How I Became a Breeding Bull Ch. 03


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"Not yet, but I don't want to do this again behind your back. I'm hoping you'll both be willing to put it off for another month after that. Long enough for me to line up my next breeding session."

"I think Laura can be persuaded to wait. She seems to enjoy your company, a lot. I have to say, I'm enjoying it too. Considering she's fucking another man, I'm getting a lot of sex."

"Thanks, just priming the pump. You can tell Laura if you want. I just wanted to be sure you were down for the whole breeding thing before we went forward. It gives you a little more time to think about it after you know what it's going to be like. Raising another man's kid is a big step."

We both got in the hot tub and sipped our drinks.

"I forgot to ask," I said. "How did you like preparing me to fuck Laura last night?"

"It was an interesting experiment, but I think we can pass on doing it again."

"I'm glad to hear it. Freaked me out a little."

"So you're only a slut for women?"

"It appears so. Cheers." I raised my glass. "To Laura."

"To Laura."


I fucked Laura for an hour the following morning, and I had a ton of cum to give her when I climaxed. I've never minded cleaning up after myself, so she got the full treatment, and a couple extra orgasms out of the deal. I have to admit to liking Phillip or one of the girls to do it for me though. Poor girl's cunt was saturated.

Showering up before breakfast, I was a little surprised stepping back into the bedroom when Laura pounded on my chest four or five times, before I got her hands trapped in mine.

"Is it true you scheduled your fucking trip after I told you when I was going to be fertile?"

"It's true."

"You're an asshole."

"Quite possibly. Can I release your hands now?"

"Fine. Why would you do that?"

I let her go.

"A couple different reasons. Number one, this is the first time I've ever done anything like this, and like you, when you picked me up in the club, I wanted to be sure Phillip was going to be good with me giving you a kid. Raising some other man's child is a huge ask for anyone. We could test the waters for a few days, see how everyone is doing. I go away for a few days and you can talk about it and decide if it's what you truly want, before I knock you up.

"Number two, I'm staying in your house temporarily, and I hope to do this with the next couple with conception problems, or cuckold/hot wife combo who would like a child. It's going to take some time to set that up, and it might take your cooperation and a little time to work something out. I don't want to go back to a hotel waiting for that to happen, nor buy another house or condo if I'm going to be moving house to house breeding different women like I am you.

"Number three, we all seem to be enjoying this somewhat. I like you and Phillip, and I didn't want this to end too soon, by you becoming pregnant within a week of the time I moved in. I'm enjoying this, and I think you and Phillip are too, but I can't really justify staying here once my mission is accomplished, so I delayed the accomplishment of the mission by a month, and hopefully one more after that."

"Tell me the truth. Reason number three is the main reason, isn't it? You just want to fuck me longer?"

"That's true. I love fucking you. Phillip seems to love me fucking you and you seem to love being fucked, by both of us. Yeah, that's the main reason. Am I wrong about how much you love your fucking? If I am, I can stop fucking you until the next time you're fertile."

Laura looked at me, then slapped me across the face. Once. Looked like she wanted to do it again, but restrained herself.

"You're an evil fuck. I'm telling you right now, I'm not fucking you again today, because I'm pissed. And I'm mostly pissed because you're not wrong. I do love fucking you, and I love how passionate and eager for sex Phillip has become. But you can damn well wait before you fuck my ass until after you get back from your 'business' trip. Phillip is the only one getting any of my fuck holes today."

"That seems fair."

"How can you be such an asshole and so fucking good to screw at the same time?"

"It's a gift. What can I say."

She cracked a smile. "Breakfast is almost ready."

"I do want you to exercise again today. I want to see if you can do squats without losing your Ben Wa balls. I've got to keep you tight for Phillip. He'll probably be happy I don't stretch you out today."

She smiled again. "Take a good look, you prick. You're not getting this for another week." She sauntered off swaying her hips in a most enticing way, giving me half a woody. I probably deserved that. Thank the Lord, Becca was coming over tonight, or I might be in desperate straits.


After exercising with Laura, (she still lost the Ben Wa balls once doing squats), I helped her with the house work, and I never dressed. She kept glancing at my dancing dong, wondering if I was going to fuck her again, but I never did. I actually think she was a bit frustrated by the time Phillip got home. As soon as he walked through the door, she dropped to her knees and sucked him until he had an erection, then dragged him into the bedroom for a romp.

