All Comments on 'Hot Wife'

by satindesires

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DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmithabout 1 month ago

And the worm turns, well written story.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 1 month ago

You play, you pay!


SplitGeode66SplitGeode66about 1 month ago

Well-written story. No BTB, but Susan's realization of the negative effects of hotwifing was an excellent ending.

francemanfrancemanabout 1 month ago

It's really a concept I have a hard time understanding. To stand there, watch or not, and wait. Waiting!

Exchange in a pinch, but here, just waiting. How the husband is special from the others, is different from the others. Just apart from taking care of her. Sounds like a small staff.

This story focuses particularly well on the different types of vision between people. Some can't take the long view at all, and are stuck in the present.

They may enjoy their desires more intensely from day to day, but beware .............. certain decisions made today can be a handicap or a total contradiction for future desires which will only appear later. Therein lies the difficulty for this type of person.

Nasty56Nasty56about 1 month ago

Again the question is why marry one if you want a multitude of lovers. Don’t formalize a relationship if you want to fuck the whole male population.

Impo_64Impo_64about 1 month ago

This was a self BTB story for Diane and Susan...With time they have reaped what they looked for!

Wiz1002Wiz1002about 1 month ago

The outcome was as it should be. David was railroaded into allowing his wife to fuck Tim on that first party, which he never really wanted to happen. From then on in it was a doomed adventure for both people. Luckily David managed to recover and live like a happy family. Diane was the one that should have known better and left Susan well alone

GarySmith69GarySmith69about 1 month ago

There is nothing wrong with being a stoic unbending man with principles. If a person man or woman has principles and if they are forced to change their principles by the one that knows thier principles and values but seeks to change them anyway, then a marriage or relationship is doomed. Susan knew David would not accept her cheating on him, but she did it anyway, and in the guise of "swinging" thanks to her "best friend" and her "best friends" husband. Thanks for writing a happy ending for David.

InkentInkentabout 1 month ago

Enjoyable tale, sometimes short term gain leads to long term pain, as you have so clearly portrayed here. 5*

CriosCriosabout 1 month ago

Not sure why the author thought a lot of people would hate this story...I felt it was a pretty good read, with a decent progression, lots of emotion, regret and, for at least one character, a happy ending. Thanks for writing!

Bham487Bham487about 1 month ago

I think this is a perfect example of what could happen when one partner wants to open up the marriage. No need to BTB as she is feeling more pain than David could have cause be seeking revenge.

pfeelthypfeelthyabout 1 month ago

Your writing is good, but I found the story just to depressing to say I liked it. I actually gave it four stars, because it was well written.

I do have to say, my wife and I have an open relationship, and I mostly don't have a problem with what Susan did, although the way she did it the first time wasn't great, but Diane is a first class bitch, and Susan should have run from her the moment she invited Susan over and asked her if she wanted to watch. She was already encouraging her friend to cheat at that point, and showing what a terrible selfish person she is/was.

If we didn't already have an open relationship, and had discussed it, I would definitely not be happy my wife was watching another couple have sex. There is absolutely a difference between cuckolding, and cheating.

Bri29Bri29about 1 month ago

Excellent story and very realistic you captured the emotions and pitfalls perfectly .👍

miket0422miket0422about 1 month ago

Appropriate ending

A couple of cliches could summarize. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. The grass isn't always greener.

The thing that jumped out right at the start that told me the direction this story was going was this: David wanted to and had been trying to spice up their sex life. Susan kept shooting him down and wasn't open to trying new things. Yet as soon as Diane suggested it she was willing to do everything and more that she had been denying her own husband.

Love how the author started this out as a seemingly typical hot wife story and then brought it back around to almost where it had started.

Cracker270Cracker270about 1 month ago

Good writing and that is the main reason I visit here. The characters were vividly drawn. An example is my desire to bitch slap Diane. Another example is how evolved I got with the story line. It was a very sad story to me. So much waste.

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsabout 1 month ago

a self inflicted slow burn.

AccelarVesterAccelarVesterabout 1 month ago

It is nice to read a story that the "HotWife" got what she wished for and the husband decided that it was not what he wised for. Sometimes it is the "unanswered prayers" (Thanks Garth) that we need the most.

irinmikeirinmikeabout 1 month ago

Well done. Another clueless woman who finally found out that there are far more important things in the long run that a few temporary orgasms!

