His Sister in His Lap Ch. 02


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Make love, she'd said - like the first time. Clever. Any hesitancy on his part would be excused. It also meant missionary and kissing and probably little else. No talking, she'd insisted. Still there was something that surely needed to be said.

"I love you."

"I know."

And then he was inside her. He looked into her eyes as her body accepted him. As his dick was fully enveloped she looked back at him, with one hand around his back and the other carefully brushing his hair away from his eyes. They stared at each other for a second, and then kissed as lovers.

As their bodies started to move together it felt so right. How didn't I realize all these years that we could be more than just brother and sister, John thought. You're so goddamn beautiful and you've been so close to me and I never even...

The stress and the tension melted from him. The deed was decided and now it was to be done. Karen, he knew, was a very sexual person, but he didn't concern himself with her pleasure -- at least not directly. It didn't matter or not if he could make her cum or moan or scream. That could come later. What she wanted now was him and he gave himself to her freely. The lies that they had told had lead meant that they should pretend the act was gentle and pure. So it was.

After he came, he lay on top of her and she looked into his eyes.

"You're mine," she said.

"I know."


John awoke suddenly. He must have nodded off after the deed was done. Panicked he looked out of the window. Good, it was still dark. With a fifteen-hour flight following by late-night partying, he could have slept any amount of time. He sat up. The rest of the bed was empty. Laura was sitting on one of the hotel chairs drinking from a bottle of mineral water. "Back with us?" she asked.

"How long was I out for?"

"Dunno. A little over an hour maybe? I wandered off, did my own thing for a while and then bumped into Karen. She asked me to come and keep an eye on you. I'm not sure mischief she thought you were going to get up to on your own. Less than the mischief she's about, I expect."

"So where is she now?" John didn't like the idea of his sister wandering around Swinger Central without a chaperone.

"I saw her heading upstairs with Roberts about fifteen minutes ago."

On second thoughts, maybe her having a chaperone was worse. John grabbed his dressing gown and was at the foot of the stairs before Laura could even begin to say "Wait, I don't think it was anything..."

There were about twenty rooms in total. All of them but one had their doors firmly closed. He put his ear to the first one on the left and heard nothing. He tried the one on the right and could hear a woman in the throes of passion. He was pretty sure it wasn't Karen, pretty sure. As he straightened up he saw a security camera on the wall ahead. He forced himself to cool down a bit. He could get into trouble if he wasn't careful.

He decided to try the open room. It looked like a mess that someone had half-heartedly tried to clean up. The bed had been made, but hastily. Not the work of the house-cleaning that was for sure. They wouldn't have left a condom next to the mini-bar. It had clearly been somewhat used: the outside had some of her, but inside there was none of him. He guessed that one of the free-standing lamps had also been knocked over. It'd been put back, but the cleaner hadn't been able to reattach the shade and the imprint in the carpet suggested it hadn't gone back in exactly the same spot. At first he thought someone had merely split alcohol between the bed and the bathroom wall, but as he went to investigate he felt a sharp stab of pain in his bare feet. He reached down and pulled a shard of glass from his big toe. He scanned the carpet and carefully pulled out a couple of other sharp pieces. Depositing them in the bin, he discovered it already contained the rest -- a cocktail glass, judging by the base which has just about survived. He went back and knelt down to do one last sweep and he noticed an object fallen under the bed-side table. It was a blue scrunchy. He turned it over and over in his hands. It definitely seemed familiar somehow. That must mean it was Karen's. She always used to have had hundreds of these things on her bedroom table back home.

He sat on the bed for about five minutes reconstructing scenarios in his mind. They were myriad and they all hinged on a moment when voluntarily became involuntarily. He needed to find her.

He took the key card from the slot near the door and a second later the lights went out. He checked the room number, but left the door open and went down to the lobby.

"Hi, there. I think I saw my colleague Mr Roberts drop this in the hallway, but I'm not sure."

The receptionist took the card ran it through the machine to check. "Yes, 204, that's his card. Do you know if he is still using the room?"

That was the conformation he sought, but he was still all smiles. "I'm not sure. I can give it back to him or I can tell him to come and collect it from you."

"It's probably better we hang on it. People don't tend to store a lot of valuables in those kind of rooms, but we could still be liable. If you bump into him, please do send him our way."

John suddenly had an idea. "I'd like to make a phone call, if I may?"

The receptionist showed him into the back room and unplugged his phone from where it had been charging. After she gave him some privacy, he dialled Karen's number. The locker started to vibrate to the sound of 'Come Together' by the Beatles. John hung up. It had been a fifty-fifty chance whether the smuggled phone was her work or life one. He went back to the lobby and handed his phone back. He was just about to head back up the stairs when he bumped into Roberts coming rather unsteadily the other way.

"Hi John, enjoying yourself?"

"Where is she?" he growled.

