Heaven Next Door Pt. 04: Melissa


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I moaned helplessly as she gave my hard dick a squeeze, and then she closed and tied my robe.

"Come on," she said, opening my bedroom door. "They went down to make breakfast. We should join them."

"I should get dressed first," I mumbled, but she shook her head.

"Nah," she said, "You look fine just like that. Come on."

I knew that Melissa thought she and her mother were setting something up between me and my mom. It turned me on something fierce, but I knew I had to put a stop to it. I shook my head and took a step back from her.

"No," I insisted firmly. She looked like she wanted to protest, so I blew out a breath and continued. "Look, I know you have this idea that you want to watch me and my mom have sex. I get it. After what happened last night..." I trailed off and shook my head again.

Then I sat on the edge of my bed and patted the spot next to me. Melissa opted to slide into my lap facing me instead. I wrapped my arms around her back, and she wrapped hers around my neck.

"I love you," I said.

She gave me a smile that made me forget what I was going to say next, so I kissed her instead. It still felt new and amazing just to be able to tell her that I loved her. To actually be able to kiss her like that...it still felt too much like a dream that I might wake up from at any moment.

"I love you too," she murmured after the kiss. Then she creased her lovely brow in thought. "Is it because your mom's married?" she asked.

It took me a moment to get my mind back onto that track. I had to think about it for a moment and then I shook my head.

"No, it isn't that," I replied slowly. "I love my dad, and I wouldn't want to hurt him. But I understand now that he—" I shook my head. That wasn't something I wanted to get into at that moment. "It isn't really about them, Melissa. It's about us. I want to marry you and raise kids together. I just don't feel like we can do that and be crazy, and this just feels crazy."

I sighed and squeezed her to me. It was a relief to feel her hug me tightly in response.

"I think that was why I got so upset when you said those...things about yourself the other day," I murmured. "I get what you were trying to do, but I don't want anyone referring to my wife and the mother of my children that way. Does that make sense?"

"Yes," she whispered into my neck.

"And...this thing with my mom," I continued, shaking my head. "Even if it's your idea and you want to see it, it still feels to me like I would be cheating on you." I thought quickly about what she had said earlier, about the girls in college, and added, "Even if I have permission."

She had started to gather her breath to say something like that, and chuckled softly into my neck instead. Then she pulled her head back so she could look into my eyes again.

"Are you mad at me?" she asked. When I shook my head, she amended it to, "Disappointed?"

"Absolutely not," I replied decisively. Then I gave her a weak smile. "Have I disappointed you?"

She blew out a long breath, up into my hair. "A little," she admitted. "After what happened last night, I was looking forward to that ultimate taboo."

"I'm sorry I ruined that for you," I muttered.

That took no thought at all; I had ruined whatever plan she and her mother had cooked up. Even if I offered to play along now, Melissa would know I was playing along. It would ruin the fantasy of tricking me and my mother into breaking that taboo.

Melissa looked into my eyes and nodded slowly. Then she stopped and pursed her lips.

"Are you really sorry, Greg?" she asked.

I took three seconds to think and then nodded.

"I am sorry I ruined your plan and your fantasy," I explained. "I'm not sorry I told you how I feel about you or why I didn't want to do it."

She ground her panty-clad pussy into the bulge of my dick and kissed me once again. Then she leaned back.

"Okay, Greg," she murmured. "I promise, once we're married and having kids, we will not be this crazy. But after all this time thinking about it, I almost feel like I need to see this happen—need to see you and your mother together—or I'll go crazy."

"So...what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Just try to act surprised when it happens," she giggled, kissing me once again.

* * *

Since I had spoiled the plan they had, it didn't occur at the breakfast table. Melissa hurried out to the kitchen and pulled her mother aside to whisper enough to explain. Not long after that, my mother retreated to her bedroom and put on panties. Melissa narrowed her eyes when she saw that, and I think it occurred to her that my mother was just a little too eager to play along with whatever she and Catherine had cooked up.

That afternoon we all went over to Gloria's house and used the pool. Despite the fact that Melissa's bikini was the most conservative, I thought she looked incredible. It was clear she was uncomfortable, though. Gloria's belly wasn't yet growing, and neither were her breasts, but she looked incredible in her little white bikini. I caught Melissa looking from Gloria over to my mother's huge breasts as they were barely contained within her tiny top.

It was a little too obvious how she glanced down at her own breasts after that and looked...disappointed? Self-conscious, maybe? Whatever the case, she didn't look happy. I swam over to her and pulled her to me.

