Hottest Day of the Summer

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Sister and her bestie play by the pool, brother joins in.
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Copyright © September 2022 by CiaoSteve

CiaoSteve reserves the right to be identified as the author of this work. This story cannot be published, as a whole or in part, without the express agreement of the author other than the use of brief extracts as part of a story review.

This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. It goes without saying that all sexually active characters in this story are over 18

Author's Notes

This is an entry for the 2022 Summer Lovin' Contest. I hope you enjoy and would appreciate your votes and comments. I have submitted the story as Group Sex, but please note that there are some incestual undertones.

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The summer holidays.

For most it was that time to head off on the annual trek abroad in search of endless sun. Thousands of holidaymakers, up at the crack of dawn to get the early flight, arriving at a packed airport only to find there were several hours of delay. The other end would be just the same, a similar eternity spent waiting for bags to arrive, hoping yours would suddenly materialise on the conveyor belt, before heading off for the badly air-conditioned transfer coach. Then there was the lengthy tour, usually badged as a speedy transit, calling in at every single hotel on the way before finally reaching your chosen destination.

You get there, a day out of your seven already gone, tired and hungry. Another queue, this time at the hotel reception, and finally you are free. Six more days of heaven; sun-kissed beaches, poolside bars, food and drink on tap, endless... yes, that was it, endless fellow guests as far as the eye could see, each seeking their own piece of paradise. Was it ever quite how the brochure showed it? Was it ever your personal slice of tranquil serenity, lazing the day away under the beating sun, topping up your tan, cooling off in the empty blueness of the pool?

This year, the Johnson's weren't among the thronging crowd. One thing after another had transpired to block any plans they had for a summer break. So, this very summer, Rob, his sister Abigail, and their parents would be stuck at home for the entire eleven weeks between the end of one academic year and the start of the next. Okay, so their parents had work to occupy most of that time, but for Rob and Abigail, it was eleven weeks of rest and relaxation. It wasn't all doom, gloom, and disappointment. They had been promised a winter break, a chance to go down under and find sun when usually they would be shivering with cold. So, every cloud had a silver lining, as they tended to say.

This particular day, a Friday somewhere in the fifth or was it the sixth week, was no different to those which had gone before. With little to do, Rob had sort of lost count of the weeks as they sauntered on by. By the time he headed down to breakfast, dressed in nothing more than swim shorts, a baggy tee-shirt, and a pair of sliders, it was already mid-morning. His parents had long since gone off to work, and Abigail was keeping herself to herself. With a bit of luck, she'd be going out for the day, and he'd have the whole house to himself. He had a plan, which involved the pool in the back garden—that was a real bonus given the heatwave they were currently enjoying—a sun-lounger, and the latest Scott Mariani. It was his kind of day, immersing himself into a bit of high-octane action.

Heatwave? It was true, there was a heatwave. They had announced the same on the news, so who could doubt it. This summer there was little point in heading abroad, as the warmth had come to this green and pleasant corner of Europe. Whether it was global warming or not, this was a summer to remember. Every day had been hot, swelteringly hot, and every night the forecast said the next would be just the same. There were the odd showers of course, but even those seemed warm, and came as a relief from the sultry steamy summer.

Little did Rob know, but the summer was about to become even steamier.

Abigail didn't realise it either, but that was her all over. Abigail just couldn't resist acting on impulse, taking advantage of whatever situation arose, and ensuring she made the most of every opportunity. She didn't know it, but today was going to present the most satisfying opportunity to date, and one which would put a new slant on the rest of the holidays. As she headed downstairs, the only thing on her mind was a coffee date with her bestie... the regular Friday coffee date, only this one was going to end up just a little different than most.

"What time do you call this, Rob?" Abigail called out as she walked into the kitchen and found her brother still tucking into breakfast.

"I call it..." Rob paused for a moment, his thoughts wandering as he looked up from his bowl and caught an eyeful of his scantily clad sister.

Abigail waited for his response, all the time smiling back at her brother. Rob though, couldn't help but stare at her. He would never say it, but Abigail had one hell of a figure, not the type he really went for, but she was goddam beautiful.

