How I Lost My Mother Ch. 04

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Mom has sex with bully and enters relationship with him.
3.2k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 04/29/2024
Created 02/17/2024
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i dropped my phone on the floor after reading that message.

How did Henri know I was there? Did he see me? No, that's impossible because I was hidden behind the corner.

"Paul, you up yet?" came my mom's voice, "your breakfast is getting cold!"

"I'll be out in a minute!" I said as I got changed.

i then took a deep breath and calmed myself down.

"He's just trying to get a rise out of you," I told myself, "surely last night didn't happen. There's no way mom would give him a blowjob on our couch."

After taking a few deep breaths, I grabbed my doorknob.


I opened my bedroom door and saw mom standing in the hallway.She was already in her scrubs and had an apron tied around her waist. Honestly, it looked kinda hot.

"I was changing," I said as I stepped out of my room.

She turned around without saying anything. I followed behind her, and to my horror, I saw Henri at our table. Plate of breakfast in front of him. He locked eyes with me and smirked at me as I sat down at the table.

"Well, good morning Paul," he said.

I looked at mom as she placed my breakfast in front of me.

"What's he doing here?' I asked.

"Is there a problem with him coming over here for breakfast?" mom stated as a question.

"I... No?" I stammered out.

"Exactly. Now eat up," mom said.

She sat between us as Henri continued eating. Mom casually chatted with him as she drank her coffee.

Last night must've been a dream.

There's no way mom would give him a blowjob or acted that slutty towards him.


After breakfast, mom grabbed her car keys and hurried out the door. I practically ran outside after her.

"Aren't you taking me to school?" I asked.

"Henri volunteered to drive you," mom stated, "I'll pick you up afterward, okay?"

She then kissed my cheek and got into her car. I watched as she then pulled out of the driveway and drove off down the street. Then disappeared around a corner.

I then followed Henri to his car and got in the passenger seat. He shook his head and pointed to the back."

"Backseat," he said, "I don't allow anyone up front with me."

I got into the backseat as Henri started his car and pulled out of his driveway.

He again locked eyes with me through the rear view mirror.

"So, did you get my message?" he then asked.

"What message?" I asked.

"The one I sent you." Henri stated.

"Did you enjoy the way your drunken mother worshipped my dick?" he continued, "I know she did. I bet she even pleasured herself after I left."

I said nothing.

"Do you want to know how I knew you were there?" Henri then asked.

Again, I said nothing.

"It's because I saw you out of the corner of my eye," Henri stated, "you may think that you were being sneaky, but you weren't."

My heart was hammering in my chest. No, he's lying! Mom wouldn't do that!

"Mom wouldn't do that!" I stated, "She's not that way!"

He snickered and waved his phone at me.

"Well, I got a video here that says otherwise," Henri stated, "wanna see?"

It's a bluff. Just keep cool.

"No?" he then said, "Okay, suit yourself. But let me give you some words of caution."

He turned his head to look directly at me. His blue eyes locked onto mine, as we stopped at a red light.

"Stay out of mine and your mother's relationship, "Henri stated, "got it?"

I weakly nodded my head. He pulled into the school parking lot.

"Good. Now get out." he ordered.

I did what he told me and got out of his car. Some students were looking at me. I just walked past them and went into the school.


To my surprise, I was left alone. Which is a blessing. At lunch, I sat in the far end of the cafeteria. Thinking to myself that Henri was obviously lying, and there was no way mom would give him a blowjob.

I sighed as I enjoyed my peace and quiet. Eating my lunch.

That was... until who do I see coming towards my table? Henri and two of his friends.

"Ah, so this is where you were hiding, eh?" Henri said as he sat across from me.

I ignored him.

"Oh, come on *buddy*," Henri said, "lighten up."

I stared at him in defiance.

"I said *lighten up!*" he repeated slowly.

I look down at my tray.

"That's much better," Henri said.

"Who's this dweeb Henri?" asked the guy to his left.

"Oh, that's right, you guys never met him," Henri said, "this here is Paul Johnes. He moved here with his mother. We're next-door neighbors."

"No shit?" said the dark skinned guy to his right, "so the milf you were talking about..."

"Was his mom yes," Henri said, "she's also the new dentist in town."

"Oh I'd like to fill her cavities!" the guy to Henri's right said.

"Her name is Lillian Johnes," Henri stated, "and before you ask... no, she's mine."

Suddenly, the school lunch bell rang.

"Well, better get back to our afternoon classes," Henri stated, "tell your mom I'll see her after my shift at the deli is over."

