Hypergeniture Bk. 01 Pt. 04


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This was heaven, and I was with the angels.

• • •

We woke up little after midday with my sisters electing to stay in bed a little longer.

Shower, shave, get back to work... That was my motto going forward. After throwing on some clothes, I decided to check in on our mother. Like her daughters, she also seemed to be taking a pyjama day.

Poking my head through Eve's bedroom door, I saw a cold tray of food. The staff had brought it to her and she simply never ate a bite. It seemed our talk in the gym hadn't really helped; it was just another false start to a possibly better life for her.

There was no sight of my parent, and I assumed she must've been in the gym. Curiosity got the better of me -- I tried to resist it -- but I felt an urge to take a look through her things. It was the impulse of a son who wanted to help, and not of someone looking to invade her privacy.

All I wanted to do was understand her...

Snooping through the bedroom, I didn't see anything interesting. There was a sheet of paper, which held yet another copy of her list of demands. This time, she seemed to have been working on it; looking for a combination of requests that I would actually grant. Some were crossed out and there was at least one new one, added to the top. 'Leave your father's death alone!'

Maybe she had a point.

Feeling sufficiently irritated by Eve, I decided to head to the home office. When I arrived there, I found Natasha seated behind my desk.

My cousin loved being a nurse. It was her dream job, even though it ended up driving her to drugs. The leap from that line of work to the new one actually wasn't that big and she thrived as my assistant.

Taking and making about a hundred calls a day, Tash loved talking to people and she enjoyed representing me. Her loyalty was again without question and her good-ol-self was slowly emerging from the shell of her secrets.

Still... I couldn't simply forget.

"Good morning, sir," she greeted with a cheeky wink. Her London accent was becoming more posh by the day as she enjoyed her high-powered position.

I was happy to see her in good spirits. "How are you? Feeling any withdrawal?"

"Nah," my cousin smiled weakly. "I saw the fancy psychiatrist this morning, while you were still in bed with your lovers. He prescribed medication to help me transition from the pills. I'll see the psychologist later... I think they want me to take some time for myself. Alone."

"That's okay," I assured. "You can take as much time as you need, but I'm here for you... I love you."

My words helped cast a radiant smile over Tash's face. She wanted to stick around; she wanted to be as close to me as possible. I knew she also wanted to take our relationship back to where it was during those mad days in London. Luckily, she also knew she needed time to think and heal before making any more decisions.

Time I needed too, to try to make it work... Or, prepare to tell her it wouldn't.

I was with my sisters. Of course, I loved Tash in every single way you could possibly love someone, but there was no way they'd allow it.

My cousin could read my mind as I stood there calculating. "I'm sure you can convince them."

Biting my cheek, I shrugged, shook my head, and took Tash's seat at the desk. She circled and plopped herself down on one of the chairs reserved for guests and small meetings.

"You're an expert on the twins," my cousin continued. "Make them see things our way."

"Our way?"

"I love them too... Obviously, we're not as close, but that doesn't mean I don't love them. It doesn't mean I can't show them love."

"Show them love?"

Tash turned to pleading as she put her hands together and begged. "Olly, all I'm asking for is another chance. I know I've been unsure in the past, but I've been thinking about it, and this is what fate wants me to do."

Fate. An interesting word for something I wish I understood.

One thing leads to the next and like that we can trace events. That's not destiny, it's inevitability. In a way, that's what fate meant between me and my cousin. The time we spent together; the way we grew up... Love was inevitable, but if that was all there was to it, I'd have been able to deny her wishes outright.

No, that wasn't the sum of our connection and I couldn't deny her. I had to hear her out because somewhere along the line inevitability and destiny collided and made 'fate' into something more than a four-letter word.

"I can't convince my sisters of anything," I insisted. "Believe me, I want everything to be perfect and everyone to be happy. I want you, Tash, but I also need them."

My cousin saw hope. "You can make a plan. We can make a plan."

"What plan? There's no way this will work!"

Tash was despondent; her shoulders drooping as she realised I had no strategy. We'd both exhausted the issue, but then a voice from the door bust through our resignation.

"I can think of a plan," Tecla declared. She walked into the room, followed by her sister, and the two of them had a real cocky aura.

