Hector Pt. 01


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But just before she activated the "kill switch" she said goodbye and then "I love you." Why did she say that?

I was so deep in thought, I didn't notice Aphrodite had woken, "I wish I could read minds. Whatever you're thinking about, right now, would be worth the look."

I looked up and saw her staring at me, smiling, "Just before you activated the kill switch, you said you loved me. What did you mean by that?"

The smile left her face, "You heard that?"

I smiled, "Of course, it was that last words you spoke to me before you exploded a device in my brain. So now you get to tell me why you said it."

She looked away, "I'd rather not..."

"Oh come on Aphrodite, we've built a relationship on being straight with each other. Now's not the time to be coy."

Aphrodite sat up, still not looking at me and still not smiling, "It wouldn't be right to tell you. You're grieving over the loss of Josephine. You don't need me to complicate it."

I started to counter, but she stopped me, "Look I know you could find the answer by reading my mind, but please don't. I promise I will tell you, once you're at a point you are ready to move forward."

"Where does that leave us in the meantime?" I asked.

She looked at me and smiled again, "It gives us an opportunity to become closer. Our relationship has been predominantly based on my creating your body and transferring your consciousness into it. I've been spending my energy getting you adapted to your new reality. Think about it, since you became Hector your life has been a bit fast paced. You never got a chance to get fully acclimated to the new you. Also during this period you've developed close, personal relationships with all the other Olympians and Zeus' children. Let's see if we can get past the professional relationship and build a personal one."

I looked at her closely and telepathically said to her, "I look forward to that...very much." I wanted to touch her heart and soul.

Her smile grew bigger, "That's not fair."

We sat and talked for awhile. Aphrodite was curious about my last mortal life, as Bob Davis. She was particularly interested in my relationship with my wife and daughter. As I recalled and described the good and bad times, it occurred to me that since their death, I really hadn't talked to anyone about them...not even Josephine. I could tell it had a therapeutic effect on me.

Aphrodite was a smart cookie.

Finally I asked her about the type of service they planned for Josephine. Aphrodite explained she would receive the most honored Olympic funeral. Numerous planetary delegations would be attending.

The service was moving and beautiful. Hades gave a eulogy so moving, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. He had to stop a half a dozen times just to get control over his own emotions. Zeus didn't blubber but he did have a constant stream of tears throughout the service. All the love and emotion expressed by everyone made me realize I wasn't the only one who lost Josephine. She was loved by all the ancient Olympians and their children. Knowing we were all grieving was the single most important event that helped me move forward. After the service we cried some more, hugged a lot, remembered the good times. It wasn't just the Olympians, the other planetary participants felt her loss as well and shared in our grief. Some brought the children who touched Josephine's heart. They healed my heart as much or maybe even more than the immortals.

It was a perfect celebration of her life.

After all the delegations had departed and it was just us Olympians sitting together, as a family. I guess I finally considered myself part of the family. We sat around drinking wine and beer. They told story after story about Josephine's life. They all raised her from a small child. Not something they had a lot of experience in. Sure they had babies with humans, but they didn't raise the children. Josephine apparently was a typical human and a very independent child. She never seem to listen to the ancient immortals and was always getting into trouble.

We laughed...we cried. I'm not sure this group had ever had a moment like this before. It was the most human experience in all my time on the Olympus.

The conversation eventually evolved to the Olympians past experiences. We talked about Zeus' feud with his father, Cronus. Earth mythology had it occurring locally; however, the reality was it occurred in deep space. And, just for the record, Cronus didn't swallow his children. He did capture and imprisoned them. Athena regaled how Zeus heroically freed his brothers and sisters and then defeated their father. Zeus remained very quiet throughout Athena's telling of their past. She probably played it up a bit more romantically than it really was. Maybe that's how myths get started, a new element of romanticism gets added to each telling of a historical event, until, after centuries, it barely represents the original event.

Zeus was in deep thought. At one point he cleared his throat. The room got quiet, waiting to hear what was on his mind. I could tell whatever it was, troubled him deeply.

He looked right at Heracles, "Son, I feel terrible for the way I have treated you."

Heracles interrupted, "Father, there's no need..."

