All Comments on 'Holiday Hammer Blow'

by Cagivagurl

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buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny12 months ago

I don't give a damn what my new girlfriend says, but if she's "best friends" with my ex wife AND the conniving bitch who instigated that swapping bullshit, then she isn't my girlfriend anymore. I don't care if I'm missing out on a great woman, that's the kind of hassle nobody needs in their life.

SimonCWSimonCW12 months ago

Dave was spot on in his reaction to what had happened. Gary got what was coming. Swapping or any form of infidelity never ends well. I am so glad the victim got the girl and didn't end back with the wife who betrayed him. Good read

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I guess it wasn’t bros before hoes. Gary if he had any honor, which he doesn’t, would have called his friend or refused to participate. And sorry at some point Tab has to decide between Dave and her girlfriends. Frankly he should have walked out the first time he saw Kelly at the team celebration with Tab. And so what if in the end they said the love each other? How long before the inner slut in Tab returns to the surface and she needs a MFM… And how balanced are these two? She’s had wild sexual past, and he hasn’t. Hmmm… Long term is that going to bother him? Does Tab keep flirting with every Tom, Dick and Harry she runs into at a party? Her friends note how different the two them were. Too bad Dave didn’t fuck Elsie to at least get revenge on his ex-best friend.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I have to laugh at a couple of anon posters from a few months back.

"That's not how a real man acts."

Hahaha...yeah. a real man let's his wife fuck other dudes. His friends. Hell maybe even a brother. No big deal. Let your wife slut around. And if you don't like it? Then just let everyone gaslight you into it being your fault for being "inflexible" and the "wet blanket" for not accepting your wife fucking your best mate.


And...guess what. His former friends are toxic to him. To his mental health.

So there is absolutely nothing wrong with cutting toxic people out of your life.

And if a new girlfriend can't see or understand why they are toxic and not good for him? Then why is she his girlfriend?

Surely there's more women in NZ than skanks or friends of his ex wife and her gaggle of slutty friends?

lc69hunterlc69hunter11 months ago

Dave was definitely a weak asshole. Doesn't deserve to have any woman.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This author has a way of weaving you into her stores.

The way she paint the emotion vs logic or stubbornness is through dialogue and facial expressions. A lot of depth and extended narrative that contrast male authors that try to sum it up in,"just the facts ma'am..." 2 to 4 chapters drawn out to a fuller and richer over a dozen chapters.

A nice study of relationships, not so complimentary portrait of male dominated character.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Same LW characters, different LW story title.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Horrible. Tab is a horrible evil woman that manipulates. Forcing him to be around her friends knowing how bad the past was. Poor dude was totally useless. Should have walked and never looked back.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Disappointing. He started out being a real stand-up guy. Someone you could look up to; someone you could rely on. So it's brutally surprising that he couldn't see or understand - as everybody else apparently can't - your past life raises consequences in your future.

A woman can't go through a period of outright whoring and think that later on it won't become a consideration and a basis for judgment in the future. You are the sum of your past decisions and experiences as well as your thoughts and beliefs. The bad goes along with the good - it all sums up; it's all a part of who you were and are.

And the question will always come up - is that a part of who you will be? Make no mistake - the answer unfailingly comes back as yes; particularly if you haven't done anything to change. And that change has to be evident BEFORE you start a relationship. The evidence of no change lies in the fact you refused to volunteer and divulge your past mistakes. If you hide it, your judgment is still questionable and unacceptable - you're still wholly untrustworthy.

The old saw "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission" doesn't play here. Saying "Sorry!" or having regrets after the fact is hollow, empty and does nothing to justify and erase the betrayal.

There are two absolute truths:

1. Once a whore, always a whore.

2. It's never a matter of "if", only a matter of "when".

Final pearl of wisdom for men: prepare for your marriage (if you are still inclined to that institution) as if it will only be a maximum of a 10-year commitment. Prepare in advance for when it ends, particularly including a pre-nuptial agreement covering assets, liabilities and child custody (in the event of progeny) and how it will all be affected by infidelity as you define it.

You can always exercise an option to re-commit, re-marry, or extend the arrangement on an annual or up to a 5-year basis.

"Until death do you part" only plays wholly to the benefit of the wife - never the husband.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I'm really disappointed with this story, because its so good. The characters are amazing, and the drama and reconcilation involved doesnt make me feel like any of the characters are selling their souls. That being said, the whole thing ends too quickly. Dave and Tab fall out of an miscommunication and make up... great, but what next? Does it last? Does Elise (the only real bitch jn the story) get burnt? Does Maike get a happy ending with a man who loves her and who wouldnt cheat on her? Does Gary get what he deserve for knowingly stabbing his best friend in the back? Does Dave reconcile with his family? Does Kelly get a happy ending? This story, while good, disappoints because it leaves so many unanswered questions. It needs more. It needs an ending.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Reading again. Such quality storytelling. Such reprehensible characters. Except….barely….Dave.


