I Go on a Date Pt. 01


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Chris and this Brian dude were exchanging sexually charged emails, talking about different shit they wanted to do, kinky things. It was absolutely disgusting. Not the sex part, I consider myself kind of a closet kink. Kinky sex doesn't bother me, but my wife wanting to do those things with some stranger made my stomach churn. Why would she be telling this guy she wanted to do all that shit when she didn't want to do it with me?

I was angry. I had never been this angry in my life. I thought about going into our bedroom and waking Chris up by throwing her around the room. Maybe slap the shit out of her. Strangulation wasn't out of the question. I was so angry I might have done it except the kids were in the house. I couldn't scare them by beating the shit out of her even if she did deserve it.

One thing I realized reading the emails was Chris hadn't cheated yet. She was planning it for the next time I left town for work. I also saw that they had planned a previous encounter but Chris had backed out at the last moment. I guess the church-lady was having a hard time getting up enough courage to become the slut.


Tonight, after my date question, I sat down at our kitchen table and motioned for Chris to do the same. I was trying to calm the situation, give Chris time to digest the it. My hopes were it would all end there. Maybe my confession of planned betrayal would help Chris understand the magnitude of her plans, and she would confess her own?

I had been planning this for the past two weeks. I still wasn't sure if my date-plan would work but I was pretty sure how Chris would react. Her jealousy had always been an issue for us, and I was sure she wouldn't accept the 'open marriage' proposal I had just floated. But, given her planned betrayal, I wasn't sure I knew her as well as I previously thought.

Chris sat back down with her arms on the table in front of her. She was wringing her hand together like she wanted to crush them. I think she was considering how she could get them around my throat. She had, after all, just a few minutes ago, tried to take my head off with a water glass.

I had given her the 'open marriage' option mainly to make her think about what she was planning. I had suggested she take a lover as well. And now, as she sat there wringing her hands, I was a little worried she was considering it. She hadn't started yelling and screaming yet, but, if I knew Chris, it was coming. At least, I hoped it was coming.

If this went the wrong way, if she tried to take me up on the offer, I would switch gears quickly. I knew if she decided me fucking Vic was an acceptable arrangement, which provided her the option of fucking her prospective boyfriend, our marriage was over.

You see, my date with Victoria wasn't meant to destroy my marriage, it was my attempt to save it.

In the past couple of weeks I had given the situation a lot of thought. We had young kids and what I thought was a loving relationship, but now Chris was trying to hookup for kinky sex. I couldn't understand why, but I loved this woman and decided to at least fight for my marriage before I threw in the towel. Chris hadn't actually had sex with the bastard but it appeared she was going to. My first step was to rock her world by helping her understand the magnitude of her betrayal.


Although Christine had always been jealous, I didn't give her a lot of reasons. While I, like most males on the planet, was attracted to beautiful young women, I wasn't looking to score. I understood I was off the market and was proud that many males in our audience were envious of my beautiful wife. No matter the beautiful woman in front of me, and as much as I appreciated her attributes, I wasn't interested in complicating my situation. I valued my marriage and my family.

My thoughts on fidelity didn't stop Chris's jealousy at last year's company bar-b-que. While there, I spent some time talking to Victoria, one of my female colleagues. It was just an innocent conversation between coworkers, but it was going to change the course of my life.

As we talked, I was looking over the crowd. People were sitting at tables, eating their bar-b-que, and conversing with each other. It was all very casual, a relaxed summer atmosphere. I liked my job and was well respected at work. I was proud to be there and show off my family. Then, I spotted Chris. She was standing alone, looking directly at Vic and me. When she saw me she stared, giving me the evil eye. As she saw me notice her, she glared at me then turned and walked the other direction.

Vic and I were just talking shop. I knew Chris and her issues. She was in a huff but I wasn't paying attention to her craziness. She wanted me to follow her and apologize but I wasn't doing anything wrong and wasn't going to placate her.

What bothered her most was that Vic is a nice looking woman. She normally dresses very conservatively. At work, she was a consummate professional and while always friendly, she wasn't flirty. I appreciated her beauty but didn't sexually think of her. Besides, both she and I are married, so we are just colleagues.

Today, Vic was dressed in summer attire. She had on a beautiful sundress that highlighted her slim waist and nice legs.

"What a beautiful day, huh, Vic?"

"Yeah, it doesn't get much better." She paused. "I'm excited about my next project."

Her husband was off playing a game of cornhole, and I knew Vic sought me out and had a purpose to our conversation. She was very driven, and I knew she wanted to talk shop.

"Yeah, it's an important assignment, but I'm sure you will do fine."

As Vic talked about the challenges of the assignment, I continued looking over the crowd. I saw Chris was with the kids, watching them play a game of tug-a-war.

Vic is a project manager and was discussing who would be assigned to her next team. My role is the program manager, and I have oversight over project assignments. Vic's next project was one of them. My main responsibility at the beginning of a project was to arrange the team assignments, and like any good project manager, Vic was asking for the best people.

Vic and I discussed the employees, and we were laughing at the various quirks of the engineers I was planning to assign to her team. As our conversation progressed, I glanced around and saw Chris again. She had walked back from the kids and again was standing alone in the crowd looking directly at me. I knew that look. Chris had anger in her eyes. I knew she was angry finding me standing there still talking to Vic, laughing like we were old friends. I wanted to diffuse the situation.

"Vic, you'll have to excuse me. We can talk more about the assignments Monday. Enjoy your picnic."

"Sure, Ron, but I'm not giving up. I want Carlos on my team. He's perfect for the assignment, and I will need his technical leadership."