Zeus continued, "Yes there is. I should have never allowed Hera to do the terrible things she did to you and your family. I could have stopped her...no...I should have stopped her. You are my son and I love you. I am so sorry."

He had tears flowing down his face. Heracles looked stunned. I glanced around the room, everyone was in awe.

Finally Heracles spoke, "Father, I carried a massive amount of guilt and hate with me, for a very long time. First the weight of guilt because I was unable to protect my family. Then there was the weight of hating all of you." He looked around the room and made eye contact with each Olympian.

"Poseidon helped me realize, that enormous amount of weight was dragging me down and would eventually kill me." He looked appreciatively at Poseidon. Poseidon gave Heracles an encouraging smile.

"Zeus, I forgave all of you, a very long time ago. You're my family and I love each and every one of you." Heracles concluded.

The great Zeus, king of the gods and the mighty Heracles, the greatest hero Earth has ever known, stood and wrapped each other in a hug. A hug not between a god and a hero, but one between a father and his son.

It was one of the most beautiful moments I had ever experienced.

When it was over, I said, "Forget strength, lightning bolts and legendary weapons, forgiveness is one of the most powerful forces in the universe."

Chapter Three -- Michael

From the far side of the room, "Do you think you could forgive Samael?"

I looked over and there stood, in all of his glowing wonder...the archangel Michael.

Zeus stepped in front of me, "How did you get on the Olympus?"

Michael was nonchalant, "I determined where Hector was and appeared there."

I don't think I'd ever seen Zeus truly "pissed." I take that back, when he first found out Aristaeus was Anu's spy...he was truly pissed.

But this was a new level of pissed off for Zeus. "Then disappear off my ship! NOW!" He boomed.

Michael wasn't moved, "I'm afraid I can't do that, until Hector and I have a chance to talk."

Zeus' eyes turned a bright glowing white. From behind, I place my hand on his arm, "Zeus, let Michael say his piece."

Zeus's eyes dimmed and regained their natural ice blue color. He look at me and nodded, "He'd better make it quick."

I replied, "Thank you, my friend." Zeus knew I was thanking him for having my back.

"So Michael, do you want to talk here, or somewhere more private?"

"I would prefer a private talk." Michael responded.

With that I transported us to Josephine's villa, which I guess it was now my villa.

"Before we get started, I discovered with Samael, the red glow that surrounded his body was a force field. I see you are encased with your blue protective shielding. Any reason you feel threatened now?" I asked.

Michael responded, "The last time we met, you threatened to end me."

I responded, "Fair enough. What's on your mind."

"You are, Hector. Your presence creates an imbalance in this realm." Michael's tone was like he was in a board meeting.

"How so? There are other immortals in this so called realm. I just happen to be a manufactured one."

Michael continued, "Precisely, you're not natural to this realm."

Curiosity took over, "Well we've tried to end my life. But here I still stand. What do you propose?"

"Hector, you are too powerful to remain here. What happened in Switzerland was a meniscal example of the damage you could cause."

"Oh, I see, you're worried that if I got out of control I could say...destroy a planet...or the entire universe."


"And what about the damage Samael caused? If I recall he was heaping his own set of violence that killed a number of people."

"Samael has been causing havoc in this realm since the dawn of time. He sees the darkness in all men and prey's on it."

"That's your justification for all the damage he's caused to my planet and people?"

Michael responded, "You believe we only influence one planet?"

I replied, "And you call me a threat? How would coming with you eliminate the threat within me?"

"You would have no power in our realm. You are an infant compared to us." I know he didn't think he was as arrogant as he came across.

"And what if I refuse to go."

"That's not an option for you. It has already been decided." He wasn't trying to sound like an asshole.

I decided he needed a lesson in humility.

I walked up to Michael and extended my hand through the blue force field. As it entered the glow, the field tore away at my skin. However, with my enhanced recuperative abilities, my skin immediately repaired itself. I penetrated the field, grabbed Michael by the throat and lifted him off the ground. He was completely shocked and in an automatic defensive move produced his wings and attempted to fly away. I held him firmly to the ground. He then attempted to transport himself...away from me. But my hold prevented him from being able to vanish.

Finally, he gave up. He couldn't breath and was becoming increasingly weaker.

