Helping Jodi Pt. 03


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Bonnie and I look around with our hands on our hips, now quite pleased by what we see. Our dorm room is ready for occupancy. Everything is in its place and our beds are neatly made. And it's just in time. Classes begin in the morning.

We all enjoy a pleasant dinner together at a nice Japanese restaurant and then kiss our parents good-bye. They are making an early departure in the morning. Bonnie and I are back in our room by nine o'clock.


There is an elephant in the room. Each of us knows what the other is thinking. It has been on my mind off and on, mostly on, since Saturday when Bonnie and I confessed to being sexually attracted to each other. We didn't talk about it after that, but when we were together looks were exchanged that revealed what was on our minds. My biggest problem is figuring out how to start. Thanks to Mitch, I know what to do when getting ready to have sex with a guy, but I have no idea how two women get started. We have now been in the room for a full minute, just looking at each other.

Bonnie and I have never touched each other in any intimate way. Like most girls, we hold hands occasionally, kiss each other on the cheeks, and share lots of hugs. But that's about to change and we are both acutely aware that our relationship is going to be altered forever.

"I...uh...uh," Bonnie stammers and then lets out a nervous little laugh.

"Well," I reply intelligently and then join in the laughter.

"Aren't we a pair?" she chokes out, finally able to complete a sentence.

"Maybe we should just sit down and talk about it," I suggest. "Come sit on my bed with me."

We sit cross-legged facing each other, our knees touching, blushing in acknowledgement of the situation. Both of us are wearing shorts and tank tops. I spend a moment looking at the contrast between our smooth complexions, hers tawny and mine paler by several shades.

"I've been thinking..." Bonnie says.

"Yeah, me too," I interrupt.

"...and I know we sort of agreed to watch our videos from the weekend and see where that leads us," she continued, "but I don't think that's the right way to start."

"Okay," I respond, "what do you have in mind?"

"Maybe we should completely separate what we did with Mitch from what we want to do together. They are not the same. Sex with you is going to be entirely different, so I think we ought to either do the video thing and play with our vibrators like we usually do, or start from scratch with each other tonight," Bonnie replies.

"You're right," I agree, smiling at her. "Let's save the videos for another night.

"I don't know about you," she tells me, returning my smile, "but I could use a shower." Both of us know that the shower will give us something to focus on beside the uncertainty we are both feeling. Five minutes later, we're lathering up.

Our dorm is old and has communal shower stalls. I'd like to help smear soap suds all over Bonnie's body, but I'm afraid someone else will walk in. There are a lot of people still awake on our floor. I'm also afraid to make the first move and I don't know what to do when we get back to the room.

Bonnie is acting a bit subdued also. Under normal circumstances she would clown around in the shower, sliding her fingers down between her legs and making faces in an orgasmic parody.

Clean, dried off, and robed, we return to our room and employ our hairdryers. A thought strikes me. When our hair is dry, I take Bonnie's hairbrush, sit behind her on her bed, and begin to brush. Immediately she leans back against me with a sigh of pleasure. I spend a several minutes brushing her luxurious mane to a bright sheen.

"My turn," she announces and we trade places. I love to have my hair brushed. Mom still does it and I always associate it with a loving touch. Bonnie works longer than she needs to, and I am content to let her continue as long as she likes.

"I have an idea," she eventually whispers in my ear.

"I'm listening," I whisper back.

"Let's just take off our robes, lie together on my bed, and see what happens." A minute later we are laying naked in each other's arms.

"I love you," Bonnie murmurs.

"I love you too. Always have," I respond and touch my lips to hers. We kiss lightly for a few minutes, getting used to each other, and then increase the intensity. Before we realize what's happening, we are making out like normal teenagers. Except this is different. With boys and girls, the guy is usually the aggressive one. With Bonnie and me it is more equal, arousing to be sure, but neither of us seems to be in charge so both of us are free to experiment.

As our lips and tongues meet hungrily, I cup one of Bonnie's firm breasts in my hand and brush my thumb across the nipple. At the second stroke, Bonnie breaks free of the kiss.

"Oh Lord!" she breathes and lies back, encouraging me to continue. I do so gladly, gently caressing her breast for a moment before I bend down to take its swollen nipple into my mouth. When she moans with pleasure, I slide my hand down her stomach to the little landing strip of fur between her thighs.

