Hunters Journey of Self Discovery


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The dawn broke, the sky still dark, the rain still falling. At least now we could see. The water levels were right up at the bottom of the roof, the rest of the town completely submerged. We could feel the building moving under the sheer force of the water. Occasional bangs and crashes as things were swept against the walls.

The water, more like a thick flowing mud. A dirty red muck, it flowed by, filled with dead animals, debris, trailers, cars. Frightening doesn't describe what I felt.

Annie, took the opportunity to snap photos. Hundreds of them.

It was late in the afternoon when we heard the helicopter. Annie jumped up perching with feet either side of the roof screaming and waving frantically. She was so excited, she jumped, but missed her footing. I watched in anguish as she lost her balance and fell. I sat astride the apex of the roof, and as she fell, I grabbed her. My hands holding hers as she slid down towards the water.

"Help." Annie screamed. "Oh please, don't let go."

I gripped with every muscle, my shoulders aching as she hung there dangling by her arms, her hands locked in mine. I felt her hand sliding from my grasp. "No Annie, no, hold on. Don't leave me."

I couldn't hold on, she slipped and one hand slipped out of mine, I saw the fear in her eyes, her whole face a picture of horror.

I grabbed again, and this time she gripped the sleeve of my hoodie.

Just then a man was beside me, leaving me, he wrapped a cinch around Annie and she was gone. The winch zooming her up into the air.

"I'll be back in a minute. Just hold on." He barked at me."

Gratitude flooded my emotions, but then the fear of being alone took hold and I tried to hold on.

Our rescue completed and back at the orchard, we thanked our lucky stars. It softened Annie's adventurous spirit for a while. It took some of her fearlessness away, made her meeker, less like the world was hers for the taking. That was something that I loved about her. She was never afraid to try things, the episode with the flood made her more human.

Her photos were amazing, and a local newspaper ran some of them in their news articles. I always loved her photos, but talking to other people, I realised. They were more than just good, some were incredible, and she got them with nothing more than her phone. I brought a hard drive and transferred them all. We filled a terabyte drive in no time. I was scared of losing them, so opened a drop box account, and moved them all to the cloud.

Annie amazed me, because she saw no value in them. She did it for fun, but even after the newspaper ran them, she saw them as nothing, throwaways. It was going to be down to me to save them for antiquity.

It took a few weeks, but slowly her adventurous spirit returned, and we were on the move again. New South Wales, for a few months. We worked as barmaids, waitresses, back to fruit packing. Then it was up to Darwin. From Darwin we went to Western Australia where we got jobs on a mine site as cleaners. The work was what they call fly in fly out. Four weeks on a desolate mine site in the middle of nowhere, then back to Perth for a couple of weeks.

I learned to surf. One of the guys we worked with, showed us video clips of him surfing and I whispered one day to Annie. "Wow, I would love to try that."

"Then do it."

"But I don't have a board, or a wetsuit."

When we finished our stint on site, and we went back to the camp ground where we stayed in a small caravan. I got the shock of my life when Ryan turned up on our second day back. "Okay you two. Lets go."

"Go where I asked?"

"Surfing. I'm going to teach you."

I stared at Annie and she laughed. "Yeah, you heard him."

He had borrowed a wet suit and board from a girlfriend. We went Scarborough beach and that was it. He pushed me, explaining all the principles, at least Scarborough had small surf. Not huge waves.

He showed e how to paddle out. How to duck dive, and I rode the first few waves on my tummy. Annie stayed on the beach taking photos and yelling at me.

It took most of the afternoon, but finally after numerous wipeouts, I managed to stay up and ride a wave. I was so stoked I jumped up and down. Annie joined me and locked together we bounced around like jack rabbits.

After we settled down I asked. "Why don't you try?"

"Yeah, na. Not me babes. I don't like sharks."

Over our two weeks off, Ryan took us up and down the coast to different beaches. Margatret river was amazing. The surf way to big for me, but we watched him and his friends ride what looked like monster waves. I stayed in close to the bay and managed a few small waves.

Annie though was back with her phone taking amazing photos.

Watching her with her phone, I wondered. "How good would she be with a proper camera. When I asked her about it, she poo pooed me. "Na chicky, I just do it for fun. I'm hopeless really."

Her lack of confidence didn't sit well with me, it was totally different to her usual so positive attitude. I sensed she really wanted to do it, but for some reason lacked the conviction. I made the decision there and then to take matters into my own hands.