"Where's who?" Robert's in the voice of the drunk who still thinks he can lie convincingly.

"Karen. Where is she? What did you do?"

"Well, I've done so many things with so many women this evening, it's hard to keep track. Now let me see..."

John grabbed him by the lapels and pushed him against the stairwell wall, his boss nearly losing his balance as he did so.

"Stop fucking with me. If you've hurt my...if you've hurt her, I swear to God..."

"Oh, you're talking about one of the whores. I was confused just it seemed like it was someone important. Yeah, whores are for fucking. Maybe it hurts them any maybe it doesn't. Who knows, they get paid either way."

The noise had attracted a trio of rather burly hotel staff members whose duties, amongst other things, included maintaining a certain level of decorum during such a high-level, celebrity-filled event. This was fortunate since they were able to deal with the matter smoothly and efficiently and give a full and detailed report in the night log. The next day, after review, the duty manager found they had acted swiftly and in wholly accordance with their training and highly commended their response.

After all, it was unreasonable to expect them to be able to stop this kind of kerfuffle before the first punch was thrown.


Amelia looked up as John sat next to her at the bus stop. He was pressing an ice-pack into a swollen eye.

"Hi," he said.

"Jesus," she said. "Are you okay? What happened to you?"

"I thought Roberts had...I mean, I thought Penelope and him..." As he spoke, a light dawned. "I made a mistake. Or maybe it wasn't a mistake. I just had a few of the details out of order. This is yours, I think."

"Thanks," she said, taking it and starting to put her hair back in a ponytail. "I must have dropped it. So you got your wires crossed and got a black-eye for your trouble."

"Nah, this was from the bouncers. I don't want to be the kind of guy to say 'You should have seen the other guy', but...he pretty much went down cold with the first punch. They were calling him an ambulance as I left. You ever been thrown out of a nudist resort? The bouncers have to stand over you while you get dressed. After they've already given you a good kicking. Talk about socially awkward."

"Thanks," Amelia said. "Really. Penelope was with me. We had...some issues. That...asshole went to get her to help smooth things out."

"Was this before or after you threw a cocktail glass at him?"


"And she made everything right."

"She helped get me out of there at least. God, this job..."

"Anything you want to talk about?"

"Maybe, with the appropriate authorities. In the morning. Not that they'll listen. But, thanks anyway. You're sweet. I'd probably have had a much better evening if I'd have rolled your number instead of his."

"Yeah. Well, someone else would just be sitting here and I might not have been in a position to punch him on their behalf. Hell of a way for me to lose my job though."

"Oh, God, yeah. I'm sorry you got involved with this."

"Don't worry. Tonight has been interesting. You know, there are some things that you really shouldn't do, but when you do them they feel amazing. Then, once you've calmed down and sobered up a bit, you can see that it was really dumb, but your still glad you did it. I've had a lot of those moments this evening. Punching my boss out is the least of them."

Amelia laughed. "Careful, what goes on in Club Profumo, stays in Club Profumo, right?"

"Oh, most definitely."

They sat in silence for a minute. John eventually broke the silence. "You know, I don't think a bus is coming."

"Oh, no, right, I called my flatmate. She's driving out here pick up me us. Want a lift? It'll still take a while, but there'll be room in the back for one more."

"Sure. Actually, come to think of it, do you have Karen's work number? Penelope, I mean. I should let her know what happened."

Amelia scrolled through her phone, "There you go."

John was about to call when he remembered that Karen wasn't supposed to have her phone with her in the club. He hadn't been thinking properly earlier -- he could have gotten her into serious trouble as well. Sending a text would be more discrete. Punched Roberts. Got thrown out of club. Outside with Amelia. Please come immediately.

"So you and Penelope then? They tell us we shouldn't date the customers, you know?"

"Yeah, we probably shouldn't, but I've got a feeling we're going to anyway."

His phone buzzed.Yes I heard. Don't worry. Just been chatting with Laura. On my way.

John typed Okay. Then he deleted it and wrote I love you instead.


John and Karen sat in the motorway services eating an overpriced and low-quality All-Day Breakfast. Amelia had offered to take them all the way back into Central London, but they hadn't fancied either Karen's flat with its three nosey housemates, or John's hotel with the chance of running into Roberts again. In the end, they'd spent the rest of the night in a TravelLodge on the M25. There'd been a moment when the receptionist had taken a good hard stare at his bruises and he'd wondered if they would be turned away.

It now was just coming up to half-past two and they'd only gotten up when housekeeping had knocked rather loudly on the door and demanded they check out. John dearly wished he'd taken just ten minutes of the morning to have a shower, but he'd been too exhausted. The scents of the previous night still hung on him.

"Is now a good time for me to tell you I'm adopted?"

"You can fuck right off."

Karen hadn't been up last night quite as late as he had and was in a perkier mood. "Who was that calling while I was getting the food?"

