I'll Be Your Woman


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"Yeah, yeah, I know," Darren softly said, after a moment, dropping his eyes again.

"No, you don't," Kirstin said. "You still have a way to go before you truly realize how stupid you are and how lucky you are that Kyle and I accept you. Darren, you're so dense. Why are you so hopeless?"

"I don't know, babe. I just am."

"Of course you don't know. You don't know anything, babe."

Darren gasped again. He pulled his wife into his arms. She let him embrace her. She let him run his hands over her body through the sheer, thin material of her kimono. Kirstin could feel her husband's hard cock through his shorts. She could feel it against her.

"You're a stirrer, Kirstin."

"Of course, babe, and you just love it. You love it when I put you down, don't you, mate," Kirstin said. "You love it when Kyle orders you around and tells you what to do, don't you, babe."

Darren gasped. His cock twitched.

"You bitch, don't tease and taunt me," Darren hissed at Kirstin.

Kirstin burst into laughter. Darren grinned. He scratched his head. His cock was rock hard.

"Why can't I tease and taunt you? It gives you blue balls, doesn't it, Darren? Maybe I should lock up your cock? You'll have blue balls then. Won't that be fun?"

"No, no, Kirstin," Darren hissed, red faced and excitement playing in his eyes.

"Hmmm okay, babe - we'll see."

"No, I don't want to take it that far, babe. I like this where it is right now. Not step further."

"We'll see, babe," Kirstin whispered at Darren.

Darren was silent for a moment. He was in two minds, like he always was. Kirstin watched her husband closely. She critically observed him. She could see the cogs slowly moving in his head as she re-programmed him. Darren was a soft compliant male, so it didn't take that much effort to re-adjust him, Kirstin thought.

Kirstin had made Kyle accept she had a boyfriend. She made him understand that her sex-life with her husband was over. She had made him move out of the main bedroom. She had transformed him into a cuckold. She had made him realize that his role in their marriage was to work hard and provide resources, while Kyle and she did nothing, but make love and spend money. It was fun re-configuring Darren. She considered his head her pet project.

"Babe," Kirstin softly prompted him, "you do like it when Kyle and I put you down, don't you."

Darren broke into a grin. He suddenly nodded. Kirstin burst into soft laughter.

"I thought you did, you loser," Kirstin said with a grin. "You're a joke as far as husbands go. Kyle's ten times the man you are -- that's why I'm fucking him and not you, babe."

Darren gasped with pleasure. He rubbed his dick against his wife. For a second he thought he was going to cum. Kirstin laughed at him.


"Yes, I know," Darren whispered, "I love watching you two have sex. It gets so intense. It's amazing."

"He's a stud, isn't he?"

"He sure is," Darren enthused. "He's such a big man."

Kirstin smiled at him. She considered him thoughtfully for a moment. She ran her fingers through his hair. She whispered up at him.

"Darren, I really do want to lock your cock up, but I won't push it. You have to really want it. If you don't, then I won't make you. I'm sure Kyle would really appreciate it if you did. It would stroke his ego."

"I understand," Darren said, red faced. "I don't think I would really want that. I mean I may be wrong, but I..."

"You've become so weak willed and you're always in two minds about everything. I really like that."

Darren grinned and scratched his head.

"Look, I have some great news to share with you, Darren," Kirstin whispered in his ear, after getting up on her tippy toes.

"What is it," Darren asked, closing his eyes as his wife filled the recesses of his ear with her hot breath.

"Well, I think I'm pregnant, babe. I think Kyle has done it. He's been like a bull in a china shop ever since we got together. I'm going to arrange a doctor's appointment to check and be sure, but all the signs point to it. The pregnancy test I took this morning confirms it. I think Kyle's going to be a daddy."

Darren gasped. He felt unreal. He held his wife tight. He felt an unusual surge of love for her. Kirstin suddenly became magical. She became delicate as if she was created out of the finest and most delicate of colored porcelain. He held her carefully and gently in his arms. Darren was speechless. Kirstin filled the void with her soft and coercive language.

"Kyle's got me pregnant. I'm going to have Kyle's child. Isn't that wonderful, babe!"

Kirstin watched him. He gently stroked her hair. He brushed back the loose fluttering strands from her beautiful eyes. He softly kissed her head.

"It's so wonderful, Kirstin," Darren said, while Kirstin grinned up at him. "It's the best news. It's fantastic news."

"That's my boy, and it sure is," Kirstin said, stroking his shoulders with her hands. "It's going to change all our lives. You're going to be even busier than you usually are, babe. There's going to be a lot of dirty nappies, a lot of vomit and sleepless nights for you to deal with."

Darren lowered his head and gently pressed his lips against Kirstin's scalp. He held her so tenderly and with such love.