BehindbluisBehindbluisabout 1 month ago

Not often someone looks at the other side of the 'hot wife' lifestyle. I guess some like it but I'm sure you have pointed out there are some that find out too late. And finding something out too late happens to almost all of us at some point in our lives about something. You were able to express it in a story very well. Of course I have enjoyed all of your stories so, goes without saying. Thanks for the entertainment and sharing your talent.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 1 month ago

She pushed the issue far too fast.

Then you turned this into a morality tale, which is disappointing, as sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.

itsayouitsayouabout 1 month ago

Friends of my wife and I had hot wife relationship. She all kinds of promises. Then 2 years later when he thought all good she took off with another guy she met. Funny she stopped being a hot wife. Shocked the crap out of her husband. Play stupid games win stupid prizes The idea was hers to be a hot wife

opheliusopheliusabout 1 month ago

Karma caught up with her.

AmbulAmbulabout 1 month ago

I really liked this story, although sadness permeates the whole thing. It is a story about choices, and consequences, and immediate gratification versus long-term satisfaction. Susan made her choice for immediate sexual gratification with other men and now has to live with the consequences for her choice. Diane’s serious STD infection and long-term health issues, followed by her divorce from Russell was the final wake-up call for Susan. As she reflected that her marriage with Simon was more of an “arrangement rather than something that was romantic and loving, ” she realized what her choices had led to. No fantasy BTB, just a realistic tale of where bad decisions can lead, even it takes years for the consequences to show up. At the end of the story, Susan, now in her forties, will have another 30 or 40 plus years to regret her choices. Punishment enough.

WoodencavWoodencavabout 1 month ago

It is a well written storey, but I didn’t like the outcome! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So another "hotwife" story in which the woman is the female version of a man who can't keep it in his pants. They call them sluts. Why be married? Bad things happen. Bad stories happen.

WargamerWargamerabout 1 month ago

Stupid, stupid woman she got what she deserved.

Diane has a mystery STD, , given the time she had it, if it’s a serious STD not responding to treatment, she will go down hill rapidly and eventually it make her insane and she’ll die.

And you never clarified if Susan caught it from Marcus and was kicked out of the Club.

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveabout 1 month ago

One of the best stories that I have read here. And one of the most important. There is power in your sentences with a rhythm that drives the story. It's is unique. 5 big stars and my respect.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago


Very well done. Not a happy ending for the cheating wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Beware of what you want and what could happen? Was Susan really in need of more or was it a result of her divorce and her friends misguided urging?

Rayjag1980Rayjag1980about 1 month ago

Story was more realistic than most with this theme. I don't understand though why authors use the premise that it's a popular fantasy that men want to see their woman with another man? I guess in order to make the story seem more plausible? I, nor any of the men in my sphere of influence have ever remotely declared, "Hey I want to see my wife have sex with another man". A 3some with another woman, yes.

I like the outcome as previously stated by me and others, it is more realistic than most stories of this genre. I can't comprehend the mentality of a man that wants to share the love of his life.

AardieAardieabout 1 month ago

He hadn't consented and she did it anyway which was cheating. It doomed their marriage. Her good friend seduced her away from her husband for selfish reasons and didn't even get the orgies she was hoping for.

She settled for a husband that would put up with her which isn't a great recipe for a successful marriage. Poor Simon was already feeling regret on his lonely honeymoon. The bitch couldn't even get through the honeymoon.

She was clearly a narcissist so I have trouble feeling sorry for her. The first husband she "loved" clearly made the right play.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Great play-out of a doomed and bankrupt ideology. Most couples in "the lifestyle " end up in divorce, few actually make it and I personally doubt any are truly happy. Susan's decisions created her own burn. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

If I wanted a morality play, I would have gone to church!

bobareenobobareenoabout 1 month ago

The loss she suffered was the loss she chose. Well written. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Good read. Weird how unconcerned Diane and Russel were with trashing their close friends’ marriage. Diane was a bit of a caricature though TBH. That one aspect could be fleshed out a bit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Hotwife equals Notwife.

'Consent' irrelevant. Nothing to 'debate'. Full. Stop.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 month ago

While I personally hate the concept, I can understand if a woman wants to be a hotwife, and/or her husband wants her to be one, but why the fuck can't friends just keep theirs nose out of their business?

neilnblowme2neilnblowme2about 1 month ago

the bitch got what she deserved

LOL deseased hotwife LOL

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 1 month ago

I like it.