"Peterson. Apparently, I'm not fired," He said. "At least, not exactly."

"How come?"

John adopted a squeaky, high-pitched voice. "Hi, this is Mindy from HR. I understand that you wish to raise a complaint about a physical assault from another member of staff, John Amberley, that took place last night. This is a very serious matter and rest assured we will deal with it with the utmost severity. I just wanted to get some details from you for my form. Now where were you when this assault took place? A swinging club. I see...and this was a company event was it? Right, I'll just write that down. And were there any witnesses? Several high paid call-girls who were hired for the event. And has the claim for them gone through the expense system yet? That's no problem, it's nice to have a code so we can cross-reference it later..."

"Okay, okay, I get it, so you're in the clear?"

"Not exactly. Peterson was pretty upset what Roberts got up to last night and would like to get rid of him, but he is in a difficult position. He wants to avoid any of this leaking or Roberts being able to sue the company for unfair dismissal, so he's going to have to be careful. He's going to try slowly side-lining him, but he's suggesting I disappear for a while."

"What, like in a mafia movie?"

"Think more yakuza. He's talking about sending me to Japan full time to consult with the new contract -- assuming that happens. Luckily none of our guests were around to witness our dust-up last night. I'd be gone about a year. More maybe. It'd be a good career move."

"So, I wouldn't see you?"

"I was thinking you might come with me. As my wife. I'd need to look into exactly what paperwork is required, but we've already got the same surname on all the documents. We might be able to swing it."

Karen bit her top lip.

"You don't want to?"

"It's not that. When you called last night, I was talking to Laura. She'd done some thinking and was wondering if we'd like to take part in a new documentary show they're doing about people with special relationships."

"You didn't tell her..."

"No, silly. I mean what it's like for you to be married to an exotic dancer. Tensions in the marriage due to me showing off my body to other men. I told her there weren't any tensions, but we could invent some."

"Karen, you know we can't do it right. People we know might watch it. People who know both of us, I mean. Our parents might see it. There's no way, right? Come with me to Japan."

Karen leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Yes, it's crazy. We were just talking and I couldn't think of any reason why we wouldn't be interested, so I just listened to her spit-ball."

She picked up the last bit of cardboard toast and demolished it in a couple of mouthfuls. "Come on, let's go. Did you talk to Peterson about him taking your luggage with him? Good, then we don't need to go back to the hotel, we just need to get to Victoria. I'll phone Mum and Dad and let them know I'm coming back on an impromptu visit. You get us an Uber. You'll have to think of a good excuse for that shiner. Mum'll go spare if she thinks you've been fighting."

The next ten minutes consisted of waiting outside in the light rain, waiting in the car at traffic lights, waiting in the station for the train to arrive and then finally waiting for their dad to pick them up on the other end.

Karen was uncharacteristically quiet most of the way. It was only as their father's Vauxhall pulled into the station car park, that she finally spoke.

"I wouldn't say there was no way..."

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StrappySandalsStrappySandals7 months ago

Highly disappointing TheRedChamber!! Seemed sloppy and rushed, and way too dramatic, and it did not include the violation of Karen's ass that was seemingly promised at the end of chapter 1.

MikroiceMikroice7 months ago

I was kinda waiting for the action to start ....

MfkndragonMfkndragon10 months ago

That was a sorry ass ending

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Very wholesome!

I'd love more! Their dynamic is excellent!

dikupinyadikupinyaover 1 year ago

please continue

phillibusterphillibusteralmost 2 years ago

The folks on here giving you shit can fuck right off. It was great, and I'd love to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Needs serious editing. It is very hard to follow and I felt like I was left hanging in the end. All in all, not a good read.

nicho1855nicho1855almost 2 years ago

Firstly, I liked your story. It was a different but interesting outlook compared to other stories here. Swinger's clubs and prostitution are a fact of life and let's face it a prostitute gets paid to have sex with numerous clients on any given night. The fact that one of them may be her brother wouldn't matter I don't think. The ending makes me think there may be one or two more chapters to this story. I certainly hope so. Finally, don't let the negative anons get to you. Just do what a lot of other writers do and delete them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Enjoyed the story. Looking forward to chapter 3.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The haters can fuck off. I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyalmost 2 years ago

I gave it 5 stars and I liked it. Chapter 3 soon please?

dikupinyadikupinyaalmost 2 years ago

now they should be exclusive.

DoctorSpenglerDoctorSpengleralmost 2 years ago

Well, THAT was disappointing! Almost a myriad of ways it could go, but it went in THAT one. Meh!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wow total disappointment for a part 2 when part one was a very good story. Very confusing in some parts of who's POV it was or who was speaking to who.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Just wow, what a stupid storyline............ seriously this is dumber than a box of rocks sinking to the bottom of the ocean with no hope of ever coming to the top. Gave it a one star because you can't vote any lower. Terrible, no continuity at all and no way of saving the story.........

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