High Voltage Mittens


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"I don't know if I've ever tried to rationalize it," said Nina. "Or even put it into words."

Samantha sipped her coffee. "It doesn't necessarily have to make sense, Nina."

Nina looked up, shocked. She stared at Samantha for a second. "I never thought I'd hear you say that about anything, Sam."

Samantha grinned into her mug. "It's sex," she said, quietly. "Sex is ludicrous. Human sex, especially so. Perhaps trying to make sense of it all is missing the point. Tell me another fantasy."

Nina smiled. "Uh..."

"I haven't got anything more embarrassing than Robin Hood to tell you, I'm afraid."

Nina chuckled. "That's okay. I think it could only be more embarrassing if we were talking about something that happened yesterday, not over a decade ago." She looked carefully at Samantha for a moment. "You don't, uh..."

"Still have the hots for cartoon characters? No." She smiled. "That was just a weird phase."

"Because I would be totally supportive, you understand," said Nina, "were that the case."

Samantha grinned. "Are you relieved that you don't have to be?"

Nina sighed. "Only because those costumes are so damn expensive. Sam, if you're secretly a furry, I'm absolutely cool with it, so long as you can afford the paraphernalia yourself."

"I'm not," murmured Samantha, blushing.

"I'll dress up as Robin Hood one day, if you like," said Nina.

"I'm not -" Samantha sighed. "Shit, you know what, I don't even know! It's been over a decade since I saw that movie!"

Nina grinned. "So you might be just assuming it doesn't turn you on anymore. If you've got more buttons that I don't know about, I'm all about pressing them."

Samantha chuckled, blushing to the ears. "Okay, we can watch the movie together later on, see if it gets me all flustered in a nostalgic sort of way. Show me this negotiation thingy, first."

"Okay," said Nina. "I've got one in my purse."

Samantha watched as Nina got up and walked into the hall.

"And here's me thinking we'd have to call it up on my computer," said Samantha.

"Always be prepared," called Nina, and Samantha heard the sound of a zipper and some rustling. "And anyway, I'm not going near your computer. Your shower's bad enough. Here it is."

Nina reappeared, holding a sheaf of papers.

I was expecting just one sheet! Samantha set down her cup, and picked up a pencil from the detritus on the kitchen table. This might take a while.

"Now, this is only very general and broad," said Nina, sitting down. "If you've got specific ideas, we should examine them in detail."

Samantha patted the power supply. "I want to tie you to that chair, hook this thing up with crocodile clips to your nipples, and torture your watersports fantasies out of you."

Samantha saw Nina hesitate. Saw her almost drop the papers and take off her shirt. Was both disappointed and relieved when she did not.

"You have your copy," said Nina, passing Samantha a few sheets of paper, "and I have mine. We fill them out, and then we swap forms and giggle like schoolgirls. You'll probably have some questions as you go through the -"

"Here, where it talks about you resisting me," said Samantha. "Would you like to try that?"

Nina frowned. "Forgot how fast you read. I'm willing, yeah, but that'd be complicated a little bit in our case, Sam. You'd basically have to let me win."

Samantha grinned, her eyes scanning the pages. "For the sake of weaving an exciting story, I can take some falls every now and then. Goodness, this is interesting. It talks as though we're... I dunno, doing theater or something!"

Nina smiled back. "Well, there are parallels."

"I haven't played pretend in too long," murmured Samantha. "I loved drama class in school. Drama class with real sex is even better." She pointed to a section on the checklist. "I don't think I want to involve other people right now." She looked at Nina. "Is that okay?"

"That's fine, Sam."

Her eye caught another entry on the list. "I doubt I'll ever want to poop on you, Nina. Will that be a problem?"

"Sam," sighed Nina, "First of all, no, that won't be a problem, because ew. Secondly, slow down a little, huh? Third, it's cool that people's tastes change. Answer the questions honestly for how you feel today, and if you feel different in the future," she waved the sheet around, "this is just paper. We can do the form again if you change your mind about something."

"There's a costume section!" squealed Samantha. "Corsets, garters, ooh - biker gear!"

Nina closed her eyes and pressed a finger to the bridge of her nose, as Samantha's pencil ticked rapidly down the list of potential clothing ideas.

"All done," said Samantha happily.

Nina looked down at her form. "Part one," she said. "Medical considerations."

Samantha felt a blush rising. "Oops."

