Holy Fuck Penelope a Cheating Wife


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Once the kids were off to bed I asked. "So how did your meeting go?"

She tried to keep it light, but the tight drawn expression proved how nervous she was. "It went OK, he was good about it and promised to stay away."

"So what, that was it? No trying to convince you otherwise?"

She shook her head. "No as I said he was good, Luke it was only casual sex, it wasn't an affair, we weren't in love. It's over I promise." She was barely finished before she entered into another furious text.

As we were preparing for bed she went off to shower and left her phone on the dresser. I had never in my life checked up on Penny, but I quickly grabbed it and scrolled through her texts, and there were literally hundreds from arsehole. All the recent ones were about how if she didn't want to meet up he would make sure everyone at work found out about their affair. Humph he at least thought it was an affair. I decided there and then I couldn't just leave it, up until this point I had been trying to walk away from this and I had chosen to walk the high road but now I was past angry I wanted him to suffer.

When Penny emerged we cuddled and she tried to instigate sex, like every night since the dreaded confrontation, but tonight had even less chance I was only just keeping the anger in check.

The next day I spent the whole day researching Rob Stapleton. Yes he was married and had a couple of young kids. With today's social media it's not hard to find out plenty about people in no time flat. I looked over his wife's Facebook page and all the photos of her with the kids. She looked sweet and deserved better than that prick. I decided she needed to find out what her husband was really like.

I made a copy of the file I had and using the editing equipment at work I fuzzed out Penny's face and on the way home I dropped the file in her letterbox.

Well it didn't take long that's for sure, the next night when I got home Penny was waiting for me at the door and she was angry, very angry. Before she could say anything the kids joined in welcoming me home. Whatever she was going to say was going to have to wait.

She stewed all night until the kids were in bed.

"Why Luke? Why did you do it? For god's sake you have destroyed their family. His wife kicked him out, for gods sake she kicked him out. Fuck... Luke they have children, and now they are going to grow up without a father. I can't believe how evil and malicious you were. His life is wrecked, you destroyed their family."

"His life... His family... What about mine! What about Us Penny? He destroyed my family, you know what they say Penny he who lives by the sword..."

She broke down and cried. "Couldn't we just fix our own problems why did you have to bring them into it, they are just innocent people? God what did she do to deserve this."

"Yeah innocent people like me and the girls... What did we do to deserve this? Fuck him... What about us."

I stormed off to bed angry. It took me a long time to get to sleep but I did eventually fall into the black abyss. The morning found me sleeping in an empty bed. When I went into the kitchen for breakfast Penny was asleep on the sofa.

I went to work without waking her. The day was a bust but it got worse. Waiting for me in the carpark was Rob. There was no name calling or pushing and wrestling, he stormed straight up to me and punched me in the face. I didn't see it coming and I don't remember anything after the first punch. I woke up with an ambulance medic leaning over me as I was being loaded into the ambulance. Christ my whole body ached and I couldn't move without coughing and there was blood.

Turned out he gave me a real beating, he punched and kicked me even when I was lying on the ground.

He broke my nose split both my lips broke two ribs and my wrist. Luckily the fight had been seen by security and they called the police. They arrived in time to catch him in the act and because it was in the work carpark there was CCTV footage.

He was dragged away and locked up awaiting a hearing for bail. The police interviewed me and took a statement saying they thought there was enough information to make them decide to contest his bail application.

Once I was settled into hospital I called Penny and told her where I was, I didn't get a chance to explain, the phone went silent. Less than thirty minutes later she came scurrying into the ward and I saw her face as she walked in, the shock and horror was apparent,. She grabbed her head in her hands crying distraught and perhaps even scared. She hugged me carefully. After I explained what happened she sobbed. "God Luke I am so sorry, I feel terrible, this is entirely my fault isn't it. I have destroyed everything"

I wasn't about to argue with that logic.

It took a few days before I was well enough to get out which was better than Rob whose bail application was turned down. The judge thought that there was enough to prove he might reoffend. The police also filed a non-association order against him on my behalf.

It was two weeks before he stood trial for assault and battery. He was lucky that this was his first offence he received six months home detention.

