Her First Time Ch. 27


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Dani's moans were steady, and she took one of her hands, finding one of his, encouraging it under the bottom of her blouse on the bare skin of her waist under her blouse. A second later, I realized what she was doing, encouraging his hand up under her blouse. I could barely breathe, my mind slowly comprehending his finger's destination. Dani's eyes were closed, their lips mashed together, the bulge of Mark's fingers under her blouse slowly working themselves higher, the bulge in his pants unmistakable, pressing against Dani.

Until... until, Mark's hand wrapped around Dani's bare breast, her letting out a loud moan, muffled by Mark's mouth on hers.

My breathing stopped, panic enveloping my being. I couldn't move, feeling welded to the bed. Mark's hand was fondling Dani's breast, rolling her nipple, Dani clutching at the back of his neck, their lips never separating, strangled, feminine moans coming from her mouth.

I was panicky, completely frozen, barely breathing... and my dick so fucking hard! I wasn't even thinking about where this might end... when Dani pulled her mouth away, "Mark... no... we can't. I'm... sorry!"

She backed away, Mark's hand retreating from underneath her blouse, his breath ragged, "I think your debt's paid... plus interest," he said.

Dani sat down on the bed beside me, still breathing hard, her skirt's hemline high on her hips, she leaned into me, and kissed me for a very passionate minute or two, and then... "We have to get to the airport," she said, then looked toward Mark, "Mark, go home, find a woman to love, it's time... Jan would want you to," she said, so quietly I could barely hear her, "she's out there... looking for you, too."

Thirty minutes later, we were arriving at Reno-Tahoe International Airport. Mark drove us to the drop-off-pickup parking, and I got out the back door. Again, Dani had ridden in the front seat of the Lexus. I opened her door and waited. Dani leaned over, kissing Mark on the cheek, "Invite us to your wedding, Mark, it's time to let go." He wiped a tear from his cheek, "That's it, Mark, one last cry for Jan... then go home and rebuild your life."

"Thank you," he said, "for everything."

Dani climbed out, and Mark popped the trunk to let us get our bags. I pulled them out, then went to his window and shook his hand, "Thanks, Mark, you made our trip special, do what Dani says, you deserve someone." There were still remnants of tears on his cheeks.

He smiled, "I'll try... and thank you both!"

As he rolled his window up, I told him, "We'll be in touch, let you know about Dani's audition." Funny how I didn't feel any ill will toward him for what he and Dani had done. I'm guessing that had anything even remotely like that happened before my dream with Alan Ryder and Dani, that I'd have come completely unglued at both the guy and Dani.

As he drove away, leaving Dani and me standing on the walkway, I told her, "I think you changed someone's life today."

"Hope so," she answered and we headed inside to our check-in.

On our flight home, after we'd taken off, I told Dani, "Hon, that promise you made me about the audition, it's up to you, I'm not holding you to anything."

"No way," she answered, "I made a deal and I'm keeping it, going to that audition, even as much as it scares me." She turned to look at me, "I pay my debts," she said, with a big smile.

I chuckled, "Seems you enjoyed paying off your other debt."

She let out a sigh, I watched as she smiled, closing her eyes, and leaning her head back against the seat, "You have no idea," she said, "the man can kiss!"

"And grope, too," I added.

"Mmhmm, that too," Dani agreed, her smile widening.

Was it just my imagination or did her braless nipples seem to poke out just a little more under her blouse?

As soon as we reached home, Dani was on her laptop looking for flights to Tampa, Florida. I know I'd wondered about that part of my dream, Amanda and the movie, but never in my wildest imagination did I think we'd actually be flying to Tampa for Dani to audition to be the lead actress in a major movie, for God's sake! With fucking Alan Ryder as her leading man. Somehow, my dreams had skipped right past that part!

"It's a long flight there," Dani said, showing me a group of itineraries on her computer. It looked like the best would be leaving a little after eight in the morning, a two-hour layover in Salt Lake City, then arriving in Tampa at almost ten that night. The three-hour time difference didn't help, either.

"You're sure you want to do this?" I asked her again, before she purchased the tickets.'

"What, do you not want me to now?"

"No, not at all, I just want you to be sure," I told her. "I want you to do it because you want to, not for me."

"Thank you, I did a lot of thinking on it on the flight home yesterday, and yes, I do, I'm excited about it, like a dream come true that I didn't even know was." She giggled, "Does that even make sense?"

"I'm just a little worried about my teaching, but I'll cross that bridge if it ever comes."

"Okay, you better get those tickets while you can." The site showed there were only two seats left on the plane. She entered her credit card information, and a moment later we had two airline tickets to Tampa, Florida, leaving early Sunday morning, arriving late in the evening.