Abigail was taller for a woman, standing around five nine. She was slim, but not skinny, broad in the shoulders with a narrowing waist and full hips, and long toned legs which seemed to go on for ever. Oh, and yes, she was ever so well endowed, with a bust which seemed just a little too large for her frame. Rob never dared ask, not that he really wanted to know, but in his mind, he was already considering C, D or even DD cup. To be honest, Rob didn't have a clue, but he knew they were large, exceptionally large, and, no matter where you looked, they were very in your face.

"Was it something I said?" Abigail called out, a touch of sarcasm in her voice.

Abigail had the sort of appearance which didn't need make-up to look stunning, albeit she did tend to prefer a little colour to going bare. Her long straight blonde hair cascaded down over her shoulders, framing a picture-perfect girl-next-door face. With an all-over golden tan, it was no surprise that Rob was staring, even more so when you considered just what Abigail had chosen to wear.

This was his sister to a tee. She was full on, in body, in soul, in... well, as Abigail often said, if you've got it flaunt it, and for sure Abigail had it, and had one hell of a habit of showing it off.

Today was no different. She was dressed—now that was a question in itself... with the skimpy nature of her outfit could you really say she was dressed at all—in a white crochet halter neck bikini top, tied in a bow behind her neck and again just above her waist, along with a pair of loose-fitting blue patterned shorts.

It wasn't that the top was indecent—full triangular cups covered her modesty before narrowing down to the thin strap over the shoulders, and a few inches of similarly knitted fabric covered most of her mid-riff, leaving only an inch or so of tanned bare skin between top and shorts—but more that... well, with her considerable size up top, it didn't really leave much to the imagination.

Then there were the shorts. The thin fabric swayed with every step that Abigail took. They were true to their name... short... showing off close to every inch of her long, tanned legs. It seemed that the merest gust of wind would send them swaying, revealing what Rob could only imagine were the bottoms to match that top. If their parents had been around, Abigail may well have ended up being sent back upstairs to change into something more suitable. They weren't, so here she stood, dressed more for a day at the beach than a trip into town.

"Well... I... call it... breakfast," Rob finally replied, his eyes fixed on Abigail, following his sister across the kitchen, as she walked towards the front door. "What time do you call it, Abbie?"

"I call it..." Abigail started to reply, pausing to slip on a pair of sandals.

Once more Rob was staring as she bent over to buckle up her sandals. The skirt had risen at the back, pulling tighter across her firm buttocks and, yes, he could now see the outline of her bikini bottoms. This was his sister alright, full of herself, confident, and not afraid of showing off her beauty. One day she would make somebody incredibly happy, but for now she was just his sister. He loved Abigail—no, not in that way... she wasn't really his type, and they were brother and sister—and wouldn't want her to be any different.

"... coffee time. I'm meeting Dani in town," Abigail finished, standing up again, walking over to where Rob was sitting and wrapping her arms around his shoulders from behind. "Why don't you come too, Rob? I'm sure she won't mind if I bring big brother with me... and it'd do you good to meet a few girls if you get what I'm saying."

With the final flippantly loaded comment, Abigail moved in cheek to cheek, before blowing an audible kiss.

"Get off!" Rob responded, shaking himself out of Abigail's grip. He wasn't angry. He knew she was just teasing him, but sometimes Abigail did go a little too far, and having her blowing kisses right next to his ear was one of those times. Having her suggest he needed a girlfriend was also one of those times. Rob would decide when he wanted to pair up, and who with. To date that time just hadn't happened, or at least he hadn't yet let it happen.

With Rob now free of his sister's embrace, there was quiet for a moment. It was Rob himself though who broke the peace.

"Did you say, Dani?" Rob responded in a questioning sort of way. "Which one is Dani? Was she at your party?"

"Oh, don't you remember little Dani?" Abigail continued, once more teasing her brother. "She remembers you!"

"Abbie!" came an indignant response. "Are you gonna tell me which one is Dani, or do I have to start guessing?"

"Dani, Dani, Dani... yes, she was there... a few months younger than me... perfectly petite... dark hair... and, if I remember... she couldn't take her eyes off you."

