History Project Gone Wild

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Laney’s study group becomes an impromptu threesome.
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Author's Note: First of all, if you've found this story randomly, then welcome. Skip everything in this note and continue to the story. I hope you enjoy.

However, if you follow me, or even if this is your second story of mine, I want to give a brief explainer. All my stories take place in the same universe. You will see a lot of character crossover. Generally speaking, they are posted in chronological order. But each story should still be able to stand alone. And thus, you should be able to read them in whichever order you choose.



Laney was having trouble concentrating. She had had a threesome a few days ago. And now, she found herself incapable of focusing on the history project before her.

Which was a shame because she liked history. Hell, she had chosen to major in it. And this ought to be a fun project. She and two of the boys in her class were doing a presentation on the last days of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. She was going to play Marie. Caleb would be Louis. And Jack would narrate, as the French peasantry rioted and eventually beheaded them. They had even ordered costumes to do a reenactment. It should be a guaranteed A.

Instead, her mind kept replaying the sultry scenes from last weekend. Another girl taking a boy's cock into her mouth. And then, Laney watching (and fingering herself) as he penetrated the other girl. Before Laney finally hopped on his dick to finish him off. It was the hottest thing that had ever happened to her.

To make matters worse, her next rendezvous with the couple was already scheduled. She was going to meet back up with them in two days. Laney couldn't stop thinking about it. She had even masturbated to the idea earlier that day. Twice.

But, it had barely taken the edge off.

And yet, here they all were, gathered in Caleb's room, and Laney was a little wet. For basically no reason. The boys were both talking history, and Laney shifted uncomfortably in panties that were definitely damp.

"Did you know Louis and Marie had to have sex in front of people?" Jack asked, looking up from his computer.

That brought Laney back from her daydreams.

"Like, they were into it?" Caleb asked. He may have been a nerd, but he was an attractive nerd. His blond hair was medium length and textured so that it fell around his head like a mop. A very sexy mop. He also had high cheekbones and a perfect nose.

Laney had to stop thinking about having sex.

Jack shook his head. He was somehow hotter. A strong jawline, a little bit of stubble. Firm chin. Piercing eyes. Black hair that was styled into a faux-hawk. "No, it was just court procedure. Basically their attendants watched every single thing either of them did. Including sex."

Caleb scrunched up his face. "That's so fucking weird." He glanced at Laney for confirmation. "Right?"

She smiled. "You wouldn't like to watch someone have sex?"

"Ummm, no," Caleb said.

"But you watch porn, right?" Laney asked.

Caleb blushed. "Yeah, but that's not in person. I'm not there...just staring awkwardly."

In her head, Laney reflected on how much less awkward it actually was in real life.

Jack cocked his head. "I think it depends more on who I'd be watching."

"What do you mean?" Caleb asked.

"Well, like, I wouldn't watch you," he answered. "That'd be gross. But I'd probably watch someone who was hot." Jack looked around the room, as if there were more than one other person present. "Like Laney, for instance. I'd be happy to watch her." He smiled at her. "I don't want to make things weird, but you're super hot." On the surface, Jack also gave off nerd vibes. But deep down, he was a bit of a rogue. A rapscallion, even.

Laney laughed. "What if I was having sex with Caleb? Would you watch that?"

Caleb's cheeks turned a darker shade of red.

Jack flicked his eyes back and forth between them, evaluating the pros of watching Laney have sex, and the cons of Caleb doing the same, before he finally shrugged. "Yeah, probably."

The three sat quietly for a moment, as Laney realized both boys were picturing her naked body in their minds. Probably, they were taking it further, actually thinking about her getting fucked. Foolishly, she felt a wave of heat pass over her body. It was dumb to be turned on by the fact that two guys were fantasizing about her.

"I think we're missing the bigger point here," Caleb said. "What would it be like from the POV of Louis and Marie? Is there anyone who would like to be watched while having sex?"

Laney again reflected on her experience a few days ago. Another girl had watched her have sex. And it had been hot. "I think I'd actually be into it," Laney heard herself say.

Two pairs of eyes turned to turn her.

"I mean, think of how the attendants would lust over you as you fucked the king. That's kind of hot, right?"