"Yes!" she breathes as she opens her legs and I run a finger up and down her slit a few times. She is very wet. I am not surprised. I've been lubricating like crazy since we started.

I have finger fucked myself, sort of, since I first began masturbating. It has always been fun and pleasurable, but nothing compared to what if feels like to touch my best friend in this manner. I continue for a little while, reveling in the experience.

"Stop," Bonnie whispers, startling me.

"Are you okay," I inquire, concerned that I might have done something wrong.

"More than okay," she replies, "but it's my turn now for a while." I am more than ready for her to reciprocate so I lie back, anxiously awaiting to find out what it's like to experience a woman's touch.

Bonnie is tentative at first, but the instant she touches my breast, I let out a low moan. Encouraged, she spends a minute or two fondling my breasts and manipulating their nipples with lips and tongue. I squirm a little, let out more soft sounds of arousal, and open my legs invitingly.

She doesn't hesitate. My eyes are closed but I mentally follow her hand as it leaves my breasts, brushes softly along my ribcage, and takes possession of my pussy. The feeling is indescribable. Mitch finger fucked me, but Bonnie is gently exploring and there is a big difference. I open my legs wider, let out a soft cry, and pull her head down for another kiss. Eventually, I tell her to stop. When she complies, I sit up in the bed.

"I'm going to try to make you cum," I announce, my voice choked with emotion as I rise to my feet.

"I like the sound of that," she responds with a little smile. Both of us know what we're talking about.

"Lie back and open your legs," I order.

"Then give me the pillow from your bed."

"Sure, but why?" I ask as I toss her my pillow and she stacks it atop hers.

"Because, if you're going to do that to me, I want to watch you do it for as long as I can," she replies, still smiling, as she opens her legs suggestively. Her head is now elevated so she will have a clear view of what is about to happen to her.

I'm through talking. I lie down on my stomach between her legs. As I snuggle into place, she draws her knees back, giving me plenty of room. Suddenly I'm nervous. I am about to do something I hadn't even thought of until a few days ago. I kiss the soft flesh on the insides of her thighs and get a soft moan in response. The sound encourages me so I run my tongue slowly up Bonnie's slit. I clearly recall what Mitch did to me, so I will try to emulate his technique.

"Oh...oh...oh, God," she murmurs. I conclude that I must be doing it right so I get a bit more aggressive. Bonnie responds by crying out sharply and rocking her hips upward, signaling her approval.

The next minute or two are magical. Bonnie's arousal accelerates rapidly as I find her clit and manipulate it with my lips and tongue. Very soon I have her teetering on the edge. Wrapping an arm tightly around each of her thighs, I suck her clit into my mouth and rapidly flick my tongue over the sensitive flesh. She cums with a muffled shriek. I can't see her face, but she has clearly clasped her hands over her mouth to avoid alarming our dorm mates. Her body shudders several times in quick succession as her orgasm runs its course.

I back off, remembering the feeling of hypersensitivity I experienced with Mitch, and resume kissing the insides of her thighs. When she is calm, I look up at her. Her body is completely limp. One forearm is draped across her eyes. Her free hand is gently stroking her breasts, their pink nipples still extended and swollen.

I'm not sure what to do now. Bonnie hasn't moved in a couple of minutes. I decide to sit upright just as she begins to stir. A moment later she is standing beside the bed on wobbly legs and smiling down at me.

"My turn," she announces as she brushes a few stray strands of hair out of her eyes. "Maybe tomorrow I can try to explain what that felt like. Right now, all I can do is show you. Lie back and spread your legs."

Bonnie doesn't waste any time. Taking her position between my thighs, she immediately presses her face into my pussy. The instant her tongue makes contact, I know I am about to experience something extraordinary. Her touch is electrifying in a way that is entirely different from Mitch's. Not necessarily better, but at least as good and totally unique. Before my thoughts become blurred by skyrocketing arousal, I realize that sex between two women will always be worlds apart from sex with a man. My last coherent thought is that I am glad I get to do both.

With Bonnie's velvet touch, it doesn't take long. Already aroused from what I did to her, I am quickly on my way to what I believe will be a crushing orgasm. I am not disappointed. My best friend wraps her arms around my thighs as I had done with her, brings me to the edge, and pushes me quickly over the top. I clamp my hands over my mouth and cum with a muffled wail as orgasmic tremors slice through my body.