But I wonder if women or wives really think that its the husbands fantasy to share their wives to multiple men? Ok when I was younger and new to internet porn I did have that fantasy BUT I was thinking how many women I could have as a swinger not a cuck. It makes me sick to think I get nothing while my "wife" is having all the fun. When I got married not even the sqinger's lifestyke appealed to me. Thanks @satindesires.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I can't see a hot wife relationship being anything but shallow and unfulfilling. While I wasn't fully satisfied with David's initial reaction, I'm glad he almost immediately jumped to divorce and moved on from her and never wavered. A relationship like she wanted isn't worth thinking about, as she came to experience it later on. I'm sure she and Simon would have been heading for divorce themselves eventually once the tipping point had been reached.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

What a dumb bitch!

Frank66Frank66about 1 month ago

In spite of the warning in the prologue, I read the whole story and liked it. Didn't understand it, but felt it was a good explanation of 'hot-wifing'. Showed how shallow it really is. Can NOT understand why Susan and Dianne remained friends, even tho Dianne clearly played a large part in breaking up her marriage. Friends like that you don't need.

rasnatrasnatabout 1 month ago

You hate to see it... NOT...

PowersworderPowersworderabout 1 month ago

This is the kind of BtB ending that all cheating wives deserve.

Susan willingly became a slut, ruining her marriage, and destroyed her long-term happiness.

All David had to do was find a younger, prettier woman to have a family with. After that the bitterness and regret would eat Susan alive for the rest of her miserable life.

Tomh1966Tomh1966about 1 month ago

Awesome writing.

I want Diane to die in a fire and I want to bitch slap Russel... and they don't exist!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

In real life, if you choose a lifestyle like that, you will definitely be rewarded with a terrible disease.

mndhanson017mndhanson017about 1 month ago

Listening to Diane ruined her, but Diane was right, she could have stopped it with Tim, seeing how David was uncomfortable with it, but she didn't. David knew that night that he lost his wife and even if she didn't go through with it, he could see the intent was there and knew that it was not what he wanted. She should have cut off Diane altogether after that, but didn't and now she's paid the price.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Wasn't experiencing each of a variety of alternatives the whole point of being a hotwife? Susan is free to experience infections of syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, three varieties of viral hepatitis, two varieties of herpes simplex virus, nine varieties of human pappiloma virus and HIV. Surely that's enough "spice" to keep any slut and their cuck happy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I liked the ending, but didn't care for the start. It's hard to rate, as it was running at a low 2 for a lot of the story before slowly getting better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This was an interesting story: one of the few to treat the 'hotwife' question in a way that is mostly fair to both sides. (My only complaint is Diane's STD: that was a low blow.) The characters are well enough drawn that we consider their decisions along with them. Well done.

CornyHusbandCornyHusbandabout 1 month ago

This was a fantastic story, and it mirrors my life in many ways. When I found out my ex-wife had been cheating on me, she proposed becoming swingers. I turned her down and we eventually ended in divorce. She got married days after the divorce and constantly rubbed it in that she found a guy that enjoyed her lifestyle. Looking back on it, 20 years later, I am with an amazing wife and couldn't be happier. She is still married to the same guy, but they are just going through the motions. She has told me many times since that she made a huge mistake. After the fun was over, they both realized that neither of them had what they wanted in life.

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaabout 1 month ago

Karma bitch.....ha ha ha!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Reasonable, I guess, for some guys. For me it would be an absolute nonstarter. If my wife wanted to fuck other guys I’d freely acknowledge her right to do that AFTER the divorce papers were signed. “Many men fantasize about seeing their wives fucked by other men.” I call BULLSHIT on that! The cucks love to repeat that line and hope everyone believes it, Kinda like the politicians who repeat a lie so often that some dumb asses begin to believe them.

Well written story, thanks for the effort.

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 1 month ago

had to skip all the yucky stuff but liked how the husband handled the divorce. extremely naive ppl especially david. dont think a person has not thought how they would feel if another person flirted or hit on their spouse. it feels like susan and david met each other got married the next day and never had anyone flirt or hit on either of them. sorry in other words they werent "real" ppl. but yeah david said it best they found out they wanted 2 diff things and best to end it. too bad he wasnt that wise before he married though. hard learned the grass isnt always greener story ty for the read

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

A perfect case of be careful what you wish for. In a strange way a real shame David could or would not object before hand to an obvious callous set-up by Dianne who just happened to get her unjust reward. Fantasy sex is just that; best left in the dark, the light of day, and lack of wholesome nourishment causes it to wilt and die eventually.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Fucking bitch got what she deserved. There is no way a cunt like her should have kids. Kudos for David to divorce her. There is no way in hell that I ever would put up with a hot wife who fucks others. We're not animals.

