I Lied Pt. 01

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A fight leads to Owen learning something new.
10.3k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/23/2021
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All characters in the story are 18 and above. This is a story of incest between a brother and a sister. If that's not what you are here for, I would suggest you not read any further.

I would also like to thank cbears52 for his help for getting this chapter back to me edited for reposting.

Chapter 1

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony."

Blah, blah, blah. Those were the last words I thought Brad would ever hear, especially standing next to my sister, Beth. But here we were on a beautiful Saturday in May just before noon watching them express their love for one another, which was killing me inside. Their relationship was rocky, to say the least, he was an asshole who thought his shit didn't stink, and my sister was lucky he picked her.

I remember the day at school vividly when Brad had "picked" my sister out of all the other girls at school. The lunchroom was buzzing with all the girls talking about it. "She's so lucky," and how'd they wished he would have picked them.

Brad's family was well known around the small town of twenty-six thousand people. His father owned all three of the car dealerships in town, and money flowed from their ears. His father was also best friends growing up with the current chief of police. Brad had always been given just a slap on the wrist each time he found himself in trouble with the law. He had totaled three brand new cars from drinking and driving and never even spent a night in jail, so in Brad's eyes, he was untouchable.

I hated him from day one. My thicker glasses, something I would have fixed later in life, gave him all the ammo he needed to hurl insults toward me, every chance he'd got, while my sister wasn't around. The trips, shoves, and slaps to the back of the head were all a regular occurrence during my freshman year. Since no one would do anything to him, I would have to take matters into my own hands.

The summer after my freshman year, my friends and I set out to do just that since they had also been at the blunt end of his jokes and mistreatment. Knowing he and his friends would spend Saturday night at the football field getting drunk and telling lies to their girlfriends, we waited under the stands until all the girls and his friends were gone. Being the alcoholic he was, he never wanted to stop drinking and would lob insults towards anybody who disagreed with him or left early because they had to be home by a particular time. How he kept any friends was beyond me, but I guess being a star football player helped. Finally, alone in the middle of the field and screaming profanities about the people who'd left him by himself, we made our move and executed our plan to perfection.

The following morning, everybody who filed into the local church parking lot that sat at the south end of the football field for Sunday morning service was shocked. Even though the tardy churchgoers didn't get to see Brad tied naked to the south side field goal post, it quickly spread through town like wildfire. It pissed his father off something awful, and he spent the following two weeks apologizing to everyone that entered his dealership.

The next few years of high school went by with relative ease, not being at the blunt end of his tirades. I even found a girlfriend of my own, and a routine soon followed. Well, until my senior year, when my sister came to me to tell me, she saw my long-time girlfriend Laura cheating on me at the movies with one of the football players. I was devastated and moped around the house for two weeks. We had never gone all the way but were frequent visitors of third base. Luckily, I wouldn't have to walk around in shame for too long as we graduated the following week.

Brad and my sister continued to date on and off throughout high school. Being two years older than I was, my sister had taken up full-time employment at one of the dealerships his father owned when she graduated. She had worked there as a part-time title clerk every summer to earn extra money to buy clothes that were more up to date than our parents could afford.


During this time, they were off again while Brad was attending his third year of college. Some bullshit he told Beth about "being far away was too hard on him," and "he needed to focus on schoolwork and not dating." We all knew it was, so he could fuck whoever he wanted to and not have to worry about checking in with my sister, who was stuck at home, unable to afford college.

I pulled up to the house a little after two-thirty in the morning and began to slide most of my gear to the back of the truck, so I wouldn't have to climb in and out for every piece of equipment. I made sure to put the heavy things first to get that out of the way before my arms turned to jello.

"Hey, dude, how was the show?" My sister asked as I lugged my amp in first before making the second trip to get the rest of my musical equipment.

"Shit, you scared the fuck out of me. What the hell are you still doing up?" I asked.

"Couldn't sleep. So how was the show?"

"It was great, actually. Several people came to me after the show wanting to know if I could play their weddings and even some birthday parties. I booked two of them right there." I replied.