Bonnie backs off at just the right moment and licks the insides of my thighs while I struggle for air. Within a minute or so I am completely relaxed, my orgasm having run its course and my breathing back to normal.

I feel the bed moving and then Bonnie is lying beside me, pulling me into her arms as she presses her mouth to mine. The kiss is unlike anything either of us has ever experienced. Both of us can taste the nectar from our pussies as we cling to each other, continuing the kiss until the erotic taste is gone.

Eventually, I leave Bonnie's bed for mine.

"I am so glad we did that," she murmurs just before falling asleep.

"Me too," I murmur back. "I want to do it again sometime soon."

"Believe me, we will."


The rest of the week is chaos. Bonnie and I have a couple of the same classes, but we are separated most of the school day. Some of our classes meet daily and some every other day. We do manage to meet for lunch all three days and enjoy dinner together in the dining hall every night. We have enough homework to keep us busy in the evenings, so Wednesday and Thursday nights we behave ourselves. Friday night is a different story.

Showered and robed, we return to our room fairly late, dress in simple night shirts that drop to mid-thigh, then dry and brush each other's hair. When I've set up my laptop and inserted the thumb drive, we sit side by side tailor fashion on Bonnie's bed with our backs resting on pillows stacked against the wall. Our dual bullet vibrators and a tube of lubricant are at the ready.

Bonnie is excited. We are about to watch the video of Mitch fucking her last Saturday and she is grinning in anticipation.

"How long is your edited version?" she inquires.

"I cut it down from about an hour to about twenty minutes," I reply. "All the good stuff is in there though."

"Well then, turn it on!" she demands and I comply.

Bonnie knows that there were five cameras hidden in the room because I showed her the split images on my laptop before she and Mitch got started. But she doesn't know where they were placed.

"Holy shit!" she exclaims as the opening scene fills the screen. The camera in the lamp on the table between the chairs where I was sitting shows Mitch drop to his knees on the carpet, grasp a firm round thigh in each hand, and lower his face to the perfectly trimmed strip of dark fur between Bonnie's legs.

That view morphs into one from the camera directly above Mitch's bed and clearly displays his lips and tongue manipulating her clit.

"Jesus Christ," Bonnie murmurs a few moments later, her eyes focused on the screen as a piercing wail escapes her image, violent tremors racing through her body as Mitch continues his work until her orgasm has run its course.

In the next scene, Mitch scoops Bonnie into his arms and places her exactly where he wants her in the center of the bed as she opens her legs wide in anticipation. That scene fades out and is replaced by another view from the overhead camera. He is now kneeling between her thighs, his engorged condom-clad cock on full display.

"Fuck me. Please," video-Bonnie implores. Mitch responds by slowly easing his cock into her pussy.

The Bonnie sitting next to me lets out a soft cry, reaches down to pull the hem of her night shirt up to her belly button, and runs her middle finger up and down her slit a few times as Mitch begins to move.

My editing captures a quick view from each of the five cameras and then settles on the one from the unit mounted in the headboard. The top of Bonnie's forehead is barely visible at the bottom of the screen and her firm breasts frame a close-up view of his cock disappearing and reappearing rhythmically between her open thighs.

"Oh God," moans my roommate as she slips a couple of fingers into her pussy to gather some of the abundant lubricant I know she is producing. Watching her causes my juices to flow so I pull my nightshirt out of the way and slide one hand down between my legs.

Both of us watch as Mitch begins to increase the speed and power of his thrusts, Bonnie's on-screen cries rise in pitch, and the distinct sounds of his flesh striking hers become clearly audible in our dorm room as her nipples dance violently in syncopation with the tempo he established. Moments later, she cums, screaming out her pleasurable release.

Having retained the headboard view, we watch as Mitch continues his pace to push Bonnie quickly back up to the brink of another spectacular orgasm. Soon, she goes over the edge with a loud, prolonged wail.

Bonnie and I are now both working feverishly on our pussies. We have become good at this over the years. We've uncrossed our legs and pulled our knees back to give us plenty of room to work.

" much longer," she asks, her voice rough with arousal.