His life was indeed fucked. It turned out that his father in law owned the business he worked for and he not only lost his wife but he lost his job. His car was a company car and he lost that as well. With his fines and police record he was going to struggle to find a decent job. This was all fine by me, good fucking riddance. I wanted vengeance and by god I got it in buckets full. OK it was painful and I was still a bit sore but inside I smiled

Penny and I tried, we tried so damn hard but it was a struggle for me. We did eventually go back to making love but it was all a bit forced and it reeked of trying too hard. For her part Penny threw everything into it, she held nothing back. She screamed and moaned louder than ever, she was never going to make it as an actress. Her acting was my final humiliation.

As if the sex wasn't bad enough the loss of trust was the hardest part. I tried to forgive, but it was hard she had lied to me for four months, taking enjoyment in pulling the wool over my eyes, if I hadn't been at that cricket match I would be none the wiser, I would still be swimming in his sloppy seconds.

I loved my family, it was everything to me, nit just the girls but Penny as well. From the moment we met I knew she was the one for me, so all this was so hard to stomach. I think she saw it coming because when I told her I was leaving she wasn't completely surprised. Yes she cried and tried to convince me to stay, but I couldn't. The girls were heartbroken the day we told them was the worst day of my life. The look on their little faces was horrible, they couldn't deal with it and screamed and cried and it took literally hours to calm them down.

I wanted to stay close to home for the girl's sake, so I could see them as much as possible. It was unfortunate that the only thing I could find was a house shared by a bunch of students a block or so from home who were looking for a flat mate. The good news was it was cheap and close to home, the bad news was it was party central, there were parties most nights and they were extreme.

The place overflowed with girls, and there were plenty of them. It was amazing really my flagging masculinity was quickly rebuilt. The girls used me as a stand in when they had no one to go out with. So I was the bench warmer. Sometimes I think it was pity sex, but hey I wasn't saying no... I wasn't missing out on sex, but what I was missing was intimacy, love and companionship. Young 20 year old girls as cute and sexy as they were just wanted sex. Fuck never thought I would hear myself complaining about that.

I tried to find ways to spend as much time as I could with my daughters, but once I moved out things got tense between Penny and me. She felt like I had just given up on her, that I hadn't given it a fair go, she felt abandoned.

During the week I spent most nights helping the girls with homework and stuff, just to talk and hold them, I wanted them to still know I loved them.

Weekends were the best going with them to their sports games and finding ways I could entertain them, lots of visits to the zoo and movies, I couldn't take them back to the house where I was staying and I was trying to keep my distance from Penny so that we could both get used to finding our own way.

As time rolled on it got harder, I missed the girls so much... It seemed like I was missing everything.

On sports days it was normal for Penny and me to stand together on the sidelines and cheer the girls on and I loved that we were still able to share that. We talked and chatted as we cheered. But I guess it had to happen and one day many months later she didn't come and stand beside me, scanning the far touchline I saw why. She was with another man, slightly older but I suppose you would say good looking. She refused to look my way, at the end of the game she disappeared quickly leaving me feeling empty and resentful.

Back at the digs that night the lads picked up on my dark mood and set about getting me hammered... Mission accomplished I was shitfaced and looking for a shoulder to cry on. It didn't take long before one of the girls came and sat with me listening to my bitter story. She grinned and picked up my hand dragging me into my room where she did everything in her power to put a smile on my face. She didn't just fuck me she was ravenous and used me like a sex toy until my batteries ran dry. Sex to these young girls was so easy and casual, they were carefree and happy.

The next Saturday as I was getting ready to go to the girls game Paulette surprised me at the door. "OK let's go." She was dressed very sexily and not really rugged up for standing on the sidelines at a netball game. Still it didn't stop her.

I asked what she was doing and she laughed. "What does it look like, if you are my boyfriend then I am going with you to watch your daughters play, so hurry up."

"Are you sure?" I muttered unconvincingly.

"Shut up or we will be late. She picked up my hand and off we went.

The shocked look on Penny's face was perfect. After the game she did come over to talk but before she could say anything Paulette grabbed her and kissed her long and hard on the lips introducing herself as my girlfriend.

Paulette and I laughed all the way back to the house, the stunned look on Penny's face was absolutely comical.

Over the next couple of weeks Paulette accompanied me to the games. Each time Penny saw us she seemed to get madder. If Paulette was busy she got one of her friends to fill in and that only seemed to exacerbate Penny's discomfort.

The kids told me later that mum always interrogated them about whether Paulette or the other girls went on day excursions with us. It made me smile to know I had rattled her cage.

The side effect unfortunately was she stopped talking to me and it became harder to spend time with my daughters. It was way to uncomfortable to go home it was to tense and the girls didn't like it.

