Hotwife Pt. 01 - Finding Out

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Wife tries hotwifing.
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By Jay Cameron and Nik

Recently, I was sitting on our patio, filled with pride over my husband's efforts to construct, what he called our "hideaway". When he started his project, I had little confidence the mess would ever resemble the comfortable hideaway it became.

As my mind passed thru the many happy, fun filled, and crazy days of our lives together, I stopped at a time about four years ago. So many things have happened in those four years, but the most impactful was remembering how I became a Hotwife.

I don't want you to think I was a loose woman. I wasn't. Just thinking about all the excitement, it has given me would make any woman smile.

My day job is a Fitness Trainer. I contract my clients, mainly women, and do all I can to help them with their new life. If they want to look like me, someone will have to invent a time machine so some of them can go back to the day they graduated high school. I guess everyone has their own priorities.

Anyway, I was sitting under the shade of my husband's "hideaway", I remember the day vividly. he, had planned a very nice evening out. There was to be dinner at an expensive restaurant, a live band, and the evening so far was filled with great food, pleasant family conversation and dancing every once in a while.

I could tell by the occasional look on his face that there was something brewing in his mind, but he was having trouble getting the words to line up in his head.

I excused myself to visit the Ladies, when I returned to our table, he was ready.

There was pain on his face, his eyes seemed to be glassed over with growing tears.

My confusion exploded. "What's the matter?" I ask.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine .... Let's dance."

We finished our slow romantic dance and just as we sat down, he told me that he had been talking to some interesting people online regarding the subject of Hotwifing. To say the least I was shocked, but looking back on it, I wasn't offended; something I didn't realize until months later.

The first thing that came to my mind, I wanted to know if I was a bad wife. When he emphatically shook head in the negative and caressed my hand with his lips, I seemed satisfied. But then what has come over him? Is he gay? Is he cheating on me? If I were a good wife, there would be no need for this nonsense.

When he finally took the board out of his ass, he smiled and with a comforting tone to his voice, he said "no."

I was still stunned, but trying to avoid the obvious I ask, "So you want to me to fuck other men?"

His response intrigued me even more.

"I think I do, but there is so much more we have to talk about."

"Well, this is an interesting way to end a lovely evening." I paused to look around the room. "Take me home now. I have a million questions for you, and this is not the place to discuss it.

You would expect a quiet ride home with no one speaking. Not in this case, questions started flying before he closed the car door on my dress.

Let's pause here and take a moment to set the table for how all this got started.

My husband and I are good looking specimens. We have always been, even before we met, Gym rats. I didn't know about him, but I was at the Gym the first thing in the morning, and always the last to leave. Yep, you guessed it, my parents owned the place.

After a long courtship and a long time living together, we finally put a ring on the finger, and we were off to a life of fun and games.

It seems like we were never home. We were always going to parties, and dinners for one reason or another. I can't remember a two week stretch for years that we weren't rubbing shoulders with some group or another. If you stay at some of those parties long enough, things, sometimes start turning sexual. We never participated, but we weren't blind as to what was going on either. On one, maybe more than one occasion, I would be the target of one of the men. Hubby always rescued me, but sometimes I thought he waited a little longer than he should. In the end I didn't think it was a big deal. What harm is a little pinch mark on a boob?

Back to the car ride home from Date Night.

Hubby confessed that he had thought about it for several years, likely before he even knew what he was feeling or what he wanted.

He said he didn't even remember how he stumbled on to the website, but he found it to be an amazing resource for learning about the lifestyle niche known as Hotwifing.

He confessed that he had befriended several couples, as well as a female writer who blogged about her experiences as a Hotwife. He even told me he had been corresponding with his online resources for almost a year. And that's why he felt this was the time to let Pandora out of her box and get this nightmare over with.

He was lucky it was a long drive home, because he needed all the help he could muster to get through this night.

He was very prepared with all the right answers because when we got home that evening, he began asking 'me' questions as we settled into bed.

"If I had had a choice, who would be my first candidate?"

I had not one fucking Idea.

Then he came up with a scenario he thought I might be better able to understand where his mind was going.

"What if we weren't married, and Billy Thompson, a guy you dated in high school, ask you out on a date for tomorrow night. Would you go?"

There was quit a discussion back and forth, since we 'are' married, but he knew I would finally give in.

"If you went out on a date with Billy, do you think you might make out in his hotel room?"