We emptied our suitcases and repacked for much warmer weather, not that it had been cool in Reno, but Tampa, Florida, is much warmer.

Then Dani called Jenny, her best friend in the world, on her laptop, facetime, telling her what I'd told her about Amanda, the movie, and that she was going to Tampa to audition 'for a real live movie!' as she put it. The two squealed their excitement, laughed, and chatted for the next twenty minutes. I noticed she didn't tell Jenny about the part of my dream I'd inadvertently revealed Friday night about her.

Later that night, in bed, me laying flat on my back, Dani moaning with my cock buried deep up inside her, her hands on my chest, rocking back and forth, eyes closed, I asked her, "You're thinking of him, aren't you... wondering what he might have felt like... or maybe that audition, if it'll be a sex scene... with him?"

"Mmm, maybe... guess you'll never know, will you...? but ohh, this feels sooo good."

And then she started to fuck me in earnest, like she meant it! And God, that image of Mark's hand on Dani's tit...!

The next day was long, very long! We were at the airport at seven, the plane departed at eight-fifteen, and we got into Tampa at ten-fifteen that night. Dani and I have never been on that long a flight. Matter of fact, that flight to Reno and back was our first of any kind, other than in my coma, and that hardly counted. We drove when we wanted to go somewhere, including that previous trip to Reno in 2002. So, it was a totally new experience, exciting but tiring as hell. We were too damned tired to even make love in the hotel Sunday night.

After we landed in Tampa, we saw the guy Amanda had told us would be there at the gate holding a sign saying 'Daniella'. We went up to him, introducing ourselves and he said he was driving us to our hotel.

Dani texted Amanda after we got to our room, and she answered back, reaffirming that she'd be there at eight, also suggesting that I not come along as it might be a distraction. That was a little disappointing as I'd have loved to watch, but I did understand.

Dani tried to sleep that night but was too nervous, keyed up, wondering what the next day might bring. She woke me up a couple times, needing to talk about it. She was scared about seeing Alan again after so long, I think partly afraid that he likely wouldn't even remember her. And even worse if he did. And she didn't even know if he'd be there at all. "How do they do auditions?" she asked me. How the hell would I know, not something I'm exactly an expert in.

I tried to reassure her but it was hard as I had no more idea what she should expect than she did. She was up at six, putting on makeup and getting dressed, a blouse and slacks, nothing sexy but very attractive, and we went down to the hotel's continental breakfast at seven, which was quite good. Dani just nibbled at her food, though, too nervous to eat. I was nervous, too, but nothing like her, I think we both realized that this could be a major life-changing day for us.

About a quarter till eight, a sixtyish, slightly overweight woman came into the dining room and headed straight toward our table. "Daniella? Robert?" she asked.

Dani answered, "Yes, that's us, you must be..."

"Amanda," she said, pulling out a chair sitting down. "Long flight," she said, then asked Dani "Are you ready for this?"

"No! I'm scared out of my mind!" Dani answered.

Amanda chuckled, "I think I'd be worried if you weren't," she said, "I'll try to explain what'll happen, maybe that'll help."

She hesitated, Dani gave her a feeble smile, "You're just as pretty as the picture, they'll love you, I'm sure," she said, and then went on to explain, "the audition today will consist of two scenes, the director will be there to help you through them, it'll be just like shooting the actual scenes in the movie, except for the clothes. It'll give him a good idea of how you are at following his instructions, besides looking at your abilities. Each one will be about a ten-fifteen minute scene, that could take up to half the day to do, each, so the full day is scheduled."

Dani's hands were shaking, from her nervousness, I held her hand, listening to Amanda go on, "The first will be the one where the two of you realize you've fallen in love, a very intimate kiss with your costar, except there won't be any disrobing like the real scene in the movie. You okay with that?"

Dani nodded, nervously, realizing that it'll be with Alan Ryder... today!

"In the movie, it's scripted that he takes your clothes off, you'll both be nude for the actual kiss but not today... oh, and at some point, if all goes well, Carla will need to see your nude body. That'll be private, just you and her."

Dani smiled, a very nervous smile, I imagined what must be going through her mind. "The second will be from a scene much earlier in the movie, when your character finds out her husband has been killed. They won't do that one first because it'll be a very emotionally demanding scene, even the audition and would likely detract from the love scene."

Amanda smiled at Dani, reassuringly, taking her other hand, the one I wasn't holding, "I know you're nervous, but try not to be. This director is very, very good with new, inexperienced talent, it's the reason they hired him, he'll work with you, and you'll love him before the day's over... And I'll be there with you the whole time. Oh, and maybe I should say that if they have you back in the afternoon for the second scene, it's a very good sign. They've only asked a couple girls back."

