I Married a Whore and Didn't Know It


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I didn't let him know that. If I did, he could find out I wasn't twenty-one and the shit would hit the fan.

I started the following week interviewing potential dancers. It became apparent quickly that Sam didn't need to coerce girls to suck him off. One in five would offer sex before even taking their clothes off.

Some even offered to go down on the other dancers that were my witnesses. I would ask them if they were gay or bi. Most would say no but would do it to get the job.

Keep in mind this was before guys were throwing dollar bill at girls dancing. The girls made the real money hustling drinks when not on stage. Dancers were paid back then also. Not like now where they pay the club to dance there.

Out of ever hundred girls we might find five that Joe should hire. There were a good number that were ok about being topless, but uncomfortable taking off their panties. These girls we referred to some of the other clubs.

Those clubs had live bands and Gogo dancers. Now that the Normandy was full nudity, these clubs went to pasties and G-strings. Their licenses didn't allow full nudity. It was Joe's idea to send them there. He hoped that as they got use to being in a G-string they would decide to come back and dance nude. Some did and others to make enough to get by would start turning tricks.

Things were great for me; I was rolling in money. The problem was hiding it. I had accounts on the Cape and all over Boston. I also had safe deposit boxes. Still, I didn't want to draw to much attention to myself.

Frankie told me a solution that he was using. Diamonds and other precious stones. They take up little room and I didn't need but a few accounts and only two or three safe deposit boxes. I found two diamond merchants that were all too happy to accept cash payments.

I had converted about ten percent of my money into diamonds when I got busted. Not for the pot I was selling, I was busted for LSD. I guy I knew Phil from a few years earlier started hanging around in Hyannis. One day we were at a party and he asked my friend Walt if he knew where he could score some LSD.

Walt was heavy into it and had just scored and told him he would give him some of his. Phil insisted on paying him for it. Phil was sitting on one end of the couch and I was on the other. Walt was sitting on a chair to my right.

As Walt went to get up Phil handed me the money to pass to Walt. Walt sat back and handed me the LSD. Which I handed to Phil.

In court I learned Phil had become a state trooper and was working under cover. He handed me the money to entrap me in the deal. His motive was to try and find evidence of my pot sales. They didn't but they were able to go after my accounts and safe deposit boxes. All toll I lost three hundred and sixty-two thousand dollars plus, the diamonds.

By taking a plea and not claiming entrapment. The seizure was never reviled and my name never appeared in the papers.

My parents' connections paid off big time for me. Two judges, one congressman and a US Senator, called in favors to get me the deal and keep me out of jail.

Two weeks later I was coming out of Brigham's in West Roxbury when Jennet's father stopped me. He said: "It is time for you to grow up and straighten out. Your parents won't be able to help you next time."

I asked him: "How do you know about the trouble I got into. It wasn't made public."

He smiled as he told me: "I know because I am one of the people that kept you out of jail. I am the clerk of courts where one of the judges your father is friends with presides.

When the judge asked me if I knew anyone in the Barnstable Court and told him I did. He told me about your problem. I knew who you were from when you were going out with Kara."

I thanked him and went home. He was right, it was time I broke ties with everybody I was involved with at that time. I needed to go to work and settle down. I grabbed the phone and called Kara's house I needed to tell her how I felt about her and beg her to forgive me for the way I treated her the day I went after Ben.

The phone was answered on the third ring and I hoped it was Kara. Turned out it was her father that answered.

He said: "No, she's not here and if she was, I wouldn't let you talk to her. She is engaged to Ben and they are very happy together. Don't call her again."

He hung up and I felt like I had been punched in the gut. I knew this news would send me back to not giving a fuck about anything. I didn't want that, I had to change and the only way I could think of to make that happen. Choose a girl that I felt I could have feelings for.

I left the house and went to the Village. That is what everybody called Roslindale Square. I hadn't hung out there since high school. I felt it was safe for me not to run into people I needed to stay away from.