Many commentators opined on this better than I did 2 years ago, and I still think Powersworder, demander, and BigGuy33 hit the proverbial nail on the head.


Would like to add this that occurred to me on this second reading: at the end when Dave was looking to get back together with Tab, he really needed to ask her a couple questions: 1). Did you think your bestie Kelly did wrong? 2). If it were you, would YOU have either done what Kelly did, or tried to talk me into it? If he didn’t get an instant and firm “No!” to both…he should have walked away.


Still a very strong 4 ****

Opinionated1Opinionated110 months ago

I'm not understanding why Dave could not accept getting back together with Kelly? Dave couldn't accept

Kelly's single act of 'betrayal' under questionable circumstances when she had been 100% loyal and comitted to him up until that time. He has zero tolerance for her at all. The he falls for a obviously 'playful slutty' Tab, and the

longer he's around her the more he learns. But he forgives and forgets Tab's issues that he cant accept, but

cannot forgive Kelly? begs to question if he ever really loved Kelly to be that intolerant with her. Even though our

author didn't attack Dave with her usual idiot stick as usual, he's still portrayed as dense and insensitive to what

was obviously a missunderstanding. The real culprit in this story is Dave's best friend who knew very well how

strict and unmoving Dave was regarding Kelly, and took advantage of the circumstances to get some strange.

vanyevanye9 months ago

Opinionated1 - it's because it happened while he was married to Kelly. Tabby's antics were in the past.

A shame the story doesn't have a proper ending though.

jocko_smithjocko_smith9 months ago

Meh, Tab is marginally better than Kelly, but still a manipulator. I'd have walked away when she insisted on dragging me to parties where her toxic friends were. She can see them all she wishes, but not with me.

The solution to dealing with radioactive waste is time, distance, and shielding.

Torsini71Torsini719 months ago

Loved it. But there is no way kelly gets talked into cheating with his best friend for a whole weekend allowing him to mark up her body so bad that she clearly was used and abused by the friend without being clear her husband was a consenting participant in such a thing. Both kelly and the best friend would have been very aware dave would not be "ok" with such a wife swap even if the proverbial scales of justice were balanced by them ALL having cheated. Dave lets this cheating slide now the skys the limit from kelly in the future, he walked like he should.

Torsini71Torsini719 months ago

Kelly and gary knew full well the "inflexible" dave would not be OK with his wife cheating like this, they did it anyway hoping they could use the "it was a mistake" play from the cheater hand book. His best mate gary respected dave so much he marked his territory all over kelly sending her home to dave knowing he used and abused her all weekend and kelly let him. Glad dave walked away, tolerate this now from kelly, she cheats on you again with gary 10yrs from now if you get in a fight or she gets bored.

phill1cphill1c9 months ago

swap sex is one thing. Marking up your best friend's wife is quite another.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This story worked out about as one would expect actually. The best friend WAS an asshole who knew better, Elise was a right cunt, the others to quick to facilitate, the low esteem Mailke WAS forgivable for her sincere contrition towards the ex-husband, and the wife Kelly learned a hard lesson for her blithe behavior towards her husband. The husband's behavior WAS quirky but he had also been shit on. The final girlfriend Tab acted as she did (rightly) out of embarrassment at her past behavior with someone she loved And the two finally came together. The good ones in this story learned from their mistakes and came out a better people. Pretty typical Cagivagurl characters. Nice story, well told. One of the author's better ones. Much appreciated. Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This writer obviously has no idea how men react to a cheating wife. If the husband is into swapping, the wife would know. He would have suggested a swap in casual conversation if that was the case, but it was not. If she had any doubts, she would spoken with him about it as her so called friends had bugged her for days. If after only 3 years she's willing to sleep with your friends, then she's not a wife, she's just some whore you married by mistake.

Once the marriage was done , you loss your job and it's obvious your family refuses to respect your decision, why the fuck would you hang around? Australia is a fair sized continent, get the fuck away from all of those toxic people.

I got through 75% of the story before I wanted to throw up. I hope your female characters are not not typical of the woman in your country, pushy, arrogant, and stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Excellent presentation: Very high quality. A top suggestion for a good read.

Simple fact: The author brought us to the world of real estate. Break a contract and pay a severe penalty.

One has to be stupid not to understand a contract was broken and the penalty was paid.

