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She shoved Shelby's face away from her own before driving a hard punch into Shelby's womanhood. Shelby screamed in pain as her back arched and her head tipped back to thrust her breasts to the ceiling, her arms out to her sides, her fists clinched in agony as she gripped the top ropes as if being crucified.

Dena stared at Shelby as the woman howled, her face distorted with malice. "You wanted to make it a dirty, personal, fight? Okay, then let's make it dirty!" she snarled before driving another punch into her foe's most sensitive area.

Shelby shrieked again, her arms out and her back arched as she battled the pain. "You fucking bitch!" Shelby screamed, releasing the ropes and driving her own fist into Dena's womanhood as her adversary loaded up to deliver another crushing blow.

With a scream of pain, Dena staggered but struck again, Shelby answering with her own shriek of agony followed by a return fist to Dena's pussy. Dena fired another right into Shelby's flower, the women brutalizing each other without mercy or remorse. Shrieking in pain and unable to take anymore punishment, rather than striking back, Shelby lunged at Dena and took her into a Bear Hug. Dena cried out as Shelby squeezed, their faces twisting in pain and effort. This was the stuff of male fantasies—black versus white, blond versus brunette, good versus evil—as the two strong, beautiful, sexy women grappled in a corner, their bodies grinding together, their sweat drenched flesh glowing as if oiled.

Shelby began slowly forcing her way out of the corner, but Dena rallied, driving Shelby back and slamming her against the turnbuckles again. Shelby's wailed in pain, her hold loosening briefly and allowing Dena to free her arms.

"Get out of there! Get the fuck out of there!" Mike bellowed, slapping the floor in encouragement.

Her arms now free, Dena pushed furiously against Shelby's shoulders, her back arching as she screamed in effort, Shelby's own wails of exertion joining Dena's as her arms quivered with the strain of containing her rival. After a long, titanic struggle, Dena burst free of Shelby's hold and tumbled to the floor. Shelby lunged after her, leaping into the air with her legs tucked in tight to her body in a Knee Jerker, but Dena was quicker and twisted away with scant room to spare, causing Shelby to crash to the floor on her knees.

First to her feet, Dena launched herself, twisting in midair to Cross the 'T,' Dena's hard flat stomach crashing into Shelby's face. Dena didn't have much room or time for a run up, so her attack lacked its normal power, and Shelby staggered back into her corner again, off balance but unhurt. Barking out a cry of pain as she crashed into the pads, Shelby wasn't prepared as Dena powered in, driving a knee into Shelby's stomach.

Shelby lurched forward, crying out and grabbing her stomach in pain, exactly as Dena had set her up. As Shelby bent at the waist, Dena grabbed her around her hips, and lunged backwards, slamming Shelby hard into the ring floor on her ass in a Spinal Smash.

As Shelby screamed and writhed in agony, Dena started to rise, the smile of victory already painting her face, when Driller reached through the ropes with his arms either side of the corner post. Grabbing Dena's ankles, he used his enormous strength to quickly jerk her feet out from under her before he hauled on her legs, quickly drawing Dena to him and smashing her pussy into the heavy aluminum support. Greg was there to capture it all, and though the support was padded, Dena's throat rending shriek of anguish left no doubt it was a devastating blow.

Shelby, sensing her chance to get back into the match, staggered to her feet and stumbled toward Dena as her foe curled around her center in pain with her hands clasped between her legs.

Shelby dragged Dena out of the corner before setting up for a Chest Compression as Antony charged across the ring like an enraged bull. Shelby had just leapt into the air, her elbow cocked for a devastating impact, when Anaconda arrived and snatched her out of the air. With a bellow, he turned as he lifted her, and threw her across the ring.

It was an impressive display of strength that required perfect timing so that Shelby's leap could help Antony lift her over his head. Shelby was halfway across the ring before she touched canvas, and then continued to roll and tumble before she came to a stop in the opposite corner.

Mike, seeing Antony's enraged charge, was already climbing into the ring as Shelby tumbled. With a roar of his own, he slammed into Anaconda's back and locked the big man's arms over his head. The two men were standing astraddle of Dena as she continued to writhe in helpless agony, apparently unaware of her danger as the massive men battled directly above her, their powerful legs just missing her as they staggered and stomped in their private war.

