Hotwife Fatigue

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Twenty years was enough.
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All persons having sex in this fictional story are over eighteen years of age.

Here I am in the back of Charlie's sleeper cab and he's scrambling around looking for some lube because I just can't get wet anymore. Charlie and I have been fuck buddies for years and he would do anything for me. I explained my menopause issues to him and he's been as helpful as could be. He just can't find the damn lube.

I've come to this truck stop once or twice a month since it was built ten years ago looking to get myself fucked. Most of the trucks have sleeper cabs like Charlie's does, so it's easy to get laid. The truck stop also has showers, so if I don't like the way a man smells I make him shower first. It's all pretty convenient really.

I'm almost fifty-three years old and menopause has arrived. The lack of sex drive, hot and cold flashes and lack of moisture in the vaginal area all hit about three months back. I've got hormones to take now, but they aren't a cure all. I'm tired and after twenty years I think its time to get out of the game.

My husband Jim will probably be disappointed, but I've had enough of picking up guys not knowing what the sex is going to be like. I've got my regulars, like Charlie, but they aren't always available. I've been the envy of all my friends for years but I think it's time to hang it up.


Most of the men I've slept with have been nice to me over the years. There were a few who were too rough, but when I described to Jim what happened with them it seemed to get him off. He was fine with them being a little rough as long as he knew I wasn't hurt. One of the guys had hurt me once and Jim beat him so badly I thought for sure he would get arrested. The guy must not have called the cops though, because nothing happened.

Please don't get the impression that Jim is cruel. He's the sweetest, most caring man in the world and the love of my life. He just has this kink about sharing me or I should say, me sharing myself.

Jim has tried to describe the feelings he gets when I'm with another man. He says it's several things at once:

-The fact that I do naughty things with men that aren't my husband that I shouldn't be doing.

-The men using me to pleasure themselves when Jim is the only one who should be using me for that.

-The shame of Jim not stopping the other men from doing as they please with me.

-Knowing that there are men out there who think of me as their slut.

-The fear that I might leave him for one of my fuck buddies because they're better than him.

-The humiliation of me coming home disheveled and sometimes full of another man's ejaculate.

-The desire to reclaim me as his wife when I return to him.

Having all those feelings at once is a tremendous rush for him and I do my best to please my man.

Jim's description of what he is feeling when I fuck someone else sounds like pure torture and it would break my heart if he did that to me. Luckily, he has no desire to ever be with anyone but me, so I don't have to worry. He worships me. And I him. I do all this 'Hotwife' shit just for him. The look of pure lust and love in his eyes when I come back to him after one of my trysts cannot be replaced. Sure, I enjoy fucking other guys, but I could give it up in a second if Jim asked me to.


That brings me back to Charlie here who's found the lube and is really giving my, now slick, pussy a good rodgering. Charlie has been a favorite of mine over the years and I made sure to see him one last time before getting out of the game. He's the only one I'll miss after I quit.

Twenty years of being a 'Hotwife' and I'm tired. Menopause and wanting to be home with my man every evening are the driving forces behind my decision to stop. I've been with dozens of men over the years, but I've only ever desired one. My Jim. He's not the most well hung I've ever had. He's not the best looking I've ever been with. He's technically not even the best lover I've ever had, but he's mine and he fulfills me like no other man ever has or ever will.

I didn't even know what a 'Hotwife' was when Jim first suggested it. I finally relented to his demands to just 'try it' after he'd pressured me so much and so often. I was so scared I'd lose him my first time with another man that I didn't even have an orgasm. Jim loved it though and it has been a wild ride since.

There's nothing I could ever do with other men that would bother Jim. He gets off on everything they do to me and for me. Jim's only rule is that I don't spend the night with anyone but him. I've held firm on that rule even when traveling on business occasionally. With that being Jim's only rule I needed to set my own boundaries.

My rules fluctuate but the steadfast ones are:

-If I started getting too attached to a guy I cut and run. (I never did. Charlie's a great guy but Jimmy's my one and only.)

-There is no dating. Fuck buddies only. I didn't want anyone to see me out with someone who wasn't my husband.

-There is definitely no scat or pissing or BDSM. Oral and ass play were okay. If the gentleman was extremely large and my ass was the only orifice that would accommodate him, I would offer that. Jim and I did anal so it wasn't something that I denied him to give to someone else. Even though Jim might've liked that.

When I first started 'Hotwifing' my conscious would get to me, and I'd feel guilty, but Jim insisted that he wanted me to enjoy myself while getting fucked, so I eventually let myself go. Compartmentalizing helped alot until I understood how Jim's fetish worked. I say 'understood' but I never really have so maybe accepted is a better word.

