In Four Seasons Ch. 03 - Summer


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Lee took them from her, sniffing them briefly to capture her scent before tucking them into a pocket. He grinned at her, holding her ass again, through her dress, "This better?"

The redhead flushed. "Exciting. Terrifying. The aircon is friggin' cold."

"Guess we'll just need to keep it warmed up, won't we?" Lee mused, and glanced at the elevator's display, "But, we're here."

"Damn it." Izzy muttered.

The two of them emerged into the restaurant.

The staff were dressed in formal black and white, and the tables all seemed to have a kind of granite top to them. The entire floor was ringed by windows, looking out and over the city.

At this time of day there were only a couple other seated groups.

A lone businessman.

Two couples laughing and feeding each other.

The waitress smiled at the two of them, picking up two menus as she came over. "Where would you like to sit, today? Catch some of the morning sun?"

"Oh, that's kinda up to Bennett. He made the reservation for me." Izzy said confidently, name dropping and making the waitress pay attention, "Isabella."

The woman lit up, "Oh, of course. Right this way. We've set you up in this corner, where you can see the city, and won't have to see anyone else."

"What. Did you... Do?" Lee demanded.

His sister giggled and grinned at him, "I designed the website. Helped them out with the transition to also doing delivery. Chef took a liking to me, so when I wanted a date... I might have called in a favour."

"I can't afford to eat here." He muttered.

Izzy laughed, "Well, good. You're not paying. I am. This is my fucking treat, Lee. So you can just deal with it."

The waitress helped them sit, and then disappeared again. Without handing over the menus.

Lee frowned, looking at her, "I thought you were the one meant to be feeling slightly uncomfortable."

"Oh, I am." Izzy said innocently, "And these seats are not fun for... Commando. But, basically, all the food stuff is already taken care of. Chef was expecting us anytime today. Put together everything, just for us."


Her face went crestfallen, "I'm doing this for you, Lee."

"Sorry. Didn't mean to come off as unappreciative. Just... Confused." He replied.

"First up, cheese platter." Izzy turned around, as the waitress came back with a wooden trolley and began laying out dishes with extreme presentation to them.

"Most of these are Australian, from the Sunshine Coast down to Tassie." The waitress informed them, "These are arranged in intensity of flavour."

Lee stopped listening about at that point, as he suddenly found something in his lap. He didn't know how she'd done it, but Izzy had got out of one of her knee-high boots without him noticing.

Her foot gently playing with him under the table as she looked perfectly innocent with a poker face to be envious of.

"I really like this one." Izzy said, picking up one of the cheeses on the end of a fork, "Hard but moist. It's really good."

Lee rolled his eyes, "I prefer depth, myself. Was expecting that, not... This."

"Yeah, but it's my treat. So I'm going to tease you as much as I like, and then... Maybe later... You can get me back." Izzy grinned.

He smiled at her, despite the strange sensation of her foot in his groin, "You know... This is kinda our first real date. Dinner on the train doesn't count."

"I lied."

Lee blinked, and Izzy's foot pulled away.

The redhead winced, and looked down, "I was sorta hoping you'd somehow know... But you miss everything. Uhm... I can't say without sounding like a terrible person. So, here goes. Fi didn't bail on me, with the train. I already knew she was pregnant, before I booked the tickets."

"You wanted to take me. Convince me to make a mistake with you."

She flinched, staring down and soundlessly nodded.

Lee picked a piece of cheese and held it out to her, "Say, `ah'!"

Izzy stared up at him as he fed her.

He shrugged, "I'd thought it might be something like that. But I'm pretty sure I worked all the anger out of me whilst we were still onboard."

"Before the boat trip?" She asked teasingly.

Lee smiled at her, "It wasn't a mistake."

"Nope. And I finally got what I wanted, this morning." She smiled even broader, "And I'm hoping for another, before day's end. Buuut... First we're doing this. Been a while since I had a real date. Might be rusty."

He fed her another piece of cheese, "You don't need to be worried I'm going to feel annoyed at you for manipulating me or anything. I know you did some stuff without thinking, and some stuff with a lot of thought. Same motivation, either way. Make me know you loved me, and make me receptive to it. Not like normal dating was an option."

"You got so pissy with me on the train. No mercy for my asshole." Izzy glared, "You're over that?"

He nodded, "Still think it was fair of me. But... This is the end result. I'm willing to try and date you. If you want me, still."

She grinned at him, "Um, fuck yes, I do. Guess I... Still get a bit jealous. I very nearly sent you into the arms of another girl, and that seriously hurt."

"She threw a keyboard at my head."

Izzy grinned and laughed, "That poor, innocent keyboard."

"So... If we are going to date... Whose place do you think we'll stay at, more often?" Lee asked innocently.