Anaconda and Driller were still sweaty from their match, but their cocks had softened. As Driller hauled back on Anaconda's massive arms, Antony roared as Mike's face twisting in effort. I zoomed in so the audience could see that, with painful slowness, Anaconda's arms began to move lower, and with every incremental lowering of his arms, his cock rose in measure. He roared again, his face twisting in effort, and his arms moved a little more as his cock continued to rise. He roared a third time, Driller adding his own bellow of effort to Anaconda's as his foe's massive arms slipped lower again. Anaconda roared yet again, his cock now at full hardness as his grasping hands finally reached Driller's wrists. With a final roar, Anaconda began prying Drillers hands from behind his neck, both men's muscles twisting and bulging with their struggle.

Realizing he was losing his hold, Driller changed tactics, released Anaconda, and immediately went for his opponent's manhood as Antony spun away. Realizing Driller's plan, Anaconda blocked and grabbed the wrist to freeze the grasping hand just out of reach of his cock. Driller grabbed for his target with his other hand, and again Anaconda seized the wrist to immobilize the grasping hand. The men bellowed and snarled, their faces masks of hate and effort as their muscles stood in stark relief, replaying the contest of strength from their earlier meeting, but with far grimmer results for failure.

"You can't... beat me!" Driller snarled, his words labored as he gasped for breath.

"I'm going to... fuck you up... Driller," Anaconda growled in return.

Driller roared with effort, his hand inching closer to Anaconda's impressively hard manhood as his own cock began rising. "I'm better... than you! A... better man... with a... better cock!"

Frozen in muscle twisting effort, the giant men glared at each other in unrestrained malice as Driller's cock continued to rise.

"That tiny... fucking thing?"

"Your big... fucking cock... won't help... you now."

While Greg stayed on the straining, sweating, men, I whirled my lens to Shelby. Unnoticed by the combatants, Shelby had staggered to her feet, shaking her head as she staggered to her feet and then leaned against the ropes, clearly trying to recover from being thrown across the ring. As her head cleared, she realized the men were frozen in a monumental battle of strength. With a final shake of her head, Shelby ran across the ring and slammed into Anaconda's massive back in a Crossing the 'T.'

The men stumbled, tripping over Dena, and fell to the ring with a jarring crash as Shelby scrambled behind Dena, yanked her to the sitting position by her hair, and took her into a Chicken Wing. With her arm locked around her opponent's throat, her legs around Dena's waist, Shelby flattened her breasts against Dena's back and fell backwards to the floor, dragging Dena with her. With a cry of pain, Dena suddenly came alive, her powerful arms straining as she struggled to free her neck from Shelby's crushing grasp.

When Shelby collided with his back, Anaconda had twisted desperately to avoid falling on Dena. As Driller stumble back from their collision, his twist had opened up an unexpected opportunity, and he'd continued to twist so he could drive his elbow into Drillers stomach. As far as Chest Compressions go, it was bad form and weak, but it was sufficient to slow Driller enough that Antony could go on the offensive. Anaconda scrambled around behind Driller as Driller started to rise, and threw himself against his back, securing Driller in same hold Shelby had placed on Dena, though he was at a disadvantage as Driller had gotten a defensive arm inside Anaconda's steel like grasp.

I was zoomed in close on Dena's face as she reached for the sky with her fingers curved into talons. Shelby jerked, tightening her grip, Shelby's sweaty, snarling face as she attempted to choke Dena out clearly demonstrating her hatred.

Roaring in effort, Driller tried to break out of Anaconda's hold, his arms shuddering in effort as he thrust up with his hips to drive his hard cock into the air with Anaconda bellowing in return as he tightened his hold.

Dena screamed again, lashing out with her foot to strike Driller with a full power shot to his manhood. Driller shrieked in agony, his back arching higher, his hips lunging over and over as he fucked the sky.

Sensing an opening, Anaconda threw the stunned Driller to the side and immediately rushed to Dena's defense. Kneeling over his prone sister, his massive, hard cock pinched between their stomachs, he gripped Shelby's wrists and inexorably forced her arms open, Shelby's screams of defiance and effort matching Anaconda's bellow of rage. As her arms parted, Driller recovered enough to strike, crouching over Anaconda's back and locking his arm around Anaconda's muscular throat as he tried to pull Anaconda way before he could free Dena.

With a bellow of effort, ignoring Driller's crushing choke, he continued forcing Shelby's arms open, allowing Dena to squirm free. As Dena extricated herself from being crushed between Anaconda and Shelby, Antony lunged forward, landing on Shelby, his cock trapped between their bodies.

