I Got Caught in Girls Underclothes Ch. 10


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She was now standing, her skirt still hiked a couple of inches higher than intended. We were both blushing bright red. She was having trouble breathing regularly as she bent to pull her skirt back to its normal level. "I think... we're done for today," and she glanced down just for a second. It was still there. Once aroused, this thing of mine is persistent. "You should probably... untuck your shirt." I nodded and did it immediately, and she released me, "You can go now."

I made straight for the door but made sure I was untucked before going past any teachers that might be in the lounge area. I didn't want to get her in any trouble. She was just trying to help someone who wasn't looking for help.

Principal Thompson did notice that my session had ended at the halfway mark, "Is everything ok Tyler?"

I couldn't call her Teresa. What was her last name? Waddel. Teresa's name was Waddel, "Ms. Waddel looked a little flushed. She may be coming down with something," and I was out the door before she could ask anything else.

I was pleased with my little plan. I wasn't sure what it would buy me, but maybe a little less pressure. I'd almost made a terrible mistake once. I couldn't take chances.

Next session, I saw the most obvious result of my plan. Teresa was in slacks, very conservative slacks to the ankles. I guess it had been a success but I would miss her legs. They had been the only thing I had looked forward to in our sessions.

"Tyler. Sorry about our last session."

"No. It was my fault," and here was a situation where the truth worked as well as a lie. She didn't believe me. She blamed herself for letting things get out of hand.

Her tactics changed as much as her clothes, "Bill and I have compared notes about you. It seems you're the only person we haven't gotten anything out of. Oh, we've learned quite a lot about you... indirectly. But there is one area that everyone seems to be in the dark about. As soon as we can clear that up, you're free to go. No more counseling."

Keep calm I told myself, "How can I help you?" No reason not to sound cooperative.

She chuckled, "Oh, we've heard that one before."

"No. Really. What do you need help with?" No reason to start resisting yet. I was going to get there soon enough.

She fiddled with her computer which was unusual for her, "Ordinarily, I wouldn't show material like this to someone your age, but since you've already seen it, why not?" She hit one more button and up on the screen came photos I never wanted anyone to see again.

There were the shots from the locker room, me in the panties, the scratches on my back, and Sis's breasts. I shut my eyes. "You're playing dirty."

"You haven't given me any other way to go. I can see these mean something to you. It's interesting that no one knows who the girl attached to these breasts is. That includes all of the cheerleaders which seems to be all of the girls you know at Chandler High. So I'm assuming she's not one of the cheerleaders. I've spoken to your parents. They're in the dark. For that matter your two sidekicks don't seem to know either."

"You talked to Bobby and Billy? You have no right. I liked you better when you were trying get me to talk with the short skirt. Counselling is over." She blushed as it dawned on what that comment meant. I closed my mouth and made a promise to myself that I wouldn't talk to her again. She'd gone to a place I couldn't take a chance and risk talking about. I tapped my phone a few times.

"What are you doing?" I didn't answer. She tried to re-establish a conversation, but I just sat there as if my mouth had been sewn shut.

Forty minutes later, my phone alarm went off. I held it up so she could see. She knew what it meant, and I walked out. Session was over.

I was steaming when I left. I went straight to my car. I left my backpack and my textbooks. I didn't even know if I had anything due tomorrow.

I went straight to my room. Mom had to come to my room to let me know that supper was ready. I was still angry.

In typical Mom fashion, "Tyler, are you ok? Did something happen today?"

"You could say that. I found out that Ms. Waddel has been talking to you behind my back. She also interrogated Billy and Bobby!"

"Bobby and Billy?" I nodded. "Well, we're all worried about you. You're keeping a secret from us. We haven't pressed, but you know what I'm talking about... The girl that got you into all of this. Who is she? Can we at least know who she is? Are you still... seeing her? We're not sure she's good for you."

"So you don't think Carol is the one that got me into all of this any longer? You can quit worrying about 'the girl.' It was just a short... thing. It's over now. I'll never see her again. You can all stop worrying. And Mom, get me out of counselling!"

Mom called the school the next day and I was out of counselling. That was a big relief.

My relief lasted all of about eight hours. Teresa appeared at our door just after I got home from school wanting to speak to Mom and Dad. Dad hadn't made it home so she had to settle for Mom.