"You wouldn't be terrified to put on a show with an audience?" Caleb asked. "You wouldn't be super self conscious?"

Laney shrugged. "I think I'd put on a pretty good show."

Jack smiled. "Which is why I'd watch you fuck Caleb."

"Can we talk about literally anything else?" Caleb asked.



The trio continued working on their plans for the project. Laney's costume had arrived and she wanted to try it on to make sure it fit. She asked Caleb where she could change.

He winced. "This is a guys-only dorm. I think the only girls' bathrooms are in the lobby?"

Laney rolled her eyes. "I have to go all the way downstairs? Just to change?"

Caleb offered a weak shrug as an apology.

"What happens when a girl needs to pee?" Laney asked.

"I think that's kind of the point. To discourage girls from hanging out here."

Laney rolled her eyes. The court attendants of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette used to watch them have sex. How had society managed to move backwards over the course of the centuries?

"You can just change here," Caleb suggested.

Laney barked out a laugh. "I'm sure you'd love that."

Caleb's eyes went wide. "No, I meant we'd both look away to give you privacy."

Jack smiled hungrily. "Yeah, I definitely wouldn't peek."

Laney paused. She would still be wearing a bra and panties. They wouldn't see anything more than they would if she was in a bathing suit. But for some reason, bras and panties were socially different from bikinis. And then that thought frustrated her. There were too many social rules. And she still couldn't stop thinking about her recent threesome and the plans for her next one tomorrow. The thought of two boys watching her change actually turned her on.

"You know what, it's fine," she replied. "I don't need privacy."

Jack understood the implication immediately. "You don't care if we watch while you change?"

In response, she slid down her leggings. She kept her legs together so the garment would clear her knees. But, once the leggings were down to her ankles, she spread her thighs apart. Knowing that only a thin piece of fabric separated her vagina from the boys.

Then she crossed her hands on either side of her shirt and pulled up. She felt the cotton tug against her breasts, before they finally sprung free, contained only by her bra.

And there she was. Sitting in just her underwear. A bra and a thong. Both boys' eyes fixated on her.

Laney basked in their gaze. She relished the way they stared at her mostly naked body. Drinking it in. Again, it hit her. If they were at the beach, she would be well within the bounds of normality. A bit on the skimpy side perhaps, but still far short of obscene. Yet, here, in private, there was an air of intimacy. Of bucking social norms. It felt oddly scandalous.

Honestly, it took too long before she realized she probably ought to put the 'Marie Antoinette' costume on.

She stepped into the dress and pulled it up to her shoulders, sliding her arms through the sleeves. She shimmied a little to let the garment settle over her, wiggling her ass to let it hug her hips. Laney pressed her boobs together and then adjusted them, trying to get them to fit into the underwire just right.

Finally, she turned to the boys and raised her hands in a ta-da gesture.

"Holy fuck, you look hot," Caleb said, before blushing.

Laney looked at him with a coy smile.

"I...just...meant..." He stammered as he searched for words. "I think the costume definitely fits."

Jack gave her an eye wink, "Honestly, I think you looked better without the dress."

Laney began to roll her eyes, but then had the sudden realization that her panties were damp...again. These two boys watching her change had caused her to get basically dripping wet. Really, it was embarrassing how horny she was. She needed tomorrow to get here already.



The next morning, Laney struggled on how to dress. It was going to be a weird day. She had classes until the early afternoon. And then she had to meet with her history group for one last round. After finalizing their project, she would finally be able to take the three hour drive back to Tariq and Beth to have very dirty sex. As she tried to think through what made the most sense to wear for the day, her hands kept drifting back to her pussy. To her clit. To her vagina.

The anticipation of the evening ahead of her made it hard to think straight. Finally, she yielded, allowing both hands to find her pussy. One rubbing the outside, the other plunging within. It didn't take long until she brought herself to orgasm. She spasmed hard against both her hands, envisioning what the night had in store.

She ended up going with a t-shirt and a skirt. No bra, no panties. It would be weird going without underwear for the entire day. But, she didn't think she'd get the chance to change clothes. And ultimately, she wanted to show up at her sluttiest.

And so, completely commando, Laney went about her day.