Nina looked up, briefly, from the form. "I get that you're excited. I really do." Her eyes dropped again. "Part one. Medical considerations."

"I'll, uh..." Samantha stood up, holding her mug. "I'll just, um..." she pointed to the empty mug. "Just go and, uh... Would you like...?"

"Maybe we should switch to decaf," said Nina with a tiny smile, not looking up from the form.


"You ever heard of a violet wand, Sam?" asked Nina, looking over Samantha's questionnaire.

A violet wand? Sounds like something a Disney princess would wield. "No," said Samantha, as casually as she could. Watching Nina's eyes as they scanned her form, Samantha took a roll of insulating electrical tape from the detritus on the table, and placed it in her lap.

"You should look into it," murmured Nina. "I think it'd be right up your alley." She nodded towards the questionnaire that Samantha held. "Anything you want to talk about, on there?"

"You've given me no surprises," said Samantha. "At least, no important ones. So, later. Tell me about this wand thing."

Nina grinned. "It's a high-voltage torture toy. Strikes arcs, but isn't dangerous."

Ooh. That is right up my alley... "High voltage and high frequency, then. You want me to use one on you?"

Nina grinned and looked away.

Oh, she does. She really, really does.

"You get them from the Internet?"

Nina nodded.

Samantha leaned forward, and showed Nina her best evil grin. "Let's go and order one right now."

"They're kind of expensive..."

Samantha kissed Nina on the nose. "Don't care. Gonna shock ya." She kissed Nina, watching her eyes close. She moved forwards, quietly, and took Nina's right hand in both of hers. Leaning back and breaking the kiss, Samantha patted Nina's hand. She smiled at Nina.

Nina smiled back. Then she heard the sound, felt her hand pressed to the arm of the chair - and by the time she looked down, her wrist was bound in shining black electrical tape.

"Sam? What're you..."

Samantha already had her other hand. Within a second, it was bound as securely as the first.

Samantha looked Nina over. Legs free. If there's a serious problem and I can't untie her, she can still stand up and run for help, or get free by breaking the chair. Rubber-soled sneakers, wooden chair. Good.

Nina looked up at Samantha. "What are you going to do to me?" she whispered.

Samantha felt a shiver. Yeah, that's definitely beginning to turn me on. She sat down, and found her low-wattage soldering iron in the table mess. "Well, little rabbit," she purred quietly, plugging in the iron, "you have information that I want to know. So, I'm going to torture it out of you, by passing electrical current through your nipples."

"You monster," said Nina, eyes narrowed. "Do what you will to me, I'll never talk!"

Samantha stood up, taking the sponge from the iron's stand. "We'll see about that," she said, walking to the sink, wetting the sponge, drawing the curtains. "I've no doubt you've been shocked before." She sat back down. "I've been shocked much more than you have, I guarantee. I've built up something of an affinity with electricity, Nina." She showed Nina the fingertips of her right hand. "See those little white dots?"

Nina looked closely. "Yes."

"Scars from electrical burns. Picking up a big power supply that held some residual charge in its decoupling capacitors. There are others too, but this is less about me, and more about you. For you, electricity is a playful thing - something you use to tickle your private parts, or make naughty pictures appear on your laptop." She leaned in close to Nina. "For me, it's my life." She kept her face an inch from Nina's, and spoke slowly. "Are you starting to get the picture, little rabbit?"

Samantha was satisfied to see sweat begin to bead on Nina's forehead. Nina glanced at the soldering iron, and swallowed. "Yes," she said, in a small voice.

Samantha smiled. "Good." She sat down, and began to open drawers in her parts box. "So, little Nina," she said, "because I love to watch you blush - tell me another of your depraved little fantasies."

Nina stuttered. "M-mistress?"

Samantha, plucking capacitors from a drawer, smiled at Nina. "Did you think I was just going to hook up some wires to this power supply and stick them straight on your nipples? Where's the creativity in that? Where's the finesse? No, Nina, I'm building a little circuit on this breadboard. It's quite simple, so it'll only take a few minutes. Here's the deal." She picked up her soldering iron. "I'm going to shock you, whether you tell me what I want to know or not. And it's going to be painful. But," she grinned, incisors peeking out - "if you get me horny enough to make me want to masturbate, then I'm just going to go ahead and masturbate, right here in front of you. And if this hand is too busy to hold a soldering iron, it's too busy to complete the circuit. Every minute I spend distracted from this little project is a minute I won't be shocking you."

She watched Nina's face as the implications sank in.