I was in Joslyn's as it was a place, I could get something to eat and the crowd that ate there were mostly older. While looking at the menu, the waitress asked what I would like. I knew the voice and put the menu down and looked to see who it was.

She then said: "Bill, I thought it was you. How are you?"

I said: "Hi Debra long time no see."

She then said: "Do you know what you want?"

I told her: "I'll have a cheese burger, fries, and a Pepsi."

She put in my order and came back to the table.

Debra sat down and said: "My cousin Mary asks about you often."

Right then I knew Mary was the girl I needed to get together with. No way I could let Debra know that.

I said: "Which cousin is she?"

She said: "The one you spent the night with."

I laughed and said: "Debra I have spent so many nights with sluts why would I remember her."

I remembered her, but I wasn't going to let Debra know that. It was after I had started doing drugs and before I got into selling pot.

Debra was not a girl I would consider getting involved with. The one time I went to her house and her mother learned who my parents were. She decided one of her girls needed to marry me.

Debra was a girl that you were guaranteed to get luck with on a first date. Her younger sister Beth was a nice girl but not into dating. The youngest was Jill and she was way too young.

I found out about her mother's plan to get me to marry one of her daughters from Jill. I was at a party and Jill showed up. The girl that was having the party was the older sister of Jill's best friend.

At the party Jill told me her mother's plan: "My mother wants me to have sex with you. So, she can get you to marry one of us."

I told her: "First, you are too young. You just turned thirteen and I could go to jail if I had sex with you. Second, have you ever had sex?"

She told me: "No, and I don't want to."

I told her: "Don't, no matter what your mother says."

Two weeks after I found this out. I was at a pizza shop when Debra showed up with another girl I hadn't seen before.

Debra came up to me and said: "Hi Bill this is my cousin Mary."

I said: "Hi." and walked away.

Mary followed me and I noticed she was drunk. She held up a half pint of Southern Comfort she had been drinking.

She asked: "Do you want some?"

I told her: "No."

She looked at the bottle and said: "Good I don't have much left."

I figured this was Debra's mothers' new tactic. Use her niece to get leverage on me to marry one of her daughters.

Two days later Mary showed up without Debra. I learned she hated Debra's mother and didn't like Debra and her sisters either. They were her Uncle Jacks family, who was her mother's brother.

She told me: "I was with Debra because my mom was visiting my uncle. When Debra asked me if I wanted to go out, I was happy to get out of that house."

I learned she lived in Somerville and her father had died when she was fourteen. She was sixteen and had a younger brother.

I asked her: "Would you like to go out with me sometime?'

She said: "Yes."

I meet her where she was working at a super market near Harvard Square and we went to an apartment some friends of mine and I had as a party pad. I was drinking and popped some uppers. Something I hadn't done before.

I got totally fucked up; Mary stayed with me, when I was going to throw up. She got a bucket and cleaned me up and had me drink water to help flush my system. She held me and comforted me. She was now eighteen and old enough for me to have sex with.

In the morning someone was banging on the door. It was Debra. She told Mary: "Your mother is pissed she thought you were at my house."

Mary asked her: "How did she find out I wasn't?"

Debra told her: "My mom called her and told your mother that you stole Bill from her daughters. That you were most likely shacked up with him and fucking his brains out."

That was our first and last date.

My order was ready and she went to get it. Thankfully she didn't continue the conversation. I finished eating paid and went home. It took me an hour to find Mary's number, my mom had packed my stuff when I moved out two years earlier.

When I called her brother answered. I sked him: "Can I please speak with Mary?"

She got on the phone and said: "This is Mary, who am I speaking with?"

I said: "Hi, Mary this is Bill Dean do you remember me?"

She said: "Yes, how could I forget you. I was grounded for a month after I stayed with you when you got sick from the booze and pills you took."

I told her: "The reason I am calling is I was wondering if you would consider going out with me. I have smartened up and no longer do drugs and hardly ever drink."

She said: "I am about to leave for work. Do you remember where I was working back then?"

I told her: "Yes, I remember the super market near Harvard."

She said: "I get off at nine, meet me there and we can talk."