"For Christ's sake, you got me in his hotel room already."

"We're just 'what-if-in'."

"Oh, fuck," I was stunned as I quickly glanced at his crotch. "You've got a hard-on." I don't know why I said it, but I did. "Yes, I would make out with him."

He then wanted to know if I would play with Billy's cock, If I would suck him off. He wanted to know if I liked it when Billy fucked me in High School.

At the time his scenario is progressing, my husband had one hand massaging my breasts and one hand ever so gently playing with my pussy.

I finally gave up and we were caught in a very sensual and passionate kiss. I wasted no time after I had given in to his perverse thoughts. His cock was in my mouth. I couldn't stop till he had unloaded a three-day supply of his cum into the back of my throat. Seconds later his tongue made contact with my super sensitive clit, and I was cumming too. But as he continued to drink in my wetness, I urged him on ... not by using his name, but that of my fantasy lover... "Don't stop Billy...don't stop."

After several more 'Billy' orgasms that night, I reluctantly agreed that we would investigate, inquire, and just plain figure this whole thing out.

I couldn't help but wonder if this was going to be the end of everything I ever dreamed as a young girl growing up. Could I ever truly mean it when I looked into his eyes and said the words "I love you."

There was going to be a lot of work before we did anything. If I agreed to do what he was asking, would 'I' be guilty of destroying our marriage? Did this venture mean that all the years, months, days and moments in my life had been a lie?

As filled with doubt as I found myself, the months that followed went well. Together and separately, we spent hundreds of hours talking to, and asking questions of hidden voices on the internet. finding out all we could about Hotwifing.

Finally, on an evening at home that bore nothing special, watching tv, I took the remote from his hand, muted the tv and said as plain and unemotional as I could, "If you think I could be your Hotwife, I'm willing to take a shot at it."

It took us just over three months before taking the plunge. During that time, we explored the web together and continued talking to other like-minded and successful lifestyle couples. It's funny how the conversation alone and idea of it really sparked some life back into our sex-life; not that it was bad per se, but we got bored and lazy just like all couples probably do.

Shortly after the second unsuccessful and disappointing visit to a lifestyle club, we were invited to a pool party at the home of one of my husband's work-friends.

The party didn't start till almost six o'clock in the evening, so we figured it would be a party without kids. Since no kids is an underhanded way to say it was a 'special' party, which made me even more suspicious about his evil intentions. But when the invite was specific that 'only' the men could wear one piece bathing suits, it became obvious.

On the day of the party, everything around our house was so normal it was almost boring. I knew there was something rattling around in my husband's head. I didn't ask and he didn't give any indication that something odd was afoot.

When it was time to get ready for the evening ahead, I walked into the bedroom on my way to the shower, and there it was. Hubby had taken the outfit I had planned to wear and replaced it with something I wouldn't dare wear in mixed company.

Grinning at his attempt to throw me to the wolves, I nonchalantly stepped into the shower. Pushing my face directly into the flow of soothing water. I knew what hubby had in mind, and I wasn't sure I was going to object.

As my eyes closed against the warmth engulfing me, I felt the soft touch of my husband's fingers against my shoulders.

He spoke in a whisper, but I heard only the shouting in my brain. "Please .... Please .... Make love to me."

When he kissed the tingling flesh of my neck, I lost all control. My body spun around and grabbed his face and became lost in the lusting kiss that seemed to never stop. Tongues fought their battles and lost to the searching and pleading of our arms and hands. Before I could plead for his manhood to destroy me, I felt one, then another finger inside me. His hands pulled at my body and his cock pressed hard against me.

"Fuck me ... please fuck me." I begged. That's when I felt another finger. This time it was not in my pussy ... it was stroking in and out of my ass. The sensation was not new to me but the way he had teased and handled my emotions sent my mind and body over the top.

He held tight as my knees started to give way. We kissed again, this time without the passion of before, but with more meaning than ever.

"I really need you to fuck me."

He smiled and stunned me when he said, "There will be plenty of time for that later."

On the drive to his friend's house, we acted as though we were going to the store to buy bread.

"What are you doing?" I asked while blankly staring out the passenger window.

"I'm not doing anything." He paused, then stopping the car at a red-light, "you said, you would give this a try ... you know the lifestyle thing. This might be the perfect opportunity." The light changed and we accelerated down the street. After a long pause he looked at me. "If you like the party ... we'll stay, if not, just tell me and we'll get back in the car and go home."

