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Mike, realizing that Antony had struggled to his feet, raced past him while grabbing his arm to turn him. Bouncing off the ropes to build even more speed, he leapt into the air and delivered a crushing Superman Punch. Anaconda was down again, landing on his back this time. Mike threw himself into the air to perform a Chest Compression, but rather than driving his elbow into Antony's chest, he aimed for Anaconda's still hard cock. Antony barely reacting to Driller driving his elbow into his crotch as Driller slammed to the floor. With a nasty smile, Mike threw himself over his defeated opponent as David quickly counted Antony out.

Driller bounced to his feet as Steve rang the bell. As David rose from the count and held Driller's hand aloft, the two managers scrambled into the ring. David dropped Driller's hand and turned to exit the ring as Steve picked up the microphone from the table.

Mike began to stomp around the ring while roaring in victory, his hands high in the air as he held the first finger of each hand up in celebration. Shelby grabbed him, shoved him into their corner, and pressed herself into him to kiss him lustily as Dena dropped beside Antony. As Anaconda slowly, painfully, sat up in the center of the ring, Dena helped him to his feet, while in Driller's corner, Shelby was slowly lowering herself to her knees in front of Driller while holding his cock, sensually squirming her ass as she settled, clearly intending to blow him right there in the ring.

"You fucking bitch!" Dena screamed, charging across the ring as Antony stumbled his way to his corner.

Just as Driller's cock was about to disappear into Shelby's mouth, Dena grabbed Shelby by her shoulder length blonde hair, hauled her to her feet, and slapped the shit out of her. Shelby reeled back, holding a hand to her face, her eyes first wide with astonishment, and then hard and narrow with rage.

"Whore!" Shelby shrieked in response, answering Dena's slap with one of her own.

"Slut!" Dena snarled as she attacked.

Steve, who'd just stood up after entering the ring stared at the two women in shock as they lunged at each other and twisted their hands in each other's hair, throwing their heads back and forth in their fury.

The two women were evenly matched, both standing within a fraction of five foot five, with the same amazing breasts, powerful legs, and taunt, flat stomachs.

"Fuck her up, Shelby!" Mike cheered. "Fuck that bitch up!"

Anaconda, hearing the commotion in the ring stopped and turned back, and then rushed to the edge of the ring. "Dena! Get out of there!"

Steve quickly crawled out of the ring and frantically rang the bell, trying to stop the impromptu match. Both women ignored the bell, falling to the floor and rolling around with their hands tangled in their opponent's hair. If the audience watched closely, they would see the manager's clothes ripping at the seams.

Antony started crawling into the ring. "Let them fight!" Mike challenged, charging toward his nemesis, "or are you afraid Dena can't take her?"

Outside the ring, realizing the bell wasn't going to stop the fight, Steve began pointing frantically into the ring and waving his hands as David shook his head and raised his hands in confusion. Though part of the show, like the first bout between Colt and Ivan, we played this as a spontaneous fight.

The woman separated, both of them bouncing to their feet to stare daggers at each other. "Stay out of it, Antony! I'm going to kick this bitch's ass for what she's done!" Dena snarled, never taking her eyes off her foe.

Shelby flicked her fingers, calling Dena to her. "First Anaconda, and now you."

"Driller'll never take Anaconda!"

"He just did, and now, I'm going to fuck you up too!"

"You can't fuck up shit!"

"I fucked the shit out of your brother's big cock enough!"

"You did that just to get close to him!"

"That's right! I'm taking Mike to the top, and we needed you and Anaconda out of the way!"

"Bitch! I warned him not to trust you!"

Shelby spluttered. "Trust? The only thing I need him to trust was that I'd ride his cock every morning and night, and that I had his best interest at heart as I encouraged him to drink his protein shakes every day to get his strength back."

"You bitch! He loved you!"

"I know," Shelby sneered. "I used that, but the only thing I loved was your brother's big fat cock inside me!"

Dena shoved Shelby. "Yeah? Well now he knows what I've known all along... that's you're a lying, backstabbing, conniving, bitch, and I'm going to take what you've done to him it out of your ass!"

"Fuck you, bitch!" Shelby sneered, shoving Dena in return. "You want a piece of me? I'll fucking take you apart!"

Antony had stood, listening to the women's exchange, his face growing harder with every word. "You... bitch! I loved you! You and Mike... it was nothing but a lie the entire time!"