"Darren," Kirstin prompted him.

"Yes, of course," Darren softly said, snapping to attention. "I'll take care of it. I'll take care of everything. You won't have to lift a finger, babe, I promise."

Kirstin opened her eyes wide. She solemnly nodded.

"Wow, that's such a mature attitude, Darren," Kirstin said. "Kyle and I really appreciate that. I respect your endless self-sacrifice."

"I love you, Kirstin. I'll wear a cock cage, if you really want me to."

"And I love you too, Darren. Yes, I do want your dick locked up, but only if you want to."

Darren nodded. He grinned. His face was red.

"I do want to."

"Good, babe," Kirstin said. "Look, I'm going to get back into bed with Kyle. He'll be horny when he wakes up and he'll need a good dose of loving. Can you take care of a few things around the house today? I have written a list and left it on the kitchen counter. Kyle and I will want breakfast in bed around 9.30 and of course the kids will be up soon and they'll be starving..."

"I'll take care of it," Darren said, as Kirstin broke free of his hug and went to turn.

"I know you will, babe," Kirstin said, over her shoulder, as she started walking towards the back door. "I can't wait to see you in a cage. It's going to be so good for you."

Darren gasped and went bright red. Kirstin burst into laughter. She stepped through the back door. Darren ran his eyes over his sexy wife from behind. Darren could hear her laughter as she disappeared from sight.


It was a few years later.

Darren was feeling distressed and under pressure. He was turning this way and that. He was muttering to himself.

Kirstin laughed. She stood there and watched her overwhelmed and overworked husband as he tried to get his focus back. She was holding her baby daughter, Sarah in her arms. She was grinning.

"I reckon you need to re-think your priorities, babe, "Kirstin said. "You're all over the shop."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Darren complained under his breath, as he whirled about. "I'm doing the best I can, Kirstin."

"You need to learn how to multi-task, babe," Kirstin said to her harried husband, Darren. "You need to learn to breathe and prioritize your tasks. You're not going to be able to get everything done, if you don't properly prioritize."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Darren complained under his breath, as he whirled about. "I'm doing the best I can, Kirstin."

"Well, clearly you're not, Darren. Have you started warming Sarah's bottle up yet and what about Jessica's bottle?"

Darren turned and looked at the stovetop. He had forgotten Jessica's bottle.

"Damn," Darren fumed.

Kirstin burst into soft laughter. She watched Darren. Her husband had a load of clothes washing going. He had a wet load of cotton nappies, sitting in a laundry basket, to go out on the back line. He had lunches started. He had three of the four children seated at the dinner table -- they were whining and waiting. He had forgotten Jessica's bottle.

Kirstin shook her head. She walked across to Darren. She turned to her baby daughter, Sarah. She grinned at Sarah and then kissed her light scalp.

"Here Darren can you take, Sarah, please," Kirstin said. "Also can you put the suitcases in the boot of Kyle's car?"

"Okay, okay," Darren stated, abruptly turning to his wife, reaching out and pulling Sarah out of his wife's arms.

"Oh, be careful, Darren," Kirstin said, alarmed.

"Sorry," Darren muttered, being more gentle with Sarah.

Kirstin watched her husband. She looked concerned as he carefully placed Sarah in her seat and then turned back to Kirstin.

The married couple heard footsteps coming from behind them. Kirstin broke into a grin. Darren felt his stress levels rise. Kirstin didn't turn for a moment. The footsteps grew louder. Darren turned back to his chores. A moment later the footsteps came to an abrupt end - Kyle had arrived on the scene. He slipped his strong arms around Kirstin from behind. He leant in and down and pressed his lips into her scalp. Kirstin softly sighed and her grin grew wider.

"How is our house-boy going today," Kyle softly asked, looking up at Darren.

"So-so," Kirstin whispered, turning in Kyle's arms, so she could gaze up at her boyfriend.

Kyle looked down into Kirstin beautiful eyes. He gently reached out and stroked the side of Kirstin's face with his fingers. He leant in and his lips came into contact with her lips. Darren stopped what he was doing. He turned and watched his wife kiss his friend in front of him. Darren felt his cock stir in his cage and begin to straighten in his pants.

Darren loved watching his beautiful little wife kiss Kyle. He enjoyed the way Kyle pulled Kirstin close and slowly and possessively ran his hands over her sexy body.

"And how are my kids going today," Kyle asked, once he had broken the long hot kiss with Kirstin.

"They're all good, daddy," Kirstin whispered, grinning at her two children with Darren and her two children with Kyle. "All your kids are fine, provided Darren doesn't completely lose the plot and accidentally kill one of them while we're away."

