How To Say No To Your Boss? Ch. 01

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Charming and busty boss brings out dormant curiosities.
11.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/14/2021
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NOTE: I'm sorry for all my readers, this time it took me a really long time to write a new story. As my only excuse, I can say that the last period wasn't the best at all, as for all the rest of the world, and as obvious consequence my writing routine has been affected. It's a long story too, complicated, maybe too much, so for the first time I divided it into two chapters (the next one is almost ready, it's coming soon). I tell you already, the sex come just in the next chapter, in this one you'll only find some warming up.

I can also already reveal that another story is almost completed and another one is well underway as well.

I also want to express all my gratitude to those who wrote me during these long months, supporting me and giving interesting suggestions. I'm really happy when I receive your messages, sharing your opinions and advises. Please continue to write me, leave your commentaries and encourage me.

But I also want to explain something. I don't really care if my stories are plausible. What I find amazing about writing is the complete freedom it gives you. I mean, it's just about imagination. If you can think it, you can write it. That's powerful. And since I write in first place to free my sexual fantasies (hoping you enjoy them too, of course), and that I like big tits, lesbian sex and seduction plots, in my stories I just try to put all this stuff together. I just want to write about reluctant straight girls ending up licking big breasts. I don't care if big tits cause backache or if a married woman would never cheat on her honeymoon. This is my imagination, I hope at least here we can be free.


When her first work day finally arrive, Gwen almost couldn't control her anxiety. After all, she had recently graduated, and that, after countless internships and stages, was her first real job. On top of that, it was a unique chance, given that the architecture firm where she had been hired was one of the most prestigious in New York.

How it was possible that they had chosen her between so many candidates, all of them excellently qualified, perhaps even more than her, remained a mystery. The interview had gone well, sure, she had answered all the questions brilliantly, and she was aware of the value of her project for a new skyscraper in the Queens, innovative and visionary, but something kept whispering in her ear that it was not just for that she had been chosen.

She still remembered the day of the interview. At the end, the head of the studio, the famous Indian-born architect Kavita Kellerman, had asked her assistants to leave, so that she could ask Gwen a few questions in private.

When everyone was gone and the last of Kavita's assistants closed the door, Gwen felt herself shiver under Kavita's inquiring gaze. To the agitation and tension for the interview itself, aware of the enormous opportunity that working for such a prestigious firm could represent for her, now was added the awe she felt towards that woman whose projects she had studied and admired during the university years. The shapes and geometries that Kavita had introduced into architecture were bold and revolutionary, so soft, plastic, almost sensual, and had been a constant source of inspiration for Gwen during her studies.

Finding herself now alone in front of her idol filled her with a mixture of disbelief and terror.

Kavita's deep dark eyes rested on Gwen, who felt herself deeply scanned by that probing gaze.

"Gwen, dear, look up, you can't be afraid of me if you want to work here..."

Gwen, swallowing, slowly raised her eyes to Kavita.

Gwen owned a monograph on Kavita's works, and the biography on the back of the book was complemented by a photograph of the famous architect, so she had an idea of what she looked like before meeting her. Gwen had always admired the portrait of that determined, inspired and luminous face. She was undeniably a beautiful woman. However, now it was the first time Gwen could see her in person, and she realized that simply saying Kavita was a beautiful woman would not be enough to fully convey the charisma emanated from her.

Kavita must have been around forty-five, Gwen estimated, yet it seemed that the age, rather than wrinkles, had added charm to her face. Her Indian ancestry was evident, and her skin had a delicate caramel tone. She was not beautiful in a classic way, like those super make-up models that occupied the fashion magazines, nor in an artificial way, like the actresses who try to maintain their youth with silicone and Botox. Kavita was beautiful in a profound, total, primitive way. She had soft shoulder-length hair, black and shiny as ink, a wide forehead, big dark eyes, and a beautiful mouth, with plump lips highlighted by ruby lipstick.