Happily_Married87Happily_Married87about 1 month ago

A sad ending for a woman who listened to her friend and cared more about her wants than her husband. She paid the ultimate price.

jmm999jmm999about 1 month ago

I would like to have seen a quick flash of temper from David at the first swinger meeting. It was made clear this was to be just a toe in the water but progressed too quickly. He should have been furious. Not so much for the actual sex; more for being blatantly set up by people who were supposed to be his friends.

This is just an observation - not a criticism. It's your story and you told it very well. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Good story. Why are some women so stupid? Because they lose one IQ point everytime they have a period.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Started out very promising but ended up as pretty much standard fair. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

When a woman is depicted as sacrificing so many aspects of marriage and family just for some strange cock, I have to wonder if the author isn't really a man. Only men are that stupid and short sighted. So what physical attribute makes a woman most desirable? Big tits, tiny waste, blonde hair, anal sex, swallowing cum? That's a stupid question to anyone familiar with the magic of a woman. They can be any shape, size, color, experience, whatever, and that particular woman can be magic in bed, because she is also magic out of bed; the sex is a bonus, but not the focus.


With a man its simple, big dick or big checking account, and muscular. That's it, in the world of Literotica. Of course the vast majority of women would scoff at that presumption. And that's the plot fault with this story: intelligent sexual people love sex, but they love the person they're fucking even more. The woman in this story was cock hungry, and was willing to sacrifice her marriage to get that variety and quality of cock. Dianne did David a favor allowing Suzanne to reveal how shallow and selfish and ignorant she was. But in the end a woman like that would have never won the heart and mind of David to begin with. A man like David would have little interest in any woman who was best friends with a shallow arrogant whore like Dianne. So the whole basis of the story is not only fiction, but its mostly fantasy. And Snow White and The Seven BBC's is just not much fun to imagine or read. Just change Snow White to Suzanne and you've pretty much got the substance of this story. Suzanne's eventual regret seemed like a bandage applied over a self inflicted amputation. She knew herself so poorly that she never realized how her choices could end up? Again, David would have never come to love and respect a woman that stupid, so the first marriage is just premise without any support. A setup to make the story work. Hope it did for most other readers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So if had hadn't been for the STD outbreak from Diane and potentially Marcus everything would have gone on tolerably well? Russell left because he didn't want any further disease exposure, Simon is in a funk because Susan stopped hotwifing, and Susan is disappointed because she gave up a more romantic first love for David to have a lifestyle that she eventually got bored with. Looks like life is throwing curveballs at everyone involved. At least David got out of the game early on and missed the STD shit show. Very well written with a somewhat unusual story arc. 5 stars.

1fastguy1fastguyabout 1 month ago

5. Good writing. I enjoyed how what seemed like the 'same-old-thing' changed as David continued to hold his ground. Everyone likes a happy ending, except Susan and Diane in this case.

AmbulAmbulabout 1 month ago

I liked that David took no fantasy revenge or imposed a “punishment” on Susan. He simply said something like “this is not what I married you for, so I am out of here.” Clean, with minimal complications.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The only thing that bothers me is that David shouldn’t have had to object. They already agreed they were going just to watch, not to participate. That was the standard they established. To break that standard should have required a complete and enthusiastic endorsement by David, or not at all. Not to mention, everyone was pressuring him into it much too quickly.

From a writing perspective, my only critique would be that there’s some unaddressed inconsistency. David says he’s tried to spice up the sex, and she hasn’t been as receptive. Then she says they’ve tried and it hasn’t worked. Which is the accurate portrayal of the situation? What have they actually tried? In these stories it always feels like it’s going from stale bedroom to hotwife in 0.2 seconds, like everybody is sitting around thinking that the best first step into spicing up the bedroom is cuckolding. Would love to see someone do a slow burn with the topic where they really do try a bunch of different things first. Maybe even a threesome or two. And this seems like the next logical step, but the husband is still reluctant. I think that’d be a really interesting story.

TonyGWTonyGWabout 1 month ago

Gave you a 5 for being brave and bearing your throat to the Legion.

