A Question of Breeding

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Some decisions are easy to make, others are more difficult..
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The idea for this story came to me while I was busy with a couple of other projects and it stuck in my mind and I thought I should write it down.

It's dark and perhaps a little disturbing, so I'm sure some of Literotica's readers will find it isn't to their taste. I'm not going to give away the plot but I suggest that if extra-marital sex where there isn't a BTB ending turns you off, then this story probably isn't for you. Please read something more to your taste

Should it be in Romance or Fetish or Mature? Quite possibly. I know I struggled to decide the ideal genre for it so I ended up putting it in Loving Wives. Feel free to disagree but it is where it is.

As always criticism, good or bad, that is constructive is appreciated although trolling comments about the theme of the story will be removed.

Remember though, it is just fiction. The characters and their actions aren't real.

Please enjoy.


A Question of Breeding

"You need to hurry up and get changed Aaron, or we'll be late."

Sitting at her dressing table, applying her make-up, Madeline Northwood paused and glanced across at her husband, standing in the bedroom doorway.

"What are you going to wear?" She continued, returning her attention to what she was doing.

"What do you mean? He protested half-heartedly, "I'm ready."

"Seriously? You're going out to dinner dressed like that?"

Aaron Northwood shrugged and looked down at the casual pants and polo shirt he had on.

"Yeah, why not?"

She stopped her preparations again and, this time, glared at him in annoyance.

"Because the restaurant will be classy, because we're meeting with Henry and because I'll be dressed up so I want you to look good, even if it's just for me."

"Fuck it, I'll go and change then." He muttered tiredly under his breath and went off to find something else to put on.

Smiling to herself Madeline turned her attention back to the mirror, putting a final layer of mascara onto her semi-permanent false eyelashes.

That done she started on her eyeshadow, using a dark bronze that emphasised her deep brown eyes before adding her eyeliner. Painting an upswept line from the corner of her eye she gave herself the 'cleopatra' look she desired.

Satisfied Maddi finished off with a pink lip gloss and sat back to brush out her long, straight dark hair. Coming halfway down her back she thought it was, along with her legs, probably her best feature.

She had just stood up and dropped her robe on the bed when her husband returned, wearing a pair of smart trousers and a button-down shirt, to lean against the door frame once again.

"Is this ok?"

"That looks so much better." Madeline commented casually as, naked, she selected her underwear.

"It certainly does." He grinned salaciously back at her, his eyes roaming over her slender nude form.

Smiling to herself Maddi continued with selecting her outfit for the night.

She wasn't worried about her husband or their genial banter. They had been married for seven years now and together for eleven in total, after meeting during their first year at university.

Pausing for a moment she thought back over the rollercoaster of their life since they met.


He had signed on to a computer sciences course while she had been taking a business and finance degree. Although they were generally attending lectures in different parts of the campus they did have a couple of classes that overlapped during their first year.

Paired together on a statistics project they had immediately hit it off and started dating. Falling in love within a few months they had moved in together at the start of their second year and Aaron had eventually proposed to her shortly after they had graduated.

After finishing their education, they had found themselves a small apartment to rent and looked for employment. Maddi taking a job with a medium sized financial consultancy while her fiancé had gone to work for a software development company.

Neither were doing exactly what they wanted but it was a start and they were happy. Determined to persevere with their chosen occupations, and hopefully achieve their dreams, they settled in to try to make them come true.

Things had progressed well for Aaron, albeit a little slowly, and he had been promoted to become a senior development engineer with the hope that he might make project manager in the near future.

As far as he was concerned the only imperfection in their relationship had been the subject of children and when to have them.

An only child who never knew her father, Maddi desperately wanted a family but Aaron had asked her to put it off for a couple of years, while they got their lives sorted out and became financially stable. Reluctantly, after numerous arguments, she had concurred and, as a result, hadn't been too concerned about work, knowing what their plans were.

