Incessant Pt. 11

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Everything comes together. Everyone cum together.
11.1k words

Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/04/2020
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Before anything else, I would like to thank you for reading until part 11 of this series! It has been a pleasure to write, and I am incredibly grateful to have an audience that allowed me to experiment as we went along. Your feedback, ratings, and general support mean a great deal to me.

I'll be taking a short break but you can expect new content from me in the near-future! While this series is at its end, I have a 'big one' in the works and will be releasing a few short stories in between.

All characters engaged in sexual conduct are 18 or older. Any resemblance to real persons or events is coincidental. Stay safe and happy out there! :)

x x x x x

Change, Delay, Delight...

The twins didn't surface until the early afternoon.

Taking a page out of her youngest daughter's book, Mom opted to emerge from their room as naked as the day she was born. She was flaunting her body with a new-found confidence; boosted by her conquest of Terry. What happened was on her terms: she controlled the pace, the tone, the direction... It made me proud, but it also gave me something to worry about.

I snuck up to the main bedroom to find Blake typing away on some important document. We were all alone, and I got a chance to have a one-on-one with my sister-wife.

"We need to talk to our real estate guy," I declared, without context.

My sister looked up from her screen. Her eyes were behind two thin lenses that enhanced their shape and vibrance. With her tongue between her teeth, her eyebrows shifted as she considered what I'd said. "Hmm... To find a separate house for Butch and Sundance?"

"Butch and Sundance?" I rolled my eyes. "Your new pet name for our mother and her sister?"

"The word 'Terry' still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. All things considered."

"But you agree?" I asked.

My sister seemed to think for a second. She set her laptop aside and beckoned me to come lie next to her. Then, wrapping her arms around me, she snuggled up to me with her slender and soft body. "I'd want them to be close, but I can see the need for us to have our space."

I agreed. "We'll be starting our own family, soon. Mom will always be around, but I doubt she wants to live with a baby in the house..."

"And, now that she has her sister—"

A voice from the door interrupted Blake's rumination, as our mother stepped into the room. "Now that I have my sister?"

We were silent as the arrival of our parent disturbed the plans we were making. It took Blake a while to choose her words — pick her route — and finesse her way to safety. "Now that you have your sister, you might want to explore one another... Make up for lost time," the eldest child offered.

Our mother's demeanour changed from tense to at ease as a sly look crossed her face. "Oh, we've been doing that already. But what's this about me needing my own space? Am I being kicked out by my own children?"

Mom's last words were lighthearted, and gave me ample room to respond. "You don't have to leave, and you wouldn't go far even if you did—"

"But we can have our own space if we wanted?" she completed my thought.

I gave a little nod to confirm everything. For her part, my mother didn't seem anxious or concerned. Even in her nakedness, she was confident; at ease. It was the marvellous thing about our lives — our nude mother striding toward us as my sister nuzzled my neck. Soon, both women were in my arms as our bodies laced over one another, and we shared soft, affirming, kisses.

"Things will only get better," I affirmed.

Knowing this to be true, my mother hummed her agreement and pulled herself closer to me. Still exhausted from a night-long romp with her twin, our parent fell asleep. Blake retrieved her laptop, and we started looking for places nearby.

x x x x x

It was only two months later that we arrived at our parents' housewarming party.

Things had moved at a blistering pace, even by our standards. Blake's appointment as an acting-judge had ended, and she now devoted her time to our business. A business that had grown immensely in a short space of time. While Penny was still trying to secure us a share of the hotel, we'd embarked on new projects. Riley was the brains behind most, and we were the hands that did the work.

Part one of our plan consisted of selling off excess assets, then we moved to consolidate our cash.

For her part, Emily had taken a job at the hotel. As time passed, she grew to like Penny all the more, and I imagined they'd end up as co-managers. Meanwhile, Mom and Terry had secured a small space to run a salon from. They catered to the hundred or so full-time locals in town, which was more than enough. After all, they had Riley maximising efficiency at every turn.

Blake started a one-woman shop that handled legal matters for the older folk in our community. They had wills and trusts, and little property disputes. Her practice was still in its infancy, but the clients loved her.

As for me... I kept working with my hands — something I grew to love more and more with each day that passed.

Terry's absence from our lives turned out to have been an obstacle to our happiness. We didn't realise it at the time; we couldn't have. At the same time, Riley's presence had been a concern for me. Then, I realised that she wasn't just 'one of us', but one of me. We had so much in common, even though it was discrete and indirect. In the back of my mind, both women had scared me somewhat. With my aunt, I feared she would destroy us if she could. With my little sister's long-time girlfriend, I feared they might run away together.

It turned out neither fear was more than an irrational phobia. Well, somewhat irrational...