She smiled at Dani, "But don't worry about it, just do the best you can, if nothing else, it'll be a fun experience... and you'll get to smooch it up with Alan Ryder." She smiled, "He's a real heartthrob!"

She looked at me, "Any questions? I hope to have her back to you late this afternoon or early evening, and don't worry about the hotel room, it's paid for another night, and a third if you want to spend the day exploring Tampa before you go home."

"You ready?" she asked Dani, taking her hand and helping her up.

"Love you," I told Dani, giving her a thumbs up, "you've got this, Babe, they'll love you!" giving her a big, confident smile.

Once Dani was gone, I sat back down, my nervousness finally starting to exert its ugly self. It was going to be a long day for me, too, waiting, wondering. Even if it went no further than this morning, Dani would be doing a love scene with Alan Ryder, a real 'heartthrob' according to Amanda. Guess he probably hasn't gotten fat and saggy, chuckling to myself remembering how Dani and I had had that conversation in my dream world.

I brought my Kindle, a book by Tom Clancy that I'd downloaded on it, one I've wanted to read, 'Without Remorse'. It appeared I'd have a lot of reading time, no way I was going anywhere.

I did explore the hotel a little, though, remembering what it had been like that weekend in my dream. It was the same horseshoe shape, the swim pool in the center courtyard, and from our room, the deck door overlooked Tampa Bay the same as in my dream. We'd been too tired to notice the night before, but looking out, I could imagine how it would look with all the lights. And I could get used to the luxury of our room, not the kind we'd ever been in before.

I got out my Kindle, made myself comfortable on the big king bed, and began to read. Except, I hadn't taken into consideration how hard it is to read when you're as nervous as I was, what was happening with Dani? God, I'd have loved to be there! What about that first meeting with Alan Ryder, would he recognize her? Rush madly into each other's arms? Would knowing him disqualify her from the part? Gawd!

After half an hour, I put my Kindle down and closed my eyes, not realizing how tired I was. Before I knew it, I awoke, two hours later and began to read again. At least, by then, I was engrossed enough in the book to be able to read it without stopping every sentence, wondering about Dani.

At noon, I got a text, 'lunch, coming back this afternoon.' No clue on how it'd gone with Alan, but I realized, they'd asked her back for the second scene.

I went down to the hotel's restaurant for lunch, then back to our room, read some more, dozed off for a while again, and finally decided to go for a swim. We hadn't brought swimsuits, but I knew from my dream that the front desk had loaner suits, and sure enough, they did.

I floated on my back in the pool, chuckling, remembering the little trick I'd played on Dani in my dream, telling her the skimpy, little bikini was the only one her size when there had been several others, wondering if I could pull it off for real.

I noticed the clock on the wall, five-thirty, so figured I'd better get back to the room, since I had no idea when Dani might get back. I wrapped myself in a towel, then hurried down the hall to the elevator. Twenty minutes later, I was dressed again, reading my book, anxiously waiting.

My watch seemed to barely move, the nerves showing themselves again, more by the second it seemed. It was seven-eighteen when I heard the click of the door latch, then Dani entering the room, followed by Amanda, a smile on both their faces, "It went WONDERFULLY," Amanda exclaimed, excitedly, "your wife has talent she had no idea of!"

Dani's face blushed, turning a deep red, like she does when she's majorly embarrassed. "No one has said anything, but I'm expecting a call any time. In the meantime, I'd love to take you both to dinner, I know a perfect place to celebrate a newfound star."

Dani didn't say too much at that moment, except, "The makeup girl's name is April," knowing the significance of that. It was 'April' that had first taken the dream-world Dani to the studio. "She was so nice... everyone was nice!" Dani said.

"Why don't I leave you to get ready, I'll be downstairs waiting for dinner," Amanda suggested.

Dani gave her a hug, "Thank you!" she said, "we'll hurry."

I had so many questions, but they'd just have to wait. Dani quickly showered, I shaved and brushed my teeth, then Dani dressed in a pair of shorts and silk blouse, and we met Amanda downstairs in the hotel lobby.

"Before we go," she said, "I'd like you to look over this talent contract, I feel almost certain they'll offer you the part and you're going to need representation. It's a standard contract, obligating us to look out for your interests and negotiating on your behalf. Our fee is ten percent, which is standard."

She spat all this out in a few seconds, and handed Dani a manila envelope, I presumed containing a copy of the contract.