Kyle frowned. He turned his head. He still held Kirstin in his arms. She was rubbing herself up against her husband's friend.

"Are you going to be able to handle this job, mate," Kyle firmly asked, "while Kirstin and I are away for the weekend?"

Darren fumed. He said nothing for a long moment. He refused to look at Kyle or his wife.

"Well, I expect an answer, dude," Kyle continued.

"Darren, answer, Kyle," Kirstin prompted her husband, feeling annoyed that Darren was ignoring Kyle's question. "This is important. Can you handle the job or not?"

"I'm sorry, sir," Darren finally said, looking at his friend. "I'll take care of everything. I'll make sure everything's done on the list you gave me."

Kyle watched Darren for a moment.

"I hope so, mate," Kyle said, after a moment. "I'll be checking everything to make sure it's been done properly. I want all of these jobs completed by the time your wife and I get home. I don't want a problem with you."

"Yes sir," Darren whispered, his head hanging low and his cock rock hard, "I'll get it all done. I promise."

Kirstin looked up at Kyle with a grin. She then turned to her husband and looked at him triumphantly with a smirk on her facial features.

"Good man," Kyle stated, before turning and whispering down at Kirstin with a smile. "Now are we all set to go?"

"Sure are, babe," Kirstin whispered up at Kyle with an inviting smile and gleaming eyes. "He just has to pack the cases in the car and we're all ready."

"Okay, house-boy," Kyle commanded, after turning back to Darren. "Stop whatever you're doing and grab that luggage, carry it to the car and put it in the boot. Here are the keys, house-boy. Get to it!"

Kyle pulled his car keys out of his pocket and threw then at Darren. Kirstin's husband tried to catch the fast moving keys, but fumbled them. Kirstin and Kyle laughed as the keys kit the kitchen floor.

"C'mon - move it," Kyle stated, as Darren picked up the keys from the kitchen floor and ran past the children on his way to the front door, where the suitcases were.

Kirstin and Kyle kissed the children. They turned and followed Darren out of the house. Darren rushed down the steps and across the driveway towards Kyle's car. Darren inserted the key into the lock to the boot and opened it. He carefully stowed away the luggage Kirstin and Darren were taking away with them. Darren closed the boot, once all the cases were neatly packed away.

"Are they packed properly," Kyle asked Darren, once he and Kirstin had joined him.

"Yes sir," Darren stated, his eyes lowered, passing the car keys back to the triumphant Kyle.

Kirstin was pasted against Kyle's body. She reached out and gently tickled the tip and underside of Kyle's cock through his shorts. Kyle turned to Darren's wife and kissed her passionately. A moment later the two lovebirds broke their hot moment. Kirstin turned to her husband. Kyle gently ate her ear.

"I've left the key to your cage in your desk drawer. I've also bought you a new jar of lube, so you won't run out while Kyle and I are away," Kirstin said to her husband with a grin. "That should keep you going. Sorry you can't come away with us and see us at it, babe."

"Thanks Kirstin," Darren said, aware that his cock was uncomfortable in his cage, "maybe next time."

"For sure, Darren," Kirstin said with a smile, while Kyle worked on her neck with his lips and grabbed at her behind, "but you do have your hands full, babe, looking after all the kids, and all the housework, not to mention holding down a full-time job. You can't just drop everything like Kyle and I can."

"He sure does, Kirstin, he has a big job around here," Kyle said. "Now how about you get back to it, mate, while your wife and I go away and spend the weekend fucking."

Kirstin burst into laughter. Kyle joined her a moment later. Darren grew red in the face. His cock was rock hard. He grinned despite himself. Kirstin grinned at him.

"I love you, babe," Kirstin said to Darren.

"I love you too," Darren said to Kirstin.

Darren stepped back as Kyle and Kirstin separated, walked around the car, opened the doors and climbed down into Kyle's new car. The two of them closed their doors. Kirstin wound down her window. She blew a kiss at Darren. She waved as Kyle fired up his car.

"Don't forget the lube. Don't go blind, babe," Kirstin called out. "They say that can happen, if you jerk off too much!"

"Yeah, yeah," Darren muttered, breaking into a grin.

"Ah, don't worry about that, Kirstin," Kyle stated, "he won't have any time to himself this weekend, what with taking care of the kids and all the chores I've set him."

"Oh, I forgot to mention, babe," Kirstin quickly said. "Kyle and I have decided to try for baby number three. We're going to get stuck in and get started on that little job tonight. Wish us luck, honey!"

Kirstin and Kyle burst into more laughter. Darren nodded his head and grinned again.

"Oh, and do enjoy your dirty weekend with Mrs. Palmer and her five daughters, mate," Kirstin said, "cause I'm going to lock your cock up, once we get back from our own dirty weekend away, and it won't be coming off again for months and months, babe."