The author correctly shows that true love recognizes no one is perfect.; It is no the past but the current and the future that matters. The MC understood. The story is not finished, though the authors role was completed. Marriage is a treasure that must be continually built and grow through thoughtful communication and acts of love.

mariverzmariverz9 months ago

Genia!!!, she loves her friends more than her husband ....

what characters you bring out Cagi, what characters....

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Kelly was a cheating B and Gary left love bites to rub it in (and Kelly let him). Tharen he ends up with a slut. Author is seriously Screwed up in her ideas of forgiveness being an entitlement owed to the cheater

Calico75Calico759 months ago

What a complex and complicated story. I really enjoyed the premise of the 6 friends and the swap that went wrong. Elise and Gary were the villains--Elise because she worked on and pressured Kelly to go along and Gary because, even though he denied it, he knew Dave would not like it. That's the reason for the love bites--to mark his territory and rub Dave's nose in it. What I didn't enjoy was all the manipulation. I know without all the manipulation, the story would have been much shorter. Maybe it would have been better....

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Why is it, in your world, all the men take a hammering from their women, and nobody, NOBODY, ever backs them up? Based on your stories, men are better than women.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Should have ended this halfway down page four when he left for good, it was such a monumentally ridiculous coincidence that his ex knew his new squeeze, a plot twist only included to increase the yawn factor with the added benefit of making the story a few pages longer which we all know Cagivagurl cannot resist doing.

When Cagivagurl started writing in the LW category this author decided to invent a whole new set of cliches for his stories, we know they’re cliches because they are in constant use in every one of Cags LW offerings.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Reading the comments here, why do most assume the author is female, look at the user name Cagivagurl take note of the last four letters, pretty sure that those who read stories here know what a GURL is descriptive of.

Once you understand that then the bias of all Cagivagurl’s LW stories begins to make a lot more sense.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

a long story about a masochist.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

“I don’t like my wife to fuck other men.” “You’re so uptight and insecure.”🤦‍♂️

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What a freaking awful story. All the girls love and want Dave, he has the personality of a toad. If I was his lifelong friend that he coldcocked, the next time that I saw him I would hit the fucker in the head with a hammer. Dumb story that they all loved him and even his boss begged him not to leave his job. The whole story made no sense and it was 7 pages of this boring shit, with a terrible ending, Damn. 2/5

FillDirtWantedFillDirtWanted7 months ago

I second what Calico75 said. Gary knew

PondLife2023PondLife20237 months ago

In reality he would have “Readjusted” Gary’s features, having divorced the cheating bitch and found a means of fucking up the others lives at least a bit. It’s another case of the “Forgiveness bug”!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wow... he drops his wife who cheated once for a whore who enjoyed getting spit roasted, made airtight and having multiple men. And she is going to be faithful and true... Bizare thinking

brian_scoobybrian_scooby7 months ago

I agree with many others… he knew, Gary did know. He just wanted a piece of Kelly and he made sure that Paul knew he got it (bites on the thighs). Kelly, Maine and Marty will be friends for the future…. Elise and Garza not at all! Very good story… very appropriate length of a read. Thank-you

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

One thing Gary never made clear was that he would never have gone with Maike even if she did come on to him because he is a One And Done person. The thing that blew everything up was, as usual no communication. Had they been open with each other and one said no it was deal breaker. The other thing is it shows the mentality of the other males if they so easily broke there wedding vows. They are like petulant children. They did wrong but have to blame others. The thing is they will do it again. Once a cheater always a cheater.

O don't believe in consequences, thus I really don't think they would all meet up again like they did. That is just the Author trying to prolong the misery and I can say, badly failing. I would also feel that he would have seen Tab at some point as it seems she knew some of them well. This part was for me was too disjointed. Plus Gary marked Kelly on purpose to rub Gary's nose in it. They was no reason for any marking to be made. Lets not for get the 'Its Only Sex' angle as well and what about safe sex. Generally a bit of a silly story really.

Ocker53Ocker536 months ago

Most of your stories have the exact same theme, swapping blunders, the MC needed a set of balls, just not realistic but then again he is a kiwi⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Author writes good stories, but they all devolve into feelings-sharing, kumbayah moments of NOTHING