"That's badass. I hope you make it to Nashville one day and get the fuck out of this fucked up town," she replied.

"Yeah, me too. Don't worry; I'll take you with me if I do." I shot back before heading back outside to grab the rest of my gear.

"Really?" she asked, walking up behind me in the bed of my truck and scaring the shit out of me again for the second time tonight.

"Really, what?" I asked, not picking up on what she was asking.

"You would take me with you?"

"Why not. You're old enough to make your own decisions, and plus, I would have someone to split the bills with." I replied.

"Yeah, and I could keep all the skanks from trying to take your money if you got famous," she shot back.

"Well, now that I think about it, maybe it's not a good idea to have you living with me," I said with a chuckle.


"Are you for real? Here, let me walk you through this," I replied with a smirk. "It would probably be bad for me trying to bring girls home, and you're running around in your little short shorts with your big ass hanging out, and I don't mean that in a bad way. Not only that, I'm not even going to bring up those tiny spaghetti tops you wear when our dad and mom aren't home," I replied, laughing at how red her face was turning.

"So, you're telling me you don't like seeing tits and ass?" She asked, almost defensive.

"I didn't say that at all, but you're my sister, and there's no way you're saying what I think you're saying, or would I believe it. You would get so pissed when my friends constantly stared at your "tits and ass." I held up my fingers, making the quotations marks when you walked around the house. "Well, until you would get so fed up with it that you had to go and change," I replied, still smiling but uneasy as to where this conversation was going.

"Maybe I wasn't wearing it for them," she hissed.

"What the fuck are you even talking about?" I asked.

"Fuck you, Owen. I can't believe you're purposely trying to embarrass me," she growled at me and stormed off.

What the fuck is wrong with her, I thought as I grabbed the rest of my gear and took it inside. Everything had been fantastic the last few months. We spent almost every waking hour together in the evenings and on the weekends. After she arrived home from work, our evenings consisted of her sitting on my bed reading a women's magazine while I worked on new songs or was restringing my guitars. She had been acting a little strange around me the last couple of months, and I just chalked it up to the horrible breakup between her and Brad mid-way through summer. I just assumed she was trying to do any and everything to get Brad off of her mind. Tonight was the first show that she hadn't made in the previous month. Maybe Brad called her and pissed her off again? Hell, I didn't know, and it was too late to try and figure out what the hell her problem was, so I grabbed a quick shower and went to sleep.

The following day, I awoke to Paradise City by Guns and Roses blaring from my sister's room. 'Why did she hate me so much? What did I do to make her life so miserable that she had to take it out on me?' I thought. We had a typical small-town childhood, and up until we got caught making out by Mom and Dad during a routine game of house, we were attached at the hip. If you saw one of us, you probably saw the other.

After that, we didn't really drift apart; actually the words I would use would be forced apart. It wasn't until years later that our parents trusted us enough to leave us at home alone again. Those years sucked for me. I missed my sister, yes, she was my best friend. I had plenty of other friends, but she was the one who I looked up to, and if she wanted to hang out with me, that meant I was one of the cool kids.

Even though we didn't get to spend as much time together now, Beth did her best to include me in things that the cool kids did through her years in high school, as long as Brad wasn't around trying to fuck her every chance he got. The most remarkable thing she did was parade her hot friends around me in their bikinis, saying things like, "Holly doesn't think she looks good in her bikini, what do you think?" Or "Would a guy think this dress is hot? Marla doesn't seem to think so." I would always play along, hoping that I would get a chance to have sex with one of them, but that never worked out.

Dragging the covers back over my head, I tried to fall back asleep, but the music seemed to get louder with each song that played. Finally, I slung the blankets back, jumped out of bed, threw on some shorts over my boxers, and headed for the kitchen.

"Fuck, there's never anything to eat in this fucking place," I mumbled to myself before finding a single bag of cherry pop-tarts and flopping down on the couch.

With nothing on TV but boring ass golf, I turned it to a sports channel and waited for a college football game to come on that I wanted to watch.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" I asked, seeing my sister enter the kitchen.

