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We were motionless a moment as I remained on my knees, my hands still holding Brio's ass to keep my cock inside her, our chests heaving as sweat rolled off us in rivulets. After our pause as we simulated recovering from our simulated orgasms, Brio kicked away from me and rose.

"Had enough?" she sneered, repeating the words I'd used against her earlier.

I smiled, but there was no tenderness in it. "That the best you've got? I'm just getting started," I growled as I grabbed her legs and jerked her feet toward me, causing her to tumble backwards to the ring floor.

I lunged after her, throwing myself over her before she could escape, driving her into the floor before wrapping her up and holding her there. With a snarl, I drove my still stiff cock into her, her scream of effort, or pleasure, loud as she struggled to elude my grasp, her once neat, tight bun loosening as her hair became messy. With a loud bellow of my own, I fucked her hard and fast, bracing up on stiff arms to pin her to the floor with my cock as I pounded into her furiously. She screamed in return, her back arching to thrust her amazing breasts to the sky. I collapsed over her, flattening her against the canvas.

"Give me that big fucking cock! Give me every fucking inch!" she wailed as I pounded into her furiously. After a moment she stiffened under me as her eyes widened. "Oh! Fuck! I'm going to come!" she whispered so only I could hear.

"Fucking bitch! I'll give you this cock!" I snarled, my eyes hard and full of hate. "Do you need to stop?" I continued in a whisper as I glared at her.

By way of answer, her mouth slowly opened as her eyes closed, her head gradually tipping back before she grabbed me around my back, her fingers biting deep into my flesh as she held herself to me.

I couldn't let myself orgasm, but Lis would sometimes truly climax during the match. Those were dangerous times for me. The excitement of making her come even though we were supposed to be acting, and the exquisite pleasure of her powerful pussy rippling around my cock as she raptured, nearly always threatened to push me over the edge.

Time to improvise. I drove my cock in hard and deep, holding myself there as I forced myself out of her grasp. Snarling at her, I clamped a sweaty hand lightly over her equally sweaty throat, giving the impression I was the one preventing her from answering while providing an excuse for her facial contortions.

"You think you can handle my cock, you fucking bitch?" I sneered, holding my sweaty face close to hers. "I fucked up your goon, and now going to fuck you up too. I'm going to fuck you until you fucking scream! I'm the fucking best! I can out fight and out fuck any of you Gambrelli pussies!" I leered, stalling for time to allow her to recover.

After a moment she relaxed under me as her orgasm washed out of her, but I kept my hand lightly over her throat as I glared at her. An instant later she fired her hand up to grasp me by the throat, forcing my head back as she gripped the wrist of the hand around her own throat.

I reared up as I seized the hand around my throat, using her stiff arm as leverage. I began slamming my cock into her again, bellowing in effort as I attempted to tear her hand away from my throat with one hand, maintain my hold on her throat with the other, and still fuck her savagely.

As we fought, and fucked, she twisted her hips, indicating her desire for me to roll off her, so I threw myself sideways. I tumbled to the floor as she followed, throwing herself over me, neither of us giving up the holds on our foe's throats. Unlike porn wrestling, either of us just lay there while waiting for someone else to do something. We were wrestlers first and foremost, and we knew how to make the action look good.

Having her suggest a modification to the stunt told me she'd recovered from her orgasm, and now it was time to get back on script. Bellowing with effort, I pushed slightly harder against her neck, and she took the hint, rising to sit on my cock as if I'd forced her up. Our hands still locked over wrists and throats, we began thrusting, my cock pressed against my abs as she rocked her hips hard and fast to slide my rigid cock through her wetness. Our faces twisted in sneers as we choked each other, our thrusts became harder and faster as I slowly lifted my hips. We weren't hurting each other, but since she was on top, it was up to her to decide when and how we'd end the stunt.

With a cry of effort, Brio threw herself back, her sudden lunge breaking us out of our shared chokehold. She scrambled away as I gave chase. I needed to get her in the corner to setup the next stunt, but I didn't know for sure what she had planned, so I followed her lead. She kicked out, her foot connecting solidly with my chest. I threw myself back, to give her some time and space, before I rolled to my feet. As I bounced up, she was already on her feet, lined up so I could charge her and drive her into a different corner so another section of the audience would get a good view of the action.