"Gwen, darling, relax, there's no reason to be in awe. In fact, first of all, I want you to know that you are currently at the top of the candidate list. I was favorably impressed by the quality of your work and your ideas.... but that's not enough... ".

Gwen swallowed nervously: "W-what do you mean? Tell me what you are looking for, and if I can I will be happy to do my best to live up to it. I really care a lot about this job..."

"Gwen, dear, I'll be honest with you... even if it didn't say on the ad, the profile we're looking for is actually for a personal assistant. My personal assistant. This has both positives and negatives, I guess. On one side it would be a unique opportunity for you to learn by my side and to get to know the world of modern architecture up close, on the other side it would certainly mean making many sacrifices. You see, in this job working hours is flexible, sometimes I can have a meeting late at night, or have to stay well beyond the normal closing time to finish an important project... Conventions on weekends, abroad trips... if you accept, as my personal assistant you would be involved in all this, and no doubt your private life would be conditioned... Are you really willing to do it? Think about it... I consider myself a balanced and fair person, but I may result very demanding sometimes, and I give absolute priority to work... I would require the same from you... I see a wedding ring on your finger..."

Gwen hesitated for a moment, biting her lower lip as she used to do when she was undecided about something, twisting her wedding ring. She was thinking about Finn, her husband. Gwen had dated a lot of boys in her life, but they had almost all been short relationships with little meaning, youthful adventures, which in retrospective haven't meant nothing special. With Finn, however, it was immediately different, he was a very special boy, sensitive and sweet. They got married from just a couple of years, and they were deeply in love. In the last few months they have started trying to have children, and certainly such a demanding job would have required a lot of energy, leaving her less time to devote to her husband. But on the other hand, the prospect of entering the whirling and glittering world of high architecture that Kavita frequented was very seducing, and the idea of being part of it excited her terribly... It had always been her dream! And then she knew that she and Finn were a solid enough couple to overcome any adversity, and while Finn wouldn't have been happy about it, she knew he would have accepted her decision and support her as always. He was a great husband, and they had long promised each other that they would have never limited each other in life.

They had already lived apart for many years during their engagement, when both were young people entering the world of work, running here and there, chasing internships and stages that almost always promised more than they actually gave. Unfortunately, the very same situation was happening again, as Kavita's studio was in New York and they lived in a small but lovely apartment in Boston, where Finn was an engineer for the City Hall. It would have meant spending the week apart and only seeing each other on weekends, at least until Finn got a job in New York as well, if it was worth it. If the first months of Gwen's new job had gone well, the plan was that Finn would seek work in New York to reunite with her. They had already discussed it before applying for the interview, and now that incredible possibility was really being offered to her.

Gwen took a deep sigh, and then trying to look as firm as possible, hoping her voice wouldn't betray her anxiety, she said: "Yes, it's my second year of marriage already... but he's the best husband ever, we have already talked about it, before doing this interview, and we already figured out how to organize our lives. He lives in Boston, but for the first few months there is no problem with being apart for a while, so I can fully concentrate on the job... So, answering your question... yes, if you really offer me this wonderful chance I would accept it with joy! I am aware of the sacrifices that will be required, but I guarantee you my maximum commitment. I love this job and I'm ready to give my all."

Kavita rest in silence for a few moments, weighing her words and observing Gwen with her intense eyes. Then her lips curled into a warm smile and she stood up, walking around the desk towards her.

Gwen realized that in addition to an attractive face, she also had probably a nice body.

She was quite tall, slightly taller than Gwen. She wore a formal business suit, but her skirt revealed her long legs. Even if not fat, she had a full and curvy figure, mainly due to the ample breast, which although hidden by her clothes, was still evident.

When she was in front of Gwen, Kavita held out her hand: "Well, welcome aboard the! I'm glad you accepted, I liked you from the first moment. I'll be waiting for you on Monday, try not to be late!" Kavita said, bursting into a crystalline laughter.

After a few moments of hesitation, Gwen shacked that warm hand, smooth and strong at the same time.

"Don't worry, I won't be late!"