Rob didn't say anything. He closed his eyes and thought back to that very party, and one tiny young woman in particular. Oh yes, Abigail's nineteenth, during the Easter holidays, had been a party and a half. How could he forget... the party... the angel who had appeared in front of his very eyes... and the stupidity in the way, at just shy of twenty-one years old, he couldn't even bring himself to ask her name? Was that Dani? If it was, she had been something else. She had walked into his life and walked out again just a few hours later. Rob guessed it must have been, and much as he tried not to react, a smile found itself making its way across his face.

And now he had a chance to put things right... to meet Dani... assuming it was Dani... yes, it must have been Dani... such a beautiful name for such a beautiful young woman... yet still he couldn't be totally sure. It was so tempting to go join them, but what if she... oh god, it would have been so embarrassing if Dani wasn't the one. Then there was Abigail. Much as he loved his little sister, as they said, two's company and three's... well, who really wanted their sister to be playing gooseberry?

"You do remember... don't you!" Abigail teased, reacting to the smile on her brother's face. "I knew it! I knew you liked her! Oh, you are a dark horse, aren't you? You did tell her, didn't you Rob?"

This time the silence said as much as the smile.

"Oh, Rob... what am I gonna do with you! Why didn't you tell her? I told you she only had eyes for you. Come on Rob. Come and join us for coffee. Dani's great fun, and I know she'd love to meet you again... and then, well... if you like her, you can tell her... simples."

Abigail was already starting to scheme, to act on impulse, to do what she thought was right. There was an opportunity here, and Abigail loved to make the most of an opportunity. If there was one thing that Abigail already knew, it was that Dani had the hots for her brother. Dani had admitted the same after the party, and Rob was the first conversation point every time they met. Rob now... well he hadn't positively said he liked Dani, but he hadn't said he didn't either and, he did smile, didn't he? Abigail's only problem was how to bring the two of them together, in a way which wouldn't look so obviously like little sister playing matchmaker. There had to be a way. There had to be something which would have the two of them taking matters into their own hands.

"I dunno..." Rob replied.

"Come on, Rob. It'll be great," Abigail encouraged.

"It'll be... all girlie talk... and then you'll be off shopping as well. You don't mind if I give it a miss, do you Abbie? I'm gonna stay here. I've got plans of my own."

It was a little white lie. He had plans, but nothing more than reading a book, so there was no reason why he shouldn't have joined them. It was just... well... the thought of getting it wrong, of finding out that Dani wasn't the one, and then having the awkwardness of trapsing around the shops with Abigail and a stranger in tow, was just too much.

"You sure? Isn't there a way I can tempt you?" Abbie responded, placing a playful peck on his cheek.

"Nope... I'm just gonna stay here, enjoy the sun, and get a bit of peace and quiet... with no little sister to keep going on at me. Have fun, Abbie," Rob replied.

"Well... your loss," came a parting response from Abigail. "I guess I'll catch you later." With that, she was gone, and Rob got his wish to have the house all to himself.

An hour later, Rob was all set.

He'd pulled one lounger into the sun, moving the umbrella and table with it, but leaving the other down at the shady end of the garden. On top of the table was his book, a tube of suncream, and a yet empty glass. Underneath the table was a bucket, half full of ice with a full bottle of coke positioned as deep into the coldness as possible. A large towel sat neatly at the foot end of the lounger, close to Rob's discarded tee-shirt and sliders.

With a splash of water, Rob plunged into the coolness of the pool.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

By the time Rob was surfacing out of the water once more, Abigail had already met up with Dani, given the prerequisite kiss on each cheek—it may have been out of character for most English, but given that Dani was of Italian heritage it had become the norm whenever the two met—and the two women were heading into the coffee shop. It was their favourite, a low-key place full of comfy chairs and sofas, each of which had seen better days. What it lacked in presentation, it made up for with the best tasting coffee in town, cakes to die for, and the sort of ambience which accepted, even encouraged, conversation. As usual, it was busy, but a table became free just as the barista set about making their drinks. Abigail sent her friend over to grab it before somebody else took advantage.