I said: "I'll be there and am looking forward to seeing you."

I was there by eight thirty, I remembered she liked chocolate covered cherries. The ones with real cherries inside covered in dark chocolate.

I found a place that sold them and bought one, I didn't want to overdo it.

When she noticed me, she waved me in and asked to take a break. The manager told her she could punch out as it was a slow night.

We walked to Harvard Square and got a cab. I was taking her to dinner at the Falstaff Room in the Sheraton Boston. On the ride there we talked.

She told me: "I must be honest with you, I am engaged. "

I said: "I don't see a ring."

She said: "I didn't think it right to wear his ring while going out with you."

I asked her: "Does that mean you might consider going out with me again after tonight?"

She said: "Lets see how tonight goes."

She then told me how she met her fiancé, that he lived in Gardner a town west of Fitchburg. She met him when she volunteered at Mass General as I nurse's aide. He was there for his sixth surgery on his face. She had thought about going into nursing and thought being a nurse's aide would give her insight into the profession.

I got the feeling she was with him more out of pity than love. After we ate, she said: "I don't want to go home yet. Can we go somewhere more private?"

I still had the place in Alston, I was letting a friend from high school stay there. He was using the second bed room as I still had stuff in the main bed room.

I Told her: "I have a place in Alston or we can get a room here."

She said: 'Since we are already here, let's get a room."

When the clerk asked about luggage, I said: "We had too much to drink and thought it best to sleep it off for a few hours before driving back to the Cape."

He accepted that and handed me the key. Once in the room I went to the bath room to brush my teeth with the complementary toiletries.

When I came out Mary had turned down the bed and was laying nude on it. I stripped and laid down with her. After making out for a few minutes I kissed my way down her body. When I got to her pussy, she stopped me.

She said: "I am still a virgin, I know what you are about to do, but be patient with me and go slow. I did as she requested and took my time. Letting her adjust to the new sensations she was experiencing.

Then I moved up and as I kissed her, she said: "Do it, make me a woman. Fuck me, I need you to fuck me."

I went to reach for my pants to get a condom.

She stopped and said: "Don't I want to feel you not a condom."

I told her: "I'll pull out when I am ready to cum."

She told me: "Don't, I want to feel your juices inside me."

I asked: "What if you get pregnant? What will you tell your fiancé?"

She said: "I am calling him tomorrow and breaking up with him. I have loved you since that night I spent with you. Now that we are going to make love. I am yours if you want me. If you don't, I will start enjoying my sexual freedom."

I told her: "Yes, I want you, but if you want to explore your sexuality. You are free to do that, but you must tell me before you do something with someone else."

She said: "I need to think about that. but right now, fuck me."

Before I did, I told her: "My first was a nineteen-year-old fifth cousin when I was thirteen. She taught me how to please a woman sexually. When I turned sixteen, I became very active sexually"

I also told her: "Just before I turned seventeen, I meet a girl named Kara and we started going out, she was the first girl I cared about. She was fifteen so she was jail bait so I stopped having sex with other girls,

Mary asked: "You didn't fuck her because she was fifteen? Did you have other types of sex with her?"

I explained: "Not long after we started dating, she started going out with a classmate of mine that had a car. So, I stopped calling her.

I did take her to my prom. Her boyfriend had promised another girl before he met Kara, he would take her. Before you ask nothing happened between us. We double dated with her boyfriend and his date. They are engaged now and do to get married in a year from now."

I fucked her twice more before we called it a night. We showered together and when I started to get dressed, she said: "Don't get dressed, I want to wake up with you and do it again before we leave"

I said: "We might not have time to shower again, unless we have the front desk give us a wakeup call. "

Mary told me: "Ask for a six AM wake up. That way we can take our time and enjoy it and still have time to shower."

The next day she called Dave who was her fiancé and told him she needed to see him and wanted to know when his next doctor's appointment was at Mass General. He told her he was coming to Boston in three days to spend a week with her.