Researching cameras was hard. I knew nothing about them. What I did find was a guy who worked at the mine site who was into photography. I bribed him with a few beers one night to explain what I should be looking for.

Using my phone we searched the internet and he guided me to a few that were pretty awesome. What scared me was the price. Shit, they were so expensive.

He pointed out a Canon EOS 80D DSLR Camera with 18-135mm Lens package, that he described as perfect for a novice. The three grand price tag was achievable, but only if I worked a couple of extra swings at site.

He said Annie would need things like a tripod, and as she got better would want more lens's.

I spoke to the camp manager and asked if I could do a couple of extra swings. She agreed, but when I told Annie she was pissed. "Fuck, what did you do that for? I organised for us to go out to Wave rock with Chanelle on our days off."

"Sorry, but, Leanne asked and caught me off guard. I just said yes without thinking."

"Fuck Hunter, why didn't you ask me?" She gave me a pissed off glare. "Oh well, I suppose I'll have to go with her by myself."

Chanelle, was a girl that we started hanging around with when we were back in Perth. She lived in a house bus at the camp ground, and she had the hots for Annie. I recognised it the first time we were all together. She was a cute chick, a couple of years older than us, but it was her free spirit that Annie liked. In many ways they were like sisters. She was every bit the Gypsy Annie was.

Seeing the determined look in Annie's eyes I snapped. "Do what you like. I don't care."

Annie getting angry snapped. "In that case we might go in her house bus and stay the night."

"Yes, you would love that wouldn't you."

She sniggered. "Yeah I might actually. I think she wants to get in my panties. I might just let her."

"Do what you want."

The next couple of days before Annie flew out were tense. We didn't really talk much.

I hated watching the plane fly out. I was stuck there for the next two weeks by myself, and then of course the month after that, which was my usual shift.

Annie flew out on the Wednesday. Friday, my phone lit up with texts from Annie. Photos from Wave rock, and yep, she was with Chanelle.

Chanelle in all sorts of poses, even blowing a kiss at the camera. It pissed me off. Then the texts came in. "You should have been here. It's amazing."

"We're staying the night."

"We're in the bus, it's amazing, we need one."

"No, I don't think so. They don't fly."

"So what?" She texted back immediately.

"It's the only way out of this country."

There were no texts for a while, but then, a photo. They were in a camp-ground so where. Sitting side by side in camp chairs, they leaned close together so they both fitted in the selfie. My levels of anxiety skyrocketed as I stared at the image. Annie dressed in nothing but shorts and a skimpy tank top looked at ease. Seeing the empty bottle of wine sitting beside her didn't help.

I turned my phone off and had a little cry. Fuck her, if she slept with that skanky bitch, then just fuck her.

I had an early start the next day, out of bed by five thirty and on duty. It was one of those busy days, thankfully I suppose it kept my mind on the job, and stopped me from fretting about Annie.

We weren't supposed to use our phones when we were working, so I had the volume down. I felt it vobrating several times during the day. I checked it at lunchtime, and there were hundreds of messages. A few from the previous night, and some from today.

As I scrolled through the messages my phone rang. "Hi Annie, how was your night?" I asked sarcastically.

"Terrible, I missed you. Sorry for all the shitty messages. I'm a bitch. I was just so pissed off. I wanted us to both come out here. I had a choice idea for a photo, and I wanted you in it."

"Do it with Chanelle." I rasped caustically.

"Don't be a shit. Chanelle is not you."

"Yes, but was she a good fuck?"

"What did you say?" She snarled.

"You heard me. I know there's only one bed in that bus."

"Fuck you Hunter."

"No fuck you bitch, go back and enjoy your day with smelly crutch." I disconnected the call and stormed around slamming and kicking shit. Anything not nailed down was in danger. Everybody stayed out of my way. Guess I was not nice to be around.

It wasn't until I finished my shower and was getting ready to go for dinner that I checked my phone again. There were several missed calls from Annie, and one lone message.

"Sorry you couldn't trust me. I never slept with Chanelle. I slept under the awning in a camp stretcher. I would never cheat on you. I love you. Shame you don't feel the same way."

I rang her immediately. She answered straight away. "Hi."

"Hello Annie." I took a big breath, and we both started talking at the same time, and each time we stopped and tried the same thing happened. Eventually Annie screamed. "Shut up and listen."