Becca said, "They seem to be doing pretty good, considering."

"They do. She's a little pissed at me at the moment."


"I made my trip plans so I wouldn't knock her up this month because I wanted to stay longer. I kind of like this set up. I haven't had sex with her since she found out this morning."

"Wow, that means you should be able to give me a good load tonight."

"Uh, you've got medical clearance?"

"Saw the doctor first thing on Monday morning, told her it was a rush job because I was going out of town on Wednesday. She faxed me the results this afternoon. They're packed in my suitcase."

"Damn, that is good news."

"Are you going to pick up another girl for us to play with?"

I smiled at her. "The Magic 8 ball says, 'Outlook Good'."

"I'm glad, I want someone nibbling on my clit when you take my anal cherry. Your size still scares me a little, but Sharon couldn't get enough, so I'm hopeful. Besides, if I'm going to squirt, I want someone to get a face full like I did."

I grinned at her. "It seems someone is wearing far too many clothes this evening."

"Are we going to go out to the pool to fool around?" She asked, taking off her clothes. Interesting, no bra, no panties.

"Since Laura is otherwise occupied, I have to take the meal out of the oven in twenty minutes. We can fuck around after supper. Did you go to work like this? No lingerie?"

"Took it off just before we left. I think Mr. Smith liked the way my tits jiggled in the car on the way here."

"He'd be a fool not to. We might not be able to fuck right now, but I have a finger aching to see how wet you are."

"Don't let your finger suffer," she replied saucily, "test away."

She pushed me back into a chair, sat on my lap and pulled my hand to her twat.

"Is it wet enough for you?"

"Juicy." I took a taste, then gave her one.

"I am such a whore around you, Brick," Becca moaned as she spread her legs when I sampled her a third time.

"Just the way I like my women. We should have a good time this week. Are you on the pill?"


We continued playing poke the pussy until the timer went off. I took the casserole out of the oven and told Becca to let the others know supper was done.

"Knock on their door, in case they're not done fucking yet."

They arrived about five minutes after Becca made her notification. I was pleased to see neither one chose to wear clothes, Laura especially, since she was told to remain naked at all times..

I'd set four place settings tonight, since I didn't expect either of the men to play with either of the women. Laura was pissed at me and Phillip couldn't play with work subordinates. I put the dish in the center of the table and let people serve themselves.

"So, how many times did you fuck my wife today, Brick?" Seated with a plate full of Chicken and Rice casserole.

"Only the one time this morning, Phillip. She found out I rigged my business trip and was a little peeved after that. She told me no more nookie for me until I got back from my trip."

"But if you don't fuck her tomorrow morning, I won't get to fuck her cunt tomorrow."

"Speak to your wife, Phillip. I'm not going to rape her."

Laura said, "Strictly speaking, I said he wouldn't get any of my fuck holes the rest of the day, and he wasn't going to fuck my ass until he returned."

"Yeah, come to think of it, that's probably true." I grinned at her. "Didn't want to cut off your nose to spite your face, I guess."

"You're an asshole."

"We've established that already." I smiled, charmingly I thought. "Phillip, were you really disappointed I wanted to take another month for Laura to get pregnant?"

"Not really. I'm having the best sex of my life. If you'd told me you wanted to, I probably would have agreed."

"Laura already told me she was enjoying herself. I guess it's just the way I did it, which was a little deceptive."

"A little?" Laura said.

"And what are you going to do about tonight?" Phillip asked. "Is she going to sleep in the Master Bedroom while she's pissed at you?"

"Laura can sleep in the guest room with you, Phillip. I'm not going to tie her to the bed. If she wants to remain in the Master Bedroom, she can. I'm not kicking her out of her own bed, either. Becca can sleep between us. Or, Becca said she wants someone nibbling on her clit when I take her anal virginity. If Laura doesn't mind having sex with Becca, we can take care of that little item tonight. Otherwise, I suppose I'll just fuck Becca's cunt."

"Doesn't take you long to find another cunt to shove it into, does it, Brick?" Laura said.

"It never does, Laura, especially when it's a previously Brick fucked cunt."

"Uh, guys. There seems to be enough hostility here you can cut it with a knife," Becca said. "Is this really necessary?"