When we arrived, we were introduced to about five couples. All of them dressed in swimwear that would be floating on the top of the water if anyone decided to jump into the pool.

Oddly enough, after my second 'very' strong drink, I noticed the couples I was introduced to as couples weren't with the person they came to the party with. When my second drink was empty. I didn't have to do anything. Standing next to me was a fine figure of a man that already had my drink number three.

The look on my face must have given me away.

"I'm Tom, your husband's boss."

"Well, thank you Tom. I thought I knew all of my husband's bosses."

"I live in Vegas and work at the headquarters office."

My eyes scanned the party area; I didn't see my husband anywhere.

"Has anyone shown you around yet?"

I smiled at him like a woman that had already passed her drink limit. "You know, I don't think I've seen any of the house."

"Well then, will you let me be your guide?" Extending his arm to guide me toward a large sliding glass door.

"Where would you like to start?" He asked, as his hand slipped from my arm to the small of my back.

He then took my hand and placed it softly on his chest, just below his heart.

Feeling the taught muscles of his body, I could see out of the corner of my eye, my husband watching from the patio deck.

I reached upward to embrace the back of Tom's head, and I pulled his face to mine for a gentle touching of our lips. He pushed forward and the gentle touching of our lips became filled with passion. We stood inside the doorway exploring each other's body like high school lovers.

"You didn't answer my question, where do you want to start?"

I glanced at the patio door, only to see my husband smiling back at me. Everything else in the world was nothing but a blur in my mind.

I turned back to Tom, and said, "let's start at the end, so we can skip all the crap in between."

We walked arm in arm to the second floor and across a walkway overlooking the family room. There on one of the sofa's was one lucky man with two beautiful women trying to suck his cock at the same time.

"He's having a good time." I commented as Tom squeezed my ass cheek.

"There are no rules ... do whatever you want. If you say no, the man you are with will have to stop."

By the time he had explained the only rule of the party, we were both completely naked.

"What if I just say, fuck me?"

There were no more words spoken. I was on my back. Tom had my feet in the air, and I was enjoying one of the most perfect tongue jobs I have ever had. I was cumming almost immediately, and he seemed to never want to stop. He flipped me over and tongued my pussy from behind. He licked my ass while fucking my pussy with his fingers. I couldn't stop cumming. This man was so forceful, so in control. He stood from the bed, and I reached for his hard cock, pressing itself against his muscled body. He stepped away, took a drink from a bottle on the dresser at the bottom of the bed, smiled and in almost a whisper, said "I'm about to fuck the most beautiful and perfect woman at this party."

As he climbed onto the bed, I tried to reach for his cock again. Again, he pulled away. Seconds later he was on top of me, my hand stroking his cock. I was trying to control what was about to happen, but he would not give way. His mouth sucked the nipples of my breasts, my pussy was alive with desire and need. "Fuck me, Tom ... please fuck me." My breath left my body at the same time as I spoke those words. He was gently and ever so slowly pushing the head of his cock between the starving lips of my pussy. Gently pushing in and out. A little at first, but with each stroke he went deeper into my soul. I pulled at his body begging him not to tease me. Then there was one final push, and that final push started an avalanche of sensual explosions. He was now pounding at my body with a vengeance. I couldn't fight him. My body was so weakened by the constant in and out of consciousness. I had to just surrender my body to him.

What seemed like forever, he finally filled me with his cum. I couldn't believe how warming it was to feel his essence inside me.

I don't know how long we lay in that bed together, our arms and legs tangled in exhaustion.

Slowly the realization of what I had just done with another man hit me. I didn't know how this was going to affect my marriage, but my husband had gotten his wish fulfilled.

Lying beside Tom, I began to fondle and gently bring his cock back to life.

"Will you let me taste you?"

I can't believe I would ask a man such a thing. But before he could answer I was licking the sides and head of his beautiful manhood. All to soon he lifted my face from his groin.

"Fuck me!" he ordered.

My only fear was I could not do for him as he had done for me. I lowered my pussy to his cock and held my breath. The sensation was just as great this time as the last. Soon my body was bouncing on the bed, and I was cumming as hard as before. He tossed me aside and ordered me to get on all fours. I gladly did as he ordered. When we both had climbed to the top of the sexual world we collapsed.