Fearing him making a scene, I begrudgingly said okay.

The rest of the school day continued without issue. My teachers were nice and caring towards me, and classes were relatively easy. But then again.... this was the first day at school for me.


After school ended, I waited outside for my mom. She appeared ten minutes later. I got into the passenger seat as mom asked how my day was.

I can see in her face that she was happy I was going to school again and was relieved when I told her that I had no problems.

"Did Henri show you around?" mom asked as she drove out of the school parking lot.

I wanted to badly tell her that he didn't. To tell her that Henri was threatening me with violence if I so much as interfered with their relationship.


"Yeah, he did," I lied, "he also wanted me to tell you something about coming over after his shift at the deli is over?"

"I see..." mom said, "then how about we go out for dinner tonight?"

That sentence lifted my mood instantaneously.

"Really," I asked, "Where? What's the occasion?"

"To celebrate your first official day back at school," mom said, "and where... well that's a surprise."

She then drove us the rest of the way home in silence.

I wonder where we were going


Around 6 p.m., mom knocked on my bedroom door.

"Get ready," mom said, opening my bedroom door, "we're leaving as soon as Henri gets here."

"What?" I asked in shock, "I thought it would be just us?'

"Henri was the one who suggested this, Paul," mom said, "and you promised me you'd try to get along with him."

His words flashed through my mind.

"Stay out of mine and your mom's relationship."

She folds her arms over her chest.

"You promised me you would, Paul!" mom said.

"I am keeping my promise," I said, "I just thought you said earlier that it just going to be us two."

Mom sighed.

"Just... get ready to go." she then said and turned to leave my room.


About four minutes later, I followed my mom out to her car, just as Henri pulled into his driveway. I see her eyes light up immediately. She waves at him as he crosses from his driveway into ours.

"Hey Henri," mom said, "how was work?"

"Dad worked me to the bone," Henri groaned as he walked up to our car, "so many damn orders."

"I bet you worked up an appetite," mom asked.

"You can say that," Henri said.

Was that supposed to mean something?

He then looks at me.

"So has your mom told you where she was taking us for dinner today?"

I shook my head

"I was going to leave it a surprise," mom said.

"Well it's not really that big of a surprise," Henri said.

Mom looked at me.

"It's this German restaurant that Henri recommended," she then said.

"My dad delivers some of our deli meat there," Henri said, "trust me, it's a great restaurant."

The thought of eating German food made me sick to my stomach. I walked away from the car.

"Where are you going?" mom asked, "Get in the car!"

"I'm not hungry!" I said.

"Oh grow the fuck up Paul!" mom chided me.

"I'm not going!" I said.

"You know what! Fine!" mom shouted, "Then I guess me and Henri will be the only two going there then!"

I started walking toward the house. Hearing mom and Henri getting into her car behind and pull out of the driveway. I slammed the front door shut behind me and went straight to my room. i didn't care in that moment about my growling stomach.

I crawled into my bed and fell asleep.



I woke up groggily and thought I heard something.


I sit up in bed as the sounds of my mom's bed creaking illed my room. I checked my cellphone and realized it was around 11 pm.

I curled up under my bed as I listened to the sounds of Henri and my mom having sex. And judging by the sounds, I can tell that he was deep fucking her. The thought along began to arouse me.

My hand began to slowly reach for the waistband of my shorts.

"FUCKING... TAKE IT BITCH!" I heard Henri say.

"YES! FUCK ME!" mom replied back.

I reached my hand inside my shorts and began slowly jerking off. My ear against the vent as the sounds of them having sex continued to flow into my room.

I felt disgusted with myself as I listened. Hot tears began rolling down my face as I now fully engaged in jerking myself off. Timing my weak and pathetic orgasms with their's.

Sweat began to trickle down my forehead, as time ticks on. I felt uncomfortable under my bed, yet couldn't find it in me to pull myself out from under it. Maybe because my erection was too hard and the strain of trying to squeeze myself out, would likely damage it.

I decided to risk it and was able to crawl out from under my bed. I then went to my bedroom door and proceeded to open it. Once it was open, I crept down the hallway toward my mom's bedroom and pressed my ear against her bedroom door.

I could everything. Her bed creaking, the smacking sounds of their wet skin, the breathy moans of my mom and the throaty groans of Henri. But this wasn't enough, I had to see them. I wanted to.