"Out of town, they'll be back tomorrow afternoon,'' she replied before heading back down the hall to her room.

Waking up a few hours later on the couch with a crick in my neck and starving, I began to question my reasoning for still living at home and not moving to Nashville. I could be doing the same thing there, and I would be at least meeting new people and trying to get my foot in the door. Deciding now wasn't the time to think about this, I was beginning to ready myself for my biggest show to date. I was playing one of the largest venues around the area, and being so big, they supplied almost everything you needed. All you had to do was show up with your instrument, plug into their soundboard, a small song check, and you were ready to go.

I had booked myself solid throughout the summer, and now the shows were finally coming in without me having to beat down every club and hole in the wall that would allow me to play. Being my only source of income, I played solo shows, duo shows, full band shows, and even filled in for other local artists. This was the main reason why I hadn't made a move just yet, that and I was too young to sign a lease.


After doing a soundcheck for the show, that would start at ten, I sat at a designated table behind a roped-off area labeled band only and began to sip my room temperature water. Being only nineteen, I wasn't able to drink alcohol or sit at the bar. The venue had only booked me under those strict orders, even though it didn't stop my bandmates from slipping me shots and drinks throughout the night.

"Holy shit, dude, isn't that your sister?" The lead guitar player, Carl, asked, sitting down next to me.

His reaction wasn't unjust, as she got that reaction a lot. Just because she was my sister didn't mean she was ugly. It couldn't have been farther from the truth, she was "smoking hot," the term my friends used. She looked out of place her freshman year at five foot seven inches tall, but here now, she looked perfect. That was the whole reason Brad had "picked" her. She was an early bloomer, and her full D cup was hard not to notice, even though she did her best to hide her giant rack, the first six months of her freshman year.

"Yup, that's her. I can't believe she came. We got into a fight last night, and she told me to go fuck myself or something like that." I replied.

"Is she still dating that asshole, Brad?"

"Nah, they broke up over the summer before he went back to college. They end up dating again when he comes home for summer break, but it's only, so he has someone to fuck and isn't lonely." I said.

"What a real piece of shit he...." Carl's voice trailed off as my sister reached our table.

"Owen, can we talk for a minute?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure. Carl, can you give me a sec?" I asked.

"No worries, dude. We go live in five," he shot back and walked off.

"I'm sorry about last night, and I shouldn't have said that to you. I have a lot on my mind lately, and I'm torn on what to do," she said just after sitting down.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. It was late, and we were both tired. I'm glad you came, and you look gorgeous, by the way." I replied

"Thanks, Owen. You think so?" She asked.

"Hell yeah, I bet there are a hundred guys in here that would love to take you out on a date," I shot back.

"Well, I'm not here for them, and it's not fine. You shouldn't say those hateful things to somebody you love. Especially someone you're...."

"It's time, man," Carl said, cutting her off. "People are starting to get restless, and the manager is pacing. We need to go live now," he said, handing me my guitar before playing the note that started the rest of the band that was already on stage in position and waiting.

"Especially someone you're what??" I asked, pulling my guitar strap carefully over my cowboy hat.

"I'll tell you later," her voice loud and cracking as she tried to talk over Carl playing the musical intro we used to get everybody loosened up before to the first song on the setlist.

"No, someone you're what?" I asked loud enough for her to hear me after seeing the hurt on her face and tears forming in her eyes.

"You're in love with,'' she mouthed just as the announcer started to welcome me to the stage.

"With me?" I mouthed back with what I could only imagine was a relieved look on my face.

"Yes," she smiled

"Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Owennnn Wallllllkerrr," he growled through the house speakers.

Stunned and mainly confused by my sister's revelations, I stumbled onto the stage. I didn't know what part of the intro they were playing and gave the band a signal to let them know I wasn't ready and repeat the intro.