AA82ndAAAA82ndAA6 months ago

I liked this story. Every thought and feeling was channeled through the Dave. He was correct on all of his assumptions. About Gary and his wife who was a slut in hiding, Kelly was a fool and actually deserved her fate. Tab left because of her own guilty thought process. In the end some of the trend was resolved and maybe on the right path.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This story is cagiva’s best because their are actual consequences to the cheaters other than this one and maybe ten years which is the best of her “ retcon “ stories because in part the cheater is remorseful and cares where as it was the family being obnoxious with no consequences against them. Not even them apologizing there isn’t any story that really stands out in a way besides the initial premise and grammar” I hope she’ll broaden her catalog and balance out some reasonable and extreme btb’s then maybe some incest and more trans stuff.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Not a swap that went wrong. Kelly made a choice. Gary damn sure made a choice. No way in hell Kelly thought it would be ok w/o talking to her husband first. Elise is just a cancer. Dave was right Gary knew. I would make it an annual event to track him down the day off and throw his ass off a bridge. No way in hell he and the ex ending up as friends...

chasbo38chasbo386 months ago

Seems like all of your characters solve their problems in bed or at least by having sex. Or at least they substitute sex for a real solution to their problem. Not a way to have a successful long-term relationship.

chasbo38chasbo386 months ago

Cannot believe that Dave who was forced out of his marriage by his wife agreeing to a swap behind his back would accept Tab's comment that she would go with a swap if everyone agreed. You did not even have him react to her statement. Big oversight.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Yep Gary knew for sure. That is why he marked Kelly so Dave would know that he had been there. Just like a tomcat spraying his pee everywhere. Who needs friends like these people.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I too feel the shag bites are important. These show nights of high passion where Gary felt the need to mark her as his, and Kelly felt the need to let him. This proves it was not just sex, but something much more, something they both wanted.

The bites should have been brought up with he confronted Gary at the party, when he let him know that he knew he would have never allowed this, perhaps adding “that’s why you sent her home covered in slut marks, to let me know she was your slut, to leave no doubt that you had had her. Well you have and you’re welcome to her, I for one feel sick just at the thought of even touching her. Don’t ever speak to me again or I won’t be so lenient next time”

brownlabbrownlab6 months ago

I'm surprised, not one person could see his point of view. Thank you for sharing. I really like your works.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

You write some good stories,but let me straighten you out on your misconception of a man. When a wife/woman or especially a trusted friend stabs us in the back,NO amount of a woman shaking their pussy or ass in mans face will even come close to tempting us to deviate from our chosen course of action,more so it would make us hardened to stay the course..Apparently your experiences with men where not with men with pride,determination or integrity...Having said,this keep writing,you do it well, but remember when doing so,most men are not so weak minded as to be swayed by any pussy to change our conviction...4 stars ...JZK

Kernow2023Kernow20236 months ago

sorry but the plot is a bit weak with no one taking Dave's side after he was the one duped by Gary making his marks on his wife

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Him putting up with Tab was incongruent with who he is. It didn't make any sense and was never addressed. It was too much of a gap to make the story a good read.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good story. Felt a bit bad for Kelly because she really screwed up but was not evil or malicious. On the other hand Elise is a flaming bitch and Gary is a total asshole, who knew what was up and marked her so as to spit in the MC's eye. The drama with Tabby seemed forced. Her comment about agreeing to the swap was never discussed. Remember the key thing is whether both partners agree or not. He never knew and Maike chickened out. Kelly eventually found her way. But wow Gary and Elise were toxic people for different reasons.

Cracker270Cracker2705 months ago

This story is always a favorite to reread because it makes me scream at my computer screen. And for me a good screaming session can be very therapeutic.

On the technical front I think the ending was a little quick. My creative writing instructor told the class to never describe a gun hanging on the wall without, at some point, shooting that gun. You left several guns hanging, but un shot. Love you work. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

At the core of the issue it's pretty simple. The wife Kelly (and their 'friends') presumed his approval for actions and desires that he didn't have. Or as it turns out, act on them even had he known. So his wife and 'friends' then tried to keep the results secret, even down to her make-up efforts to hide her infedility. And his 'best friend' Gary DID know, but decided his little 'friend' had precedence. So his marriage went Poof! along with the friendships. The fall-out with his second significant other - Tabby- stemmed, I think, not from his disapproval about her past, but not telling him about it, knowing HIS past. She didn't give him the choice to accept her past. Ironically, that she decided to leave that past behind her and regretted it would have ensured his feelings for her. So when she did finally give him the choice, he did decide the past was the past and esteemed her choice to leave it. The only two he rightfully didn't ever accept back were the evil bitch Elise and her Janus-like husband Gary who DID know better. Those two deserved more consequences. The ones who offered their actions as sorrowful regret earned his forgiveness: Tabby, Maike, and even his wife Kelly eventually. His heart was true.