Then, as Aaron had reluctantly agreed, two years into their marriage she had come off the pill and they had started trying for a baby.

She had done everything she could to fall pregnant; tracking her ovulation cycle, recording her temperature and even keeping her hips raised for half-an-hour after they made love.

Six months on, when nothing had happened, she had arranged to see a doctor who, after tests, had told her there was no problem with her.

That had left Aaron.

Grudgingly he had taken a test and they had received the heartbreaking news that his sperm count was very low. Although it wasn't impossible for him to get Madeline pregnant it was very unlikely.

Trying to get over her disappointment she had thrown herself into her work hoping to distract herself from her unhappiness.

Initially she hadn't been particularly bothered about her career but now, with her hopes of having a child virtually gone, she started to focus all her energies on her job.

However, despite her efforts and achieving all the targets she had been set she had been overlooked for promotion and, even though she was doing most of the work, found her immediate manager taking all the credit.

It was then, a little over two years previously, a thoroughly disenchanted and despondent Madeline had been head-hunted.

She had been part of a consultancy team brought in to a failing organisation by its new owner in an attempt to make them profitable again.

The job had been far from straightforward and she had put in a lot of hours only for her line manager to, once again, put the results forward as his own.

Totally disillusioned and with her dreams of being successful seemingly in tatters she was on the verge of quitting her job when she received a totally unexpected phone call.

Claiming to be a large finance house they had told Maddi that they were impressed with the work she had just finished and were interested in her for a position within their company. At first she had thought it was a joke but they had eventually convinced her and she had gone along for an interview.

That had been when she had first met Henry Thornton, the owner and CEO of Mayfair Finance.

When she had been shown into his office Madeline had expected to meet someone younger, possibly in his forties, not a man in his early sixties.

However, her opinion of him quickly changed as they sat and chatted.

Henry Thornton had a keen mind and, despite his age, a sparkling personality. A little under six feet tall with salt and pepper hair and deep blue eyes she could tell he had clearly looked after himself when he was younger, judging by what she could see of his physique under the expensive tailored suit.

She also found that he exuded charm and even though he was over sixty she couldn't help but feel that maybe twenty years earlier he might well have had her creaming her panties.

The interview process had been drawn out; she had three meetings, one with Henry, a second with the director who would be her immediate boss and then, finally, with the HR director. Along with the formal interviews there had also been the social meetings where, along with Aaron, she had had dinner with all the directors and senior team members to get their approval.

When it was all over the company had made her an extremely generous offer, almost doubling her current salary and including excellent health and holiday benefits with it.

After discussing it with her husband and getting his input she had eagerly accepted.

That had been over two years ago and now at 29, just a few months younger than her cute, dark-haired husband, who had been her first and only lover, she was well on the way to achieving the success she had started to desire.

Her hard work and long hours had resulted in three rapid promotions as well as a certain amount of discontent in her marriage, but now she was currently Mayfair Finances chief financial officer.


Overall, they had been happy years despite her disappointment over not being able to have children, she thought to herself.

"What are you wearing?" Aaron's voice interrupted her deliberations.

"I thought these."

Maddi held up her skimpiest red silk underwear and a pair of black seamed stockings.

"Nice." Her husband could feel his cock responding at the thought of his wife dressed in them.

"Down boy. They're for later, if you're good that is." She chastised him with a cheeky grin.

"If that's a promise I'll be as good as gold." He snickered.

Quickly slipping on the lingerie she rolled the stockings up her long legs and fastened them to the clasps on the suspender belt.

"So did Henry tell you what this dinner is about?" Aaron enquired casually, still leaning against the door frame, watching his wife as she got dressed.

"Err.... no not really."

"Not really. What does that mean?"

"Umm.... it means that he.... he err.... he just said he would like to have dinner with us."

"You don't seem very certain about that."

Madeline concentrated her attention on her wardrobe and ignored his comment.

"What dress should I wear?"

"Your blue one." He said quickly before repeating his question, "You don't seem too sure about why Henry wants to see us."