"You think your cock and take my pussy?" she snarled as she held her hands in front of her as if she were inviting a lover into her embrace. She flicked her hands at me. "Then come on! Let them fight!"

And just like that, we were back on script. She'd adlibbed the fight thing, but it worked. With a snarl I rushed her, my cock bobbing and weaving as I charged in. I picked her up with a roar and drove her into the corner, slamming her back into the turnbuckles. She screamed in pain as I backed off, spun her around, and shoved her face first back into the corner. As she hung by her elbows on the top rope, I grabbed her hips and slammed my cock into her, bellowing as I began pounding into her, my hips smacking against her ass with wet slapping sounds.

"You wanted my cock fighting your pussy? It's fighting that pussy!" I snarled as I pounded into her hard and fast, continuing the verbal thread she started.

She wailed, grabbing the rope and pushing back, her back arching as she strained against me. "My pussy is fighting your cock, its fighting it so hard! Fuck!"

I grabbed her by her shoulders, arching her back even more as I leaned back and roared my effort and pleasure to the sky. I pounded her long and hard as sweat dripped off us like drops of rain. I hauled her more upright and pulled her back into my chest before I shoved her forward, mashing her tits against the padding of the turnbuckle while locking my arm around her neck in a Chicken Wing. Snarling and bellowing, we fucked hard for a long moment.

"Fuck! Your big cock is fighting my fucking pussy so hard!"

I couldn't tell if Lis was turning herself on with her words, or if she was still playing a role, but it was kind of hot, and we might have to incorporate the change into the regular routine.

We'd been fucking in this position long enough. It was time for us to come again. "Fuck!" I bellowed. "Your pussy is making my cock come! My cock is going to come in your pussy!"

"My pussy is beating your cock! Beat that fucking cock into submission!"

I roared again, jerking and twisting as if I was spasming. "I'm coming!" I roared. "Fuck! My cock is coming in your pussy!"

Lis lunged back against my hips and I tumbled backwards to the floor, dragging her with me, holding her tight so when we landed my cock would be well inside her and we didn't get hurt in the fall. I hit the canvas on my back. The moment we were still, she leaned back and braced on stiff arm as she began pumping her hips furiously.

"Fuck! I'm coming!" she screamed. I bellowed again as I reached up and grabbed her sweaty breasts and gripped them tight, taking Lis to the threshold of pain but not crossing it. "Fuck! You're filling my pussy so full of come!"

She raised her hips slightly and I began to jackhammer my cock into her. "Your pussy feels too good! I can't stop fucking you!"

"Fuck! I'm coming again! Your fuck missile is making my pussy come again!" she screamed as I continued to pound into her furiously.

Wanting to see what she would do, I decided to adlib. "My cock is beating your pussy!"

"Your cock will never beat my pussy!"

"Fuck!" I screamed. "I'm coming again, you fucking bitch! You're making me come again!"

"Fuck me!" she wailed in return. "Fuck that pussy until its full of come!"

We screamed and shouted about coming for another ten or fifteen seconds as I pounded into her, holding her to my chest by her breasts, before she screamed and threw herself off my cock. She landed draped across the duffle bag of money. She started to rise, her movements slow and uncoordinated. With a snarl of lust, of rage, of hate, I threw myself across her back and crushed her into the bag before she could recover. Ramming my cock into her again, I locked my fingers under her chin and hauled back on her head, arching her back in a modified Camel Clutch to display her breasts Justin's camera as I hammered my cock into her.

We fucked for several long moments, her legs to either side of the bag as she rode the duffle, my hard, fast, pounding strokes hammering her pussy into the bag as she slapped and clawed at the floor. We were fully back on script.

"Give up!" I panted harshly, her flesh hot and slick with our mingled sweat as we grunted and snarled in effort. "You can't beat me!"

With my hands around her chin she couldn't answer, her only response another slap on the canvas as she tried to claw her way out of the trap I had her in. I continued to hammer my cock into her for another moment before I loosened my grip under her jaw in a silent signal that I was waiting for her to make her move. Because I was lower down on her back than a standard Camel Clutch, and my cock was in her pussy as I fucked her, this was a very strenuous stunt, and I was tiring rapidly.

She twisted her hips, rolling us off the duffle and breaking my hold under her chin as my cock popped free. I scrambled to my feet, trying not to show how exhausted my arms, legs, and back were. I'd just risen to my feet when I saw the duffle flying toward me.