I released my grip on his throat.

"If you come to me prepared for battle...I'll be more than happy to oblige, no matter the realm."

The glow disappeared. "How....how did you do that? No being, in a billion years, has ever made me yield." Michael was more than shook up.

"If you want a technical description, you'll have to ask Aphrodite." I said with a slight smile.

Michael, almost said to himself, "Now I know how Samael felt."

Anger again flashed across my eyes. "You said you would deal with him. Exactly how did you do that?"

Michael was a heck of a lot less cocky, "He is confined and will not return to your realm... at least for now."

Now I was the arrogant one, "If he ever and I do mean ever steps into my realm again...he'll not make it back to yours."

A very uncomfortable silence fell over the room. It seemed Michael forgot the reason he showed up.

"We want you to return to our realm with me." Michael seemed to be less sure how to proceed.

First question in my mind was, "Exactly who are "we?""

Michael hesitated, "The celestials..."

"Who are the celestials? Can you be a bit more specific?" I was starting to lose my patience.

He hesitated again, "We are the ancient protectors of your realm. We live to ensure justice is served to those with ill intentions and darkness in their heart. We also make sure balance is maintained between good and evil."

I stared laughing. Then I laughed so hard, I couldn't talk.


The laughter was gone and my faced darkened, "Ok I've got to call bullshit on that. What Samael was doing in Switzerland and what he did to Josephine was far from justice, in any form. And if you truly are concerned with balance, you never would have allowed the Annunnaki to experiment and enslave my people."

Michael tried to recover, "What Samael did was not approved by him. The Annunnaki situation is more complicated."

I could tell he didn't mean to say "him."

Quickly I asked, "And who is this celestial or being that could give such approval?"

Michael knew he was boxed in, "He is the most ancient of the celestials. Your people know him as God."

"My people believe God is all knowing and loves man. How could God let the Annunnaki do what they did to my people?"

"Hector, come back with me and perhaps you can ask him those questions yourself." Michael's cocky, confident, self assurance was all but gone.

I thought about it for a moment. Something just didn't feel right about this.

I took a quick peek into Michael's mind. I looked around for a bit and finally found what I was looking for.

"You've got to be shitting me!" I gasped.

Michael was jarred, "What are you referring too?"

"You've never actually met him." I responded.

"Who are you talking about?" Michael had a confused look on his face.

"God...You've never actually seen God. You say you are the head of God's army, but that's a lie. You believe in God, but your belief is like billions of souls... It's based solely on faith. You say you're doing God's work, but you've never talked to him." I was quite surprised.

"You're a fraud!" I concluded.

"That's...that's not accurate. He does speak to me... during my meditations." Michael was in full defense mode.

"Bullshit! Countless people, throughout history have claimed God came to them, in their dreams. Many, just before they committed some heinous act. The only thing that makes you different from them, is how old you are and how many times you've told that lie, and maybe the gravity of the acts you've committed. How many other so called angels have bought into your crap?!

I was in full offensive mode.

"Maybe you've told the lie so many times, somewhere you started believing it. Doesn't make it any less of a lie." I was staring him down at this point.

Michael looked back at me, "That's not true. He speaks to me. He gives me purpose. I am his favorite."

I'm not sure he was buying his own bullshit.

"I think I'm going to pass. I like this realm." My demeanor was resolute.

There was a moment of very uncomfortable silence. Michael was trying to regain his mojo and I was losing my patience.

Finally, "Michael, go home. Never return to this realm again. That goes for Gabriel as well and triple for Samael."

Micheal was completely off his game, "You can't talk to me like that. We are destined to shepherd your kind." Then he steeled himself, " You must come with me...NOW!"

Now I was the one who was calm and emotionless, "That's not going to happen. If you wish to attempt to take me by force, now would be a good time to try. But that won't end well for you Michael. Go home, while you still can."

Michael was speechless. No one had ever refused him. If I had been a normal human, he would have struck me down. But, I wasn't normal, nor was I any longer a human. Based on what he had just experienced, he doubted he could defeat me. But if he returned without me, he would be humiliated. For the first time in history, the archangel Michael didn't know what to do.