"He just said he wanted us to have dinner with him. That's all." She threw back over her shoulder, picking the dress he suggested out of her closet.

It wasn't her preferred choice but if it was what Aaron wanted her to wear she would go along with it.

With a hem that was several inches above her knee it meant she would have to be careful how she sat down if she didn't want to flash her stocking tops. At the same time the fitted bodice sculpted itself to her pert 34B breasts and exposed sufficient cleavage to draw attention to her chest without making her appear too slutty.

"Zip me up please honey." Maddi turned her back to her husband once she had wriggled her slim body into the tight-fitting dress.

Pulling up the zipper he slipped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck.

"Do you think he's going to retire? Make you CEO?"

"I have no idea." Wriggling out of his grasp she reached down into the wardrobe.

"Ready to go then?"

"Just my shoes...." She chuckled, sliding her feet into a pair of black 3" heels, "... and now I'm done."

Collecting her bag on the way out of the door she eased herself into the passenger seat of her car, letting her dress ride up to provide her husband with a tantalising glimpse of bare thigh above the tops of her stockings as he took the driver's seat.

Since taking the job with Mayfair Finance their monetary situation had improved considerably.

They had moved from their old apartment to a plush new, 2-bedroom flat in a much better part of town and Maddi was now driving a brand-new BMW rather than her six-year-old Honda.

"So, where are we headed?"


"Swanky." Aaron snickered, turning on the engine and pulling out of the buildings underground garage into the main street.

"You know Henry. He likes to push the boat out from time to time."

"Well, he can certainly afford it." Her husband responded keeping his eyes focused on the road.

Madeline didn't answer, she knew her boss was wealthy and had a lifestyle that she aspired to.

It took them a little under half-an-hour to get to the restaurant through the light evening traffic. For the most part, while they drove, Madeline said little and simply looked out of the car window barely noticing the shops and houses as they passed them by.

Aaron tried to engage her in conversation a couple of times; mostly about the reason for the dinner, but when he got nothing more than he had previously he gave up and concentrated on driving.

Parking the car a short distance from the restaurant, he went round to open the door for his wife, stepping aside to let her get out.

With a smile Maddi swung her legs round, her dress riding up her thighs so that once again her stocking tops and an inch of bare flesh above them was revealed, giving the two young men walking by a free show.

The pair stopped to stare as she slowly got to her feet, tugging her hem down and giving them a cheeky smile.

"Very nice." One of them smirked.

Stifling a laugh, she took her husband's arm and as the pair of them walked towards the entrance, she couldn't stop herself from eventually dissolving into a fit of giggles at her little flashing escapade.

"You did that on purpose." Aaron smiled knowingly.

Maddi shrugged, biting her lower lip, "Are you complaining?"

"As long as that's all it is, then no."

She stopped and kissed his cheek, "You know I love you don't you?"

Aaron looked at her with a slightly puzzled expression, "Of course I do and I love you to."

"Good, now that's settled let's go in."

The maître-de showed them through to the back of the restaurant and the private booth where Henry Thornton was waiting, placing two menus on the table before taking his leave.

"Nice to see you again Aaron." The older man stood up and shook his hand before kissing Maddi lightly on the cheek.

"I hope you don't mind I ordered a bottle of wine for us." Henry continued, ushering them to sit down and going to pour them both a drink.

"Not at all, that's absolutely fine." Madeline acquiesced demurely.

"So, what's the occasion Henry?" Still curious the younger man asked immediately he sat down, "Why the invite?"


"It's ok Madeline. I'm sure your husband would like to know what this is all about."

"I certainly would."

"Well, I will tell you but, if you don't mind, I'd like us to enjoy our meal first." The older man proposed in answer to the question, smiling at them both as he raised his glass to them.

Both Maddi and Aaron accepted his suggestion without argument and picking up the menus they settled back in their seats to decide on their dinner.