"No, and I apologize to everyone," I said. "I admit, I'm to blame, but at the time. I didn't know everyone well enough to realize I didn't have to cheat. We were just getting to know each other. Phillip and Laura, I'm sorry, again. Becca, I don't want this to spoil your evening, so I apologize to you as well. I'll clean up the kitchen and Becca and I will go out by the pool and get out of your hair."

Laura sniffed. "Thank you for helping with the housework, despite my being angry with you. For an asshole, you're a fairly nice guy."

"One thing doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other," I reassured her. "Phillip, was Laura pleasingly tight tonight when you fucked her?"


"I just wanted you to know, she's not going to be ruined for you. One whole day without fucking and some good Kegel exercises, and she's right as rain, right, my Love?"

"Yes, you big cocked, bastard, the tightest twat around."

I smiled at her and Laura smiled back.

"If Becca wants my help when you claim her booty, I'll be happy to assist," Laura said.

"Now that's better," Becca said. "I can look forward to my first ass fucking."

Becca and I cleaned up the kitchen, then we went outside. I sat on the edge of the hot tub and had Becca mount me and I fucked her for half an hour, saving up some for her ass fucking later. At some point during her fucking, Phillip and Laura came out too, and sat in the hot tub watching me ravage Becca's pussy.

"I'll bet you wish it was you on my cock getting fucked, right Laura? I noticed you couldn't wait to take Phillip to the bedroom when he got home."

"Don't push your luck, Brick."

She couldn't take her eyes off it though, our joining, Becca sliding up and down my shaft and enjoying the hell out of it. Phillip was kind of mesmerized as well, though more with Becca, I think, than me. Since I hadn't fucked since before breakfast, I released a massive load in Becca's cunt.

"Oh, God, there's so much cum, Brick. It's wonderful to feel you cum inside of me."

"Stand up here," I said, lifting her up and putting my face by her now dripping pussy. "Let me clean you off, unless either of you would like to do it?"

"I can't," Phillip said.

"Fine, I'll do it," Laura said.

She moved to my side of the tub and I moved next to Phillip. Laura planted her mouth over Becca's pussy, lapping at those delicious folds.

"I love watching two women have sex," I said.

"I know," Phillip replied. "It's amazing. I get an erection every time I see it."

"Becca, have you ever been strip searched? I asked.

"No," she moaned, getting close to a climax from Laura's facile tongue.

"Would you like to be?"

"I don't know. Would I have to commit a crime, or would you do it. Fuck me, I'm cumming. That feels so good."

"If you wear your anal plug when you go through security, TSA will probably have to strip search you. They'll let you go once they find out the only thing you've got hidden in your ass is my cum."

"Oh, fuck, Brick. You say the nastiest things. Will we have time for them to strip search me?"

"If we go to the airport early enough."

"Don't get my legal assistant arrested," Phillip said.

"There's nothing illegal about wearing a plug. Laura, if I'm not going to fuck your ass tonight, you can remove your plug, but you should put it back in every couple days for a few hours to keep your pucker stretched and flexible. And don't forget to keep using those Ben Wa balls. As soon as you can do those squats without losing the larger balls, put the smaller balls in and start practicing with them."

Laura looked at us, her face coated in cum. "Fuck you, Brick."

"You told me you weren't going to. I can't keep up with you, constantly changing your mind. I suppose I could squeeze you in, but my schedule is pretty full."

She ignored me and went back to licking Becca. "Damn that's hot," I said. "I need to stick my dick in something soon."

"It just came out of something," Phillip said.

"Your wife cut me off all day. It's like a dry spell. I feel like a convict who hasn't had sex for years."

"Oh, God," Laura said. "Spare me the pity party. You went twelve hours without sex. Big fucking deal."

"I noticed you couldn't wait to get a prick in your pussy. You didn't even wait until after supper." I was laughing.

Laura laughed with me. "I know, after yesterday, getting fucked at every turn. I expected you to ignore my mad on and fuck me anyway. Every time I turned around, there you were, with your dick swaying in the breeze, I was getting desperate."

"You see what you'll have to look forward to, Phillip. She'll be really desperate by next Monday. She might wear your cock right off, especially if she keeps exercising her Kegels."

"You're a dick," Laura said.

"A big dick, that you missed all day."