Darren's eyes grew large. He was silent. He looked red faced and terribly frustrated. He wrung his hands. He was perspiring and gritting his teeth.

"Sounds like a great plan," Kyle said, grinning. "Be tough. You can take it, dude."

"Anyway, we gotta go, mate," Kirstin called out.

Darren watched as Kyle started his car, slowly reversed out of the driveway, turned into the street and then raced off down the road.

Darren's heart was thumping in his chest. He sat down on the edge of the porch steps.

"Oh my God! Oh Jesus Christ," Darren hissed.

Darren's mind worked overtime. The key to his cock cage was in his desk drawer and a whole bottle of lube was inside the house somewhere. It was probably in his desk drawer as well. All Darren had to do was get up, go inside the house, finish making food for the kids, make sure they ate, make sure all the other important and urgent chores on his list were finished and then he could tip toe upstairs and into his bedroom and finally masturbate.

Oh how good was it going to feel!

Darren stood up. He licked his sweaty upper lip. His eyes looked feverish. His hands shook. He stormed up the steps and across the porch. He tore the screen door open and stomped inside the house.

"Okay everyone," Darren loudly announced, clapping his hands, as he raced into the kitchen, "how are we all going in here? Everyone's hungry, right? Well, lunch won't be too much longer, I promise! Oh my God! Oh boy!"

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johng1953johng19533 days ago

I was rather hoping that this would end with Darren having tampered with the car brakes!

HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 month ago

Pure evil with more to come…

mikeylistensmikeylistens5 months ago

This is the best and my favorite story, now having read it again for the 3rd time in its entirety. The pace, narrative and dialogue balance, and the hot sex and dominating personalities of the wife and boyfriend makes for the perfect submissive, cuckolded husband storyline. I think what makes it so good is that it is real enough without stretching into fantasy, taking in how the various episodes and scenes reflect such realism with the colorful and descriptive language and meanings. Always look forward to another story that tops this one with your creative and well-written themes.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The True ending is, Talking to a down hearted Darren, Kristin in all seriousness as her husband his feelings about the new arrangement...especially after she tells him she's pregnant. Darren looks her squarely in the eyes and asks her if she wants a Divorce.. She once again says, "Honey, you are my husband." So Darren says, "Then the time has come. Either I go and we divorce or Kyle goes. It's your choice." Quickly in her mind. She's asked this question time and time to herself before. If he divorces me. It's the end of the paycheck... after all, the only reason she puts up with Kyle is his cock... "Honey, I Am Your Wife"... Darren walks into the bedroom where Kyle is getting ready for bed and says to Kyle. "The fun is over... pack up and leave." Kyle smiles at him and about to argue when he notices that Darren pulls out a pistol from out of his pants where he had it tucked behind him. The barrel pointed straight down...Kyle realizing Darren means business and Kristin is standing next to him with her arm around her husband, reinforces Darren by saying; "Out !" Kyle quickly packs up his stuff, gets dressed and says; "Yes Sir." He then looks at his wife and said. You're going for an abortion and to kyle he says, You're going to need to get a real job to support your children which I am raising... New rules, New day...And get yourself an apartment...from now on, you can sleep in your car. Sorry, I love happy endings when the Cuckold gets his balls back.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Wanna know what RUINS your hottest scenes? It's the ALL CAPS for your characters' ecstatic exclamations. What's worse is that in real life, vowels are drawn out, not most consonants, especially hard or soft ones like H and T. From your story, 'HHHHOOOOTTTT,' would be spoken as, "Huh Huh Huh Huh OOOO Tu Tu Tu Tu." Even HOOOOT would sound like a drawn-out hoot. Otherwise, you're an erotic genius.

Bham487Bham4879 months ago

Typical cuck story. Self destructive losers. What’s funny is that Kyle is considered an alpha male in this story when he is really a human dildo. His life has no purpose but as a toy for a married woman.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Damn....I couldn't get thru more than a couple pages at a time without cumming! This set me off multiple times - delicious!!

maninconnmaninconnover 2 years ago
Cuckold angst

I kept waiting for Darren to shut things down. Woe is me… no not me, poor Darren, the fool!

hornycarolhornycarolover 2 years ago

I came to this from another search and couldn't put it down.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hot hot hot. Did I mention this was hot?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not a bad story. The build up was intense and the sex was just as hot. Good job.

Why is there always one complete idiot who whines like a little bitch about the category? The wife in this story is clearly having sex with someone else, therefore it belongs here as much as anywhere else. Just because your masculinity can’t handle it doesn’t mean it’s in the wrong place. Maybe it you who is in the wrong category. I think you’re looking for the man-boy love category, loser.

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