I Will Survive


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"If I'd have known you were going to do that, I wouldn't have worn a bra."

Laughing, we just stood there, hugging, until both my kids came running in, asking what was so funny.

"Just Lynn and I finding things to laugh at," I did notice Frannie looking at us both, with a grin on her face.

Getting my kids into their beds, I sat in my living room, just thinking, when I heard my phone ping with an incoming text.

Looking at it, from Lynn, I open it up and see a very large naked breast looking back at me, with a little devil emoji next to it.

I texted back that we just might have to get together, sooner rather than later.

As I felt myself getting a bit turned on, I slipped my shorts down, and snapped a picture of my erect cock, and send it back to her.

The only response was, tomorrow????

I just grinned and told that was fine with me.

All through breakfast, my kids kept asking about the smile I had on my face. I just told them I was happy, that's all. At six and a half, and just over five years of age, they certainly were happy to see me smiling.

Frannie did call, telling me she was babysitting my two, and did they have any special requests for dinner and games.

This got me thinking, about the possibility of having a female in bed with me. The more I thought about it, the more nervous I became.

We did have a nice dinner, and not a word of what might happen was spoken. We did learn a bit more about each other, and seemed to hit it off, very well for two very different people.

Getting back to her house, we both froze for a minute, or two, until she asked if we were staying in my car all night.

Going inside her house, she turned to face me with a rather serious look on her face.

"If I tell you something, Greg, will you promise not to get angry?"

"Since I'm not a mind reader, I will just say I'll keep an open mind."

Putting her head on my shoulder I could barely hear her whisper that she'd started birth control nearly three weeks previous.

"I see. I wonder if I can return the box of condoms back to Walgreens?"

Both of us started laughing and after a nice hug, sat in her living room, with her legs on my lap, and me rubbing her feet.

As I rubbed each foot, I noticed her legs parted a bit more, with her dress inching up her legs. I got a little braver, letting one hand slide up above her knee.

I softly rubbed upwards towards her panties. Hearing her start to hum, I continued farther, stopping at the edge of those undies. I could already sense the heat radiating from between her thighs.

I got really brave, slipping one finger inside the leg of her panties, and finding her very wet, full bush, and touching her puffy lips. My God, she was soaked! Slowly, my finger slid up and down her pussy, finding her small, but throbbing clit.

It took just a little more attention to her clit, when her entire body started shaking. I kept my two fingers inside her pussy, and eased them out, as she started coming down from her high.

Just laying on her couch, I leaned over and very softly, kissed her full lips.

"Lynn, I think we'd be more comfortable in your bedroom."

Getting off the couch, we both raced into her bedroom, and started tossing our clothes every which way.

Falling into her bed, I took a very hard nipple in my mouth and started sucking and licking it.

With her now on her back, I moved between her legs, and started licking up and down her swollen pussy lips. Each of her hands were holding each of my ears.

Just as I added my fingers into her steaming sex, she erupted with another bed shaking orgasm.

Letting her recover, just laying in each other's arms, she just buried her head in my shoulder, telling me how fantastic that was.

"Greg, I need to tell you a couple of things. First, I don't think I've ever had anyone do that, um, oral stuff, like you just did. And I've never really done anything like that, um, on a man, ever."

"I'm in no hurry, and I'll never expect anything you're not totally comfortable with."

After a few more minutes, I realized I was still rock hard, and eased her onto her back. After giving both nipples the attention they deserved, I moved between her thighs, again, and very slowly inserted my manhood into her very welcoming pussy.

This, while our tongues did battle, kissing each other, with gusto. As I picked up speed, my thrusts were met by her matching my every movement. Both of us were acting like this was our first time, ever, instead of our first time together.

"Oh, Jesus, Greg, I can't believe how great that was," this, after me filling her core to overflowing.

Laying next to each other, I commented how badly we both needed that.

"Just hold me, please, Greg."

It didn't take us long to fall asleep in each others arms. A couple of times during the night, I did hear a few contented hums, from her, and I think I had a smile on my face, that had been missing, for some time.

At breakfast the next morning, my kids didn't say a thing about our sleepover, but Frannie sure gave us some all-knowing looks. She and Lynn did have a little mother daughter talk when I was out of earshot.

The rest of the weekend, we just acted like any normal blended family.

Over the next two weeks, or so, we just spent more time getting to know each other much better. Yes, some of that time was in bed, but we did start talking about moving our relationship to a higher level.

"Lynn, I want you to know that I'm fairly certain I'm falling in love with you, and that my kids are crazy about both you and Frannie."

"I know that, and just so you know, with my daughter starting high school, she thinks Frannie sounds too juvenile, and wants to be called Fran. And she's starting to ask me about our intentions."

"Jeez, what is she, fourteen, going on thirty?"

"Just wait, you, or maybe us, have another girl to go through all this stuff, if there will be an us!"