"Boo fucking hoo! The only thing I wanted more than your cock inside me was that championship belt," Shelby sneered. "I'm ten times the manager your sister is. When you wouldn't replace her with me, I made Mike think I'd left him, always telling him how big you dick was, how much I loved the feel of you fucking me, how good your cock made me feel, so he'd become jealous and be willing to go along with my plan."

Anaconda's eyes flicked to Driller's. "You didn't know?"

Mike glared at Antony. "Not when she left me for you, but later, while she was fucking you... yeah I knew. Knowing you were fucking her, listening her to go on and one about the size of your cock..." His eyes turned to ice. "That's when she told me her plan to beat you, to make me champion, and to prove to the world I was better than you. I gave you the powder and she made sure you used it, made sure you didn't suspect it was the powder that was killing you." Mike's eyes became harder still. "We knew you might suspect one of us, but not both, when the poison started working." His hands clenched into fists. "I don't care if you do have a bigger cock, I'm better than you, Anaconda, and I'm taking that belt. We're taking it. The next championship bout is between you and me, and when I take that fucking belt from you, she'll know I'm a better wrestler, a better man than you! She'll realize then that I'm the fucking best!"

"You want the fucking belt so bad? Let's go right now!" Antony snarled, his eyes narrow and hard as he stepped forward.

"No!" Dena snapped. "You need more time to recover from what they did to you." She turned her attention back to Shelby. "You knew Mike couldn't beat him, so you tried to cheat." She sneered at both Mike and Shelby. "I'll give Driller his shot, after Antony is fully recovered, and I'm going to enjoy watching Anaconda take Driller down, watching Driller lose just like he's lost every time they've met." Dena glared. "He's a second-rate wrestler with a second-rate manager, and Driller will never be champion!"

"We'll see," Shelby growled, her voice low and dangerous.

Anaconda glared at Shelby before pointing a thick finger at Driller's face. "This isn't over between us," he snarled.

"Big talk... especially after I turned the Anaconda into a Garter Snake," Mike sneered.

"Next time, Driller, next time," Antony growled as he took Dena by the arm. "Let's get out of here."

Dena hesitated and then turned to follow Antony. "That's right. You better get her out of the ring, or you'll need a new manager," Shelby sneered.

Dena jerked her arm away from her brother. "Okay, bitch! You've been asking for it, now you're going to get it!"

"Dena, no! We'll settle it in the ring."

Dena's smile was dangerous. "Oh, we're going to, right here, right now. After she walked out on you when you needed her the most, I've been looking for a reason to kick this bitch's ass. Finding out this was all her doing has given me the reason. Stay out of it. She's mine."

Antony paused a moment longer and then began backing out of the ring. "You'll get yours," he snarled, pointing a finger at Mike again.

Mike, his smile cold, also slowly backed away, his eyes hard as he watched Antony. "You're done, Anaconda!" he growled, pointing a finger at Antony in return. "Shelby and I are the best! I kicked your ass, and now Shelby is going to kick your sister's ass!"

"That's right! You're both fucking done," Shelby snarled as Mike slid out of the ring. She lunged at Dena and tried to take her into a hold, but Dena's coat ripped badly to afford Dena an easy escape.

"Fuck you!" Dena sneered, snatching the coat sleeve dangling from her arm before charging in, trying to Whip Crack Shelby across the ring, but like her own suit, Shelby's coat and blouse disintegrated from the strain and Dena was left holding Shelby's coat and blouse while Shelby stumbled way unharmed.

Throwing the coat aside, the women attacked again as Shelby's lacy bra's strained to hold her heavy breasts. Shelby twisted and grabbed Dena, hoisting her aloft while dropping to one knee, setting up for a Spinal Tap, but Dena's blouse ripped away and Shelby lost her hold, foiling the move. Street clothes weren't designed for wrestling... especially after being cut apart and then pieced together with Velcro.

Dena bounced out of the failed stunt, leapt to her feet, and then threw herself against the ropes, building momentum as she charged Shelby. Shelby, sensing a mistake by her opponent, rushed toward Dena with her arm out as she setup to deliver a Clothesline. Before Shelby could complete her Clothesline, Dena dropped, slid between Shelby's legs, grabbed the woman around the waist, and rolled to her back as she coiled up like a spring, pulling Shelby down as she did. As Shelby fell, Dena stretched her over her legs before firing them up and back, pitching Shelby high into the air to fly over her head in a Spring Board to land in a tumble. Neither woman's skirt survived the encounter.