When we'd developed this routine, I found out the first time we went full speed in practice that if I let Lis hit me in the chest with the bag, it would damn near break my rips. Where we'd weakened our clothes to allow them to tear easily, Bev had strengthened the handles on the bag because Lis kept tearing them off when she knocked the shit out of me with it.

After fighting me off her, Brio had grabbed the duffle and whirled in a half circle, winding up to use the bag of cash as a bludgeon. I got my hands up, taking the bulk of the impact with my arms, but with a little help from me, the impact caused me to leave my feet and land in the middle of the ring with a tumbling roll. I bellowed in simulated pain as I came to rest on my back, but Lis wasted no time in pressing her advantage. Dropping the duffle, she charged across the ring as I struggled to rise and threw herself over me, driving me down to my back again.

"Come on, you big dicked fucker! Let's finish this!" she snarled as she grabbed my cock while her forearm pressed against my throat.

Snarling in rage and pain, I grabbed her hair and hauled her head sideways in an attempt to break her choke. She screamed in pain, moving with me as I tried to drag her off me, but before I could dislodge her, she held my cock erect and rammed it inside her. My bellow of pleasure joined with her scream as I released her hair and grabbed her hip as she reared, her hands pressed into my chest as she fucked me hard and fast, my gripping hands increasing the savagery of our fucking. With her pussy pummeling my cock, we cried our pleasure to the room.

"I'll never give up! No man can out fuck me!" she howled.

I was supposed to say something like, 'I'm going to make you fucking scream' or 'I'm going to fucking break you,' but I decided to change the script. "Let them fight!" I bellowed. I saw a flicker of a smile on Lis' lips before she forced it away.

"You fight that pussy! You fight that tight fucking pussy with your big fucking cock!" she snarled, adlibbing as much as I was.

"My cock is fighting that pussy! It's fighting that pussy to the fucking death!"

She glared at me, but her eyes were dancing, and I could tell she was struggling not to smile. "My pussy is winning the fight!" she screamed.

"No, my cock is!" I bellowed in return.

We glared at each other, our eyes and faces callous as she fucked me hard and fast. I released her hips with one hand and grabbed her by the back of the head. Our gazes locked, our faces twisted into hateful snarls, sweat dripping from our bodies as muscles bulged, we strained against each other, her hips pounding my cock mercilessly as I inexorably drew her lips toward mine.

Kissing Lis wasn't part of the script, but I loved her, and despite the fact our brutal, animalistic fucking was ninety percent acting, I wouldn't do this routine with anyone else. Lis wailed in effort, perhaps realizing for Brio to suddenly kiss me passionately, like lovers, would be out of character, but she knew I'd eventually overpower her and have my kiss.

I continued to slowly draw her mouth toward mine, our faces twisted into masks of hate and lust, until our lips touched. She instantly relaxed and we kissed fully, passionately, as if we were suddenly overwhelmed with desire as she continued fucking me with every fiber of her being.

Our tongues dueled in true passion for a moment before she threw herself back. "Fuck!" she cried, returning to character. Our brief interlude was over, and the show must go on. "You're going to make me fucking come!"

I bellowed with pleasure, both real and insinuated. "Goddammit, you sexy fucking bitch! Your pussy is making me come!"

"I can last longer than you!"

"No! I'm going to make you come first!"

"Shit! Your big cock is making me come!"

"My cock is fighting your pussy!"

Brio screamed in pleasure. "My pussy is fighting your cock!"

"Fucking bitch! My cock is going to come!" I roared as if overwhelmed with pleasure. Having Lis doing all the work had allowed me to rest a moment and recover from our previous stunt, so I began forcing my hips up.

Brio redoubled her efforts, fucking me impossibly hard. "Your cock is making my pussy come!"

We shrieked as one. "Fuck! I'm coming!" I raged, thrusting violently into her pussy as she continued to fuck me.

"I'm coming!" Brio screamed over the top of me, but her hips never slowed.

My hips still elevated off the floor, l began to thrash, my eyes crushed closed as I twisted my head violently back and forth. "Fuck! I'm coming in that pussy! I'm fucking you while I'm coming in that pussy so hard!" I roared, my hands on her hips as she rode me violently. That was another of the key phrases that told Lis I need to stop before I came.