So... very quietly, I opened mom's door as hot humid air hit my face. Stinging my eyes. Once I opened them again, I saw Henri and mom on her bed. Both were naked and sweaty as hell. Her legs raised in the air as Henri slammed hard and deep into her. His hand grabbing the underside of her right ass cheek. His condomed thick 10inch long cock pistoning in and out of her pussy.

I stared at the scene before me as I whipped out my dick and began jerking off. It didn't take me long to ejaculate. My cum shooting across the outside of her bedroom door, just as Henri filled the condom inside mom with his cum.

He then collapsed on top of her, as they both caught their breath and kissed each other.

He slides off her and lays on the other side of the bed. Mom sighs contently and giggles at him afterward.

"I got to take a piss," Henri said.

"Just use mine babe," mom said.

"Love it when you call me that," Henri said.

He slides off her bed and stands up.

"Well it's only natural after we had such amazing sex," mom stated, "plus we ARE dating now."

"I should thank Paul for that," Henri said as he headed for mom's bathroom.

"Oh please don't talk about Paul," mom groaned, "I'm still upset with him."

He chuckles as the sound of pissing can be heard hitting the inside of her toilet. Mom sits up in bed and grabs her cellphone.

"Since it's already this late," mom said, "you should stay the night."

"Good idea," Henri said still pissing, "Im fucking beat."

The toilet flushes a few seconds later.

"I bet you are after the fucking you gave me," mom said.

He entered her bedroom a few seconds later snd and crawled back into her bed. Mom then leans over and kisses him briefly before smiling at him passionately. Then she kisses him again and presses her body into his. The comforter pulled up to their waists as they continued kissing.

Soon they snuggled next to each other and fell asleep. I waited until I heard the soft sounds of them breathing, before I retreated back to my room. Where I cried myself back to sleep.

I hate Henri. I fucking hate him for turning my mom against me.


The next morning, my stomach woke me up with it's loud growling. I remembered that I haven't eaten since last night and got up weakly from my bed.

Normally, I would wake up to the smell of mom cooking breakfast. Yet today... I smelled nothing.

My stomach growled again as I walked towards my bedroom door and proceeded to open it.

Once I was in the hallway, I decided to take a peek inside my mom's bedroom and see if she was still in there with... him.

I silently grabbed the doorknob and very quietly pushed open her bedroom door. My heart was hammering in my chest the whole time.

Once her door was open far enough, I stuck my head inside and saw Henri laying on the bed, arms placed behind his head. With his mouth slack and eyes still closed. Mom was below the comforter and between his legs. Her head bobbing up and down vigorously.

"Best way to wake up," he mumbled, "suck that dick."

Mom moaned as one of Henri's hands disappeared below the comforter. Mom picked up speed. Her mouth making a loud wet sucking sound.

"Oh yeah it's going to be a big load today," Henri stated, "drink it all up slut!"

Mom stopped sucking, as Henri grunted out a few seconds later. I'm guessing that he must have shot his cum into her hot and eager mouth. Mom moaned she crawled up him.

"Did you like it, babe?" she cooed.

"Best way to wake up," he repeated, "Best morning blowjob ever."

"Well, I'm glad you liked it," mom said, "but we should get dressed now. Paul should be getting up soon."

"Too bad I can't stay here all morning and fuck your brains out," Henri said lazily.

Mom flicked his nose playfully.

"It is a tempting offer hun," mom agreed, "but you have school, and I have work."

"I could always say I have an appointment today," Henri said, "A serious problem with some of my teeth."

"Which ones?" mom asked playfully.

She slides out of bed and starts grabbing her clothes. Her bare naked ass pointed right in my direction.

"My wisdom teeth." Henri said, "I think they've grown in wrong and need to be removed."

"Well, that's a serious thing to say, Henri," mom said, "'s also serious enough for me to drive you to the dentist after dropping off Paul at school."

I watched as they both headed for mom's bathroom to take a shower and wash off their stink. Mom's ass jiggled as Henri playfully slapped it before they disappeared around the corner. I heard her shower turn on a few seconds later.

I walked back down the hallway toward the kitchen and began getting myself a bowl of cereal.

As I ate my meager breakfast, mom came out in her bathrobe wrapped tightly around her figure. The deep crevice of her cleavage was plain to see.

"Ah, I see you decided to wake yourself up today," mom said.

It was obvious that she was still upset with me. Even after Henri fucking her last night and giving him a lengthy morning blowjob today.

"How... was the restaurant last night?" I asked.

Mom was busy cracking two eggs into the skillet and had her back to me.