One early Spring morning, right after breakfast, Jenny came up to me and asked, innocently, why couldn't Lynn and Fran live with us, all the time.

I just told her that we were talking about that very thing, and we just needed some time to make such a large decision.

We did start making plans to have both of them move into our house. Lynn did mention she'd like a ring, if not right away, in the near future.

As we got all settled in, with all that that intailed, I did sit down with Lynn and started talking about making this permanent.

It seems as if she was more worried about marriage than I was. We both talked about our relationship history, and told each other that if we were to succeed, we needed to communicate, openly.

We were starting to get both of them moved into the Bennett house, when we did make the decision to get married.

My parents were more than happy, just seeing my kids and me with smiles on our faces. They had told me on several occasions, they thought Lynn and I were very good for each other.

Just about a month before our wedding, I got visited while at work. By two King County Detectives.

It seems as if that total asshole, Jim Morris was assaulted, visiting this area, from Portland, where he was living.

It seems as if he was struck right in the family jewels, by a baseball bat. For those of you from across the pond who don't know shit about American slang, family jewels = bollocks.

I was being questioned because the person wielding the bat was mone other than Elizabeth Oliver, my ex-wife.


Before we start, Mr. Bennett, do you have any objection to us recording this interview?


Were you aware that Elizabeth Oliver is being investigated for assault?


That's all you have to say?


If this case goes to trial, you do realize you might be called as a witness.

To this, I just shrugged. Then I asked, for which side?

We think the prosecution might call you to establish Ms Oliver's violent side.

Ha! She doesn't have a violent bone in her body! If that piece of shit, Morris, hadn't give her the clap, then run and hid behind his father, she'd never done a thing. I guarantee it. Let them call me.

Thanks, Mr. Bennett, someone will be in touch, if you're to be called.

I just sat back, and silently hoped young Mr. Morris couldn't fuck up anyone else's life.

Our wedding plans were all in place, with all three kids more than ready. A few days before the wedding, all three came up to us and asked as one, if we were going to have more children.

We just looked at each other, and told them that decision was still under discussion.

That night in bed, we both asked ourselves if that was a possibility.

"You know, Greg, I think I'd like us to consider having another child, but it has to be a mutual decision."

"I'm OK with that, and we know all three kids seem to be OK, too."

As we drifted off to sleep, I just felt like this just might be the best thing I've experienced in quite a few months.

Our small wedding went off very well. Family and friends enjoyed watching our families blend into one.

On that note, we started the process of me adopting Francine. With her biological father never in the picture, there wasn't anything to do but fill out the papers.

Occasionally, she would call me dad, and after a few times, she did finally ask if that was OK. I couldn't tell her yes fast enough. For the nearly one year I've known them both, she has seemed like a daughter, to me.

On the other topic our kids brought up, we did decide to add to our family. We doubled our bedroom activities, knowing we had to keep the noises down, so our kids wouldn't ask too many questions.

One particular night, after a great lovemaking session, I was spooning against her back, when my cock started getting hard, yet again.

When it moved against her panty cover behind, she whispered, "I hope you know that won't get us any closer to a baby, plus you're not going there, bareback."

Finding a condom and some lube, I slowly pushed one finger into her waiting tush. Hearing her moans filled the room, as I lubed up my condom covered cock.

Easing my sex into her more than receptive behind, I reached around, gently rubbing her highly aroused nipples. Now her moans echoed off all four walls, as I started picking up steam. We both we fucking, not making love. This was fucking at its purest.

Our climaxes nearly threw us off our bed. It took us nearly fifteen minutes to calm our breathing down. Cleaning up, and crawling back into bed, we just held onto each other, silently.

The next morning at breakfast, the youger two didn't have anything to say, and were quietly waiting for their food. A note, here. Both my kids can sleep through anything.

Now, Fran, she's another story, altogether.

When she walked into the dining room, she gave us both quite a look.

"I want you both to know I was this close to calling 911, last night." She then broke into the widest grin I've ever seen from her.

I was way more embarrassed than her mother was. The two little ones just sort of stared at us. Better they shouldn't know what we were talking about.

Just over three months later, we were off to the doctor to see if the Bennett family was getting a new member. It took lees than three minutes to see that we were expanding, with a little boy waving back at us. Or, that's what I told myself, seeing the image on the Ultrasound screen.

Along with waiting just under seven months, we needed to find a name for the little guy.

Lynn had never talked about her parents, so I assumed they were no longer part of her life. She did tell me, while trying to find a name, that they both died young, so just maybe find a name from her father. Just as she said this, she broke out laughing, saying her dad's name was Wiblur, and that just wasn't going to happen.

All throughout this pregnancy, I was surprised how much my younger daughter was paying attention. Fran, on the other hand, was very interested in seeing how her mom was doing.

As our son's arrival was nearing, we decided on Wiliam Gregory Bennett.

Just as we were getting up, one morning, William decided to pay us a visit. Getting to the hospital, we only had to wait just over an hour, to see his entrance into the world.