LegacybadLegacybad5 months ago

I liked the story, Igave it 5 stars. The ending came a bit quick, felt a little rushed. Communication is key for a relationship. Its stupid to take decisions like that without talking first.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Interesting sophisticated story. With the slippery slope of how sex shenanigans among friends can go awry. Particularly if not everyone in on-board. And that it is not so much the dumbassery of What Was Done as the deceitfulness of How It Was Done.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

That city and its surroundings must have felt pretty small with all of those interconnecting social circles.

The ex-wife showing up at netball needed SOME foreshadowing, even just the reader being told that her fitness/ body was partly related to being sporty when she was younger.

That's my critique.

Good tale.

DeanofMeanDeanofMean4 months ago

The hickeys, his "best friend" wanted him to know that ass was his the man needs revenge

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Gary was evil. Elise was a bitch. Kelly made a mistake and paid for it. Maike chickened out. And Tab was high maintenance with her guilt and shame over events long past. While Gary needed payback (he marked Kelly on purpose), MC woukd have been better off just fleeing. Tab hyper-reacted and ghosted him completely. Nut that is par for the course for many female lead characters in a Cagivagurl story. Well written prose. But again a lot of delusions.

BSreaderBSreader3 months ago

Time I read this gary was no friend of anyone neither was his bitch wife. Suggesting a swap how ridiculous Gary should have known he wouldn't go though with it. He knew him so well destroyed the marriage on purpose. Hickeys indeed still in fucking high-school he had every right to pound him.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I don’t normally read anything this long. I saw it recommended in the comments of another. My thoughts Dave is a self entitled prick a man child throwing tantrums. So what your wife got laid. As long as she was safe and the guy didn’t hurt her. What’s the big deal? She had the opportunity to get pleasure and do something exciting. After all she had planned a romantic weekend for him but he wanted to be an ass about it and decided to send another man in his place. I feel as tho Kelly is a good woman. I’d like to read the story of her weekend swap. I can’t believe Maike still wants to fuck him after she’s seen what an ass he is. I’m sure Elise is a bitch. Gary is a cocky mother fucker. Tabs she needs to run especially if she wants two cocks again. Dave that douche bag doesn’t deserve any of those women.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Lol @ previos Anonynous: Will grant that Kelly made a big mistake, but Gary was a malicious asshole and Elise was a complete bitch. Gary purposefully took full advantage like amseroent in the grass and MC never knew, because Maike was a coward. These are not good people.

Kelly was redeemable, but only with time, but the way she initially reacted post discovery was not good. She defended the nightmare swap. She defended not telling her husband upfront, even though EVERYONE else knew. She defended Gary with his marking her and doing things with him she had never done with her husband. She listened to Elise. She did not show repentance at the start. Finally she found her own footing and got help and realized the mistake she made. And she paid for it. She lost the man she loved. She does not like Elise the bitch. And realized she was manipulated and made a poor choice. She and the MC have at least slavaged a friendship by the end.

I don't see it as cold, malicious adultery, but swapping partners ALWAYS needs consent from all participants. Kelly didn't ask because while she knew MC was enamored with Maike, he very likley would have said no. The ask for forgiveness later defense is poorly constructed. She didn't count on the treachery of Gary and the ulterior motives.

In real life can see this going different ways. But her not recognizing her husband's profound pain and begging for forgiveness right away while taking sh$tty advice from Elise and defending Gary, who was now dead to the MC, certainly lowered her chances of reconciliation. Not to mention that he felt betrayed by the whole friend group and felt humiliated, compounded by Gary's actions and smirks, and Elise being a harpy.

Well written and sad. Agree with prior commenters that Tab is high maintenance. Her totally severing and ghosting is a big overreaction from her misperception of events. Obviously she has a lot of guilt about her past. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I think the MC was far too soft. EITHER you forgive Kelly, or you totally ghost her and never suffer her presence. There were no children who depended on their "being civil". And he should have realized that nothing but stress and possible heartbreak lay down the road when Tab was best friends with her and was unwilling to choose between them - she in fact did choose, and she did not choose him.

BstrdsUnOfJffrsUnBstrdsUnOfJffrsUn3 months ago

I love your stories because I always hate at least 1 of your characters. The protagonist could of developed a shiny steel spine but if he were well adjusted and cut the cast of toxic characters out it wouldn't be a story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Story is a bit unrealistic.

So here is a question.

My ex pulled something similar, pissed me off when she ran off with a friend of mine on a ‘picnic.’

She has long been toast; he has since been confined to wheelchair.

Did I fucking overreact?

Effing correct, I overreacted. SO FUCKING WHAT!!

You asshat readers play in this slime while you fantasize how to humiliate people.

All beneath contempt. Awfully sorry I stepped onto this mess.

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

Why is he friends with them

AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

He should have moved farther away when he was getting divorced.

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