It turned her on more than she would have guessed. In Geometry, every time she crossed and uncrossed her legs, there was an element of risk. In English Literature, things got worse. They were studying a Midsummer's Night Dream. Shakespeare literally wrote a scene about group sex. Laney found herself getting wet in the middle of class discussion. And then, there was A Study of Atlantic Revolutions. The class conversation wasn't that sexy, but she still found herself re-living the memory of taking her clothes off in front of two boys the day before.

Finally, it was time to meet with Jack and Caleb. Her vagina was practically dripping at this point.

'Just get through this,' she told herself. 'And then you can go have all the crazy sex you want.'

But it was hard. Once she was with her boys, she found herself crossing and uncrossing her legs. Like she had been doing all day. But now, she hoped they would notice. She needed them to notice.

As they discussed the finishing touches of their project, she couldn't help but dwell on the fact that there was nothing between her pussy and their eyes. If only they'd just see it.

At some point she left her legs spread wide, her goods displayed for all to see. Jack's gaze finally drifted down. His eyes opened wide when he realized what he was looking at.

"Caleb," he said, suddenly. "Your costume arrived today, right?"

Caleb nodded his head, thrown off by the non sequitur.

"You should try it on," Jack said.

Caleb's eyes flashed toward Laney. "In front of her," he asked, his voice full of hesitation.

Jack shrugged. "She changed in front of us yesterday."

Caleb nodded his head. "Yeah, I guess that's fair."

As he pulled his t-shirt off, Laney saw that his abs were more toned than she had expected. Then, he slid down his shorts, wearing only boxers.

Just like the day before, he wasn't wearing anything less than he would if they were all at the pool together. But, in this context, it felt intimate. Forbidden for some reason.

Social rules were dumb.

Caleb pulled the costume out of the bag and began putting it on. It hadn't been particularly expensive. They were college students after all. Basically just a long tunic, a fancy cloak, and some leggings. Still, once he had it on, it did vaguely resemble medieval attire.

He held out his hands when he was done. "What do you think?"

Laney nodded her head approvingly and was about to respond when Jack spoke up first.

"It's hard to tell without Laney in her costume," he said.

Caleb frowned. "You can't tell if this looks right on its own?"

Jack smiled. "I just think it's important that the outfits match. The presentation won't work if you two are wearing clothes from totally different time periods." He winked at Laney.

"I guess that's true," Caleb responded.

"So what do you say?" Jack asked Laney. "Do you mind changing back into your costume like yesterday?" He paused with yet another smile. "Just for the project of course."

Laney shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She wasn't wearing any underwear. If she changed, the boys would see her completely nude. Which was obviously Jack's whole point. Honestly, she had to admit it was clever.

Then she had an idea she thought was equally clever. "I'll change if you take off your clothes first," she told Jack.

"Wait, what?" Caleb blurted.

Jack stared at her. "Like, all of them?"

Laney nodded with a grin. She knew there was no way Jack would strip naked in front of his friend.

"What the hell is going on?" Caleb asked. "He's just the narrator. Why would he need to change?"

The other two ignored him. Laney stared at Jack, enjoying him squirm. And Jack stared back at Laney, evaluating the decision before him.

Finally, to her extreme surprise, Jack stood up and took his shirt off. Then, in one quick motion, he pulled down both his shorts and boxers, letting his dick swing free. For a long moment, Laney couldn't take her eyes off it. It wasn't the biggest she had seen, but it was definitely decent. More than anything though, she couldn't believe he had actually done it. He had called her bluff. And now he stood naked before them.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Caleb said, averting his eyes from Jack, and turning his gaze to Laney. "And what the fuck to you too? Why did you ask him to get naked?"

"Don't worry, it'll be worth it," Jack replied.

Caleb shook his head, in both confusion and exasperation.

Then, Laney took a deep breath. She hadn't expected Jack to go through with her challenge. But now that he had, she felt she had to go through with her end of the deal.

Ethically speaking.

Slowly, she reached down to grab her t-shirt and pull it up over her head. She felt her tits flop free as she did so. Both boys ogled her bare chest. Her nipples were rock hard. Like little diamonds. She didn't know if that made things more or less awkward. It occurred to her that she could probably put her dress on now and avoid being completely naked. But that kind of felt like cheating. And besides, she was a little excited to strip down to nothing in front of two boys.