Samantha picked up her spool of solder, and touched it to the tip of her iron. No reaction. "Not hot enough, yet." Samantha stood up. "Let's get you ready, then." She gripped the base of Nina's T-shirt, and tugged upwards. Nina's breasts, soft and pale and freckled, shook gently with Samantha's rough motion. Her nipples were erect, her areolae wrinkled.

"Where's your bra, little rabbit?"

"I was going to put it on before I went home," said Nina.

"Before you were delayed," murmured Samantha. "Do you know what would make your nipples more conductive?"

"No, mistress."

Samantha knelt down and sucked Nina's right nipple into her mouth. Nina gasped. Samantha slid her wet tongue in one slow circle around Nina's nipple, then opened her mouth, breaking the seal. She watched a droplet of her saliva slide slowly down the underswell of Nina's breast. The very tip of her nipple glistened.

"That," said Samantha. "Now, let's see, here..." She went to her toolbox, brought out a pair of calipers. She opened the jaws, and turned to Nina -

Nina was white-faced, terrified. Samantha looked at what she had in her hand.

A pair of pointed, shining metal jaws. Of course. Nina has never seen these before. They must look terrifying - like some sort of cutting tool.

Samantha smiled.

How delightful.

Samantha leaned towards Nina, bringing the cold metal to her wet areola. Nina shivered, sweat running freely now.

"Seven millimeters," said Samantha, taking the calipers away and sitting down. She heard Nina exhale, and felt a wet tingle in her crotch. "Start talking, Nina. Distract me, and you can postpone your torture." She touched the solder to the iron.

The solder melted, flowing over the tip like mercury.


Nina watched the tiny wisp of smoke rise from Samantha's soldering iron. With eerie speed and robotic precision, Samantha began assembling components on the breadboard in front of her.

Nina, her breasts exposed, her right nipple cold and wet, found her mind a blank. She smelled solder; found herself thinking of the Special Toy.

That's not what Samantha wants to know about, she thought. She wants to know about watersports.

Think, Nina, think.

God she's so fast. What's she doing with that copper rod? Is she making a loop? A loop that's seven millimeters across, by any chance?

Think! You never had any problems thinking about Sam peeing on you before!

"I think about you taking me somewhere," began Nina. She felt her blush rising.

This one? Really? The most embarrassing one?

She watched Samantha place another component. Gotta say something. May as well humiliate myself... She took a breath.

"You take me out on a date. I'm..." she looked down. "I'm wearing a collar, and nothing else. You have me on a leash."

Seriously, this is the one we're telling Sam? The nastiest, most depraved fantasy? The one I'd never tell anyone?

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Samantha's hands stop moving. "Go on."

"You're taking me to the park," continued Nina. "You... you sit on a bench, and you make me sit down in the cold dirt next to you. You pat me on the head and tell me what a good girl I am."

"To the park, Nina? With you naked on a leash? Wouldn't that get us arrested in short order?"

"It's a fantasy, Mistress." She glanced at Samantha. "Just something I think about to get off."

Samantha nodded. "All right. Carry on."

Nina felt her blush burn her ears, felt her nipples stand on end.

"I say..." Nina stammered, bright red. "I say, 'Mistress, may I go to the toilet,' and you say no." She stared at the floor.

"Look at me, Nina," said Samantha.

Nina did as she was told.

"Are people watching?"

Nina nodded, swallowing. "Yes. Sometimes they come up and pat me on the head too, and..." she found her mouth dry. "And they compliment you on what a cute little well-trained pet I am."

Samantha smiled. She placed the iron in its stand, leaned back in her chair, spread her legs wide, and cupped herself. "And what happens, after I say no?"

Nina fought to retain eye contact. It was difficult. "I sit there and I hold it in. After a little while I'm desperate."

Samantha reached a hand up to her breast, and squeezed. "Does being desperate turn you on, Nina?"

"Yes," whispered Nina.

"So it's not just being pissed on," said Samantha, openly rubbing her crotch. "Having me control you, to such an extent - that turns you on?"


"Continue," said Samantha, slipping a hand down her jeans.

"I ask you again."

"How do you ask me?" said Samantha - and Nina saw that she was blushing too. "What are the words you use?"

Nina felt her heartbeat. Saw, out of the corner of her eye, her breasts trembling a little with every thump. "I say, 'Please Mistress, may I have permission to speak?'"

"Permission granted," said Samantha, a little breathily.