The redhead frowned, "Well, right now, yours is slightly less of a sweaty dump, isn't it?"

"Might need to bring your fan over. Mine is noisy and pathetic." Lee shrugged.

Izzy rolled her eyes, "That's what all the boys say, when it comes down to it."


She grinned at him, "So much fun to tease you. Yours is anything but pathetic, Lee. Seriously. You've barely ever touched me, and you already know exactly what to do. You're an attentive boyfriend."

He smiled at her, "Did you think you'd ever actually get me?"

"Nope. Not at all." She shook her head and spoke sarcastically, "Really. Never crossed my mind as an option... Totally not why... I can't keep this a secret, anymore. I was going to wait until dessert, but I can't."

Izzy pushed back from the table and walked over to the glass looking out over the city. She cocked her hip, showing off her ass. "Still tight. Stop looking, and get over here."

He pushed back from the table and slowly made his way over to her, slipping his arms around her waist from behind, gently kissing her cheek. "Got another secret?"

"Kinda." Izzy said, taking a deep breath.

The redhead spun in his arms, and then went down on her knees, reaching up like she was about to pop open his belt in front of the entire restaurant.

"Izzy." He said with fear.

She looked up at him, smirked, and then pulled back her hands from the belt and revealed she was holding something in her fingers. She lifted the small object up towards him, and he stopped breathing.

Izzy's face fell, "Oh, shit. You didn't want this."

"I do!" Lee said quickly, falling to his own knees and wrapping his arms around her, "I was the one meant to do that, is all. I... Didn't expect this."

She hugged him tightly, "I wanted to be the one to ask... So...?"

Lee leaned back, taking her hands, and the silver ring, in his own, and smiled at her, "You going to ask?"

"Will you... Marry me?" Izzy said breathlessly.

He kissed her, planting a firm kiss on her lips, before leaning back, "Isabella... You're my world. I will, however we can."

She slipped the ring onto his hand and grinned broadly, jumping to her feet and dragging him up. She hugged him tightly again, and then whispered in his ear, "Wanna screw in the bathroom to make it official?"

Before he could answer, she was dragging him behind her.

All of his hesitancy over the past six months faded away as he saw how excited she was. As he felt the weight of the silver ring on his left hand.

Izzy was absolutely certain of herself, just like she always was. She knew that she loved her younger brother, and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.

He was the one who hesitated, who worried about what tomorrow might bring.

She had given him all the space in the world, waiting for him to come around on his own. Just looking to show that she loved him, in her own obvious way.

It was all out in the open, now.

Izzy didn't even look around as she dragged him into the disabled toilet and then locked the door. She pulled him in front of her, and grinned, leaning back against the door.

"You going to stand and stare, or you going to kiss your fiance?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

Lee smiled slowly, "Can't I do both, Isabella?"

"Ooh. So not fair, using my name like that." She smirked and put her hands behind his neck, "Also, I'm pretty sure we've got limited uninterrupted time, even in a place like this. So... Did you really think I'd blow you in public, before I pulled the ring?"

"Memories of our boat trip." He shrugged.

She rolled her eyes and kissed his nose, "You totally did! So... Am I being too forward? Or are you into this?"

"I said I'd marry you."

Izzy shook her head, "Not that part. The... Fuck to celebrate? I mean... It's intimate. But we don't have to. We are probably going to end up in bed together, anyway, tonight."

"You want to show me that you love me." Lee said and nuzzled her nose, "I have no problems with that. I adore the shit out of you. Even if you absolutely get off on playing around in public places."

She smiled sheepishly, "It's... Fun."

"I need to buy you a ring to match, after this, and after lunch." Lee stated, "But, as you've given me no other way to let me show you I love you just as much..."

Izzy's eyes lit up, "You going to fuck me hard, little brother?"

"I was going to ask what you wanted."

Her hair framed her beautiful face, accentuating the excitement radiating there, making Lee's heart beat faster as she answered. "I... I'm on the pill. I want to feel as close to you as is humanly possible. I give not two shits how long you last or if you even get me off. I just need you, inside me. Part of me."

He leaned into her, kissing her.

One of Izzy's hands clutched his, feeling the ring on his hand, as the other dragged his head against hers as she pushed her tongue into his mouth.

His hand held tightly against hers, as his other hand went down to her waist. He cupped one of her bare ass cheeks through her dress, and pulled her towards him.

She broke the kiss, speaking breathlessly, "Finally get to fuck me in these boots, like you wanted at Easter."

"How the hell did you have the time to find a ring, when you weren't even sure I was going to talk to you again?" He shook his head in amazement.