Like many small coastal towns, the single hotel was the centre-point of the place. The twins' new cottage was on the opposite side, compared to our house. It was close enough that we could check in regularly, but far enough that everyone had their own space.

As the youngsters packed into our car, there was tension in the air. Riley hadn't proposed yet, and it was beginning to chip away at my little sister's nerves. No one could explain the delay, but I knew there must've been good reason. They were still as in love as ever.

As we pulled into the driveway of the small cottage, my little sister huffed loudly. "I'm not going to fuck tonight."

Blake quickly retorted, "Well, don't try to stop me from fucking."

"Nor me," Riley joined in.

Emily didn't respond. She huffed again — a pronounced exhalation — before jumping out of the car. As we watched her sway her hips all the way to the front door, we knew what had her in a rotten mood. It seemed like a good time to bring up Riley's delay in proposing, while we were alone in the car with her. But neither Blake nor I considered even touching the subject. Although all our lives had become intertwined, we had to accept that some things were private.

As we got out of the car and joined Em by the door, I got my first real sense of the evening's fashions. The occasion was big enough that it forced Blake into a dress, which hardly ever happened. It was dark-blue and flowed around her slender thighs; feminine, firm, flawless. Despite being light, soft, tender... The dress didn't detract from my older sister's 'edge', which is why I suspect it was always her go-to, for any occasion.

Despite the drama, it looked like our sister and girlfriend had coordinated outfits. Emily wore a black dress that was far too short for anything other than a family gathering. Meanwhile, Riley was bedecked in an all white combination of skirt, blouse, and sweater. Unlike my sisters, the shorter blonde had decided to wear a pair of heels. They altered her posture, accentuating her already pert ass.

Soon, I caught sight of our mother as she threw open the front door for us. Overjoyed, she couldn't wait to show us her hastily prepared love-nest. Her signature little red dress clung to her body as she padded around on bare feet. Her lush brunette hair was still damp from a shower. "Sorry," she explained, "I lost track of time."

With that, Mom was off to find her heels, and we made our way to Terry. She glowed at the sight of us; not with predatory intent but with genuine familial love. As they spent time together, she looked more like my mother's exact double, with each second that passed. She was also letting Mom take the lead; learning from her sister, becoming softer, kinder, sweeter... With her red-painted lips she kissed each of her guests briefly, yet beautifully. I enjoyed her experienced kisses, and that one was particularly special.

It had been months of taunting and teasing — months of coming oh so close — and it was all about to come to fruition. I had big plans for christening the new place but little did I know... Others had their own plans.

As my dirty mind began to run away with me, a stern knock on the door snapped me out of my trance. "Who's that?"

Instead of answering, Terry made her way to the door with her shoes clicking and clacking. She opened the door like she was presenting a prize on a game show, which is probably what she wanted it to look like. To our surprise, Penny, the girl from down the road, had been invited to the party by the twins.

"We thought a little booze might help finally seal the deal on the hotel!" my mother declared, returning from her room, having slipped into a pair of black heels.

The rest of us were left awe-struck, a little confused, and possibly very aroused.

Penny didn't skimp on her outfit — the first real sign I ever saw of her secret wealth. It was designer, no doubt about it. Emerald lace covered her torso, leading to a softer fabric that oozed expense. She looked so beautiful that I might have fallen in love, in that instant. Though, I was still making a point of resisting her finer charms; trying to limit my feelings. Maybe one day but not that day...

There was a sudden change in Emily's mood as she caught sight of the barely legal blonde. I picked up on her game as she greeted Penny with a sensual hug usually reserved for lovers. Like Riley, the teen was blonde and beautiful. She was also a perfect way for my little sister to inspire some jealousy in her yet-to-propose partner.

For a brief moment I was worried about Riley's feelings, then I watched as she swooped in to join the girls. It was clear that she had her own impure agenda with the petite hotelier.

"We thought she'd add a little fun to the evening," Mom whispered in my ear.

"Yes... Well, she will if the two younger girls get their way."

Terry chimed in, "You shouldn't let anything distract Riley, my dearest nephew. It's about time you two consummate your love properly, and there's no better place than on your mother's bed. In fact, she made us prepare a special something..."

"What about you and me?" I asked my aunt.

Terry grinned a smile so sly that it caused a stirring in my crotch. "Remember all the terrible things I've done, and tell me if you really want to give me the benefit of a soft bed."

I stood frozen at the thought of all the treasure that lay ahead.

Only my mother's rasp could pull me from my trance, "You two are naughty. But let's get warmed up before anyone does anything."

Keeping half an eye on the youngsters, the rest of us dug into the canapés the twins had prepared. We also made sure to pour some wine, to really get the good times rolling. But the wine seemed unnecessary as Emily got loud, "You've never kissed a girl before?!"