Thus began Gwen's adventure, which would have taken her where she never thought was possible.


Gwen's eyes were filled with tears.

"My love, how am I going to stay so far away from you?" she asked as she buried her face against Finn's chest, who hugged her and held her close.

They had made love the night before, but the thought of the impending separation had taken away much of the normal joy. Finn had loved her sweetly, but there was something bittersweet in their kisses, as if it was a goodbye. It was just a week of distance, but the prospect of a long period of separation, interspersed with only short weekends, frightened them both.

"You'll see, this week will fly away in a flash, and then it will be the weekend already and we'll be together again!" Finn tried to be upbeat and cheerful, but in reality his voice was shaking, betraying his pain.

They were in front of the boarding gate of the flight to New York. They greeted each other with a tender kiss, then Finn watched as she slowly made her way to the tunnel that would take her to the plane.

Gwen turned a moment before disappearing into the tunnel, giving him a sweet look full of love and future promises.

When the big day arrived, the pain of being away from Finn was partially offset by the excitement of the new adventure beginning.

Gwen closed the door of the small apartment she had rented. It was dingy and bare, nothing like the nice little house she shared with Finn in Boston, but it was only a temporary solution, until Finn would have reached her. But for that, she had to be able to keep the job first.

She straightened her dress and headed straight to Kavita's studio for her first day. She had chosen a sober but elegant suit, which hugged her slender and athletic body. Gwen had always been a slim girl, with long blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, a legacy of her Welsh ancestry. She had small, pointy breasts, and a round little butt that during the college, when she played volleyball, was much envied by her classmates, and desired by all the guys who buzzed around her.

She arrived at Kavita's office ten minutes early. It was a splendid studio, which occupied the entire top floor of one of the most prestigious skyscrapers in Manhattan. It was characterized by the peculiar style of Kavita, capable of merging the modern minimalist trend with a warm oriental plasticity.

Gwen looked around nervously. The office, despite the early hour, seemed to be already at full power, with everyone hurrying around, without paying her the slightest attention. Finally a young secretary seemed to notice her:

"Oh, you must be Gwen, Miss Kavita's new assistant, isn't it? Well, the boss warned me that today would be your first day, she is already waiting for you in the office, you can reach her, it's the red door at the end of the corridor, on the right. And good luck!" The secretary added this last word in a strange tone, and giving her an ambiguous look that Gwen didn't understand. But she was too agitated to pay attention to such details, so she hurried down the hall.

Damn, she had hoped that arriving ten minutes early would have been enough to anticipated Kavita, making a good impression, but she had arrived before her anyway! Apparently ten minutes early wasn't enough, she had to try hard to get there even earlier.

She knocked gently on the door.

"Gwen, here you are, finally! Welcome! But let's try to get here a little earlier next time, I don't like to start working alone..."

"S-sure, I-I'm sorry... it won't happen again, sorry..."

"Oh don't worry, it's not serious! Come on, you can settle down here, this will be your desk."

It was a nice large desk with the latest pc model, a telephone, a wireless printer and all the accessories needed for the assistant job. It was a beautiful, large and bright office, with a splendid glass window overlooking the Manhattan skyline. There was an oriental touch in the curtains and in the scent of sandalwood that hovered in the air, reminiscent of Kavita's indian origins.

It took Gwen a while to get into her new job and overcome an initial sense of inadequacy, but as the days passed and she became familiar with her new work environment, she began to gain more and more confidence and prove herself better. Kavita was a very demanding boss, tireless and in the continuous pursuit of excellence, but he also had a warm and witty human side that Gwen really appreciated. If she was initially frightened and in awe, slowly, thanks to Kavita's continuous smiles of encouragement and kind words, Gwen began to relax a little and feel more comfortable in her presence. Kavita was really nice and lovely to her, she gave her a lot of compliments, which even made her blush every now and then, when, for example, she praised her slender body, even going so far as to say that she could have been a model. If such compliments had come from a man they would have immediately put her on alert, but since they came from another woman, and especially from a woman as charming and beautiful as Kavita, they flattered her enormously, even though she knew she was exaggerating to please her. It seemed impossible for a sophisticated woman like Kavita to find a simple girl like her remarkable.

