If It Fits...


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I opened my thighs as widely as I could and pulled my knees up to give him all the access he needed to take me.

He began to push the head of his cock into my pussy and I pushed back to help him get it into me. It felt amazing and heavenly. It was the best cock I'd had inside me ever. Just the best.

I was so hot and excited that I began to climb up to my climax as soon as he got completely inside me and I totally loved it. It didn't take long for him to begin to spasm and shoot his hot sperm into me and I was right behind him. I began to have my love spasms as soon as I felt his.

After such a careful seduction, it seemed to end quite quickly, but I wasn't disappointed. I knew there was much more to enjoy and I intended to savor it as long as I could.

He spooned me and fell asleep, comforting me in his arms. I pulled the covers over both of us and I reached for my smart phone. I sent a text to my older sister, Allison.

"Allie, I have a cunt full of Daddy's sperm. He was wonderful. Did you know he was circumcised? It's your turn as soon as you come home. When will you be here? I'll plan a wonderful meal to welcome you home and then you get to seduce Daddy, too. I love you so much! Thanks for letting me go first! <3"

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nighthawk22204nighthawk2220411 months ago

Every dad watches his daughter mature and he wonders when she'll be ready to take over from his wife... whether she's still there or not.

sp9983sp9983over 3 years ago

She did everything to suduce him, and be like her mother. Then she tells him to fuck her? Shouldn't they have been making love?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Not too bad. A bit rushed on the seduction. That was something that should have been played out over weeks, not one night. Your main character had a care free attitude and that was nice. Work on dialogue a bit more. They seemed a bit too stodgy when they were ready to have sex. Most people are too horny to be so proper.

RpgmrnewsRpgmrnewsover 3 years ago

Great story. I hope more chapters are coming.

eft71eft71over 3 years ago

A bit too sudden. Fall over, a glimpse of pantie and a year of deep depression is a thing of the past.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Mellie and Allie need to put on a show for their daddy the day he gets both of them pregnant. There's not much better than a daddy getting his daughters pregnant multiple times until he can put babies in his granddaughters too!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Same old dad/day seduction story. Rather lame dialogue. Baby batter? Seriously. Yuck.

DunkirkDunkirkover 3 years ago

Daddy needs to breed both daughters

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If It Fits Series Info

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