I have to say I didn't like the story, not because of the subject or the point of view but because the cast just weren't believable. I understand what you were going for but your characters fell short of your usual complexity which left the whole thing feeling a little shallow.

PikaGelionPikaGelionabout 1 month ago

Why weren't the husbands encouraged to seek-out their own opportunities for personal growth? Kinda like taking your girl to a dance where she dances w every guy there but you only dance w her. You can think it's great that you have a girl friend who is so popular... but what do YOU get out of it? Why do you have to spend all your time holding up a wall instead of tripping the light fantastic w a different, soft, warm hottie in your arms every time the music changes?

Great story but that still doesn't make the situation suck any less.

Everyone talked about the husband getting a rejuvenated wife w each tryst but sitting on the sidelines doesn't come close to also playing in the game.

As was clearly demonstrated in the story.

It must have been well-written or I wouldn't have felt a need to write so much!

Thank you for sharing your creative efforts.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 1 month ago

"Looking back the whole thing seemed so tawdry" - I almost did a spit take at that line. Ya, think? I mean, isn't that exactly he attraction of this kind of lifestyle/behavior? The transgression of social mores and indulging in taboo behavior? Certainly there's nothing else to really be gained as orgasms are not that hard to come by if you know what you're doing and having sex with other people never really seems to improve a relationship for some strange reason (ahem).


Anyway, it's a well written story and a tiny bit realistic. The character of Susan is a real study in contradictions however - to the point where it's almost impossible to understand her. She pines for what she lost with David, but never seems to do anything about it and oh, I don't mean go chase after him, but she never tries to inject any deep romantic vulnerability or a potential future with children into her relationship with Simon. It's a bit odd, almost like she's flagellating herself, which is again odd because she had to make several choices in a row to get to where she was. Obviously she probably needed some psychological counseling


Overall, a good, if somewhat depressing story... well at least for Susan.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

You know, I totally agree with the concept, sort of.

The only change is that it is a HOT HUSBAND, and the wife can sit and look. ROFLMAO.

I mean, come on. With Viagra we men can go non stop. You ladies get sore. )))

And BTW, this is SUCH a fantasy that until some years back, a man in Italy could be acquitted of murder for finding his wife with another man.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

These stories always reverse reality.

It is the men that can go on and on and on!

Women get sore (yes, it is a size thing), even with lube.

And then they're out for days while their hoo-hah recovers. ))

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

In real life I had one who also said that we were destined to be together, yet did as Susan did.

And I did what David did. Three marriages later, she is alone and I am not. )

26thNC26thNCabout 1 month ago

Finally, a LW story that shows the real cost of the so called “hotwife” and cuck horseshit. Broken marriages, diseases, and sad, lonely existence. Susan will end up just like Diane since they shared the same diseased dick. The cucks are just as responsible as their whorewives for this situation, and hopefully, suffer the same fate. Ic69hunter is making those profound proclamations again, “sometimes they work out, sometimes they don’t “. That’s sort of like 50/50 ain’t Ic69? You the man fo sho.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Smoking hot woman learns a tough lesson. Erotic for enjoyment does not mean it has to be lived

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

*I haven't finished reading, so I don't know how it ends*

People like Diane aren't allowed in my life. And I warn everyone to stay away them.

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Now30 days ago

Loved this one - a lot!

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

My brother was into being the cuck type. Had the mindset that a lot of the guys have in these stories, "She always comes home to me." She did just that, all the way up until she got hooked on someone else and bounced. Good story

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

Sorry, but I don't agree with "26thNC" that the cuckolds are to blame for the disasters caused by cuckolding. The men (cucks) are mentally ill people who need a therapist. Their wives are the ones who use this mental illness to their advantage.

Honestly, what normal married woman, possibly even with children, doesn't immediately prick up her ears when her husband tells her he would like to see her fuck other men? There can only be something wrong in his mind, right? So what would be the correct response? Off to the doctor and therapist, right!

But some women then recognize their chance of being able to fuck new men at the same time. Greed and desire often defeat rational thinking! And we were able to read the effects in the very well told story!

williepeterwilliepeter27 days ago

well written and entertaining. could not stop reading

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

rrrrrrr this story was sad. hey wats wrong with a bloomin big dildo instead of other men. poor woman just couldnt read the signs david wasnt into it. the poor devil susan lost out big time! I honestly dont know how a man could give his wife away. personally being bisexual either I got to share the man or she could fu#k right off. crazy cucks need thier heads examining

just get stuck right in with the wife guys. dont just give her away god damn lol haha

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Nice to read a story where the husband wouldn’t put up with the cuckold/Hot Wife crap.(Although if he had admantly refused to the whole concept and let her know he couldn’t tolerate it from the beginning things might have been different. Easing Diane and her negative influence out of the picture far earlier would have been a smart move.- Diane a serious STD,or several,also takes the glamour/appeal out of that Hot Wife horseshit too.

harleyd1harleyd122 days ago

Excellent writing. Interesting twist. Wasn't expecting that.