I had answered the door and pretended to go upstairs. I know it's tacky of me, but I gave them enough time to get settled in Dads office and positioned myself out of sight by the door and listened in shamelessly.

Teresa led off with an apology, "I'm sorry Mrs. Perry, but I'm afraid I let Tyler down. I made a mistake handling him. I shouldn't have gone to his friends, but I did. Now he feels it was a breach of trust, but he hasn't given us ANYTHING to work with. All I know is what the girls have told me and what I've seen on Tumblr. He's great at creating diversions. But he just won't open up and... he's got a secret and I'm afraid it's an important one. From what I can tell, no one knows the girl that started all of this. He seems to have completely resolved any issues he had with the other girls. At least that's good."

Teresa continued, "As far as I can tell, the only animosity her harbors toward anyone is directed at the boys from the fight... and me."

Mom's anger rose at Teresa's last comments, "Dave and I are feeling more than a little animosity at those boys too!"

The two of them spoke a few more minutes and Teresa got to the subject which had brought her here, "Bill and I have talked a lot about Tyler. Except for that one thing, we'd be happy releasing him."

Mom knew where she was going. I did too, "You're wondering about the.... locker room. What kind of girl sends an innocent young man like our son into a locker room wearing girl's panties... and those scratches on his back!"

Teresa took it from there, "So he hasn't told you anything about her either?"

Barely audible, Mom answered, "No. Hardly a word."

Teresa continued, "It's surprising that no one knows anything about her and that's what worries me. Secrets can chip away at you. Pressure to protect someone. Fear that you'll let them down or be found out, and no small amount of guilt at lying to you and your husband. He needs someone to talk to and I'm sorry, but that doesn't appear to be me anymore. They didn't prepare me for this kind of failure in school. I guess you just have to learn it the hard way."

The conversation ended and I barely got out of sight before Teresa left.

Mom came upstairs and stuck her head in my door, "Did you hear everything you wanted?" She was just letting me know that I hadn't fooled her.

"Enough to know I probably owe her an apology."

I had been happy to be out of counselling but with Teresa's visit not only did I feel bad about what I'd done, but I was also worried about my... 'secret.' She was right about one thing. It was already causing me issues. I wasn't sleeping very well and I wasn't very happy.

The next day at lunch, I saw Teresa sitting alone and decided it would be a good time to apologize. "Is it ok if I sit down?" Maybe she wouldn't want me anywhere around.

She surprised me and smiled, "Sure. Is this just a social visit? I'm not your counselor anymore."

I sat in the chair directly across from her. I'm awkward with apologies but I began, "I heard what you told Mom yesterday. Thank you and I also owe you an apology."

She looked puzzled, "What for? Obviously you didn't tell her what I did. That would have cost me my job and maybe my career. It was a mistake. I'm the one who owes you an apology."

She seemed determined to be nice, "No. I really shouldn't have done what I did to you in your office. I was angry that you had gone to Billy and Bobby, and it felt like the only way to get you to stop asking questions."

"Well, that is what a counsellor does. Asks questions. Pry into your inner most thoughts. And give advice," Teresa explained, "It's a hazard of the job. Makes us real nosy."

I couldn't help but grin at her explanation. It seemed pretty much on target.

Carol and a couple of cheerleaders walked up carrying trays, "You two seem to be having a good time. Can we join or is this a... private party?" Carol said insinuating that something might be going on, smiling all the while.

Teresa gave her a look that said the teasing wasn't going to work, "The more the merrier," and suddenly there were four of us seated talking to Teresa.

No longer in her office, Teresa dropped the air of a counsellor and we just... shot the bull. How's practice? How's the football team doing? This one drew all of the girls to my defense. It felt good. The closest she got to a counselling question was, "Are you girls doing ok?" I couldn't hold that one against her. I had wondered about that myself.

Later, Carol caught up with me to make sure I knew tonight's routine. It was easy. After we finished, I was to give the girls a few minutes so they could get back to the meeting ahead of me, and then I was to come. That way, I wouldn't know who I had been with. And of course there was the damned blindfold.