"Hey," I murmured.

"Hey," she replied softly.

Her eyes shot open in surprise when I pulled the bottom of her bikini to the side and pushed my hard cock up into her. I watched with amusement as her eyes rolled to the side to look at our mothers and Gloria lounging by the pool. I glanced that way just long enough to see them beaming happily at us as I started fucking Melissa. Her sexy bottom filled my hands as I lifted her and pulled her back down onto me.

"You don't look happy," I murmured.

She shuddered and then her eyes locked onto mine.

"Are you this turned on because of them?" she whispered. "Greg, my tits will never be that big unless I get implants."

"Don't be silly," I replied, kissing her and pulling her down so I could sheathe my cock completely inside of her. "Your tits are perfect."

I turned us in the water then, so that the other three women were behind me. Melissa was clearly watching them over my shoulder.

"Oh, God, Greg, they're watching us. I think they know what we're doing," she whispered.

"Does it look like they're mad?" I asked softly. "I don't want to stop, but I will if you want."

"Not yet," she breathed.

She wasn't watching me at all as I fucked her in the pool. The entire time she was looking over my shoulder at our audience. It didn't take long before she shuddered and came, and then she finally looked at me.

"My mom's getting in the pool!" she hissed.

I felt her pussy squeezing me uncomfortably, and let my dick slip from her. Then I turned and pulled her arms over my shoulders so I could give her a "ride" around the shallow end of the pool. I felt her breath on my neck when she sighed happily.

"Do I get a turn?" Catherine asked, making us all chuckle.

"Not yet, Mom," Melissa murmured languidly.

Fifteen minutes later, Melissa kissed my neck and slid off of my back.

"Okay, Mom, your turn," she chuckled.

The chuckle died in her throat when her mother practically tackled me in the waist-deep water. We weren't even deep enough for the water to completely cover Catherine's ass, so everyone could see the way her bikini bottom was pulled to the side when she forced my dick into her pussy. I hurried to push us into deeper water, but Melissa had clearly seen my dick sliding up into her mother's horny pussy.

Melissa looked over at my mother and Gloria, who were both making their way around to the steps at the shallow end. She let out a relieved breath, since they hadn't seen the actual penetration the way she had. She waded quickly over next to us.

"Mom! That wasn't what I meant!" she hissed.

Catherine pouted, but did not stop thrusting her hips insistently beneath the water. The way her legs had wrapped around my waist, I wasn't really in a position to stop her.

"Oh, relax, baby," she chided her daughter. "I'm just enjoying hugging this big, beautiful man of yours. Please, just let me enjoy this—ooh!—for a few more minutes!"

Melissa looked nervously from her mother in my arms over toward the shallow end of the pool. Her hard nipples gave away how much this was turning her on, but it clearly scared her. After less than a minute, she leaned closer and hissed, "Dianne is swimming over! You need to stop and cover yourselves!"

Before we could, though, we could hear my mother speaking from behind my back.

"Ooh, is Greg giving out hugs?" she giggled. "Mommy wants her turn!"

Melissa's eyes were wide and her mouth worked noiselessly. Catherine shuddered in my grasp and I looked at her as she licked her lips and gave me a naughty look. Her legs finally released me.

"Mmm, sure," she murmured. "Let me get out of your way."

Then she turned me by my shoulder, and she and Melissa both knew my dick was sticking straight out in front of me, unencumbered by my jogging shorts. Then my mother wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs slid up to wrap around my waist. I put my arms around her midsection and she moaned happily. Then she let out a gasp and her eyes went wide, staring into mine.

The head of my cock had just found its way into the uncovered opening of her pussy.

"My—my bikini must have slipped to the side!" she gasped, acting as if we didn't have an audience. She shuddered and her legs flexed, driving most of my shaft into her. Then she blew out a long breath and pushed herself up and away from me. "I can't believe that happened," she muttered, shaking her head.

Everyone but Gloria could see how hard her nipples were, straining against that flimsy bikini top. My mother's face was red as she carefully adjusted her bikini bottom. Then she shook her head twice before turning and leaning forward in the water, paddling back over to the stairs to sit next to Gloria.

Catherine wrapped her arms around me from behind and whispered, "Oh my God, were you actually inside her?"

I swallowed and looked at Melissa before I nodded. Melissa shuddered and licked her lips, staring at my face.