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

Had to read this twice. I thought about it so much I read it again the next day. There is an excellent pragmatism and realistic feel to it. I feel as if the author is writing from experience - either his own or someone he knows. It is most certainly a cautionary tale and I loved how the ending focused on the truth of things - there is so much more to life than sex. When one focuses and obsesses on it as their primary objective, they deprive themselves of so many of life's other pleasures. I admit i have been in a similar situation myself but I had started cheating early because we married too young as kids. I was with MANY women. After allowing her to play (to get even) we realized how incredibly titillating it was but both decided it was not for us and came back to focusing on family. I think if I had been David I would have tried harder to make Susan understand my feelings. I would also have got counseling and really tried to determine if the fear of her resenting me later for not continuing in the lifestyle was realistic. I would have allowed her to fight for me and us before throwing it away on a divorce. But as I said - very realistic. I have heard similar REAL stories about people who got too close to the flame and instead of satisfaction, experienced regret and heartbreak and despair. Not everyone is wired the same and not everyone can just share their life partner without permanent psychological damage. Like they saw - its not for everyone. No one should ever be pressured - as in the situation offered in this narrative. Very nicely done. Thank you for the story and thoughtful composition. Both titillating, and sad at the same time, but very - very - real.

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

I liked it well enough to give a high grade.

Jake told my wife I was in Nam having sex all the time.

The real situation was _ I was on duty near the runway for 17 hours out of every twenty four. sleep the remainder after getting food. no days off.

My wife believed Jake and had sex with him nearly a complete year.

Jake got her pregnant a day before I landed at home and she picked me up and took me and fucked me dry. then a month later she pretended the child was mine.

I didn't find out for years. Well Jake didn't get killed by me; he was already dead when I found out. Share my wife no way. Oh i did divorce her for other offense.

Hooked1957Hooked195720 days ago

I liked it from the angle of the stupid woman. Different.


26thNC26thNC19 days ago

You know you’re a helluva writer when you can make your readers come the hate fictional characters like Diane and Susan. I hope these fictional bitches suffer horribly from their fictional veneral diseases, and then die.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostra19 days ago

I love this story and the way it flows. It's not full of irrelevant details and your characters are believable. This is a top-50 story in my opinion. 5++++++/5!!!

oldmanbill69oldmanbill6917 days ago

Well told true story!

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades14 days ago

Life is what you make it. Thanks for your writing.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196914 days ago

If there are swingers like this in real life... yikes.

-Why wouldn't she ask her husband if he was ok before going upstairs at the swing party?

-Why wouldn't their friends be cautious in how they interacted at that first party?

-She fell in love with Simon in a few dates? (too rushed in the story so it felt she'd marry the first man that let her fuck around, same with his marriage although you do portray their relationship better in the brief observations)

Other commenters were correct, Susan listened to some really bad advice and burned herself.

It was a great sad story. Only wish David was more biting in some of his conversations and vocal/assertive at the swing party.

"Why didn't you say no?"

"Because you're stubborn. If I had objected, you'd simply go behind my back. I needed to see if you would go through with it. You did and you want to do it again, so you obviously don't regret it. You never listened to my objections and didn't ask if I was ok with you going upstairs with Tim. That's it then… decision made, we want different things from our relationship. It would be better to end things amicably so I'll file for divorce on Monday."

NallusNallus9 days ago

Just desserts, as they say.

Psychman24Psychman245 days ago

If there are couples who truly get off on this, I guess that's fine for them. I think the logic of how much it benefits the husband and how it doesn't affect their loving relationship is BS. I think it would just have to be a sexual kink or fetish. I think the more common response for husbands would be divorce or just call it an open marriage and he gets to sleep with other women as well.

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I like the loving wives category but it can be difficult to come up with something different and the comments can be ruthless. I try to explore alternate realities or situations with angst. The stories are fantasy and nowhere near realism, most are a bit tongue in cheek, pleas...