deep to his embrace. Shortly, Lauri showed up and checked on Jack. His wounds looked good. She attributed it to his good health and her being aware of the importance of a clean wound. His color was good but his lips were parched and dry. She cradled his head and waved smelling salts under his nose. He snorted and coughed a little. Lsa perked up and took notice. Lauri did it again and his eyes fluttered open. They widened instantly and he began flailing his arms. "Lsa! Lsa!" He croaked in a panicked voice. Lsa was by his side in an instant.

"I'm here, Sweetheart. I'm right here!" Slowly, his eyes focused and he calmed down as he recognized her looking down at him.

"Oh thank God! I dreamed you were dead!" He whispered. She held him tightly and sobbed in relief. Ty and Lauri both brushed away tears as they watched the couple. Lauri slid in beside him. He looked at her and smiled beautifully. "Ah, my other Princess."

She gently kissed him. "While you're awake we need to get some water in you. Can you try to drink some, please?" He nodded and managed to drink nearly a quart in the following ten minutes.

He held out his hand to Ty. He took it and they shook firmly. "Glad you're back, Brother." Ty said. Jack smiled in return. "Mary? Julie? Are they ok?"

Yes, and they're just outside begging to see you, shall I let them in?" Lauri asked.

"Yes please."

Ty, Lsa and Lauri exited the wagon and the other two ladies climbed in. Mary almost smothered him in kisses. She was vibrating with excitement. Julie was holding back a bit until Jack beckoned her. "Kiss me, Julie." She smiled like the sun and gave him one of the sweetest kisses he'd ever had. His head was spinning when she finished. "Are you two beauties ok?" He asked.

"Yes, Master." Julie whispered and threw a wink at him.

Mary kissed him again. "Yes, we're doing just fine, and I killed an Apache warrior!" She bragged.

"What? Holy shit! How did you do that?"

"Well, Julie shot him twice but then he knocked her down. He was gonna chop her with his tomahawk but I shot him in the eye with my bow and arrow!"

"Well knock me down with a feather. You two ladies have quite a bit more than meets the eye! I'm so proud of you both." They both colored under his admiring gaze.

I'm getting sleepy, girls. Can you send Lsa in please?"

They left and Lsa slid onto the bed next to him. "Yes, Jack?"

"I need to say this in case I die or something." She looked at him in horror until she saw a twinkle in his eye. "I'm terribly sorry for being such an ass to you. I didn't you how much you were doing to protect us and I chose to ignore you when you tried to explain in your own way. Are you still angry at me, Lsa? I can't bear you being unhappy with me. I'd rather be dead!" He exclaimed.

She was already crying and wetting his face with tears. "I'm such a nasty bitch! I never meant all those things I said. I don't know what's come over me the last few days. I was angry at the world. Even in bed with everyone I was irritated about something. I don't know what, but I took it out on you for no reason. Can you please forgive me?"

"I can't forgive you if I was the cause of your anger, because you did nothing wrong. I'm mad at myself. Let's pretend nothing happened and get on with our lives. I have to heal up so we can get Lauri to Santa Fe. I managed to delay her plans quite a bit with this fiasco."

Lsa hugged him gently. "No hard feelings, Big Fella?"

"Of course not, Sweetness." They cuddled a bit until she felt him relax and slip into sleep. She wiped her tears and caressed him gently until she also nodded off to dreamland.

Chapter VIII : Healing

A collective sigh of relief fell over the companions as Jack's condition improved quickly. The girls spoiled him rotten and he shamelessly indulged. They hand fed him and brought him coffee by the quart every morning. Every since their brush with death, female hormones had been raging. The urge to reproduce brought on by the event was making itself evident. They fought back the urge to flirt with Jack, and Ty bore the brunt.

Two days after the battle, Mary broke first. Ty was bathing in the river when she appeared wearing the outfit Julie had made for her. She tumbled in the water, and swam up to him, sleek as an otter. She clung to him and swarmed him with kisses. Her little pink nipples poked through the thin white material of her wet shirt. His mouth was watering at the sight. "My tiny pussy is on fire. I need you inside me so badly." She groaned as she ground her crotch on his naked thigh.

"Are you sure? You know we may have some problems. If you hadn't noticed I'm a bit thicker than Jack. I don't want to hurt you."

She whimpered and tried to fit her fingers around his burgeoning thickness. "I managed to take all of Jack the first time he took me. He even made my poor little pussy bleed but I took every inch!" She said proudly.

Ty's cock jerked and twitched when he heard her words. He loved nothing more than breaking open a tight pussy.

He started to reply but she stoppered his lips with a wet finger. "I won't hear it. I need you, Ty. I want everything you got inside me. Please make me happy." She looked at him with a mischievous grin, knowing she was laying it on thick. She gently squeezed him and buried her sweet tongue in his mouth. What little defenses he had crumbled to dust. He lifted her until she straddled his now rock hard cock and flipped her short skirt over her buttocks as her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. He protruded from between her thighs and she ground her clit against his wide base as he carried her to shore.

He laid her down in the green grass and she grabbed him and desperately tried to stuff him inside her. "Easy there, Beautiful. Let me spoil you a bit first." She whimpered but nodded her head. He opened her shirt and spent long minutes nursing at her delicate breasts. Her tiny pink nipples glistened in the sun as he sucked one, and then the other. Her hips were writhing as she searched for something to soothe her itch.