Jim talked me into letting him watch me fuck other men a few times, but that didn't work so well. Jim would tell the guys what to do to me and it was sometimes a little too much. I've let him watch a few times since, as a treat, but I make sure to always gag him. He gets off on that anyway, so it's a win/win. Him being there in the room makes me uncomfortable. Even though it's not cheating, I feel like it is when he's there. My hubby goes crazy with lust whether he's in the room watching me or I describe what happened after coming home to to him, so I just do what I'm comfortable with.

I don't like for Jim to eat other guy's creampies. I just don't like the whole idea of it. It's too humiliating. I make most all of the guys use rubbers except a chosen few anyway. Jim practically begs me to let him eat me out everytime I'm with one of those special guys. Unless I'm drunk and feeling really randy I won't let him do it. Jim figured that out and tried to get me drunk whenever I'd go see them, but I caught on to that and told him to knock it off. He's such a dirty boy.


Charlie is getting close now and I'm rubbing my clit trying to get mine as well. Charlie may get his first but he'll keep going as long as possible until I get mine. He's such a sweetheart. I reached up and pulled Charlie's head down to me to give him a deep kiss. I normally don't kiss my partners much because it feels too intimate but Charlie is my last partner, so why not? It surprised him at first but then he really got into it and we made out for several minutes until it was time to go home to Jimmy. I told Charlie about my decision to retire as a 'Hotwife'. He looked heartbroken and told me that he'd miss me as he gave me one final hug.

As I drove home I actually got a little sentimental about leaving all my lovers behind to give myself only to my hubbie from now on. Jim will probably fight me some on that, but I'm done. I want a normal one on one relationship with the man I love.

When I walked through the door Jim was, of course, excited like he has been every time I've come back to him for twenty years. He carried me up the stairs and gently lowered me onto our bed. His smile, oh that smile, that's made every single time I've ever been with someone worth it. He kissed me passionately and whispered "I love you." like he has hundreds of times.

My reply of "I love you too, Baby." had also been repeated many times, but this time I hugged him tightly and told him that tonight was the last time.

He surprised me by answering, "I know."

I pulled back from him and gave him a quizzical stare. "You've been acting more and more reluctant to go for the last month or two. I figured you were done. Thank you for giving me my fantasy for all these years. Not every woman would and I love you all the more knowing you've doing it just for me."

Jim had tears in his eyes and he made me choke-up as well. "Aren't you going to reclaim me one last time, Cucky!" I told him causing both of us to laugh.

"Yes, yes I am. Did you let Charlie leave a present for me?" Jim asked all excited.

"Since this was the last time, I did. Charlie loved it as well and told me to tell you 'you're welcome'." I informed Jim laughing.

Jim wasted no time in pulling my dress off and diving in for his treat. His treat was also my treat as he got me off three times before he'd finished. He fucked me for the next couple of hours until I told him that I'd had enough. I slept cuddled securely in Jim's arms all night with the knowledge that I had satisfied my husband's desires again.

Jim and I have twenty years of memories to fulfill our fantasies without needing to go outside of our marriage any longer. Yes, I said our fantasies because I've had one fulfilled myself all these years as well. It was one I never even knew existed until all this 'hotwife' stuff started. My fantasy is having a man so in love with me that he waits anxiously at home for me to come to him, knowing that another man is using me for his pleasure. Jim gives me that and it is a tremendous ego boost. I understand that our lifestyle is not for everyone, but my hope and wish is that every married woman has a man as in love with them as my Jim is with me.


Jim and I had ten more years of wedded bliss after I quit 'Hotwifing'. It was the happiest times of our lives. My Jimmy was taken from me by a distracted driver one evening while picking up our dinner. Several of my old lovers came to the funeral to give me their condolences. Charlie was one of them and he consoled and helped guide me through the whole process. He'd retired from driving and was living in Florida but drove up as soon as he'd heard about Jimmy. Charlie stayed with me for two weeks and then headed back home inviting me to come down and not stay up here rattling around in an empty house.

Jim and I had lived in this house for thirty years. We'd raised two children and numerous dogs here. Now six months after Jimmy's funeral all those memories were closing in on me. Crushing me.


I nervously knocked on the door. I heard footsteps approaching and the lock being opened. Once the door swung open Charlie smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. We both started crying at once and came together in a kiss. Charlie pulled away and whispered in my ear: "I love you in case you didn't know."

I wasn't shocked. I wasn't even surprised at his declaration, but I was surprised at my own: "I love you too, Charlie. You're a sweet and caring man." I told him and I meant it. It wasn't 'Jimmy' love, nothing would ever be, but it was love.

Charlie stepped away from me with a serious look and stated: "I'm not going to share you, Mandy. I don't understand how Jim could do that. I can't."

I laughed through my tears. "I'm retired remember? Besides that's how you and I met."

"Maybe so, but it tore me up every time you left me to go back to him all those years ago. I've loved you for a long time, Mandy. I know you loved Jim and you probably always will, but if we're not exclusive I'd rather not..."