My eyes were heavy with satisfaction. Tom held me and kissed me, and finally relaxed his grip on me as we both seemed to drift around in another world.

When I became aware of the world outside of that bed, I looked up to see my husband, sitting on the floor in the doorway.

He was smiling.

The drive home that night was very quiet. Only once did my husband ask if I enjoyed or liked my evening. I found the answer impossible. There was so much I had to understand, and now was not the time to even attempt to respond to what I had done.

Later that night, or should I say early the next morning, I stood alone in the shower. With my body cleansed of all traces of what had happened, I stood till the water was no longer a warm comforting spray. It was now time to face what I had done.

Walking into the bedroom, my husband was sitting quietly on the edge of the bed.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks and then there were arms around me, holding me, lips kissing away my tears. I knew at that very moment I was my husband's dream wife ... I was his Hotwife.

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Hornydevil47Hornydevil477 months ago

Enjoyed your erotic story, sad that a lot of the readers on this site just don't get it. Mostly anonymous commenters rip a story and life style apart. Probably religious idiots that believe in the word of the Bible or the Koran. Good enjoyable story, so thanks. Mel B known as Hornydevil47

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yeah - every man's dream. His wife as a cheating slut.

Slowandeasy47Slowandeasy47over 1 year ago

Hungry pussy, essence, great expressions and hot sex. I rather like the idea of a hotwife, it is rather erotic for some reason? It’s rather delightful to think of a wife being reluctant rather than the instigator. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The HUSBAND'S using her...she's stupid!! He's her pimp!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Excellent! Your story is more realistic than most people would believe, and your writing style is pleasingly candid and erotic.

I can personally attest to the thrill of being a highly selective hotwife with a very supportive husband who craves hearing the details and seeing the pics, when my lovers allow me to take them. Write more!

BTW, delete the crude insults that have nothing to do with your literary product.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Geeeze! They TELL you the genre of the story!! If you don't like LW, why oh why do you then spend an inordinate amount of time typing a screed about whores and pimps?!?!?!

This author took their time to create a story for our ENTERTAINMENT; for which we pay NOTHING.

THANK YOU Jay_Cameron for a fun story.


alan13703alan13703almost 2 years ago

Wonderful story. Love the characters and the harmony between the couple. Looking forward to the next story. Gave you a 5. 😀

mattenwmattenwalmost 2 years ago

"hotwifing" is the new paraphrase of a relationship between a whore and a pimp! He pimps her out and she pleases the men he chooses. The explanation given by those involved is always funny. She claims to have a fulfilling and exciting sex life and he claims it makes him proud that he has such a hot wife.

What's idiotic about it is that nobody "owns" someone and can "decide" about someone else. She becomes a whore voluntarily because she's having fun and he's under the illusion that he's actually in charge. Amazing that there are men and women who cling to this illusion!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hot Wife? Its ridiculous how some people think they can make words mean whatever they want them to mean. And particularly ironic when it is practiced by supposedly aspiring writers. You might as well spout some gibberish and claim you're speaking some foreign language. Yeah, its Your fault you can't understand the words or the sounds I'm making. I told you what the words mean, to me, so who are you to judge my definitions? Hot Wife does not mean Cheating Slut, or adulteress, or whore, or any of the words traditionally used to describe a woman who is married but fucks other men or women. Because I say so. And wimp cucky boy does not describe the enabling husband of said Hot (whore) Wife. Because I say so. And I say . . . , fine. Use whatever words you want to supposedly say or describe whatever it is you claim the words mean, to you. Reality doesn't give a fuck what you, or I, "think." And the reality is that most marriages as described in this story fail. And most men who want to pimp their wives out to other men are not only failures as husbands, but as men. Because I say so. But thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Sure thing, every wife wants to "try" fucking other men, because it must be fun. You make stupid look intelligent. 1*

StrappySandalsStrappySandalsalmost 2 years ago

Nice!! A good read where everyone ends up happy!! And I like anonymous idea below about the Hot wife ankle bracelet!!

AllieroonAllieroonalmost 2 years ago

Very hot…Bravo! Keep ‘em cumming!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Dump his pathetic ass and find a man who gives you what you need in and out of bed. Any man that wants others to fuck his wife, is beyond a loser. If you don't kick him to the curb, he'll make you a slut and whore for other men. If that is appealing to you, you're just as fucked up as him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I'm not very fond of stories where the husband asks his wife to do this sort of thing.

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