Eyeing both of their faces intently, Laney hooked her thumbs over the waistband of her skirt and began pushing it down. After it cleared her hips, it fell to the floor, leaving Laney completely exposed. Two pairs of eyeballs darted back and forth between her boobs and her shaved crotch. They probably couldn't tell, but Laney was so turned on, she felt a bit of moisture trickling down the inside of her thigh.

"Holy shit," Jack said, his dick beginning to show signs of life.

Caleb stared in awe. "You were right," he said absentmindedly. "Whatever is going on was indeed worth it."

Laney rolled her eyes. "Calm down boys, it's just a naked girl." She reached for her dress on the bed and began pulling it on.

"You do know that naked girls are what we dream about, right?" Caleb muttered as she dressed herself.

Laney laughed, as she smoothed the gown around her. "What do you think, Jack? Do we match?"

Jack, still totally naked, nodded his head. "Yeah, you two look great. You'll be a perfect representation of French royalty."

Caleb nodded his head in agreement, as he glanced back and forth between their two costumes. "Honestly, it's like we ordered a couples' set for people that are into cosplay."

Jack flashed a grin at her. "Well, I guess it's time to get changed back into your normal clothes."

Laney rolled her eyes, but inside she was excited to reveal herself again. It felt like she was in a slutty feedback loop. Knowing what was in store for her later that night was turning her on so much that she wanted to strip naked in front of these two boys. The thought of their eyes pouring over the contours of her body turned her on even further and made her even more excited for what she knew was coming. She was beginning to question whether she could even make the three-hour drive without pulling over to masturbate halfway through.

"It's funny," Laney said as she began peeling off her gown. "This feels awkward, but it's actually pretty historically accurate. People definitely watched Marie as she stripped naked."

As Caleb repeated the process of undress, he glanced at Jack, still completely naked. "Well, their court attendants probably weren't in the nude."

Laney stared at Jack as well, her eyes settling on his penis, now more than half erect. "I mean probably not. Although I also wouldn't put it past them. The court of Louis XVI was a slutty group."

As the dress fell to the floor, Jack's eyes were locked firmly on her bare pussy. "You know, their court attendants would have actually seen them go quite a bit further."

Laney eyed him appraisingly. "What are you suggesting?"

He held his hands wide. "I'm not suggesting anything. I'm just saying that if I were an important member of court and you decided to blow him, I would probably get to watch."

"Are you saying you want to watch me blow Caleb?"

"Again, I'm not saying anything at all. It's just that if you did blow him, we could experience a bit of historical realism."

Laney stared at Jack. "Are you being for real right now?"

He shrugged. "Kind of. You said you'd like to be watched. And I told you I'd be happy to watch you. It doesn't feel too hard to make this math work. Caleb's the only one even wearing underwear currently."

Laney looked to Caleb. "What about you? Do you want me to blow you?" Her eyes flicked to Jack. "In front of less-than-historically-accurate court members."

Caleb's eyes went wide. "I mean, yeah," he said. "I don't really understand how we got to this point. But if you're asking if I want a hot girl to put her mouth around my dick, the answer is yes." He laughed. "The answer to that question is always yes."

Laney shook her head and checked her smartwatch. She needed to leave to go have a threesome, like, right now. And yet there was a threesome here. Just waiting on her. Briefly, she reflected on the absurdity of her life. She had broken up with her high school boyfriend just over a week ago. He had been the love of her life and (until that point) the only boy she had ever had sex with. But, now, she was trying to choose between which threesome she most wanted. And it occurred to her, she could probably have both. She could do this tonight, and still have Beth and Tariq waiting on her tomorrow.

"Hold on a sec," she told the boys, as she reached for the phone in the back pocket of the skirt she had once been wearing.

'Sooooo sorrrry,' her fingers typed to both Tariq and Beth. 'I got tied up with this history project I've been working on. I won't be able to make it until tomorrow. But don't worry, I'll cum with my a-game.' She followed that up with three winking faces.

Then, she threw her phone on the bed and dropped to her knees, tugging Caleb's boxers down in the process. His dick wagged free in front of her face. He was still flaccid, so she lowered her face to pop one of his balls into her mouth.