"It was all or nothing." Izzy shrugged, "I kinda fucked up us ever being able to go back to normal. Either I could propose, or I'd have something to remember the man I loved. What do you think of a red wedding dress? I think you'd be fucking sexy in a black shirt."

He kissed her, "You've been planning to propose to me since the Ghan, haven't you?"

"I totally wanted to, on the freaking Ghan." She said with a half-smile, "But I figured that was way too fast. So yes, your girlfriend is overly attached. Deal with it."

"Fiance." Lee corrected her, making her grin, and nuzzled her nose, "How warm's your downstairs?"

"I don't need to be toyed with." She turned around and braced her hands against the door. "But, really, would you mind a red dress?"

He lifted the edge of her dress, and reached under her to begin toying with her all the same. She was wet, and gave a small gasp as his finger slid along her slit. "Red is probably sexier, but I imagined you in a white dress. I want to get married in a garden. Who would we invite?"

"Totally beneath a belltower. Stop toying." Izzy glared back at him, "Do we even have to invite anyone? I'm happy with just us... Maybe hire a photographer. Stop toying!"

He released his pants and pulled down his underwear. Rubbing the head of his semi-hard cock at her entrance to slicken it, "Definitely a photographer. Kinda want a cake, too."

"Oh, come on. No pushing rope." Izzy complained, "Your big sister is begging you to fuck her, Lee. To make all of her dreams come true. If you can't do both this and wedding planning, stick to fucking."

He kissed at her neck, "Oh, no. Just moving a little fast. The wedding stuff is actually doing it for me. Also, our honeymoon."

"A summer wedding." Izzy began rubbing herself up and down him by cocking her ass, "Give us a couple months to put it together. Mmm. That's a little better. Getting excited for a honeymoon away? You, me, a room and a crazy amount of sex."

He began to push himself inside her, "Oh, fuck. You're tight... Queensland?"

"Beaches, fucking, and the Great Barrier Reef." Izzy gasped, "And... I can't focus. Oh, you fill me out. Fuck."

Lee took his time, feeling Izzy's sides giving way as he pushed himself into his sister's tight little snatch. She moaned quietly for what felt like an eternity until he bottomed out inside her with a grunt.

Izzy took a couple moments to breathe, and then smirked back at him, and spread her feet in those sexy boots. He could see her shoulders bracing for him.

"Queensland's weather is kinda hot." Lee observed as he slowly and gently began to fuck his sister, "If we're... Shit... Doing an autumn wedding... Then... It's going... To be wet season."

Izzy groaned, unable to reply to him at all as he continued to plough into her, shaking her hips with each thrust into her. Lee pulled her dress up so he had a better view of her.

"What about... Fuck. Canberra?"

"Oh, shit, Lee." Izzy moaned, her head hanging.

He could feel her warmth and wetness rolling around him as she responded both to his cock, and to the fact he was still talking to her like nothing was happening.

"The hot... Fuck. Air balloon... Thing." He groaned, "We could... Try that."

"Oh, shuddup!" Izzy groaned, "I ain't going... To last... If you keep... Talking! You still... Need to... Cum first."

He leaned forward and kissed her cheek, "Yes, Isabella."

Leaning backwards, he put both hands firmly on her hips and began to really pound into her. She bit her hand as she practically squealed, trying to maintain some kind of quiet.

She was clenching him like a vice as he thrust into her with abandon, not caring if he managed to get her to raise her voice. Not giving a damn if anyone caught them, at this point.

The way she was bearing down on him had Lee lost to the moment, to her. She was more than anyone he had ever been with. It wasn't just the sex either, this was more intimate than it could be, with anyone else.

He'd known it a long time ago, even if he was scared to commit to it.

She was the only woman for him.

Now and forever.

"Shit. Shit." Izzy groaned, "I'm... Not going... To make it. I'm gunna cum, Lee. Fuck. Fuck. Ooh... I need you. Come on. Do it! Please! Cum for your big sister. Please."

His balls noisily slapped against her as he sawed in and out of her sopping depths, giving it his all and trying to beat her to the punchline. Trying to give her what she was begging for.

Izzy's moans dropped an octave, becoming more wild and animalistic as she got closer to her edge. Her hands against the doors balling into fists and her shoulders stiffening.

Her thighs began to shake with little tremors, her grunting desperately crying out for him to join her, to become one with his sister, his girlfriend, his fiance.

Begging for him to cum inside her tight little tunnel, fill her to overflowing.

Lee seized onto the inspiration, fucking her as hard as he dared. Feeling his hips beginning to bruise as he shoved hard and fast into her from behind, his mind entirely focused on the goal.

"Shit. Shit." Izzy groaned, "I... I can't..."

He felt her give way.

Like a dam wall breaking, she flooded all over him. Her cum moving in waves to match the collapsing of her vaginal walls around him, milking him.