With tears streaming down my face I sat back on my bed and listened.

"Hunter, I love you, I love you more than anything in my shitty life. You are what makes me wake up in the morning. You mean everything to me. I'm sorry I led you on about Chanelle. That was a crappy thing to do. I would never cheat."

"I'm sorry as well." I gushed, you just made me so angry. You know how jealous I get."

"Yeah, I know, and I apologised to Chanelle, because I used her to piss you off." She burst into tears. "Why did you stay up there. I wanted you here with me."

"I just did, sorry."

"Fuck Hunter, two weeks, it sucks."

"Annie, it is only two weeks, you'll be here soon and we can be together again."

"Never again Hunter. I hate being away from you. I promise, the next time I'm gonna kick your arse. I don't care how cute it is."

The time passed quickly, we spent hours on the phone. When she finally arrived it was huge. She flew into my arms and we hugged and kissed to cheers from all the other miners. Big burly dirty men, they all cheered and clapped. It felt like a scene in a movie.

I spent a few select moments with Morris who organised for the camera purchase. I was going to pick it up when we finally got out of this hell hole.

Finally, we flew out on Wednesday night, I couldn't wait to get into Perth and pick up the camera.

First I had to find a reason. I invented a dentists appointment and Annie said she would stay and chill while I went into town on the train.

The guy at the camera store showed me all the different things, explained how it worked, how the bits fitted together. You couldn't have scrubbed the smile off my face with a scrubbing brush as I scooted back on the train.

I walked into the caravan to find Annie laying on the bed reading.

"Where the fuck have you been?" She gasped. "I was going to send out a search party."

She gave me a strange look as I placed the bag on the little fold out table. "What's in the bag?" She asked.

"Have a look." I answered. "It's a gift for you."

She frowned deeply. "A gift, what the fuck."

She flung aside her book and scooted off the bed and sauntered over suspiciously. She recognised it was a camera bag. I heard her sharp intake of breath as she gasped. "Oh no you fucking didn't?"

I smiled cheekily. "I did."

"Hunter, you fucking idiot."

She opened the bag and lifted out the camera. I watched as she turned it over and over, taking in all the switches and buttons.

She pulled out the lens's and operating manual, light meter, and cables. She put it down gently and burst into tears as she threw her arms around my neck.

"Oh my god, that's why you worked that extra shift. They didn't ask you at all. You sneaky bitch."

Her lips crashed against mine and the kiss exploded, all the recent emotions flowing out through the ruptures.

"Hunter, why did you do it. All that bloody money, it must have cost a bomb?"

"The money doesn't matter. I watch you all time taking incredible photos, I mean you have a talent, like a song writer, or artist. Now you can do it properly."

"But I don't know how?"

"You will work it out. Take a night class. We can get a friend to help."

Our embrace quickly became lovemaking, and it was much later before Annie was down at the beach with her camera. She was gone for hours as I prepared dinner.

When she returned the huge smile I had on the train ride back had now been transplanted on Annie's face. She pushed me back on the bed and leapt on top of me. "God, I'll have to fuck you for months."

We worked at the mine for another couple of months, our bank balances growing slowly. It was Annie who wanted to go further. She sprang it on me one night. "Hunter, I ant to go to Asia."

I smiled, lately she had been edgy and listless. I had been expecting her to say she wanted to move on, but this one took me by surprise."


"Everywhere. I want to just go. Come on Babes, it's your bloody fault. Before I met you, I couldn't have done this. Let's just go."

"Yes, of course. Wherever you go, I am going. I couldn't get by without you."

Bali was our first stop. We got good advice from some of the people we worked with, one guy even putting us in touch with a guy who ran a bar there, and before we left we had a job.

Bali was fun, but it was to touristy. We took our leave, snuck into Vietnam and were lucky enough to get a job at a hotel.

Honk Kong, then Japan, were were on a mission to see the world. I travelled a lot with my parents, but never saw any off the things we saw. With my parents we stayed at five star resorts, or Hotels. Went on organised tours.

Now we got by sleeping in backpackers or cheap dumps. We even slept in a car.

We worked our way into China, but it was hard to find work. We were about to give up when I got a phone call from my Mother. She was in tears. "Hunter, I need you at home straight away. Your Father is in hospital and he is very ill. You have to come home."

I hadn't heard from Mum in months so I was taken by surprise. "I'll get there as soon as I can."