With both massive men lying on her, Shelby screamed in pain, but she was trapped by the men's weight and Anaconda's grip on her wrists.

Dena staggered to her feet, her chest heaving as she tried to recover the breath lost to Shelby's choke, before she threw herself on Driller's back and locked her arm around his throat, her sudden added weight causing Shelby to cry out again as Anaconda's massive cock ground even harder against her pussy.

Driller threw himself off Anaconda, standing as Dena hung from his neck, her teeth bared in a feral snarl as her feet dangled inches off the ground. With Dena hanging by his neck, Driller staggered back as he grabbed her arms, and despite her cries of effort, slowly drew her arms away from his throat.

Anaconda leapt from Shelby and turned toward Driller and Dena, springing toward the entangled pair as Dena attempted to pull Driller away from Antony. Seeing Shelby slowly rising directly behind Anaconda, and realizing she was hugely overmatched and wouldn't be able to hold the massive man much longer, Dena released Mike's neck, dropped to the floor, and backed away, leaving Driller to Anaconda while she focused on Shelby.

Anaconda powered in, throwing a massive Forearm Smash into Driller's chest that caused him to reel back as Dena relinquished her hold and lunged away. Driller staggered back again as Anaconda delivered another crushing blow, driving Driller farther from Dena. Anaconda struck a third time, pressing his advantage, and then grabbed Driller's hard cock to stop his retreat. Using Driller's cock like a handle, Anaconda quickly brought his arm around to drive his massive fist into the side of Driller's head in a Pistol Whip.

Driller roared in pain, grabbed Anaconda's enormous cock in return, and answered with his own Pistol Whip. Roaring and bellowing, the two men held their opponent by the cock to prevent their escape as they repeatedly Pistol Whipped each other in a fury of motion.

Before she could reach Anaconda, Shelby realized Dena was the greater threat and turned to face the charging woman. With a scream of pure hatred and rage, the two women launched themselves at each other, both going for a Crossing the 'T,' only to crash into each other in midair. They landed in a pile, screaming in rage and pain as they tumbled over each other, breast to breast, their legs tangled as pussies ground into hard muscle, one hand wrapped in their opponent's hair as the other repeatedly slammed into their foe's side with a clenched fist.

Dena broke first, driving her hand between their bodies during one of their rolls, and then using the arm to lever Shelby up with a cry of effort. As Shelby's back arched, Dena locked their hips together by twisting her leg over Shelby's while using the extra space to get her other arm inside. Dena's eyes were hard with hate as she jammed a hand under Shelby's chin to force her head back and further increase the stain on her nemesis's back.

With a scream of pain, Shelby tumbled away to prevent Dena from snapping her spine. Before Shelby could recover, Dena scrambled after, grabbed her arm, and hauled her to her feet as she rose. With a scream of effort, Dena planted before turning to Whip Crack Shelby, the stunt sending Shelby stumbling into the men.

Dena's aim was perfect, Shelby hitting Driller and knocking him away from Anaconda before they tumbled to the floor in a tangle of arms and legs. Both Anaconda and Driller's shriek of pain was the loudest yet as their hands were violently ripped from their hard cocks.

Dena charged in, not wanting to lose her momentum and leapt into the air as Shelby rolled off Driller and attempted to scramble to her feet. Dena's Flying Drop Kick struck Shelby in the tits to send her bouncing away. As Shelby tumbled away with a howl of pain, Dena complete the Deuce as she fell, driving her elbow into Driller's cock in an amazing display of wrestling prowess. She bounced to her feet again and returned her attention to Shelby. Dena's double takedown had given Anaconda enough time to recover, and they glanced at each other as Dena moved to Shelby. Nodding, they bent and hauled their rivals up by the waist before flipping sideways in opposite directions and driving Driller and Shelby into the canvas in perfectly synchronize Shoulder Slams, the hero's shoulders driving deep into tautly stretched and exposed abdomens of the villains.

Driller and Shelby screamed in pain as Anaconda and Dena leapt to their feet and began to parade around the ring in victory, traveling in opposite directions as the crowd screamed in jubilation. They'd just completed their circuit of the ring as Driller and Shelby staggered to their feet. Almost as if they were of one mind, Anaconda and Dena charged, linking hands in the instant before they passed to either side of their enemies, their arms catching both Shelby and Driller in the chest to mow them down in a modified Clothesline.