Izzy's legs gave a final little twitch and she collapsed forwards. Lee went with her, both of them falling into the door as he buried himself inside the twitching and rolling vice that was her pussy, and gave her exactly what she wanted.

He was up to the hilt into her when he began to cum, grunting into her ear as she panted and struggled not to simply fall over.

He could feel her breathing change as she felt him spilling into her trembling frame, and she let out another long and heavy moan. "Oooh... F-fuuuuuck."

He put a hand around her waist to hold her, and his other hand against the door to hold himself. Unable to speak and revelling in the afterglow of it all.

Izzy gave a few weak and breathless gasps, and then grunted and he felt her cum again. "F-fuck."

Their combined juices overflowed out of her snatch, dripping in clumps down his balls, her legs, and just plain falling to the floor beneath them.

She turned her head slightly, exposing her neck, "Kiss me?"

He did as asked and she shuddered a little more. Lee gave a quiet chuckle as he continued to kiss her, "God, I love you."

"Mmm... I love the shit out of this." Izzy mused, "Shit. Why the hell did I try and take things slowly?"

"So you'd get forever." He replied, "Which now, you do. My bride."

She groaned, "Oh wow. Oh, you said yes... Oh, fuck yes. Promise me, Lee. Promise this isn't just the sex. As impossible as it seems, you might get bored of that. Of me."

"I love you." He reassured her, "I wouldn't be fucking you at all if I didn't think I wanted my life with you. Forever is forever."

"Good." She gasped, and craned her neck to kiss his cheek, "And now... Help me stumble over to that toilet? I apparently have a shitload of cum to clear."

"And a wedding to plan." He reminded her, "You didn't answer me. Want to do the hot air balloon thing they do in Canberra?"

"Autumn in Canberra." She nodded as he helped her over, "That's going to be fucking pretty. Make my red dress pop, too. I love it. Let's do it."

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sports1sports1over 1 year ago

OK, ya got me sold on this, I even got hard enough to almost get off! I've been in that situation where a woman would have you thinking about what they want. This was one of them kind of stories and I liked it!

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowover 1 year ago

I love this tale - really hope the author comes back and finishes it.

Sohioslim78Sohioslim78about 2 years ago

Come on finish this please

J0hnM4rk123J0hnM4rk123over 2 years ago

Can't wait for Autumn

yhgtbkyhgtbkover 2 years ago

A really fun read but don't leave us hanging. Chapter 4?

shaknashaknaover 2 years agoAuthor

@anon You missed this paragraph:

> He ran a hand slowly down her spine until he found her buttplug,

and began to slowly ease it out of her. Izzy moaned into his mouth as

he did, her tits hardening against his chest.

Which comes right before:

> Lee drifted his hand around to the front of her with the intention to

play with her clit gently, when he found that her thighs were already


Izzy came when he pulled the buttplug. There's no mention of her being sore right at that point. Being "one and done" can also mean a lack of interest in continuing, which is what we've seen of Izzy in Spring.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

[Good] Literary marriage proposals in general are a source of pure joy to me, gender-flipping enhances them, and those between siblings are best of all, so you can be sure that this chapter meets with my intense approval.

Unfortunately, when I really like something, I have a tendency to fixate on irrelevant details and scrutinise them for problems. Please feel free to ignore the next paragraph, as it is the result of this habit of mine. (Though, if you do want to help me understand, I would be extremely grateful).

Did I miss something? Why is she sore at the beginning of the chapter, *before* they do anything? When Lee asks her, 'I thought you were a one-and-done kind of girl?', the clear implication from her answer is that she has indeed very recently had an orgasm, and, depending on how she obtained it, that could certainly account for the soreness, but the narrative appears to indicate that she had been asleep when Lee called her to say that he was on her doorstep. And she doesn't appear to be doing anything particularly stimulating and/or likely to cause vaginal soreness between Lee entering her house and her asking him to demonstrate his preferred sort of love-making. So I'm very confused.

Radomir1Radomir1over 2 years ago

Original and fun

In parts one and two, Isabella teases Lee. The author teases the readers. Part three is like a marvelous dinner.

Part four should be a fantastic dessert.

P.S. Was writing a comment going from page one to page two. And on the third the scene in the restaurant. ;)



ScottishTexanScottishTexanover 2 years ago

I can see already that when chapter 4 comes out that I'm going to have to reread this all over again from the beginning. You keep referring back to parts that I have forgotten about in the interim. That's totally my own fault and not yours though. 5/5

MiddlesonMiddlesonover 2 years ago

That was a hot little chapter. Although izzy likes to be taken control of and enjoys a. It of pain. You keep hinting at her ass with the toy. Wedding night little brother should take her cherry there.

Excellent follow up chapter


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