The twins had spent the morning plotting, as twin sisters often do... This was going to be interesting.

"Olly paid his dues to us a long time ago," Tecla explained. "We've depended on our brother for almost everything. He's always taken good care of us, and he's still taking good care of us."

"He's the only person we could ever rely on," Elle added.

"Exactly. We owe our brother a lot, and we love him more than we could ever show. Really, we don't have enough heart to give or enough words to say how much we adore and appreciate you, bro."

After the trip to my mother's room, the talk with Tash, and now this, my eyes were beginning to well up. "You don't owe me a thing, girls. I know you love me! I'd do anything for you."

Tecla came closer and took my hand. "Total trust and respect is what you can expect from us. So, we're going to make a promise... And, an offer."

Taking her cue, Elle became adorably business-like, sitting next to Natasha on the other side of the desk. "We will be completely faithful to you; forever and for always. It's what we want and it's what we'll be doing -- no negotiation. It's also what you've earned from us... You've earned it."

"Yes," Tecla affirmed, "this isn't us being push-overs. You took on responsibilities, and now we're giving you rights in return."

Elle nodded. "We know you'll always care for us and love us. All we ask is that you follow a few extra rules in exchange for a few extra benefits."

I was impressed by the girls' slick proposal, knowing there were members of my board who were less persuasive. They definitely had my interest as Tecla started listing the details of their deal. "You can have as many women as you like, but we need to approve them first."

I sighed loudly, making sure to be a tad theatrical to make my point. "I don't want other women."

Tecla smirked. "What about our cousin?"

"Okay, yes--"

"And what about the dozens of models and movie stars that'll be throwing themselves at you?"

I took the tone of a businessman, enjoying the chance to play at being a billionaire prince of the universe. "I could ask the same thing of you. The money will make you desirable--"

"It's not the same," Elle interrupted. "We have different needs and wants. You, dear brother, are a man above all else. A very rich and powerful man who has deprived himself--"

"Ahem," Tecla cleared her throat, not wanting Elle to get too lost in the weeds. Their strategy was to focus on the big picture. They knew if my mind started to wander, I would get lost in thought and deny them. I was a thinker, a planner... They needed me to be far more impulsive than was my nature.

Natasha was stunned as the twins exuded ultimate confidence in their offer. This was a dream come true for her, and for me... There was no stopping the girls once they get together and decide to pursue a goal as a unit.

They'd put paradise on the table, and who were we to refuse? But, it might've been too good to be true...

"So, I get to have lots of lovers, blah-blah," I teased, almost making Elle giggle, but not totally piercing her solid resolve. "What are the conditions? What do you want in return?"

"No escorts, strippers, or sex workers of any kind," Tecla offered. "Plus, you're not allowed to keep secrets from us. We want to know everything about those relationships. That includes the stuff you do in the bedroom."

"Of course. What else?"

"We don't need to set any other rules," Tec smiled

Elle agreed, "We know you'll always put us first, so why would we need anymore rules? Olly, we trust you... We don't trust Natasha. If she commits properly, we'll let her into our relationship. She has to be certain. No cold feet."

My other sister echoed the sentiment, "Yeah. Sorry cuz, but we won't let you hurt our brother again."

Our cousin saw an opportunity she couldn't let go to waste, but she was frightened and unsure... She bit down on her thumb, thinking. "How do I show my commitment? How do I prove my loyalty?"

Elle shrugged. Of my two sisters, she was the most hostile to other women, but she also wanted to give me everything she could. "Olly will have to decide how you prove your loyalty."

I agreed, "If you work hard at leaving the pills behind, we can talk about being together..."

Natasha smiled. She would do her very best.

39 • Four Letter Words

Alicia had been keeping herself scarce while working hard at helping my cousin navigate a tricky time during her life. I also help but think her gentle withdrawal was also the side effect of me using a four-letter word to tell her how I felt about her back in Singapore.

Although I hadn't seen much of my head of security, I knew she'd been making moves on my behalf and called her to the office for a one-on-one.

"The doctor... What do we know?" I asked.

"Our people are 'talking' to him as we speak."

"Edward Sardonis?"