"You can look it over later and email me your authorization or we can go over it tonight."

I heard this spiel before, in my dream, I knew what was in it, exactly what she'd just described, "If you want, Dani, you can sign it now, it's exactly what was in my dream."

She looked at me, then at Amanda, "You have a pen?" she asked, "I trust my husband, if he says it's okay, I'll sign it."

"Without reading?" Amanda asked, acting rather taken aback.

I nodded, "In my dream, you signed her to a contract, then with Winsome Cosmetics as their non-exclusive spokeswoman, you were excited about it because you knew she'd be perfect for the part in this movie. You'd even scheduled an audition for her, it would have been the first week of April."

Amanda looked at me like she'd seen a ghost, "Winsome Cosmetics? They're looking for someone for their advertising campaign for their new line of cosmetics. How could you have known that?"

I laughed, "Amanda, Dani and I have asked that exact question probably a hundred times or more since I awoke from that coma. We've given up, there is no explanation, it just is what it is. Whatever went on in my head during the months of that coma is an unsolvable mystery. How could I have known your phone number? About this movie? Or that Dani would be perfect for this part? Even that you existed, for God's sake?"

She got the contract out of the envelope, handed it to Dani along with a pen, and Dani signed it. "There, now can we go to dinner and not worry about it?" Dani asked.

Amanda just shook her head, "Your story is absolutely unbelievable!" she said. "The studio will love it... the publicity!"

Dani and I both laughed, looking at each other, and said in unison, "Tell us about it!"

"There's still probably about a thousand things I haven't even gotten around to telling Dani yet, too," I said, "it's all there, like it's written in a book, just waiting to be read."

She took us to the Tampa Waterfront, the Pirate Water Taxi. "Let me guess," I told Amanda, "we're going to Jackson's Bistro Bar?"

Again, she looked at me like I was a freak of nature, maybe I was. "You've been here before?" she asked,

"Only in my dream, we've never been to Florida before this, never even talked about it. Jackson's is where Dani and I had a dinner in my dream." I wasn't about to tell her about Dani's interaction with Alan Ryder. I could have described Jackson's in minute detail to her, too.

"I have a feeling I'm going to be asking how you knew quite frequently, aren't I?" she said.,

Dani and I laughed once again.

We were in the water taxi when Amanda's phone rang. She answered it, turning away from us. About all we heard was, "Okay, I'll tell her," in a rather dejected sounding voice.

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WoodencavWoodencavabout 1 year ago

This is the second time reading this storey, this storey is so clever and this chapter so pivotal to the whole storey. This storey is the best storey I have read on Literotica bar none. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

hdwg2003hdwg2003over 2 years ago

please continue!

OGHMNWOGHMNWover 2 years ago

Robert, This is another Wonderful Fantastic chapter to this story. The Fear and Trust run through this whole chapter. Mark is so lucky to have asked Daniella to dance and again at breakfast. The way you worked their encounter with Mark and calling Amanda was great. The situation with the fear of the swing and reward afterwards was pivotal for all 3 of them. The surprise that Alan would be the Male Lead was not expected by me. I can’t wait to read the next chapters of this Twilight Zone Erotic adventure in their relationship. Some will April come into play? Thank You!

Lustman69Lustman69over 2 years ago

Amazing plot twist and brilliant development.

So glad I came back to read your Michelle stories again on Lit

Love Dani and Robert's truly original story I will get my wife to read it as well.

All the best to you and yours- keep up the good work

WoodencavWoodencavover 2 years ago

A brilliant storey, can’t wait for the next chapter. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

ChasTheOneChasTheOneover 2 years ago

Thanks for the new episode, Robert. I enjoy the stories, keep them coming, so to speak.

AnalogContinuumAnalogContinuumover 2 years ago

Ok,,damnit, now you've my bowels in an uproar again. Pain . . . . Ouch . . . Doh!!!!!!!;

Just when I was taking solace in the coma-eaque story . . . Here we go again. .

Not sure my heart can take it again, especially from a tangential POV .

Oy gevalt!!!!


btw: all you nay-sayers . . . .go away. This is a really good story. Wish I could option it

Hornydevil47Hornydevil47over 2 years ago

Robertl, what a surprise to see the usual idiots making derogatory comments on your stories, makes you wonder why they keep coming back. Just keep doing what you do because lots of us love it. Can't wait to read their stories ha ha ha. Mel B. Known as Hornydevil47.

Karn9Karn9over 2 years ago

Very interesting twists, nice playing out his dreams. Can’t wait to see where this goes. 5*

DavidjoyDavidjoyover 2 years ago

Ĺove it. Keep writing Robert.

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