Watching our son getting cleaned up and being placed on Lynn's chest, we knew the true meaning of peace. As soon as he was being held, his incessant cries slowed down, and as mommy started talking to him, his dark brown eyes just stared back at her.

Getting mommy cleaned up, we went to her room to be greated by our older three kids.

They all wanted to see our newest addition, and each gave us very loving hugs.

Little did they know how much noise Billy, would make at home. I think they would learn to live with it.

With me working from home for two weeks, we truly enjoyed our little treasure.

Yes, he was noisy, but the older kids usually slept through his middle of the night feedings. Once or twice, Fran would wake up, and sit with mom as she fed Billy, asking all sorts of questions, soaking in all this new information.

After all, heading towards her fifteenth birthday, she was starting to think about dating, and all that it entailed.

We both were very honest in talking to her about every aspect of growing up. We didn't want her to get any wrong information from her friends at school, so we both made sure she was well informed.

A little aside, here. The county Prosecutor, charged Libby with third degree assault, and gave her six months probation.

At out first full family gathering, I took Harris aside and asked if he had found truth, yet.

He just grinned and told me he didn't have a clue what I was talking about.

When our sex life picked back up, we both told ourselves, four kids were enough, but both agreed, never say never.

On another front, Libby has started visiting with our two kids. At first, the weren't sure, but after their second get-together, they seemed to be getting along, nicely. Both of them explained to Libby that they were calling Lynn mom, and Libby resigned herself to accepting that as the new reality.

When they would meet, both kids did call her mom, bring back a smile on her face that had been absent for quite a while.

Libby did ask about their new little brother, and both kids showed her pictures on their phones.

By Billy's first birthday, we got a very interesting call. Libby asked me if it was possible if she could come to his birthday party.

With the call on speaker, I looked at my wife and family, they all nodded their agreement.

The party went well, with all the people in attendance making Libby feel a bit more comfortable. She did leave well before the party ended, thanking both Lynn and me.

During the following year, we all had our routines in order. Fran was actually thinking about dating, with my two getting through grade school, doing very well, academically. Billy, was talking constantly, and already learning how to read and write.

As Lynn and I headed to our third anniversary, we did make the decision not to expand our family. Four wonderful children were more than enough.

Every now and then, we would just sit back, reflecting on our extremely lucky chance of finding each other.

Watching each of our children prospering in each and every endeavor they attempted, our next stage of our lives would be when grandchildren would enter our lives. Not too soon, but something for us to look forward to.

To quote a 1979 song, Love is better, the second tome around.

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InfosaugerInfosaugeralmost 2 years ago

I'm missing the reason why she cheated, so only 4 stars max. And I feel it rushed at the end.

WargamerWargameralmost 2 years ago

Good enough story to garner a 4/5

We never actually find out why Libby cheated with the dad and the lad. That might have been nice to know what caused the entire mess. Surely something more than just the Martian Slut Ray trope.

Anyways enjoyed it.

Mibal_ZahariMibal_Zaharialmost 2 years ago

To the author, the story was well thought out and executed, but seems to be missing a couple of pages. The points that did not make sense to me was that the MC knew something was off but let it ride. Saw his wife get groped at the Christmas party and failed to follow through with HR? Knew she had unexplained absences and never confronted her? And somehow goes into the divorce, gets full custody, then the ex-wife just exits the picture? It seemed rushed in that you wanted to jump too quickly from the divorce and into the new romance. We don't know why she had the affair? We don't know where she went after the divorce? We don't know why she attacked one of her paramours. This almost begs for for a FTDS tag.

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Jensenslover: I've got to ask. Why do you read my stories, since you hate each and every one, and aren't bashful about commenting about them. I guess your expertise comes from the dozens and dozens of stories you've posted here. Oh, wait, you haven't posted one fucking story, so you obviously don't want asshole commenters, such as yourself, telling YOU that you need an editor, and you don't use commas correctly. If you take your writing ability and shove it up a gnats asshole, it would rattle like a BB in a boxcar!

tralan69ertralan69eralmost 2 years ago

@sbrooks aka Capt. Nitpick,

Nitpick and pointless points, getting senile.

JensensloverJensensloveralmost 2 years ago

You NEED an editor, most of the places where you need quotation marks, there are none! Also I've found in most of your stories that the gender of a baby is being found out way too early, just how soon do you think they can tell the sex?

mattenwmattenwalmost 2 years ago

A nice story well told, but without that special something. Why he has not sued the company and the boss of his ex is beyond me! 4*!!!

Diecast1Diecast1almost 2 years ago

Nice story. I like it. AAAA+++++

stewartbstewartbalmost 2 years ago

I read this story before. Different characters but same story plot.

Huedogg2Huedogg2almost 2 years ago

Another of the RAAC stories. Forgiveness always means you’ll lick the dried cum from her ass next time.

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