The crowd screamed for their heroes to finish the villains as Anaconda and Dena celebrated again. As Shelby and Driller struggled to their feet, Dena and Anaconda rushed in as one, grabbed their foes between the legs and behind the neck in identical grips before flipping them over and throwing them to the mat in crushing Overhand Slams.

As Driller and Shelby writhed on the floor, wailing their agony, Dena and Anaconda stood over them, sweat dripping from them like rain as their chests heaved. Dena moved to the left side of Shelby as Anaconda moved to the right of Driller, and in perfectly choreographed motion, the heroes leapt into the air before driving their elbows into their foes in two massive Chest Compressions... except their aim was lower.

Anaconda and Dena bounced to their feet as Shelby and Driller screamed as one, both thrusting their hips into the air as their backs arched, furiously fucking the sky with cock and pussy, before collapsing back to the floor. Beaming, Dena made an 'after you' motion at Driller. Anaconda shook his head and repeated the motion at Shelby.

Dena nodded and threw herself across Shelby as Anaconda dropped and struck the canvas in three, fast, thundering blows. The moment his hand slapped the canvas the last time, Dena leapt to her feet as Driller slowly sat up and began to roll over. Anaconda leapt into the air before falling on him in a modified Rack of Ribs, Dena dropping to the floor and swiftly counting Driller out.

As Antony and Dena prowled the ring, arms in the air in celebration, I began disconnecting myself from the Steadicam rig as Greg continued to cover the action.

"You ready to rumble, Boss Man?" Justin asked with a grin as I helped him buckle in.


Justin's smile spread. "Boss Lady said to tell you, and I quote, 'he better be on his 'A' game because I'm frothing at the gash tonight.'"

"Oh, God," I groaned as I smiled in return while helping him into the rig and adjust the fit. We didn't have a lot of time to get Justin setup.

Justin shrugged to get comfortable and smoothly moved the camera around before he nodded. I slapped him on the back as I approached the play-by-play table and picked up the microphone Steve had left behind.

"Get that trash out of here," I snarled into the mic as I crawled into the ring. "I'll deal with them later."

Shelby and Driller were sitting in the center of the ring in abject failure, and I glared at them as they slowly rose to their feet. Dena and Antony shoved the losers toward the edge of the ring, their eyes hard. "Don't fuck with us again," Antony growled as he passed, my microphone still at my lips so it would capture his voice.

"Or next time we won't go so easy on you," Dena sneered as she passed, pushing Shelby along.

I waited until the four were out of the ring before, like a newscaster turning to a new camera, my attituded completely changed. "Did everyone have a good time?" I cried.

I smiled to myself as a few people began gathering their things, thinking the show was over, while the rest of the crowd howled their delight, but we had another surprise for them. "Since our MC and play by play guy isn't here, I guess it's up to me, Ron Misson, to say thank you... very... mu... What are you doing in here?" I demanded, glaring at the entrance door where a big man and a voluptuous woman stood in matching black suits, the woman's dark hair pulled taunt along her scalp into a neat, tight, bun. Those of the audience who were gathering their personal items stopped what they were doing to watch the sudden drama unfold.

The pair strode deliberately toward the ring. I kept my glare focused on them as the man and woman entered the ring. The man was huge, matching my own six foot one plus perhaps a bit more, and every bit as heavily built, though he had dark brown hair were mine was almost blond. The woman was around average height for a woman, but far above average in sexiness.

"You know why we're here," Lis purred.

"I told you that'd we settle after the show."

"The show's over," she said, her voice low, slow, and sexy as she slowly withdrew a folded piece of paper and a pen from her jacket pocket. "Sign," she ordered, as she extended the paper and pen to me.

I took the paper but not the pen, and unfolding the sheet. "Yeah?" I said as I glared at her. "It says I have until midnight tonight to pay back the loan to old man Gambrelli." I made a big show of looking at my watching, tapping on the face with a fingernail. "Huh... my watch says it's only eleven fifteen."

Lis smiled, but there was no humor in it. "It doesn't matter. Your time's up. Sign the paper."

Making no other move, I pulled my lips tight and curled my tongue to whistle loudly, the shrillness of my signal echoing in the relative quiet of the massive room. At the souvenir display where she'd been working, well away from the wrestling action, Michelle reached under table and pulled out a large duffle with the HWE logo emblazoned on the sides, the same duffle for sale at the booth.