A couple of hours later I was on my way to the house and shortly I had fresh sheets laid out just as before. Then I was naked with the blindfold on, earbuds in listening to AC/DC. I guess Carol figured they would be loud enough to prevent me from recognizing anyone's voice.

The girls that showed up tonight were different than the ones from last week. The three of us kissed. I used my hands a lot and so did they. They both appreciated my efforts but I had to stop them from administering to me for fear that there wouldn't be anything left when we got to the real thing.

It seems that all of the girls were very into getting eaten out, "Our friends say you are very good with your mouth. Could you... show us?"

"Haven't any of you girls ever had that before?"

"I think Carol and Bonnie were first, at least in a long time."

"You're not kidding are you?"

Then I hear, "He can't see you shaking your head," followed by giggles.

"Sorry. Forgot the blindfold. No. I think they got off on... the control, and not doing for us. They just wanted... serviced."

"Jesus. Are any of you planning on taking these guys to court? I know a lawyer."

"We don't want to talk about this." I could see that it might be an embarrassing topic and that conversation died. "Show us what you gave Carol. She said we wouldn't regret it."

A few seconds later I was on my knees at the end of the bed with the two girls sitting, legs spread wide, just beginning to taste one of them. I heard a long exhalation of breath, "Oh my God!" as she began to squirm.

One of them ask, "Do you need anything? I'm just sitting here."

I paused, "Some touching would be nice. If it's ok."

The bed bounced a little and a moment later I felt fingers wrap around my member. Soon I was being jerked. She was pretty good at it, and soon I had to stop her to keep from making a mess in her hand. In the meantime the first girl was beginning to arch her back frantically on the bed, "Unhh, unnnhh. Just a... little more."

It occurred to me that I might need some recovery time, "If we're going to have sex, maybe I should do one of you. That way I can recover while I'm eating the... other one of you." The blindfold made conversations strange.

A moment later, one of the girls was holding my hand and steering me down onto the bed where the other girl was waiting, legs spread. I felt a hand on me and soon the tip of my erection was being slid back and forth between a wet pair of lips and then a little encouragement, "Go ahead," and I pushed forward.

I heard a satisfied groan as half of my length slid between her lips and I felt her hips rise slightly to meet me. I retreated until just the tip was still in and with the second thrust she had all of me. As I began pumping continuously, I could hear a catch in her breath each time I buried myself.

Just as I had last week, I tried to envision the girl who was receiving me. Before I was ready to cum, just like last week, I found myself making love to Sis, not Carol or Bonnie. I had even tried Teresa, but no luck. By the time I finished, Sis had gotten a pounding and it felt good.

The second round went pretty much like the first. I got a chance to taste the second girl's pussy. I guess it could have just been the first one back for seconds. I do enjoy eating a girl's pussy. I think it has to do with how they react. Maybe it's all my ego just getting off on getting them off. Still, I love sucking, licking, and tasting a girl's pussy as she gets excited and climaxes. It's great.

When the girls left, I laid on the bed a few minutes and thought about what it meant that Sis was the one I envisioned having sex with and running my hands over and eating. Sis really likes being eaten out. It was sad to think that I'd never get a chance to do that again. If she didn't answer her damned phone, I might not even get to talk to her. I guess she'd have to talk to me at Christmas break.

By the time I got to the 'group therapy' session, I was feeling depressed. As I walked in, Carol picked up on it immediately, "You don't look happy. Didn't it go ok?"

I put on a smile. Not sure how successful that was, but it was a smile, "No. They were great. It's just me." I ended up at the kitchen table surrounded by several concerned girls as I tried to convince them that I was, "Really fine."

As I sipped a coke and worked on a slice of pizza, Carol suggested, "I know something went wrong with your sessions, but you could go talk to Teresa. She really is ok. We all like her." Heads nodded around the table.

Sometime after midnight, I was having trouble sleeping and found myself jerking off thinking of Sis. I added a text to the growing list of unanswered texts, 'i'm still here. call me anytime.' But I knew she wouldn't. I had to keep reminding myself that she was talking to Mom, so she was ok. Nothing had happened to her, other than maybe deciding she couldn't stand her brother.

As I headed out the door after breakfast, "I'm going to talk to Teresa again."

Mom flashed a relieved smile, "I'm glad. Lately, you've look like you need to talk to someone."