It was on our youngest daughter's birthday that things sort of changed. Penny organised a big party and all the family were there. She did ask me not to bring my new girlfriend and she agreed not to bring her boyfriend.

The party was a lot of fun and there must have been thirty kids running around screaming and dancing. Young girls and dancing, what can you say? WOW... They are so into it.

Anyway while they danced and played Penny and I sat together to talk.

"You have become quite the ladies' man. Your girlfriend Paulette is cute, A bit young but she is cute."

I smiled. "Thanks yeah she is a lot of fun."

Unable to hold back her jealousy she snarled. "Why did you take her to the game?"

I was stumped. "Oh no reason, she asked if she could come and meet the girls."

Penny glared at me unbelievingly. "Really? She wanted to go... She didn't look the type."

There was definitely some jealousy and anger there.

The rest of the party went of OK although I was pleased to escape at the end.

A few weeks later when I came around to pick up the girls I found Penny with her head in her hands on the kitchen table bawling her eyes out. I tried to console her even after everything that had transpired I still loved her. "Hey love, what's the matter? Come on everything will be OK."

She turned and screamed angrily. "No it fucking won't... You fucking moron. I fucked everything up, everything I ruined the girl's lives, I ruined your life... Everything is stuffed."

The girls were standing in the lounge huddled together watching on in shock. Penny saw them and ran outside. I calmed the girls down and took them into the bedroom explaining I needed to talk to their mum.

I went out to find Penny crying on the swing seat. I sat down with her and cradled her head against my shoulder. "It will be OK, things will get better."

She sobbed. "For you maybe, but my life is hell, I am lonely and I hate it, the girls miss you and they make me feel guilty, and they should because it was my fault. Every night they cry for their dad and I know its my fault you aren't here."

She looked up at me with sad eyes. "To top it all off you have that stream of dolly birds on your arm, you have moved on, I bet you don't even think about me anymore."

I hugged her tight. "OK here is the truth, the reason the girls come with me to the netball is, Paulette saw how sad I was after the first time you were there with your boyfriend and they made a pact to come with me to prove you weren't the only one who has moved on."

She laughed. "Bullshit... You are making that up."

"No Pen... The girls are really nice, but they were only doing it to put on a show, so you would think I was doing well."

She sniffled. "It isn't a contest, I should have introduced you to Joseph, but I was nervous and felt guilty."

"Why guilty?"

"Well it still feels wrong, every day I wake up looking for you in bed beside me. I am lonely Luke so very lonely, I miss you so much."

I nodded. "Yeah I miss you as well, Paulette has never been my girlfriend, she just volunteered to go with me to make you jealous."

She laughed. "Well it worked god when I saw you with her all I wanted to do was scratch her eyes out, then the bitch kissed me."

We both laughed before the girls came and grabbed us pulling us into a tight group hug.

The girls went back to their bedroom and Penny and I ended up in a sweet juicy kiss, ah the sweet taste of her tongue meandering seductively around my mouth was sweet agony.

Her arms wrapped tightly around my neck and her gorgeous arse cheeks filled my hands. Her wet lips slipped off mine and little butterfly kisses traced all over my shoulders and neck, as the temperature skyrocketed we ripped each other's clothes off and we fell onto the sofa her legs tight around my waist as I sank my cock deep into her sweltering steaming pussy. Her cries of joy were real and there was no playacting. With her mouth glued to my neck and her nails clawing frantically at my flesh I fucked her like never before, no gentle slow lovemaking. This was torrid and passionate fucking. Our orgasms arrived simultaneously in an explosion of squirting sperm and overflowing orgasmic juices she was that loud I had to put my hand over her mouth to shut her up.

Later that night as we curled together recovering from a slower gentler lovemaking our flesh mashed together in a glowing embrace, her legs locked around my waist, her arms holding me tight she giggled stupidly as massaged my wilting cock with her pussy, convulsing and squeezing me until I was again hard and throbbing. "Fuck me Luke, make me yours again, don't stop baby, just fuck me."

We made love long into the wee hours of the morning where we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Bloody hell the morning... holy shit what a way to wake up, her hot sexy lips sliding up and down my morning wood soon had me wide awake.

The girls burst in soon after and we were left with no alternative to get up and make breakfast and as we ate I muttered. "So are you going to shower before you see him?"

She grinned evilly. "Do you want me to?"

I had meant it as a joke. "What I would prefer is for you to tell me you are never going to see him again."