Just as Rob had stared at Abigail earlier that morning, Abigail found herself staring at Dani as her best friend headed off towards the back of the coffee shop. They were physically so different yet had so much in common.

Where Abigail was tall for a woman, Dani, standing at a fraction over five feet, was very much on the petite side.

Where Abigail had long straight blonde hair, Dani had the darkest brown hair, centrally parted, naturally wavy, and coming down to mid-neck length before ending in a sharp even cut. It was the sort of voluminous hairstyle which bounced with her every step before returning perfectly to its starting position.

Where Abigail had her plentiful curves, wide in the hips, narrow in the waist, and with a bust which you couldn't help but notice, Dani was again very much on the petite side. She was thin, to the point of looking skinny, with narrow hips, a tiny waist, and the sort of A-cup breasts which barely made an impression in the front of her top.

Where Abigail loved to flaunt it, Dani was more of the sporty type, preferring tight-fitting exercise wear over skimpy revealing beachwear. Today was no different, and she looked fabulous bedecked in dusky pink knee-length honeycomb yoga pants, the stretch fabric managing to mould even her tiny ass into perfectly rounded cheeks. A cropped white sleeveless top made up the ensemble, accentuating her narrow waist, trying its best to make mounds out of her tiny breasts, but doing little to hide her obviously visible bra straps. Yes, even with such tiny breasts, Dani felt more comfortable wearing a bra rather than going without. It was something to do with her nipples being overly sensitive, she kept telling herself, but more so it was an attempt to make her disappointingly small assets seem larger than they physically were.

The only thing they had in common was the golden complexion, Abigail's through a combination of bronzing cream and plenty of sun, Dani's more natural from her Italian roots.

It was uncanny how well they had hit it off, ever since Dani had moved into the area back in their sixth form days. Several years on, and both well into their university education, the two women were still best friends. To the casual observer, they were like the proverbial chalk and cheese, yet they were so close. Abigail would do anything for Dani, and she was sure her bestie would do the same in return.

Sometimes though, just like in a chemical reaction, you needed a little catalyst to make things happen. Two latte frappes, perfect for a sweltering day, were a start, and before long the discussion, quite predictably, had moved on to missing persons, or more to the point a particular missing person.

"How's that brother of yours?" Dani asked, dropping the question idly into conversation.

"Who? Rob?" Abigail replied with her own questions, trying not to appear too eager to switch onto the subject of her brother. If truth be known, although it wasn't exactly a surprise, Abigail was happy that Dani had brought the topic of Rob up, as it saved the challenge of finding a discreet way of introducing him into conversation without creating an air of suspicion.

"Si, si... Roberto," Dani responded, her eyes glazing over a little as she gazed dreamily into the distance.

"Oh... Rob," Abigail corrected. "He's fine. I did ask if he wanted to join us, but he was a bit busy."

"Is he working?" Dani asked, a look of disappointment appearing on her face at the thought that her secret crush might be too busy for her.

"No, no... well, not really... he just sort of..." Abigail started to explain, her words trailing off as impulse started to take over.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Abigail finished off, with a question of her own.

There was a look of confusion on Dani's face as she tried to comprehend just what Abigail was suggesting.

"Wh... what? What do you mean, see for myself?" Dani asked.

"Well, he's back at home, so why not come round and say hello. It's not far... a little under thirty minutes' walk out of town."

"Errm... I... I... dunno... what... if..." Dani tried to respond without ever formulating a sentence.

For a moment Abigail didn't know how to react. Rob and Dani were both as bad as each other. She was sure Dani had the hots for Rob and what's more, from the earlier conversation, she was convinced that her brother had a thing for her bestie. Why then... why could neither of them pluck up the courage to take a first step? Did she have to hand it on a plate to both of them? Did she have to play them like opposite poles of a magnet, bringing them closer and closer together until they could no longer resist the attraction between them? Was that what it would take?

"I thought you liked him, Dani," Abigail continued, watching for a reaction from her friend. When finally, one came, it was in the form of a tentative nod of the head. "So, if you like him, then make sure you tell him. I know he likes you too, Dani."