For the rest of our stay at the pool, I gave "piggy-back rides" to all four women. After we dried off, I gave Gloria a hug and she held onto me long enough to make Melissa jealous. We sat in the middle seat of the minivan for our return trip home, and she leaned over to whisper.

"Gloria totally wants you!" she hissed into my ear. "How long has that been going on?"

I reached over and gave her thigh a squeeze. "She doesn't want me," I assured her. "Gloria is happily married." She didn't look convinced, so I added, "Plus, she finally managed to get pregnant. She and her husband can't wait for that baby to arrive."

"Well, good," she muttered, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

* * *

When we got home, Melissa and I shared a shower and she was all over me. I loved taking her like that, but cut it short after my foot slipped and we nearly fell. After we were clean and dry, we tumbled into my bed and I savored the feel of her wonderful pussy once again. There was a certain perverse joy in feeling the way she clung to me so desperately.

But then it reminded me of the way she had felt inadequate earlier. I made sure to pull back and admire her breasts before leaning down to suck them eagerly. She lit up in a brilliant smile when I murmured "perfect" around her nipple.

Afterward, I held her and admitted that I had seen her naked shortly after Christmas. "After that, I couldn't even talk to you anymore," I chuckled. "Every time you would speak to me, I would get tongue-tied and I couldn't help but picture you naked."

Her head jerked up off of my shoulder and she stared at me. For a second, I thought I had fucked up by admitting that much to her.

"Oh my God," she breathed, "I just thought it was me. Every time I tried to talk to you, I felt like I was saying something stupid, and you just couldn't believe I had said something so dumb. Then you'd finally manage to say something, and it was always funny or really interesting." She shook her head. "But you were picturing me naked?"

I nodded, but felt lousy about it.

"Wow, I am so sorry," I breathed, reaching for her hand. I gave it a squeeze. "Seriously, Melissa, I thought you were so nice and charming and sophisticated. Whenever you laughed at one of my lame jokes, I thought you were just being nice. You know, humoring me."

She gave me another pretty laugh. "I wish," she chuckled.

Then I thought for a moment and shook my head. "Actually, it started years ago, long before I saw you naked," I said slowly. "You know, I didn't even realize my mom had big tits until like two weeks ago? I never even looked at other women's bodies at all until after I started having sex in college. You were just this vision of female perfection in my mind, and anyone else wasn't worth looking at."

Melissa let out a sad sigh. "I wish that was still the case," she said, giving my hand a squeeze.

I turned and looked at her face, then let my eyes travel down her body before looking into her eyes.

"What makes you think it isn't?" I asked.

She had to look down when my revived boner pressed against her.

"Oh!" she gasped. Then her eyes met mine again. "Are you serious?"

"Oh yes," I replied.

Then I rolled over on top of her and filled her up once again, letting my eyes feast on her as I fucked my dream girl-next-door in my bed.

"This still feels like a dream," I murmured down at her.

"Oh, it's a wonderful dream!" she replied happily.

* * *

After that, Melissa never tried to get me together with my mother again. She was happy to have every moment of my time. The next day we spent the entire afternoon in her bedroom. Her mother stayed next door at my house until after dinner. That night Melissa sent me upstairs.

"Make sure you're sneaky about it," she murmured with a grin.

When I returned two hours later, she kept giggling about how I would never make it as "an undercover agent."

"You two were so loud!" she whispered.

Of course, when I rolled her over and took her asshole, she was no quieter than her mother had been.

The next day after breakfast, Melissa and Catherine headed out to do some shopping. They still had college supplies to get before Melissa headed off to school. It was clear that they were excited about the prospect, but I knew they were giving me time alone with my mother before my dad returned home.

It was the first time we'd had the chance for sex since my dick had slipped inside her at the pool, and she had been starving for it ever since then. Mom had me out of my shorts and in her mouth before Catherine had even pulled her car out of their driveway. She was insatiable that morning. By the time Catherine and Melissa returned, I had come twice in her pussy and once more in her horny asshole.

I was almost too exhausted to help Melissa unload all of her new school supplies out of her mother's car. As soon as that was done, I zonked out in her bed.

I was glad I had managed to grab a shower after Mom had finished with me. Melissa woke me up with a blowjob, and I would have hated for my dick to taste like my mother's ass. Not that my mom had a nasty ass or anything; it just would have ruined the moment.

Once Melissa saw that I was awake, she slid up and mounted me. She rode me hard, like she was laying claim to my dick in that moment. God, she looked amazing above me like that. Sheer perfection.