On the other hand, her relationship with the other colleagues in the office was a little more difficult. They seemed a little wary of her, and she didn't like the looks and the muffled giggles she heard when she turned around. It gave her a weird feeling, as if there was something everyone but her knew about. Anyway, she was too absorbed in working with Kavita to give it too much attention, she attributed it to envy for her close relationship with the boss, and she hoped that in time they would have accepted her.

The first week of work was exhausting for Gwen. She considered herself a hard worker, but keeping Kavita's crazy work schedule was next to impossible. Her days began at 7h in the morning and almost always lasted until 10h in the evening or beyond, in a frenzied whirlwind of meetings, phone calls, emails, deadlines and new projects to work out. It followed that the time to eat calmly and rest was scarce, but what she missed more was the time to hear from Finn with quality. Not seeing each other was hard enough, and being always either too busy during the day or too tired in the evening for a long phone call displeased her enormously. However, Finn understood, knowing that starting a new job is always the hardest moment, he didn't blame her, and then Gwen felt extremely gratified for the level of involvement Kavita was allowing her to achieve in various projects, which allowed her to learn and grow enormously as a professional. After all, that was a unique opportunity for her. And she liked working closely with Kavita, they seemed to have a good professional feeling. She especially liked her in the evening, when everyone was gone, and she and Kavita were left alone.

Though tired from the hard work day, in those quiet moments, with the office silent, no one calling, the soft lights of her desk casting warm tones all around, and a certain calm that descended with the arrival of the evening, she was able to give the best of herself, concentrating and managing to be more creative. Kavita also seemed to relax with the coming of the evening, usually playing a record of Indian melodies in the old record player she had in a corner of the studio, and when they remained alone she allowed herself to be less formal, taking off her suit and remaining with the simple blouses she wore below. She often unbuttoned a couple of buttons on her blouse too, giving her voluminous chest a bit of freedom.

One of the first evenings that this happened, Gwen was absorbed working on a new project, and didn't notice the change, until Kavita called her to ask something, and lifting her face to answer she found Kavita's florid cleavage in front of her eyes, who was bent over her desk waiting for the information she needed. Gwen had already distractedly noticed that Kavita had an impressive breast, but she had never paid too much attention to it. But now, that it was right in front of her eyes, she couldn't help noticing how massive and full it really was under the blouse that barely contained it. The top of Kavita's big breasts, compressed by the blouse, with that smooth and perfect coffee-milk-colored skin, created a soft and deep valley, perfectly shaped, inside which a gold pendant seemed lost.

For a moment Gwen was stunned by that sight, and forgot to answer Kavita, until she brought her back to reality, clearing her throat.

"What's going on Gwen, honey, have you seen a ghost?"

Gwen raised her eyes worriedly, but realized it was too late, because it seemed that Kavita had already guessed the direction of her gaze. However, she didn't seem bothered, on the contrary, she looked at her with a sly smile.

"N-no, I-I'm sorry, forgive me... it's just that... that..."

"Don't worry dear... you don't have to justify yourself, I'm used to the effect they make the first times... well, since we share the same office, I think you'll have to get used to it... you know, at least when everyone leaves, especially all our male colleagues, I like to give some relief to my girls... You surely understand that if I did it during the day all the guys in the office would start drooling behind me... ah, the males, what animals! You can't imagine what torture it is to keep them imprisoned in these tight clothes all day long... I hope you don't mind, you know, I haven't been as lucky as you, the gods didn't give me an athletic and slender body like yours, but these two cow's udders..."

"N-no! What are you saying? I mean, it's not a problem, it doesn't bother me... on the contrary... It's a nonsense, I-I mean, you are a beautiful woman... indeed, compared to you I am an ugly duckling..."