"A ghost story."

I nodded. "What about... What about my father's death?"

"The police seemed totally convinced it was an accident. He was drunk at the time."

"Aright," I accepted. "And, Liz Wharry's death?"

Here, Alicia shrugged. I knew she'd convinced herself it was murder, but the the doctor being the source of our troubles made sense. He had no connection to her that we knew of, but we'd soon know for sure as he 'talked' to our people.

There was still a lot we didn't know, but everyone seemed to be feeling good about the situation. We felt more safer now than we had before -- more liberated. My panic attacks were fading, my memory was solid and I hadn't lost track of anything. Plus, there was the promise of a perfect relationship with Elle, Tecla, Tash...

"My sisters made a very business-like proposal earlier," I remarked, giving Alicia a knowing smile.

She feigned ignorance, "Oh?"

"It's almost like they went to you for advice..."

"Is that so?"

I was charmed by Alicia's playfulness in the moment. "Your help is appreciated. I'm trusting you didn't manipulate, coerce--"

"Of course not, sir. I simply reminded your sisters that many women have found unique relationships with powerful men to be advantageous."

"How feminist of you," I teased. "No, really, I'm angling to be a polygamist while also running the world's foremost leader for women in enterprise?"

Alicia shrugged. "I don't see a contradiction, as long as we're all having fun."

With her cheeks turning red, I could see the baby-face brunette was reaching the limit of the flirtation she'd indulge. Unlike Skylar, Alicia had hard boundaries that only eased a little here and there. If I loved her -- and I did -- patience would be essential... After all, my sisters had thrown open the door to new adventures.

With a member of staff? Maybe that's not the best place to start.

In any case, I needed Alicia too much to take the risk now. We were beginning to think the threat had passed as we took down Natasha's dealer. There was a general feeling among our security people that we were now safe and secure. So, Alicia could begin to focus on the bigger picture, beyond our protection.

I made a snap decision. "I'm promoting you again. This time to be my personal chief of staff. I'll write a job description, but you can expect to be in charge of all my private affairs."

"Sounds challenging, sir."

"True... I wouldn't want to push you too hard, but you've proved yourself capable of handling a broad portfolio. The pay rise would only be modest, but you'd have one hell of a title."

Alicia seemed to be considering the proposition intensely. She really wasn't sure if she'd be able to handle that kind of workload and I didn't blame her. It turns out that having billions in the bank led to thousands of complex arrangements that required near constant management. Everything was one massive garden, consisting of different species that each required special care.

I was still waiting for a reply when Skylar walked into the room. "G'day, sir. What's with the atmosphere?"

Explaining the situation to Skylar, she lobbied for Alicia to take the job (sensing that the head of security post would eventually go to her). "Sounds good, ma'am. Don't let opportunities like this go to waste, if you want my advice."

Agreeing, I posed the question to Alicia, "Will you take the job?"

The baby-faced brunette pondered a few seconds longer, biting her lip, pouting, and clapping her tongue. She rubbed her chin and thought and thought... This was important to her; she didn't want to disappoint me. There was a loyalty burning fierce behind her eyes as she considered the implications -- the ways she could fail if she wasn't ready.

Eventually, she made her choice. "I'd be honoured to take the job, sir. You'll brief me and I'll get started."


I reached out to shake Alicia's hand as we concluded our deal, just as the butler entered the room. He was carrying a massive gift basket that was so big he had to swerve to keep his balance.

The sight of him tilting to one side then the next made me smile as he got closer with the batch of presents in hand. He set it down on the desk and gestured to it like a magician saying ta-da!

"What the hell is all this? From my sisters?" I asked.

"It arrived earlier, sir," the butler explained in his graceful tone. "Security were examining the contents for some time, which is why I did not bring it sooner. It's from Miss Vika Aspidova, apologising for interrupting you at the arena the other night."

Wine, chocolates, a signed picture, a brand-new tennis racquet... The Russian redhead had gone all out with her gift, topping it off with a sweet card. The envelope had already been opened (no doubt as my staff checked for arsenic), and enclosed inside was an expensive floral note.

Sorry about disturbing your match. I hope you'll come watch me play one day, so that we can meet again. Love, Vika.