"'Mistress,'" said Nina, watching Samantha's hand move back and forth inside her jeans, "'I'm desperate. Please may I go to the bathroom? I'll wet myself if I don't go soon.' Sometimes I say 'I'll humiliate myself if I don't go soon.'"

Samantha moaned, softly. "Ohh... That's your job, little rabbit," she said. "To be humiliated for my amusement. So no, you may not use the toilet. What happens then, Nina? Do you humiliate yourself, like the low, base animal that you are, or does something else happen between now and then?"

Nina felt her ears and cheeks escalate to emergency-flare redness. "It's embarrassing, Mistress."

Samantha smiled. "Your embarrassment is more of a turn on to me than this silly story. Urine doesn't do anything for me. Your humiliation is what's making me - mmm - what's making me wet. Continue with the most - oh - the most humiliating fantasy you have, Nina."

Nina swallowed. "You pull up on my leash, and take me to the ladies' room. I think you're finally letting me pee, somewhere dignified instead of in a bush or on the ground. And then you take me into a cubicle, and unbutton your pants."

"Like this?"

Nina watched as Samantha pulled down her jeans and underwear, and sat back in her chair, legs spread, glistening labia peeking through dark pubic hair. "Yes, mistress."

Samantha slowly, languorously ran a finger between her labia. They parted, with a tiny, wet noise. "And then what, Nina?"

Nina forced herself to slow down her breathing. "And then you have me sit down underneath you, on the cold, filthy floor."

"Mmm." Samantha spread her labia wide, exposing champagne pink insides. "And then what happens, Nina?"

"Then you put your pussy over my face, mistress." She knows I'm looking. "And you take hold of me by my hair, and you're not at all gentle about it."

"Look at my eyes." Nina did as she was told. "Do I say anything?"

"You say, 'Spill one drop, and I'll slap you so hard you won't see straight.'"

Samantha grinned. "You fantasize about me slapping you?"

Nina shivered. "Yes."

Samantha stood up. She took her iron, and quickly touched it to the board two or three times - tiny contacts, tiny wisps of smoke - and replaced it in its stand. "Interesting," she said, taking a small battery and clipping it into the new device. She turned to Nina. "I see you're powerless to resist me. I could slap you right now, Nina."

A cold chill went down Nina's spine, at the same moment a warm thrill came from her belly. They collided with an interesting sensation.

"You could, Mistress. I'm all tied up."

Samantha took a slow, measured step towards Nina, then another, smiling down at her. She stood with her naked crotch in front of Nina's eyes, and began to stroke wet fingers across her genitals.

"I could, couldn't I?" said Samantha, her voice breathy and excited. "I could just slap your face, right now, and there'd be nothing you could do about it."

Nina felt a wetness inside her underwear, saw the blush rising in Samantha's cheeks. "Yes," she breathed. "I'm scared, Mistress. I'm helpless."

Samantha crouched down in front of Nina, and touched a wet, fragrant finger to Nina's lips. "Continue with your story. Look me in the eye at all times."

Nina shivered, and did as she was told. "You tell me to open my mouth, Mistress."

"Uh-huh." Samantha's hand disappeared down out of Nina's view, and she heard something wet.

"And then you, sort of, crouch a little bit..."

"Yes?" said Samantha. Her hand appeared, index and middle fingers wet.

"So that your pussy is pressing into my mouth," breathed Nina, panties damp, nipples erect, blushing, sweating, breathing hard.

"And then?" Samantha opened her fingers - slick wetness webbed briefly between them. She pressed them against Nina's lips, wiped them across her mouth. Samantha's scent rose, dark and strong.

Nina squeezed her thigh muscles.

"And... then you make me wait, because..." breathed Nina, ragged, blushing harder than she had ever blushed before.

"Because waiting is the best part?" asked Samantha with a little smile. "It is, isn't it?"

"Yes," breathed Nina. "Yes, Mistress."

"And after a few moments..." prompted Samantha.

"After a few moments, I taste it," said Nina. "Hot and bitter, flowing over my tongue. I swallow. I keep swallowing."

Samantha smiled. "Swallowing what, Nina?"

Nina looked away, humiliated and unbelievably aroused - then caught herself, and looked into Samantha's eyes. "Swallowing your urine, Mistress." She took a shallow, shuddering breath. "I lie in bed at night masturbating, and thinking about drinking your piss. I've..." She swallowed. "I've been doing this for some time, Mistress."