"You're fucking me as I'm coming all over your big fucking cock!" she howled, repeating everything I said until I ended the stunt.

We screamed our pleasure. "My cock is winning the fight!" I roared.

"My pussy is!"

"Fuck that cock!"

"Fuck that pussy!"

"I'm still coming!" I screamed.

"Fuck! I can't stop coming!"

I held on as long as I could, wanting to give the audience a good show, but my seed was about to explode from my manhood. Our voices became one as we wailed our rapture to the world as I threw Brio off me. I lay on my back for a long moment, twitching and jerking, knowing Brio was doing the same beside me. As my simulated orgasm ended, I lay still, flexing to make my still hard cock twitch and jerk, before I slowly staggered to my feet. I wavered slightly, as if drained, but if I'd actually come the four or five times in the last twenty minutes or so, as I'd implied I had, especially as hard as I'd suggested my orgasms were, I'd have been a lot more than drained. I wouldn't be able to fucking stand.

"You're beaten. Now take the money and get out of my fucking ring," I growled in a panting snarl as she slowly set up.

We were a mess, sweat cascading down our bodies with our hair plastered to our heads, Brio's tight bun now completely gone with her hair in tangled disarray, but I'd never seen a more beautiful or sexy woman. She looked around, saw the wadded paper lying beside her coat, and slowly rose to her feet, staggering to the paper as if every step was her last. She slowly bent and picked up the crumbled ball, straightening it as she turned to face me.

"Will you sign it?" she asked, holding the paper to her side as if she already knew the answer.


Her face hardened as she let the paper slip from her fingers. "Then we fuck."

"Fucking it is, then," I rumbled. I stomped toward her as she backed toward the third corner.

"Come on! You haven't beaten me yet! Give me that big cock!" she challenged as she settled into the corner, her arms draped over the top ropes either side of the turnbuckles with one leg suspended on the middle, opening her pussy to me.

"I'm done playing with you," I sneered as I strode up to her, grabbed her suspended leg, and rammed my cock into her with a single vicious stab. "Now I'm going to fuck you like you've never been fucked before!" I cried as I began hammering my cock into her, her own wail of pleasure rising in volume with each pounding stroke. I hammered into her furiously as she gradually began to slide sideways, my furiously plunging cock and battering hips gradually driving her off balance.

"You're fucking me so hard!" she screamed, signaling she was about to go to the next step in the stunt.

I bellowed in effort and pleasure as I fucked her even harder. She lost her grip on rope with her right hand, falling to her left before grabbing the rope again beside her other hand. She was hanging on the top rope with her back resting on the middle, one leg twisted under her and the other still laying on the rope on the other side of the turnbuckle. With an animal like growl, I stepped through the ropes without pulling my cock out, placing one leg on each side of the rope before lifting and dragging her ass deeper into the corner so it was resting more securely on the padded turnbuckle. I grabbed her hips, and with her legs dangling on either side of the middle rope, I drove my cock deeper into her pussy.

We wailed as one as I began fucking her again, Brio clinging to the top rope as she bounced on the middle. It was am utterly ridiculous position, and it took a coordinated effort by Lis and me to pull off the stunt. With Lis clinging to and balanced on the rope, and me, with the top rope stretched tight across my back pressing me down onto her, there was nothing sexy about it for either of us, but the audience's frantic cheering spoke of their love of watching us fuck while tangled in the ropes.

I roared in pleasure, my arms, legs, and abs burning from my efforts of fucking her while steadying her so she didn't get hurt. As the burn increased in my arms, I knew Lis' arms had to be getting tired from holding herself on the ropes as my hammering cock made her bounce, her sweaty breasts sloshing with every movement.

It was too exhausting to maintain this position for long. "Come, you fucking bitch! Come!"

"You fucking come!"

I squeezed has her ass three times in rapid succession to let her know I was about to get us out of the stunt. I waited a moment before I squeezed her ass once, twice, and then on the third squeeze she let go of the top rope and twisted violently to her left, causing us to tumble out of the corner and to the ring's floor.

She scrambled away from me and tried to dash to the final corner, but I lunged after her, catching her by her foot and dragging her to the floor. She rolled to her back, trying to kick me in the face as she screamed in defiance, but I deflected the blow and forced her legs open. I plowed into her again, roaring in pleasure, Brio's scream a mixture of hate, rage, and pleasure.