"Oh, you mean the one you refused to go to with us?" mom said, "Well, you would've known how it was if you didn't act like a selfish asshole last night."

Yep... still made.

Henri came into the kitchen shirtless and sat at the head of our table.

"Where's breakfast Lilian," he said, "I'm fucking starved."

"It should be ready soon," mom said sweetly to him.

"Why was Henri in your room, mom?" I asked.

"As if you have any right to know!" mom scoffed.

"Your mom and I fucked last night," Henri said, "I'm surprised you slept through it"

"Henri!" mom said, "Have some tack!"

He gave me a knowing nod afterward. Did he know I was watching?

"What's wrong with how I said it?" Henri teasingly said.

"You could have worded it differently!" mom stated.

"Sorry," he said, "I meant to say that your mom and I are a couple now."

I looked at mom as she placed Henri's breakfast before him.

"Why him?" I asked.

Even though I already knew the truth.

"Your mother needs a strong man in the household," Henri stated as mom stood behind him, "someone who will treat her as a woman and keep you in line."

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Language!" mom snapped, "I don't appreciate you swearing."

"Oh yet HE'S allowed to fucking say anything he wants?" I snapped back.

In one fluid motion, mom stormed across the dining room and slapped my mouth hard.

"Don't you EVER talk like that to me!" she hissed.

"Like it or not, it was a decision we both made," mom continued, "Henri is the man of the house now, and I expect you to treat him a such."

She gets in my face.

"Am I CLEAR on that?" she stated.

I nod my head. Mom shook her.

"Say it," mom said.

"Yes," I said.

"Yes, what?" mom asked sternly.

"Yes, I understand." I said.

"Then repeat it," mom instructed.

"Im to respect Henri as the man of the house," I repeated.

I glared at him.

"There!" I said, "You happy? You took everything from me now! Just like Adam did when mom started dating him!"

Henri scoffed.

"Oh, I didn't take ANYTHING from you," he said slowly, "you did that all by yourself."

He then smiled at me.

"I think it's time that you were put in your place," he stated, "after all... I can't abide the way you were treating your mother this past few weeks and with how you behaved last night."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"He means to say that you're grounded," mom stated, "I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner."

She walked back over to Henri and stood behind him again.

"He's also moving in with us too," mom continued, "his dad made that clear to me last night after Henri told him."

I saw a devilish grin on his face as mom said that.


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tami12tami126 days ago

any new here?

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

if i was paul. i will move out silently by the time henri move in.

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

hope more. is coming soon

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Next chapter please! Cool story!

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

Hopefully Chapter 5 is coming soon

ngy65ngy65about 1 month ago

hot. I wait for the next part. Make Henry fuck him mother right under her nose and make sure she doesn't mind that her son sees her fucking.

Marcus9069Marcus9069about 1 month ago

Man I like this chapter of the story and hope it continues well! Also I agree that maybe at some point Lillian would realize that Paul was saying the truth and that Henri was only trying to get into her pants...but the twist should be that she doesn't care anymore, that she's too far gone to even realize what she's doing is wrong.

ShikotaShikotaabout 1 month ago

@hobie1010 also funny thing about these all being the same...have you finished "my mom is my friend's new gf"? That legitimately has a happy ending. Go read that lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This has to end with the bully getting his brains blown out and the mom going to a psych ward

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago


I know this has nothing to do with the chapter but could you comment/answer on the My Mom's Corruption story? I've been reading some of them and I've also became curious about learning more about the characters in story.

Like their physical appearances, what their futures hold, etc

Btw, hope to read more about How I Lost My Mother, keep it up.

Bham487Bham487about 1 month ago

I don’t this writer is capable of writing anything else. He probably hasn’t left his mother’s basement in a while. He sounds like he’s been the victim his who life and can’t escape himself so that’s all he can write.

MiniwandMiniwandabout 1 month ago

It's hot but god, what a fucking cunt Lillian is. How is a son supposed to be alright with his mom dating a boy his age? Not once but twice. And Henri is treating her like shit, he has no respect for her and he is clearly showing it now.

Asperger27Asperger27about 1 month agoAuthor


It wouldn't be a netorare/cuckold/humiliation story if Paul does. Sure I get what you mean, but... Paul isn't like that. I mean I could say he got into a fight with Henri at school, but that would only establish the relationship Henri has with Paul's mom Lilian.

hobie1010hobie1010about 1 month ago
All of these stories are the same

Can you actually end a story where the son gets some balls. It's not like the son would want to have sex with his mother, so the bully aspect still confuses me.

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