"I'm not going to get the last word with you, am I?"

"No, but you might get the last fuck. Officially, the start of a new day is midnight."

"How late can you stay up, Phillip?" Laura asked.

"I don't know for sure. Why?"

"Because when Brick fucks my cunt at midnight, I want you in my ass again."


I took Becca's anal cherry that night while Laura dined on her cunt in a sixty-nine. Becca enjoyed it as much as Sharon had. She was quite vocal in her appreciation. Phillip watched, his prick hard, masturbating. At one minute after midnight, Laura was riding my cock. After her first orgasm, Phillip was greasing his resurgent prick and Laura's pucker, and by her second, he was buried balls deep in her rectum. Maybe she was getting used to a good double penetration, but she didn't squirt this time. The two girls and I got to sleep in a relatively dry bed, while Phillip went back to the guest room. Both Becca and Laura fell asleep with their hands on my cock. Sweet.


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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

As a VETRAN READER OF MILLIONS OF YOUR WORDS, I know the key to enjoying your work is a sense of humor. No way, DEAR AUTHOR, do you take yourself and your writing seriously. To anyone who is offended, I say, " MOVE ON ! " Sure BRICK is a DOMINANT. Even he laughs at himself, what a jerk he can be. Just makes this character multi - dimensional, because I see him to be a nice, compassionate guy, too. Definitely not boring ! THANK YOU. Your style is unique. Keep writing ! 5 stars

Evil_MonarchEvil_Monarchabout 1 year ago

at this point, I don't even know who the cuckold is. what kind of bull licks the cuckold's cum out of a freshly fucked cunt? I almost threw up. dropping this

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I agree with previous comments that this is a domination story. How I Became a Breeding DOM. A controlling ass who insists on sharing his sub(s) to ‘expand their horizons’, and humiliating them with constant nudity, public play, and girl on girl (big turnoff for me). He even insists the cuckold husband have sex with others, all under the guise of strengthening their marriage. I would buy the premise of a couple using a third party to help them have a child, but no way they make this giant leap with the first asshole that comes along. None of the crap with the extra women have anything to do with him breeding her. Neither does bringing in additional men, since they can’t breed her. They asked him to breed her, not become their sexual coordinator.

OGHMNWOGHMNWalmost 2 years ago

Sorry about the comment about Jenny and Derek as I got it confused with another breeding story I’m following. This one is Excellent so don’t feel insulted.

OGHMNWOGHMNWalmost 2 years ago

A lot had occurred on this chapter. It was another Wonderful Hot Erotic chapter. The dialogue was interesting and their being open and honest was good for the building of the relationship. Brick does feel the need to bond and have chemistry with the ladies and Phillip. It will be interesting to see how Jenny and Derek deal with this. Thank You and looking forward to reading all of the future chapters.

liz33ndliz33ndalmost 2 years ago

i like the analogy and the honesty between the charactors. fun to read and almost got me off just fro enjoying this erotic story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I agree with other comments - I don't like the main character, he hasn't got any real emotions, I can't relate to him at all and don't want to. Even when he's checking in on the feelings of others I don't get the impression that he really cares, just wants to avoid drama in others. So what if he can f*ck for hours, there's nothing else there. Unless you are going to have Beth come along and somehow perform a miracle on this guy, I don't think I see where this story is going ... I'm not invested in a story where the main character just bangs one after another, even if you write it well, its just more of the same. Give me a reason to stay with this story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It is really tough to like the dude. He is a total crap bag.

Suspending realism is fine, but this is guy rediculous.

The writing is good (as always), but it is hard to engage and enjoy the story when the main charater is so unlikeable. I just cant invest is any of these people.

The guy is an arogant, irredemable dick and they all just put up with it. Nope.


HargaHargaabout 2 years ago

It seems as if your main character is on a mission to slutify the entire world. He's so "cock" sure that if this was a spy story he would be James Bond. His altruistic attitude about populating the world with his prodigy is commendable even if he is a compete douche bag. He is such a narcissistic asshole I'm glad he doesn't plan on staying in his kids life.



dirtywhiteboy67dirtywhiteboy67about 2 years ago

While I like this story better than most cuck stories, I really hope that you will return to Beth's story soon. Maybe connect the stories.....

At least you kept the male/male sex brief and both parties stated that they didn't care for it.

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