"A few more minutes," I choke out, knowing that Bonnie remembers what happened to her next and wants to time her orgasm with her final one in the video. I do too.

The next scene shows Bonnie lying across the pile of folded pillows, her legs spread and her round little ass in the air, with Mitch kneeling between her open thighs. Once again he slowly slides his cock into her pussy. Bonnie's face is looking directly into the lamp-mounted camera with heavy-lidded eyes. A languid little smile appears on her lips as Mitch begins to move. Within seconds he is thrusting hard and Bonnie is crying out sharply and clawing at the bedding with both hands.

Frantically, Bonnie grabs her dual-bullet vibrator, passes one of the bullets to me, retains the other one, and switches on the power. The little machine in my hand buzzes with promise.

Flesh-on-flesh sounds and cries of intense arousal are coming from my laptop as Mitch pounds himself into Bonnie's pussy from behind. As she starts to go over the edge, I clamp my free hand tightly over my mouth and press the bullet hard against my clit. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bonnie doing the same thing.

On the screen, Bonnie lets out a prolonged scream of pleasure. My pussy begins a series of intense contractions, and Mitch issues several guttural sounds of release as the picture fades to blackness. Bonnie's muffled cries beside me announce that we climaxed within a second or two of each other.

"Oh fuck," Bonnie mumbles when she can speak. "Oh fuck."

"Uh huh," is all I can manage, still trembling occasionally when an aftershock reminds me of what just happened.

"I can't believe I just watched myself being fucked. What a turn-on!"

"Want to see the video of Mitch and me on Sunday?" I offer, my voice still a little shaky.

"Let's save it for tomorrow night," Bonnie counters after giving me a long look followed by a smile.

"Works for me. Wanna make out?"

"Yeah, I do," she agrees, still smiling.


When I awaken the next morning, Bonnie is sitting in her bed, her back against the headboard and her laptop balanced on her thighs.

"Whatcha doin'?" I ask, my voice heavy with sleep.


"On what?"

"How lesbians have sex."

"We're not lesbians. Bisexual I suppose, but not lesbians."

"I know that," she says, "but we might as well find out what they do so we can do it too if it appeals to us."

"If we can stay awake long enough," I respond with a grin. Last night we both fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms only a few minutes after we started fooling around. Around midnight, I woke up and crawled into my own bed. Twin beds work okay for sex, but they don't accommodate two sleepers very well. "Find anything interesting?"

"How about scissoring?"


"Take a look," she tells me as I get out of bed to sit beside her.

"Good Lord! That looks awkward," I respond, a little shocked at the short animated video that is on her screen.

"Yeah, but the article says it feels good and some women are able to cum that way."

"I don't understand how," I remark.

"I do. Imagine doing that, each of us with a vibrating bullet in our pussies."

I stare at her for a moment and then nod my head. "Maybe you're right."

"Want to do it now?" Bonnie asks with that evil little grin of hers. I know she's joking.

"No. I'm starving. Let's get breakfast, do our weekend homework, and then go exploring. We can save scissoring for later," I tell her with a grin of my own.

Bonnie agrees and that's how our day goes. We spend the entire afternoon and early evening wandering around Palo Alto's museums, historical sights, and shops, ending up at Dinah's Poolside Restaurant for a late dinner. Walking the two miles or so back to our dorm, we are in our room a little after ten o'clock.

As we did last night, we shower, fool with our hair, and dress once more in our night shirts. I show Bonnie the video of Mitch doing me last Sunday with predictable results. Employing fingers and bullets, we both cum pretty much in sync on Bonnie's bed with my last recorded orgasm.

Also predictable is Bonnie's reaction to what Mitch did to me.

"I'm jealous," she announces after we recover.

"Why?" I ask, although I know precisely what she's talking about.

"I didn't get to be on top for one thing," she replies with a small frown, "and he sure as hell didn't finger fuck me like he did you. All I got was oral sex, missionary fucking, and rear entry."

"You poor thing! It all looked pretty good from where I was sitting," I tell her with a grin. "And before you start feeling too sorry for yourself, Mitch says he's more than willing to hook up with us when we're home from school. I thought the pillow trick was pretty inventive. I might want him to do that to me sometime."

"I was sensational," she admits with a hint of a smile, "I thought I was going to pass out. I have no idea how many orgasms I had."