Unhurt, both women scrambled to their feet and turned to face each other. "You're not taking the belt, you fucking bitch!"

"I'm taking Mike to the top, and there's nothing you can do to stop it!"

The women lunged at each other again, wearing nothing but panties and bras, Shelby powering in and grabbing Dena by the head before twisting quickly, turning her back to the woman while still holding her head, and with a quick forward jerk, flipped Dena over her back in a Decapitator. The sudden move caused too much strain on Dena's bra, and the fabric parted between her breasts. Dena cried out in pain, landing hard, but quickly rolled to her feet, knowing Shelby was coming for her.

Catching Shelby as she charged, Dena locked her arms around her opponent and rolling quickly, tossing Shelby over her hip, causing Shelby to land in a tumbling roll. When Shelby bounced to her feet, the only article of clothing on either woman was Dena's thong, and I knew it wouldn't last much longer.

As the women were stripping each other and snarling their challenges, David had refused to enter the ring. We didn't want anyone interfering with the women getting naked. With that task now finished, David rolled his eyes as Steve pointed firmly into the ring, his face hard and demanding. With a huff, David turned and slowly crawled into the ring.

With clothes scattered all around them, the women lunged at each other. Shelby slipped past Dena's defense, grabbed the woman around the waist to attempt a Suplex, but Dena countered by driving Shelby back, her legs pumping as she screamed in effort, thwarting her move. Shelby couldn't back pedal fast enough and the two women crashed to the canvas, the impact breaking them apart with a mutual cry of pain.

Dena immediately leapt to her feet, clearly unhurt by the fall, though her thong hadn't survived, before leaping and twisting in the air while firing her legs out to strike the rising Shelby with a Corkscrew Kick. Shelby cried out as she exploded from her feet to land in a rolling, tumbling heap at David's feet. As Shelby bounded to her feet, David stepped in front of her and put his hand in her chest.

Dena and Shelby were two of my most experienced wrestlers. At forty and forty-one respectively, they were still fit, sexy as hell, and amazingly talented. They could still do the big air work, and even more importantly, they could improvise. Their ability to change their routine on the fly was critical in this match, allowing them to still put on a good show while working around the men. Before I'd hired Dena and Shelby, this bout usually had one pair fighting in one section of the ring as the other pair fought in another to prevent the performers from getting in each other's way. Now the men, who were slower and less mobile, used the entire ring for their fight, and the women worked around them, elevating the match far above what it was before.

Having stopped Shelby's attack, David turned his attention to Dena. Dena tried to charge past David and attack the other woman, but like with Shelby, he put his hand in her chest, causing her to pause.

"Stop!" David cried. "This is an unsanctioned event! Now get your clothes and take it outside the ring!"

The two women glared past him as he held them apart. With a mutual nod, the two women grabbed the hand between their breasts, spun David around to face the direction he'd come, and began back peddling rapidly, dragging David along with them. Helpless, David stumbled after the two women before they abruptly stopped just short of the ropes, quickly planted, and hauled on David's arms. He flew past them, crashed into the ropes and flipped over the top one to smash down onto Steve's table as Steve scrambled for safety.

David hadn't even hit the table before the two women had turned on each other. With a snarl of pure, mutual, hatred, both women attacked, grappling to take each other into a headlock, their arms and hands battling wildly as they attempted to complete the headlock on their opponent while preventing the same from happening to them. With a cry of effort, Shelby managed to get inside of Dena and locked Dena's head under her arm. She went for the Suplex again, but before she could start the move, Dena screamed with effort as she hoisted Shelby into the air and crashed backwards. It was a bad position, and Dena took the worst of the punishment, but the move shattered Shelby's lock and the two women slowly rose to their feet.

As the women warred, Steve helped the struggling and woozy David his feet. As soon as David was on his feet, Steve began pointing into the ring frantically. David wavered slightly as he shook his head in vehement denial. Steve pointed again, his face hard and angry as he stomped his foot once. David again shook his head and then made a slow 'Help yourself' gesture at the ring before he turned and staggered away.

Steve began ringing the bell frantically, trying to stop the match as Shelby charged Dena and leapt into the air while twisting to slam into her opponent in a Crossing the 'T', her hard, rippled abdomen smashing into Dena's head. With a spray of sweat, Dena flew back to crash onto the canvas. Shelby threw herself across Dena and began slapping the floor, striking the canvas with two quick blows before Dena thrust her hips into the air to dislodge her.