She stared straight at me. "Luke if what we just shared was more than you just getting one back at me, I promise I will never see him again."

I sucked in a deep breath. "Then you better tell him to fuck off." She smiled broadly. "Are you serious, don't toy with me Luke."

"I am serious God help me I miss you, I miss the kids. I want our old life back."

It was the start of a weird few months, we decided to take it slow, I didn't move straight back in although after she came around to my place one night she became incredibly jealous. As always there was a party going on and all the girls made a big fuss over me, which was nice, but Penny hated it. That meant I had to find a new place to live. I hated it but my folks suggested I move back home.

Penny wanted me to just go home and just pretend nothing had happened but that was a bit much for me. I decided we needed to take it slow and steady.

So we went down the dating road and it was actually a lot of fun. I made sure I got my taste of some wild sex in public places. At first she was reticent and nervous but it didn't take long before she was giving me blowjobs in the car and even once in the supermarket parking lot.

We had lots of dates which gave is time and space. We talked more openly and perhaps we learned to appreciate each other as something other than just a husband or wife, like proper partners. I guess you would say we fell back in love, although I am not sure we were ever out of love.

Yes I did eventually move back in and we are enjoying living together as a family. Yes if I am honest, sometimes I get a bit nervous and I wonder but she has done everything she can to prove she can be trusted.

You have to forgive, you can't live forever in the past. Yes she made a mistake, but when you love somebody that much you can forgive, you have to. The alternatives are too painful.

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AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

Liked this story by Cagivagurl. This isn't her best work, but also less twisted. Couples can get past infidelity IF he/she comes clean, there is sufficient remorse, and an attempt at restitution for the cheated spouses dignity. Not sure this spouse did though after such willfully disrespectful behavior. I am thinking the husband reconciled here more for the children than the spouse. Suspect that is true more often than not. The wife confessed she was feeling old and frumpy? I can say from personal observation that women often look sexier as they mature beyond young adulthood. Much of attractiveness is personality and especially the intimacy part where a mature one knows what she wants or values. Even a so-called Plain Jane can be the ideal partner. My wife and I married at 38 and 39, respectively, and never regretted it.

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

"The alternatives are just to painful." That's right. Break free or stay. Broken relationships are like rehab. You had a happy life, then rehab fixed you. But what fixes the husband? He never gets back the security, self-worth and trust that made him a confidant happy man and father... EVER.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

First page was good. Emotionally taut. Well written.

Second page was a trainwreck. Her continued lies. At work. Over and over again. Then she runs away (not unrealistic maybe). Her rationale sucks. Couple of months, once a week every Thursday. Ok that is already a marriage killer. But her naughty kink? Bad enough she all buy admitted the sex was better with stronger orgasms because of her kink. She tried to be evasive but please. Yet that isn't remotely the biggest issue. No that turns out to be intentional sloppy seconds in both her vagina and her mouth. Wtf? That is unforgivable disrespect and humiliation. Young kids or not, that is a bridge too far for 98% of the male population. It isn't just that ge cannot trust her (the guy is at her work place), it is that she is a malicious bitch who off not only on the forbidden, taboo sex with the asshole, but she deliberately pushed rhe cuckolding meter to 11 with her sick hijinks of having sex on the same day, and having her husband interact with the asshole's semen. If she isn't a malicious bitch then she has a psychological problem.

Ironically she is vehemently aghast when he asks if they did it in the house. As if that is somehow worse than what she did. Laughable. Either she (and by extension the author) doesn't understand how men would react or again Penelope has a mental disorder. The last thing on page 2 (early page 3) is her meeting Rob the prick (ego shows his true colors) and then she LIES again to her husband about how it went, and not mentioning the many texts thar show the asshole is threatening her.

Page 3 was decent. He got his revenge on the asshole, though he did get put in the hospital. Unlike LWs in later stories by this author, there is no psycho babble, and she truly realizes she screwed everything up (hospital scene, crying in the kitchen, etc). She is actually remorseful and knows she ruined their lives over some dumb obsession with cheating sex. She probably needed a counselor. Personally not so upset she started seeing another guy. They were separated and fully on divorce path. That is life. She clearly didn't love the guy. Hear how she talks about him and how lonely she is. Note the MC was getting his rocks off with a bunch of w0 year old coeds.

Where things go off the rails is the deus ex machina RAAC at the end. Was like the author ran out of story or lost interest. It just ends with sex thar leads to a full RAAC. Yes I am sure the kids are a big factor. But still meh.