After a nice lunch with our moms, we went right back to bed. Outside of meals with our family we spent every moment we could having sex, talking, or sleeping together. All too soon, it was time for us to go our separate ways for college.

That worked out precisely as Melissa had predicted, but really it isn't part of this story. Every time we got to see each other over the next three years, it merely reaffirmed how perfectly matched we were and had always been. I managed to land a really good job right after graduation, and Melissa agreed to marry me. She still had a year of college, and my job required me to move to another city in another state.

My loving wife knew I would not screw around on her once I got settled in to our new house. After all, her mother was living there to keep an eye on me.

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JwestbrookJwestbrook6 months ago

more?? Its a great story. Keep it going .with children. Maybe even Catherine ending up pregnant.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Enjoyed reading it. Good job.

Joant43Joant43over 1 year ago

Enjoyable overall. Only spoiled by the anal fixation. Could do without.

Medic975Medic975over 1 year ago

Overall great story, though it was weird when he cut his mom out and and the whole whining over the dirty talk was lame. Also, stop writing that he doesn't want to cheat on her then a paragraph later does.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Interesting story except I am confused about one thing. Nobody comments about Greg's ability to climb in an out od second story windows. In fact, when Catherine and Melissa set him up, they obviously expected him to climb in the upstairs window.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What the hell is going on with Gloria's timeline? Greg screws her a few days into the two weeks that Melissa is away and she is VISIBLY PREGNANT during the week that Melissa is back???

The whole "Don't ask me to fuck my mom" but still fucking his mom hypocrisy clashed with everything before it.

@MADDOGINTEXAS As soon as Greg said, "Watch out for bad drivers", I thought the dad would be dead soon.

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFirealmost 2 years ago

You’re not the only writer that does this but HOLY FUCK I can’t stand when the male mc gets bitchy and preacher when the girl asks to be treated like a slut. It’s a huge fucking turn off



I agree with the comments about the "abrupt" ending, with this exception-you left it open for a future continuation, as either more chapters, or a completely new story series that starts up where this 'finished'...

Dad...should be dealt with, in some form or fashion...he is "too observant" to just leave in the periphery. And, he IS NOT stupid...am his looks, chuckles...he 'suspicions' what is going on.

Also, something about the intervening 'college year's, the other girls, would be nice, somehow...hook-ups, their relationships with boyfriends while fucking Greg....maybe even meeting Melissa...

Melissa...freaky girl, to say the least...and she understands her man more than he gives credit for. Expanding her 'knowledge/involvement' would also be quite interesting, to see where her "fetishes" can take her/them in their ever-expanding understanding of each other...

So, looking forward to more....& thanks again for this story...

beardedbandit62beardedbandit62over 2 years ago

I loved the story just as much the second time I read it as the first time I read it. Great work

Wash2015Wash2015almost 3 years ago

I liked the story a lot, 5 stars. My only complaint is towards the end that he kept shutting down Melissa on fucking his mom but then went and fucked his mom without her knowledge. Did he not trust Melissa with that secret of his incest with his mom? That felt a lot more like cheating then the permission to fuck Catherine and other girls at school.

So he lived with Catherine after graduating, presumably fucking her with permission. Was his mom just cut off cold turkey or did he continue to fuck her in secret?

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearalmost 4 years ago

I understand why you ended it the way you did. It would have taken a few more chapters to ended it any other way. Sometimes it's best to tell the story you want and then give a brief summery ending that you can come back to later, or leave the characters open to appear in a different story line. I don't have to like it, especially when I like a story and want more, ( LOL ) but I can respect and understand it. Thanks!

HragsHragsalmost 4 years ago

Love the story. Ending a little odd but hope u add another few chapters.

tallblondeMtallblondeMalmost 4 years ago

This was a great story except for two factors. 1) I agree with others that the ending seemed sudden. 2) I never did feel comfortable with how you dealt with Greg's father. It just seems like he was a manikin - no real purpose in the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Honestly I felt kinda bad about Greg shutting down Melissa's degradation fetish. Also, this 'promiscuity is fine as long as you lie repeatedly about it successfully'-thing is really starting to grate on me. My suspension of disbelief can handle a few stories where a multilayered web of lies never gets unravelled and nobody's feelings get hurt, but this just keeps going and going.

FuddyDuddyDudeFuddyDuddyDudealmost 4 years ago

Great setup! Wish I was him!!!


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