She decided to meet him for dinner the day he arrived. I had a table at the restaurant near where she was seated. When he came in, he leaned over to give her a kiss. She stopped him and said something to him. I couldn't hear what she said to him. he grabbed her arm and pulled her from the chair. Causing her to lose her balance and fall. Asshole that he was, he didn't try to help her up. He just stood over her calling her names.

I grabbed him and spun him around and said: "Try acting like a gentleman and help the lady up."

His response was: "She no lady, she is a fucking whore."

By then the staff had arrived and asked what had happened.

I told them: "This guy assaulted the lady and caused her to fall. Then he verbally assaulted her. If you do not call the police, show me where there is a phone, I can use to call them."

Mary spoke up and said: "Don't call the police. I just broke off my engagement to him and he is not taking it well. Please just make him leave."

He was escorted out and I helped Mary to her feet.

Then said to the staff: "I will dine with the lady and see she gets home safely."

The following April we were married and have been together for the last Fifty-three years. Just before we got married, I asked her if she would like to go to a sex party I know about. Just to see what went on at an orgy.

She agreed to go because she was very curious to see what it was all about. We got there at 9:30 when we went in the host greeted me and said: "Haven't seen you for a long time. How are you? Is this delicious lady with you? "

I said: "Harry this is Mary my fiancé. I brought her tonight to see what this party is all about. In case she may be interested in participating in the future."

Harry addressed Mary saying: "You have the option if you choose to get naked or stay dressed it's never a problem if somebody just wants to watch."

She chose to stay dressed, I did as well. I had no intention of getting involved with anybody unless she was also going to get involved. We stayed two hours before we left. During that time, she witnessed just ordinary boy girl, two girls and one boy, two boys and one girl, three boys and one girl, four girls in a daisy chain, she saw two guys together, three guys together. She also saw guys getting pegged by girls.

When she saw that, she asked me: "Has a woman fucked you like that?"

I told her: "No."

She wanted to know: "If I wanted to do that to you, would you let me?"

I told her: "I would consider it, but doubt I would enjoy it."

We are taking public transportation to get there. Now are using the same to get home so we didn't talk about the party since we were very public place.

When we got to the house, I asked her: "Do you wanted to talk about it?"

She said: "Let's shower first."

After showering, and we were in bed, I asked her: "Is there anything you, saw tonight that you might like to try."

She said: "No, while it was exciting and a turn on to watch most of what I saw. I don't feel there was anything that I would want to get involved in. I will consider going to watch and possibly doing something while there with you. The thought of other people watching me does turn me on "

We never went back, and she was very content with our sex life.

Her mother called one day, we had been married for six years and had two kids. Before we told her mother we were getting married. Her mother had just rented her first floor of her two-family house to a couple.

We had been married for six years and had two children. That day her mom called and said the couple moved out and her first floor was available. She begged us to move there. We gave our notice to our landlord and move to her mother's house.

Mary had been working part time at the supermarket couple of days a week after I got home from work and on Saturdays.

One Saturday Mary's mother asked me if I could bring some stuff down from the attic, put it on the side of the house to go out on trash day. I was happy to do that for her.

She came up to the attic with me and showed me what she wanted to go out. Then she opened the area under the eaves that used to be her husband dark room. She needed me to pull the boxes out of there so she could go through them another time and see if there was anything she wanted to keep and if not, I can put them out for next week on trash day.

Mary's father was a very talented man. He was a mechanic and truck driver, but he was also a musician and artist. He played the steel guitar, he painted and did sketches, as well as being into photography. When I open the dark room, I found two switches one for a white light and the second light with a red bulb. I realize the red light must've been for when he was developing film.

There were about 20 boxes for various sizes so I move them out. I came across what must have been Mary's father's foot locker when he was in the Army Air Corp during World War II.

I opened it to see if you have any cool, souvenirs. In it were his uniforms and a book that detailed his squadrons missions during the war. The only other thing was two black and white covered composition books. I thought it odd they looked newer than when he had passed away.

I opened the first one and started to read, soon realizing they were journals that my wife kept starting from when she was 14.