Author has written better stories, though usually filled with the psychological babble that comes out of the cheating LW's mouth repeatedly. But Penny wasn't like that. She knew she ruined everything. And he just shrugged his shoulders and put it back together. That came off flat. But in reality, the sloppy seconds and the little snowball(s), almost certainly preclude reconciliation. After 10 years of marriage? Please. She should know her hsuband better. She obviously didn't or somehow thought she would never be caught. And btw how old is she? 35? And she feels frumpy and old? Huh?

4 stars because the first page was a good and the last page was decent. Second page was a trainwreck.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Starts well but idea that they would get back together after what she has done is weak - shame it ended this way

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Enjoyable read, but a really unlikely RAAC. 4*

bigurnbigurnabout 1 month ago

3 Stars... Because, at least, you tried .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Both in the story, and in the commentary, the term “mistake” is used. Anyone who uses that word is making lite of gross betrayal. Forgetting to buy milk is a mistake. Adultery is deliberately putting your selfish desires above the interests of the person you committed yourself to.


If a spouse chooses to forgive this heinous sin, second only to murder, so be it. They should do so with both the perpetrator and the victim fully acknowledging the marital crimes, and not attempting to minimize the impact by calling it a mistake!



AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Her motivation for the affair was retarded. Wouldn't the taboo thrill fade after first few times? Maybe that was why the exhibitionism aspect as otherwise she would get bored.

prato1992prato19924 months ago

imposible perdonarla, un pobre tipo

chess1972chess19724 months ago

Really awful story. What a couple of stupid people. Maybe its good that they ended up together and didn't inflict themselves on any actually decent folks.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Forgiveness is merely a choice and definetly not a necessity unless as in this story he is a wimp

amygdalaamygdala5 months ago

Wow it's like a game of dare. How horribly can one construct a character, then fabricate the circumstances to put them back together. The author made the wife's treachery as in your face and as dastardly as possible. Semi public sexcapades, followed by no protection sex at a hotel, all the while witnessed in shame by the husband and his co-workers. Then she is waiting at home and gives her spouse a smile and a kiss after she fellatio and swallowed another's sperm. I gather that the moral of this tale is that love conquers all, but I think this is more a tale of sado-masochism of the mental variety. Perhaps the author gets a thrill from creating these humiliating and hurtful scenarios.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Interesting. As if you set yourself a task to have the male protagonist witness his wife in worst possible light, from which it is next to impossible to overcome, then your assignment was to find a way for him/them to get past it all & reconcile. The neat aspect was that you made the two as flawed loving people who needed to find their way back.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19695 months ago

there were a few questions I wanted asked

where did she run off to when she was confronted with her cheating

why didn't she tell the truth about her confrontation with her lover in the coffee shop?

there's a few other issues around the trysts too, like the creampies and such. she was an evil mess

Good story Cagivagurl

MingemuncherMingemuncher5 months ago

Having wrecked two marriages with my playing around, this story was a bit close to the bone. But well written and a 5 for me.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good story! It would been nice to have some examples of what she was doing to rebuild trust. A few typos it nothing major.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Also amazed at how when Rob threatens her in texts about revealing the affair at work and after her confrontation with him at the cafe, she then goes all ballistic when her husband protects her reputation and burns Rob who of course beats rhe crao out of him later and puts him in the hospital. All so she could be naughty for 8 weeks, once a week, usually in a hotel, giving her husband sloppy seconds and tiny snowballs. She literally got off not on the objective quality of the sex but on the naughtiness and excitement of lying and deciding her husband. That is evil or demented. Your pick. Certainly not love. How can one reconcile that? Even quite some time after divorce proceedings. What a head case.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Hmm. Her kink of the illicit sex and worse rhe sloppy seconds and not cleaning her mouth was just gross. Her four month affair was bad enough. And if had he nit caught her at the cricket match, then it would still be going on. She was remorseful (for being caught and the consequences, which were brutal to her and him), but she was never repentant. Her planning to head out to see Joseph after making love with her ex husband for the first time long time, instead of at least rescheduling, was disappointing. Who has priority? Well only her ex provided he commits to reconcile. Yeah conditions. That really sucks. She wasn't as bad as some cheating wives by CG but she didn't come off as warranting a reconciliation either even with two children. And the MC and her never drilled down to why she did what she did or a how to address it. Therapist? Counseling? And all the university girls using the MC like a sex toy is just nonsensical. Meh 3 stars.

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