The next day I walked by Teresa's office at what had been our appointed time. The door was open and she smiled as I peeked in, "Carol said you might stop by. Come on in. What can I do for you Tyler?"

"Not sure what I want to say," and that was true. I really wanted advice but there was no way to ask what I needed to know, and I froze.

Maybe it was obvious, at least in a general way what I was having problems with, "Is this about the girl with the red panties and nice breast?" She'd seen all of the crap on the internet along with the rest of Chandler High.

Suddenly it came back to me why I had hated counselling in the first place. Her specialty was getting people to talk and much as I needed to talk, I couldn't. I took a deep breath and apologized, "I'm sorry I'm wasting your time, but I can't do this." I sat looking at something and nothing on top of her desk.

Teresa came around the desk and rested her hand on my shoulder, "I'm not your counsellor anymore, so anything you say would just be between friends. I am a pretty good listener, and then she planted a seed, "It's not unusual for a young man to fall in love with his... first. She must be special or you wouldn't have fallen for her. I guess she doesn't feel the same way? I'm sorry. So what did she tell you?"

I had no answer for this so I just sat there as if frozen.

"You haven't told her, have you?"

"No, not really. Besides, we both agreed that this would only last a few weeks and we'd never see each other again. We agreed. Besides, she's not talking to me. Hasn't spoken to me in weeks." I really hadn't planned to say any of this. It just came out. "You... you said you wouldn't tell anyone. Right?" I had revealed something I hadn't planned on.

"I think you really should talk to your parents. But no, I gave you my word so you don't have to worry about me talking to them," and her eyes narrowed as she looked down at me, "She wouldn't be pregnant, would she? That can really complicate a young girl's life. Yours too."

For a moment, I was stunned. This hadn't occurred to me. We'd certainly done it enough, "NO! She couldn't be. She's on the pill. She told me so."

"Well, she wouldn't be the first girl to... mislead a boyfriend and contrary to popular belief, they are not 100% effective. A girl can miss a pill. Shoot, leave them in the car one day in the Phoenix heat and they're cooked and she could be too!"

I thought about what she was saying, "This girl wouldn't lie to me." It was the other stuff that worried me. Now I wasn't just worried. I was scared. "I have to go."

As I walked out, Teresa called after me, "Come back any time."

As soon as I was out the door, I took out my cell phone to text Sis: 'sis, we need to talk. you're not pregnant are you?' My finger hovered over the send for 5 seconds before I erased the text.

That night late, I was on google researching birth control and pregnancy. If I had gotten her pregnant, she might know by now, but wouldn't have known when she stopped talking to me. I don't know whether that was good or bad.

I did finally send a text: 'sis, if you need ANYTHING, anything at all, let me know. i'll be there for you.'

I didn't think she would answer and hoped that this was a false alarm. I had no idea how I would back up my promise that I'd be there for her if she were pregnant. She'd been there for me, but how do you help your sister carry your baby? I'd been stupid to take this risk with Sis. It occurred to me that it was way too late for this to be worth anything to Sis. Whatever was going on with Sis, the damage was already done.

That weekend, Dad was working, and I finally got up the courage to talk to Mom about the other thing Teresa had mentioned it. It had never occurred to me. I hadn't considered it possible, but It had been eating away at my brain since she'd mentioned it, "Mom, how do you know when you're in love with someone?"

"Whoooh. Wouldn't you rather talk about sex? Love is complicated. So, who are we talking about? Carol?"

"No Mom. It's not Carol. She's just a friend. It's not one of the girls, and that's not important anyway. The important thing is how. You and Dad are in love, but how did you know and how long did it take you to know."

"I'll do my best, but it really is a hard question and we do such a poor job answering it in real life. Just look at how many of your friends have single parents, or a step parent or sibling. But let me tell you about the one case I'm familiar with: your father. I knew, we both knew, within weeks of meeting that we were meant for one another and a year later we were married. But how we knew is the difficult part. I can only tell you how I felt about your father and how he felt about me. We talked a lot and he was interested in what I said," and she got a dreamy look like she was focused on something in the distance, no longer seeing me. Her eyes closed and I saw a shiver go through her. Her mouth opened slightly as she took a deep breath. She blushed and returned to, "Sorry. Just remembering your father when we first met."