"Good, please hurry darling. He is very Ill. I am not sure how much time he has. Hunter. It is terminal. Please hurry."

"I'll be there Mum."

As I stood staring blankly with the phone hanging loosely in my hand, Annie said. "What's wrong Babes?"

"My Father is in hospital. Apparently, it's terminal. I have to go home."

She pulled me into a hug. "Oh my god. We have to go. We have to go now."

"Annie, you don't have to go just because I do."

She looked stunned. "Don't be daft, of course I do. I'm not letting you travel by yourself. Plus, I don't want to stay without you. I thought we were a team?"

"We are." I gasped. "But, I just meant, you don't have to if you don't want too."

"For fucks sake Hunter. I love you. What do I have to do to prove it?"

She kissed me, a burning passionate kiss. "do you not want me to go with you?"

"Of course I want you to go with me. I hate the thought of being away from you."

"Then let's get the fuck outa this shit hole. I'm sick of fucking rice anyway."

"Liar, you love rice."

She laughed snidely. "Maybe, but it would be nice to be home and get a feed of fish and chips."

I sighed with her. "Yes, it would be nice."

We managed to get flights the next day, but the airfares killed us. When I checked my bank balance, it was down to five hundred bucks. Annie's balance must have been almost zero. We had relied on working to support ourselves. Our little visit to China screwed that up.

Sitting cuddled together on the plane I wondered how Annie would take the news. Mother would be disgusted with me, as would my Father. This was going to be one explosive meeting. I stood to lose everybody that meant anything to me in one foul ugly swing of the axe.

It was an eight hour flight, and I must have tried a hunndred times to start the conversation. "Annie, my Mother can be hard work. She is not going to be pleased with our relationship. She is going to hate me."

"Really, she's that stuck up?"

"Stuck up, isn't an apt description. She is very proper, and a real snob. Having a lesbian daaughter is not on her plans. I'm supposed to be married and have two kids by now."

Annie laughed. "She's in for a shock, aint she."

"Oh hell yes."

"Where do they live?" She asked. With a big gulp I whispered embarrassedly. "Remuera."

"Jesus, Remmers, fuck. They must be doing all right for themselves."

I nodded, trying to sound casual. "Yes."

I just couldn't find the words. How do you tell somebody who thinks you haven't got two cents to rub together your family are millionaires?

After landing we got a bus out to Remuera and then a connecting a connecting bus that went close to where my parents lived. As we walked up the street with our backpacks and gear, we certainly attracted some funny glances from cars driving past.

"holy fuck, look at these places." Annie gasped in dismay. We walked up to the palatial front entrance, and I had to push an intercom button to get the gate opened. "No fucking way." Annie squawked.

"Who is it please?" Our maid and my old nanny asked through the little box on the gate.

"Hi Aisha, it's me Hunter. Could you open the gates please."

The joy in her voice was unmissable. "Oh miss Hunter. Yes, I open now." She trilled in her squeaky voice.

The gates slid open and we walked up the circular driveway to the huge front expanse of the house. "Fuck me." Annie spluttered.

It as still a ten minute walk to the front doors. There standing on the wide curved marble front steps was Aisha. "Oh miss Hunter. It is so nice to see you again." Her arms circled my neck and we hugged hard, her embrace far stronger than her diminutive size divulged.

"Where your car?" She gasped.

"We caught the bus. Aisha, this is my girlfriend Annie."

She turned to Annie, and I saw the disbelief, the shock. Annie stepped forward and held out her hand. "Hey, I'm Annie."

"Aisha's smile had vanished and she looked up and down Annie's body, taking everything in, the triple pierced ears, the dreadlocks, the worn clothes. "Pleasure to meet you." She rasped, struggling to hide her contempt.

As we walked inside Aisha went to grab our bags but Annie waved her away. "We got this, thanks."

Aisha, not used to being unneeded, stepped away and as we walked inside, Aisha said. "I make food, it will be in the dining room." As she walked away, she added. "I am sorry about your Father Miss. Your Mother is at the hospital."

I gave her another hug. "Thanks Aisha, food would be lovely."

She disappeared and Annie mumbled. "Servants, you have fucking servants. Jesus Christ."

"She was my Nanny. When I was growing up, she was with me all the time. In reality, she raised me. My Mother was always at some charity event or something. Daddy always worked, so it was down to Aisha and me."