I kissed him into silence. "I only want to be with you, Charlie. Hell, I drove five hours to be here with you. So how's about you take me on a long walk on the beach this evening, hold my hand and we'll try that for next twenty or thirty years until you're convinced."

And so we did.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Kinda like tattoos and various bodily "modifications", people tend not to think about how things will be when they get older.

-- This could be the basis for a reversal of the "hubby can't get it up anymore" trope. Cucky husband leaves his wife because she no longer attracts the right caliber of bulls.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Just another highly dislikable fetish-cuck tale, and the regular low readers evaluation is speaking clearly enough. There are already thousands of these totally irrealistic fetish-cuck fantasies in this category and it would be nice to see something different, one in a while.

MormonJackMormonJack9 months ago

Yeah... not my thing here. It was well done, I give you that. Me, I got a small image/view into the hotwifing scene. Not a lot, maybe some though. So, Hopenot, I hope you'll forgive me for simply saying thank you, well done, but no score from me on this.

RubiconXRubiconX9 months ago

Another winner from an excellent author. This story is a creative approach to the whole wife sharing trope, and Hopenot explores the participants’ thoughts and emotions in a sophisticated and nuanced way. No matter what any reader may think of the whole cuckold thing, this story very enjoyably helps one understand what it is all about.

MightyHornyMightyHorny11 months ago

... To each their own.

No, I don't get sharing, and I know I never will. But, if such a lifestyle work for some folks, and they ain't hurting anyone doing it, who the hell am I to look down on them? These happy ones are few and far between; they should therefore be celebrated, even if you don't understand them.

It's a sweet story. I'm gonna be honest by saying I seriously doubt I would have liked it at all if it described the beginning of the Hotwife relationship between those two, but, as it is... yeah, sweet.

Congratulations, author - you still did make a believer out of me - and you never will - but, at least, you reminded me that, ultimately, other people's businesses are none of mine. Thanks for the share.

igm146igm14611 months ago

I like this story.

mattenwmattenw11 months ago

"hotwife" is the modern synonym for "whore" and "stag" is the synonym for "pimp". You just have to give things modern names and everyone thinks it's good! Many people in our society are one thing above all: idiots!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

"-The fact that I do naughty things with men that aren't my husband that I shouldn't be doing."

● No you shouldn't be doing these things. Just because your husband has a perverted sense of love and loyalty doesn't mean you should enable his immoral inclinations.

"-The men using me to pleasure themselves when Jim is the only one who should be using me for that."

● Kind of sounds like Jim is a pimp with poor business sense.

"-The shame of Jim not stopping the other men from doing as they please with me."

● This! Does Jim REALLY love you? Do you and Jim really understand the meaning and concepts of "love"? And when someone feels shame? That is the soul telling you that something is amiss concerning your actions.

"-Knowing that there are men out there who think of me as their slut."

● They aren't wrong.

"-The fear that I might leave him for one of my fuck buddies because they're better than him."

● A fear of his own devising. They could only be no better than Jim IF they also choose to share Mandy. Charlie was only slightly better than Jim in this sense as he said he could not share Mandy. But Charlie had no qualms about screwing a married woman, FOR YEARS!

"-The humiliation of me coming home disheveled and sometimes full of another man's ejaculate."

● How can a man, a husband, be at peace inside with his wife returning like this? Moreover knowing he is responsible for her condition.

"-The desire to reclaim me as his wife when I return to him."

● This isn't really a reclamation is it? Knowing Jim is going to just farm her out again...for his perverted pleasure? Do you really have ownership in a relationship that consists of giving away your wife's sexual favors, over, and over, and over, and ov...?

i122i12211 months ago

This story hits home. I rode two wives into and through menopause. They both to some degree suffered with vaginal atrophy, vaginal wall thinning, dryness and loss of desire at some point to have sex. All I can say is it takes a little effort to have sex these days with my current wife. Thank goodness we discovered coconut oil as a lube.

HighBrowHighBrow11 months ago

Femdom agitprop from the inside, the POV of an accomplished and ‘faithful’ hotwife makes for a sweet love story. I envy their love.

HighBrowHighBrow11 months ago

Femdom agitprop from the inside, the POV of an accomplished and ‘faithful’ hotwife makes for a sweet love story. I envy their love.

HighBrowHighBrow11 months ago

Femdom agitprop from the inside, the POV of an accomplished and ‘faithful’ hotwife makes for a sweet love story. I envy their love.

26thNC26thNC11 months ago

There are no characters in this story to care even a little about. The whorewife’s lovers come to her cuck’s funeral to console her? That is truly sick. Strange that old Charlie, who willingly cucked Jim, doesn’t want to share the old whore. This story is a failure on every possible level.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This whole story feels like 60-grit abrasive toilet tissue or chlorine nasal spray.

TnicollTnicoll11 months ago

That was definitely a different perspective on the whole hotwifing world. I agree with Hooked.

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