Turning and hoping to remember where we were at, I found myself under the bright multi-colored lights as they flashed onto the large stage. Hearing the part I was looking for and wiping the stinging sweat from my eyes, that cleared my blurred vision. I saw my sister standing in a large group of people at the front of the stage with her beautiful smile. It was one of many she kept in her arsenal. The faces of my bandmates had a look of worry as I took off in a run towards the drum riser that sat four feet above the rest of the stage. Jumping and landing on the edge of it, I stood with my back to the crowd and yelled to Greg, my drummer, "fuck yeah, let's go," before jumping and spinning in the air to land facing the crowd just as the band started to play the first song on the list.

Even though the show started with extreme uncertainty, as we finished the last song, the crowd went crazy. It was by far the best show I had ever played, and I relished my time on stage that night. I spent time talking to the audience throughout the night, that was packed into the venue like sardines. Even with my lovely sister being front row all night, I stayed diligent and focused on the task at hand until the very end.

"I don't know how the fuck you do it, but Owen, you fucking rock man,'' Carl exclaimed.

"Thanks, dude, but don't sell yourself short. You fucking killed it tonight,'' I replied with just as much enthusiasm.

''Everyone, killed it tonight. Thanks, guys, you all are the best!" I said, still hyped up on the adrenaline from the show.

"Great show, Owen; we can't wait to have you back. Call me on Monday so that we can get you back on the books."

"Thanks, Jim, will do."

With only having my guitar, I put it in its case, told the guys I would see them later next week, and slipped out the band entrance. I had completely forgotten about my sister until I reached my truck and saw her parked car next to mine. Shit, I thought and turned around to head back to get her, only to see her standing right behind me. It was easy to sneak up on me after a show, my ears hadn't stopped ringing, and my body seemed to hum just as loudly.

"You were awesome, Owen," she said.

"Thanks," I replied with a slight grin.

''So...." her voice trailed off.

"So, you love me, aye?" I asked with a smirk.

Her sudden lunge towards me wasn't what threw me off. It was the forty-five seconds of passionate kissing that followed. Our tongues raced into each other's mouths, searching and exploring for the spot that would become our favorite. Her fingers weaved into the sweaty hair on the back of my head. My hands squeezed and pulled at her soft bottom until she leaped up and wrapped her long legs around my waist, and began to grind her sex into my stomach. My shaft ached the harder it got with no place to go in my jeans. Not being able to take the pain anymore, I released her luscious ass, letting her bare legs slide down the sides of my jeans.

"I'm so glad it wasn't just me that felt this way," she said after catching her breath.

"Yes, me too,'' I lied. "Let's get out of here before someone who knows us sees what we're doing. See ya at home?" I asked.

"Ok," she replied, but not before she gave me one more light kiss on the lips. "See ya at home."

Having been drinking, I took no chances and drove the speed limit the entire way home. She followed close behind. The fifty-minute drive flew by, and I fought with myself the whole way, "You should definitely tell her...... No, you shouldn't. Keep your stupid mouth shut." I said it out loud, arguing with myself like a real nut job. "Owen, do you love her?" I asked myself. For the remainder of the drive, I continued the conversation out loud. I did care deeply for my sister but was I madly in love with her? No, not yet, but I could see myself falling in love with her very quickly, and that's what I decided to go with, since the more I thought about her, the happier I became.

Pulling up to the shitty house we called home, I wiggled the stick left and right that stuck up from the floor to make sure I was in neutral before letting my foot off the clutch. Reaching down to grab the handle on the door, it flew open before I had a chance to reach it.

"Hey," my sister said with an enormous smile. One I hadn't seen in a very long time.

"Hey, to you, cutie," I replied, still feeling like shit for lying to her in the parking lot.

"Wanna come inside and hang out? My parents aren't home," she asked.

Playing along with her game, "Are you sure it's cool if I come in while they're not here?" I asked.

"Of course. They won't be back until tomorrow, anyway," she replied.

"Well, ok, if you say so," I said, reaching over across the bench seat to grab my guitar.

Seeing her so happy and acting this way made me start to doubt what I was doing. She was almost like a kid without a worry in the world. I told myself repeatedly that I wasn't doing this just to get laid, I was doing this because I wanted to be her boyfriend, and I wanted to be with her.