"Sounds good, Vic. We'll talk Monday." I left her and walked over to Chris.

"Chris, did the kids win the tug-of-war?" She knew it was small-talk on my part. She could tell I had already sensed her anger. Maybe she was thinking that I might felt guilty or something, but I didn't. I knew I had no reason.

Chris did what she does when she's angry. She gave me the silent treatment. I tried again.

"We should eat. Let's grab the kids and find a table." Chris just turned and walked back toward the children's area.

It was a cold drive home after our meal, and the evening wasn't much better. I hated these episodes because her reactions were so unreasonable. Vic and I were just having a business conversation but Chris saw it as something more.

For the next few days, Chris was mostly silent and sex was definitely out of the question. During these times I always did my best to calm her down. I found from earlier incidents, it did no good to try and talk to her. How do you argue with an irrational person?

So ultimately, I fell on my sword. Tuesday I brought home flowers and a card that said, 'I love you and only you, forever'. Chris accepted them with a smile and gave me a light kiss. She appreciated my attention, but I could tell she wasn't over it.

By Thursday, things came to a head. By the time the kids were in bed, I had had enough.

"What the hell, Chris? Vic is a colleague of mine, and we were just talking about upcoming assignments."

"Assignments, my ass," Chris yelled. "You two were talking and touching like old lovers."

"We were not touching." Then I laughed. "Have you seen the size of her husband? If my intentions were less than honorable, besides you divorcing me, Bill would kill me. He used to be a defensive lineman for Penn State."

"How do I know, maybe he's one of those guys that likes to share?"

"Chris, you're talking crazy. I don't know any husband that likes to share."

I then told Chris about the upcoming project Vic would be working on and explained our conversation. After some wailing and gnashing of teeth, I could feel the energy of Chris's anger start to dissipate. I think she finally understood she was being unreasonable. She ultimately knew the jealousy drove her to be irrational. If I just stayed calm and showed her my love, she would eventually calm down. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you with all of my heart. I'm not letting you go until you get over your anger."

"Ron, I..."

"Shh!" I said calmly.

I could tell she wanted to hold on to her jealousy but her emotions had finally worn her down. I just continued to stand there hugging her gently.

"I love you Chris, and only you," I said quietly over and over until I felt her relax. Finally, she looked up at me and gave away a small smile. "Now let's go upstairs, and I'll show you just how much I love only you."


But tonight, in this, the most unusual of evenings, I was sitting there staring into Chris's eyes after having told her I was going on a date tomorrow night. A date with my beautiful colleague, Vic.

In my declaration, I even suggested she consider taking a boyfriend. It was all part of my plan. I wanted Chris to think about the world she was creating and feel the pain and anguish as I had these past couple of weeks. I wanted her to understand that her world was changing irrevocably, starting now.

Going down the path we were headed would forever alter our marriage. Trust, loyalty and fidelity would suddenly be vapors. My plan had relied on Chris's jealousy and anticipating her choices. Choices that were not certian these days.

Then... as I sat quietly, expectantly, I got exactly the reaction I was waiting for. Chris angrily picked up the empty plate in front of her. She reared it back with that elbow forward motion women seem to throw things. I ducked under the table, trying to hide. I was reflexively covering my face and head with my arms, anticipating the flying projectile, but the plate didn't come. I slowly eased my head above the level of the table, opening my squinted eyes, worried the plate might still come in my direction. Across the table, Chris was putting the plate down in front of her. She had decided not to attempt my decapitation.

Tears were streaming down her face. I don't think she could believe what I was saying. How could the husband she thought she knew so well be making this request? I could see the shock and confusion in her eyes. I could also see the pain.

She was hurting, and I considered that a good thing. She looked up at me across the table, I could see her anger building, "Fuck you, Ron, how can you ask such a question? You think I'm going to give you permission to fuck that slut from your office. I knew she was after you since that day at the summer party."

She stood up abruptly and headed out of the kitchen.

"Go fuck yourself. And you are not going on any date," she screamed.

A few seconds later I heard the door to our bedroom slam. I might have to repair the door jam after that one.


Later that night, when I finally went to bed, Chris was asleep. I could see the discarded tissue on her nightstand, and I began to have second thoughts. As I laid down, I wasn't sure if I could sleep. Thoughts of my family filled my head. Perhaps I should have found another way to make Chris understand the damage to our marriage she caused by looking for a hookup? Did I have to go nuclear to save my marriage? But as I considered it, my thoughts hardened. This 'date' was the only way I thought I could get through to her and by god, I was going to see it through.

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AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

Why disliked

Work should never intrude into family/friend time

Work stays at work unless a working lunch.

Time off should always be time for private talks etc

Work matters stay at work along with talks to opposite sex in non work environment

Except in private talks in groups

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


JunglediffdaddyJunglediffdaddy4 months ago

Your writing is so redundant. You repeat the same things over and over we get it already. Work on getting to the point when you write a story.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

At first I was like, "ugh cheating bastard", then I was like, "ugh cheating slut." Sometimes going nuclear is the only way to make them see sense. Sadly she's already cheated (though not crossed the physical line) and has clear intent to take it all the way. That's gotta hurt and I'm curious to hear her side.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

OK, this plot is so silly and contrivedthat it rivals a cartoon. Ehy would anyone did absurd, scratch that say stupid ploy?

Better to use shock and awe; shoe the e-mails and gril her. Finish it right there. If was truly planning this then trust is history. OR finish this stupid dinner table charade and open the e-mails and say something such as, "Remember how you felt about my impending date with Vic, which was a fabrication by the way? Now you may have a clue how I'm feeling".....and go from there.

Get a proof reader for plot review!

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