"Love?" I mumbled, rereading the strange word-choice.

"English isn't her mother-tongue, sir," Alicia reminded. "Maybe she thinks that's how all correspondence should end."

Skylar wasn't so sure. "Or, she meant to use the word in the hope you'd be intrigued and call her..."

I didn't think that was likely. "Her boyfriend is an actual prince."

Alicia and Skylar excused themselves, hardly able to suppress their cheeky smiles and girly giggles. I shook my head, going through the basket one more time. The effort was flattering and the card was sweet. Sure, some assistant probably put the thing together, but it was still mighty kind.

If Alicia and Skylar could come back later and tell me the doctor-dealer was the sum of the threat against me, life could be perfect. It would mean the suspicion about my father's death was unwarranted.

The rest could be easily explained -- the support I got from the Brits and Liz Wharry's death...

Yes, I was getting past the suspicions.

Maybe far too quickly.

• • •

The next day, I walked into the office to find the gift basket still standing there. I shook my head, knowing that a lot of it needed to go in either the pantry or fridge. Picking up the basket, I decided to go put it all away myself.

I was still reluctant to have staff handle all these chores. Before the money, no one had ever made my bed for me. Not even when I was in those fancy boarding schools.

When I got to the kitchen, I found my sisters raiding cupboards with their backs turned to me. Quite daringly, they'd taken a pair of white button-up shirts from my closet and wore them like uniforms with nothing but their black underwear underneath and cute tube-socks on their feet. Perfect outfits to match with their inky-black hair, which flowed far down their backs.

The sight of the twins searching, bending over, and standing on tip toes was all too much to resist. I crept up behind them with sexual intent; keen to repay them for being so absolutely wonderful. Putting a hand on each of their firm little asses, I made my siblings giggle in surprise and delight.

"You two are fantastic," I declared, letting my fingers run along the fabric between their legs. "I think I'm going to marry the both of you."

Tecla pouted. "You can't marry your sisters, silly."

I begged to differ, hooking the band of Tec's boyshorts and pulling them down until her glistening sex was revealed. "I'm a very wealthy and powerful man," I teased.

"Mmm... You are," my sister responded; her voice going lower as my fingers found their way between her warm pussy lips.

My other hand was still massaging Elle's ass, but she spun around and sat on the kitchen counter, breaking free from my touch. "Don't be crazy you two. We'll get caught fooling around if we do it here."

I was feeling particularly brave that morning. Giving Elle a wink, I sank onto my heels and put my tongue against her twin's pussy before dragging it up along the warm and wet folds.

"Ohhh... Olly..." Tec moaned with the reverberations easy to feel as I sampled her pussy from top to bottom. "Ohhh... Wow... You need to feel this, sis."

Elle folded her arms and gave a mock look of disapproval, but the rest of her body didn't share the sentiment. Her knees were parting and the moist patch against her underwear was getting bigger. She was hot for her brother's tongue, and the threat of getting caught only made her want it more.

Yes, no matter what she said, Elle liked the danger and the taboo. It made everything between us even better and the thought of getting caught turned us on.

I turned my focus solely onto her twin for a while; letting the textures of her impossibly tight pussy dance over my tongue. Tantalising my taste-buds. Her labia was hardly visible and I had to really work to get the traction I needed, but it was worth it as my sibling turned to putty in my hands. With a little patience, I found the bundle of nerves I was looking for, gently sucking her clit as she moaned out a melody.

I kept this up, feeling my little sister push herself onto her toes and throw her weight forward for balance. She was getting close, but I had to mix things up to really get her going... I started flicking my tongue hard and fast against her sexy pussy -- quickly lapping away at her feminine nectar and making happy friction.

"Ohhh... Olly..."

Gripping her thighs, I pushed my head forward and started licking with more force and determination. It was like a wildness had been unleashed and I lost track of all thought, except the thought it took to send Tec to heaven and back as she came hard right into her brother's mouth. Her pussy celebrated the orgasm with sweet girlcum as she stumbled with weak knees and a palpitating heart.

"Ohhh... Olly..." she moaned again, but this time it was with a broken voice, doing its best to be discrete.