As they expected from a restaurant picked by Henry the food was exceptional while the bottle of wine that accompanied it was just superb, and the three of them chatted amicably as they ate.

"Now would you like dessert or coffee?"

Putting his knife and fork down the company CEO looked between his two guests.

Both agreed on a coffee, stating they were too full from the excellent dinner they had just eaten for any dessert.

Waiting for the server to bring their drinks Madeline shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She had managed to remain relatively calm during the meal but now, with Henry's announcement imminent, she was becoming increasingly nervous at what he was going to say.

Having basically lied to her husband when she had told him that she didn't know why her boss wanted to see them, she was deeply worried about what his reaction would be when he found out. She knew what she wanted it to be but she wasn't very hopeful.

"So, what's this all about Henry?" Aaron repeated his earlier question as soon as the waiter had departed, leaving the three of them alone.

Across the table the older man took a deep breath, composing himself before speaking, and Maddi felt her stomach tighten. Every time she had thought this moment through in her head it had ended badly.

"Can I ask that for the moment that everything I tell you is kept between the three of us?"


Puzzled as to what the mystery could be Aaron agreed while Madeline said nothing and kept her face impassive.

"The bottom-line Aaron is that I'm dying."

It was the calm way with which he said it that made the younger man think, for a moment, that he had mis-heard him.

"I'm sorry you're.... you're what?"

Jerking upright in his seat as comprehension set in Aaron stared in shock at him.

"I'm dying Aaron. It's an inoperable brain tumour. I have a year at most but its likely to be less." Henry stated quietly for the second time; his manner quite serene and composed.

"Jesus Christ. I... I don't know what to say."

Aaron looked at his wife trying to gauge her reaction and was surprised to see her face almost expressionless although he did note a moistness forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Please Aaron. Let me finish."

Almost reluctantly he switched his attention back to his wife's boss.

"I'm sorry Henry, please go on."

The older man began again, taking his time and pausing frequently to think about what he was saying, as he spoke.

"I don't know how much your wife has told you about me but, just for the record, my own dear Betty passed away a few years back. We never had children. I won't go into the medical reasons but sufficient to say it wasn't possible for her. We talked about adoption when we were younger but there was always something that got in the way."

Aaron nodded, the situation he was describing was similar to that of him and his own wife. Apart from that Henry was only telling him things he already knew, things that Maddi had told him previously.

"I have no living relatives, no one to inherit the things I own and no family to take over the company."

He paused to let his words sink in and then continued.

"So, with that in mind I have, with your wife's input and agreement, put a plan in motion."

Puzzled by the statement Aaron looked between the two of them.

"A plan? What sort of plan?"

"Well, firstly I'm grooming Madeline to take over the company. When I step back, as I'll eventually have to, she'll become the next CEO with the salary and all the benefits that come with that position.

"Secondly, we... I mean Madeline, has agreed to conceive a child with me so I will have an heir to inherit my fortune. In return, you will both receive substantial financial compensation, sufficient to see you through the rest of your lives as well as five percent of my shares in the company. You will also be able to move out of your flat and into my house."

For several long seconds no one said a word, Aaron simply sitting and staring disbelievingly at the older man, trying to make sense of what he had just said to them.

"Is this some sort of sick joke?"

Eventually the younger man found his voice and broke the oppressive silence that had settled over the table.

"No, I... we... we're deadly serious Aaron."

Henry's face was expressionless as he confirmed his statement was true

"Like fuck she has!" Aaron exclaimed angrily, "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Aaron please, I want to do this for us as well as for Henry." Madeline finally spoke, interrupting the two men.

"Us! Us! Fuck off, how the fuck is 'you having his baby' for us?"

His voice rose several decibels as he glared at the pair of them.

"Think about it." She took hold of her husband's hand, "We've always talked about having children and this way we'll be financially secure for the remainder of our lives. With the extra money you can start up on your own like you've always wanted to and maybe we can look into fertility treatment and have one of our own later."