To emphasize my point, I communicated with him telepathically, "Leave this realm! Leave it now and never return!"

He just stood there. Indecision written all over his face.

I had had enough, "We're done here." This time it was out loud and final. "Leave now or die here."

Michael looked at me, long and hard. I never stopped looking at his eyes. After what seemed forever, he look down...defeated and then he disappeared.

I had a nagging feeling that wouldn't be the last time I would see the archangel Michael.

It also dawned on me that just when you think you're the biggest, baddest kid on the block, someone comes along who's bigger and badder. I was the bigger and badder in this situation, but there's always the possibility I could come across someone else who was stronger than me.

Chapter four -- Doma and Endo

Life returned to somewhat normal. That's wrong, I had no idea what normal was. Let's just say, it was depreciatively less dramatic. Aphrodite and I finally had a chance to spend time getting me acclimated to my body. My body truly had unlimited capabilities. We also had the chance to work on the personal side of our relationship. She liked to relax at the base of Zeus' waterfall. We would often skinny dip in the lake and then lay out, naked and talk for hours. Yep, I said "talk." As much as history likes to paint Aphrodite as a slut, in truth she is quite reserved about who she has sex with. I knew, at some point, we would become intimate, but she knew I wasn't ready. Of course that didn't mean she wouldn't tease me. There was no way a man could be that close to a very naked goddess of love and not be hard as steel. On the flip side, I wasn't anything to sneeze at. I've got to believe Aphrodite created a body she found desirable. Her eyes betrayed her. They often had a smoldering look, but she kept it a bay.

Impressive self control...

Athena and I spent a great deal of time discussing when I should use my gifts and when I shouldn't. These were more philosophical discussions than practical ones. She also helped with managing my emotions. We all knew if I couldn't control my anger, even in extreme situations, the results could be devastating. Sometimes Zeus would joined in on our conversations. He had a tendency to share, first hand, the negative impacts of utilizing ones gifts, when one should not. Although they regretted many things in their past, Athena and Zeus never let the regret weigh them down. It was... what it was. They couldn't change the past, only try to do better in the future.

It helped me move on from my actions in Switzerland. I did regret the collateral damage I had caused. I looked back in hindsight and came up with multiple different ways, I could have kept the human population out of harms way. But that's not how it turned out. I couldn't change what happened.

I also spent time in the Observatory, sometimes with Hades and sometimes just by myself. I liked to listen to the life stories of the souls ascending to the light. On one particular day, I stumbled across Ninhurshag's ascending soul. Before she reached the light, I discovered her life, in exile, had been fulfilling. She had found love with a man who had four children. Ninhurshag helped him raise them to be upstanding people. She died, peacefully, in her sleep, surrounded by a family that loved her very much. Something good did come from the Annunnaki. It just took taking away their immortality to find it.

I still didn't know how the rebirth process was accomplished. Hades and I had always remained stationary, observing the multitude of souls from one specific spot. In an effort to discover when and how souls are reborn, we started venturing out and through the darkness. But no matter where we moved, the light was in the same place, warmly and lovingly accepting souls. I had always thought the entrance, to the light, was like a tunnel, one way in. But as we traversed the darkness, it became evident the entrance was at every angle. We eventually believed the answer to rebirth would be found on the other side of the light. Both of us knew that was a one way trip. Our presence in the Observatory was by way of our souls. We weren't dead per say, but in a state somewhere in between life and death. The main difference between us and those who had died, was our consciousness. We knew where we were and how to return to the living.

One positive aspect to traversing the darkness, I began to understand life, through death, about a multitude of planets. One planet in particular caught my interest. It was located towards the center of the Milky Way. The planet was smaller than Earth but shared many of its characteristics. It orbited a yellow sun and had an atmosphere almost exactly like Earth's. This planet; however, was much younger than Earth. Additionally, up to this point in its evolution, its people haven't had to deal with the likes of the Annunnaki or even the Olympians. They had evolved into a very peaceful society. Somehow they had avoided the sins of war, conquest, slavery, greed and prejudice. They were born, grew up, worked in a chosen field, had families, loved and eventually died. I was astonished that almost none died of violence or disease. Virtually everyone lived a long full life and their souls passed peacefully into the light.