The two women spun away from each other as Steve stopped hammering the bell, glared at the women in the ring for a long moment, and then waved his hand at them in a 'fuck it!' motion before he too turned and stomped away. With no referee to keep control of the bout, the match was about to get wild.

As Driller and Antony cheered their women from outside the ring, Dena rushed Shelby, knocking her aside as she passed, caromed off the ropes to build speed, and charged her rival, clearly intending to grab her head while passing to finish her with a crippling Decapitator. Shelby, recognizing the developing stunt, dropped to the floor. Dena seemed to have expected that and leapt the woman without breaking stride, bounced off the ropes again, and quickly extending her arm out to her side on the return charge. Shelby bounced to her feet, but before she could turn to face the hard charging Dena, Dena slammed into Shelby from behind, her arm hitting Shelby in the back of the neck in a Paralyzer.

Shelby crashed to the floor and flopped around like a beached fish, screaming in pain, as Dena stood glaring over the woman. "Who's fucking who up now, bitch?" she snarled.

Shelby rolled slowly over, throwing her hands up in panic as Dena leapt into the air before slamming down on the woman. The audience thought Shelby hands were for her for protection, and in way they were as she slowed and steered Dena's landing so neither were hurt.

Shelby screamed in renewed agony as Dena's big tits crashed into her own. Dena slapped the canvas, but before she could complete the count, Shelby bucked her hips. Dena tried to reacquire the pin, but again, Shelby thrust her hips and stopped Dena's count. Frustrated, Dena jumped to her feet, grabbed Shelby by the hair and pulled her to her feet. As she was stumbling to her feet, Shelby fired a hard right directly into Dena's pussy.

Dena shrieked as she staggered back, covering her injured womanhood. Having bought herself a little time, Shelby shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs, before giving chase to the now injured Dena. I knew Shelby had massively pulled the punch, and hit Dena just above her most vulnerable spot, but the move happened so fast, even though I knew what she'd done, it was still easy to believe she'd plowed her fist into Dena's womanhood. Shelby charged across the ring, but Dena still had a few tricks left. Her hands still covering her aching flower, she fired her foot out to strike Shelby in the pussy.

"Fucking bitch!" Dena snarled as Shelby stopped cold before slowly dropping to her knees with her hands grasping her private parts, and then gradually tipped forward to fall on her chest.

The blow had been so devastating, Shelby hadn't even screamed. Dena stomped to Shelby, grabbed her under her arms, and heaved the woman to her feet while locking her hands behind her head. Shelby began to struggle, but Dena held to her like a limpet, walking Shelby toward Antony.

"Get a good look, brother, because after I'm done with her, she won't worth fucking!"

Antony looked at Shelby a moment, his eyes soft before they hardened. "Finish her."

"After she pussy punched me? Fucking count on it!"

"I'm not fucking finished yet," Shelby snarled the instant before she ran up the turnbuckles and flipped over Dena's head, smashing Dena backwards into the floor as she did. As Dena wailed in pain, Shelby sneered at Anaconda. "You may have a big cock, but that isn't going to help your sister!" As Antony started climbing into the ring, Shelby kicked him in the face, knocking him back out. "It isn't going to help your sister, and it isn't going to help you to hold on to that title belt." Shelby grabbed Dena under her arms and hauled her to her feet. "I'm twice the manager she is, and twice the woman!"

Anaconda started into the ring again as Shelby released her hold, grabbed Dena's wrist, and spun Dena around in a Whip Crack, but Dena wasn't out of the match yet. Before Shelby could fling her across the ring, Dena locked onto Shelby's hand, planted hard, and reversed the spin, sending Shelby flying across the ring to crash into her own corner.

"I said stay out of it!" Dena snarled at Antony before turning and launching herself across the ring as Shelby staggered out of her corner. "I'll handle this bitch myself!" she cried as she leapt feet first and Flying Drop Kicked Shelby back against the turnbuckles.

As Shelby sagged, Dena bounced to her feet and swaggered up to the stunned woman. She grabbed the Shelby's face in a crushing grip, bringing her sweaty and pain filled face close to hers. "You can't beat me," she snarled. "I can out manage and out wrestle you any day."