Penny blushed, "I... Uhm..."

"Never ever?!" Emily continued. "Gosh! Blake-y, come and fix that!"

"Why me?" Blake asked, pretending to resist the invitation.

"Why not?"

Suddenly, all eyes turned to me as if I could provide some guidance. The truth is, I was speechless, and very much unable to give direction to the sudden turn in conversation.

With a sigh that betrayed a hint of satisfaction, Blake shrugged and took a few big steps forward. An instant before she could pounce, Emily put herself between her sibling and the teen. Without hesitation, my little sister had the petite blonde in her arms, and her tongue down her throat. It was clear that Penny hadn't expected the kiss to be so full-on — so sexual — and she almost twisted her ankle as her high heel twisted with delight. But Emily held her firmly, using her height advantage and confidence to keep the blonde enthralled and on her feet.

Blake scoffed, "Hey! I thought I was going to do that?"

"You were too slow, and she was too irresistible," Emily teased, hoping to rile up Riley, and backchat Blake.

Penny's whole body was pining for more touch, more feeling, more intimacy... "Blake could kiss me too," she almost begged. But before the eldest sibling could take advantage, Riley slipped a decisive hand between Em and the teen. Now, the two blondes were drawn to a tender moment as their hands sailed over each other. An instinct in the teen saw her grab hold of Riley's ass; trying to pull her closer. The kiss broke a second after that, as our shy girlfriend suddenly remembered herself. Yet, while her cheeks turned red, it was clear she had no regrets.

Twice, Blake had been shown up by the younger girls, and now she was furious. She was going to make a statement, "Watch this!"

Spinning around, my older sister's self-assured body pounced on me. As her lips touched mine, we knew all eyes were on us. For better or worse, our love was so intense that people couldn't help but stare. With our tongues beginning to tussle, I let my fingertips remind me why I loved it when Blake wore dresses. My hands found the seam of her skirt; travelling beyond it until I felt her silk-smooth skin. This made her purr into my mouth in a way that made her tongue twitch and her eyes tighten.

Our bodies forgot the presence of Penny. She'd figured out our family a long time ago, but this was the first time she got a good look at our illicit affair. I desperately wanted to see her reaction; my heart beating faster and faster as I feared her disgust. Yet, nothing could pull me away from that kiss — that interstellar moment. We were T-minus ten from blast-off as the feeling of total contact propelled us further.

It was one of those moments where ten seconds seemed to have lasted a lifetime. Then, it ended as abruptly as it began when a shared sibling realisation reminded us of our guest. Our lips parted, and we looked over to Penny, finding her enthralled and delighted.

"Can I show you what it's like to have your pussy licked," Emily cooed in her most seductive voice.

Rolling her eyes, Riley inadvertently elbowed Emily, causing a reflex reaction. With a firm move, the blonde was pressed up against a wall in the compact cottage. It wasn't violent but it was aggressive. The animalistic smile between the two revealed the top-bottom relationship they shared in the bedroom.

"What's wrong, Riley?" Emily growled. "Jealous?"

"Nah," the blonde grinned back. "Horny, more than anything else."

I thought Penny might faint as the situation continued to escalate. Swooping in beside her, I put a hand on the small of my back as a buffer. "Still want to be a part of this?" I asked, not wanting her to be uncomfortable.

The teen couldn't find the right words but a deep inhalation and a nod confirmed her consent. Her head didn't move, but her eyes looked up at me; her pupils moving expectantly. If I was still trying to suppress any feeling of tenderness I might have had towards her that all failed.

Penny's high heels still didn't bring her level with me. As I manipulated her light body against mine, she still had to stretch to meet my lips. Her seaside upbringing flowed through her body and informed the texture of her kiss. Fresh and breezy — our sensuous interaction came in waves — advancing, withdrawing, washing over our hearts... I didn't think about the implications of it all; about the fact that our touch might spark love. Instead, we surrendered ourselves to fate and whichever force determines these things.

I felt like I wasn't in the room anymore; wasn't on the planet anymore. I'd moved to another galaxy and the stars were singing at me with their fiery humming.

Our kiss ended, incomplete. My little sister came to break us up. She had happy little tears in her eyes and a smile that couldn't be contained. The sight of her warm expression drew the same from me. "What did you and Riley talk about?"

"Her being a slow-poke and me being an impatient bitch," my sister confessed. "You see, Big Brother, our girlfriend is too worried about finding the right moment. Whereas I don't care about the moment as much as I care about the main event."

"And what's tonight's main event?"

Emily stroked my cheek, "For me? Simply being close when it all happens. For you? Our beautiful lover back there..."

My eyes met Riley's across the small room and our wordless pact was made. As she came to me, I took her hand and Emily took my other. It was a few steps to the bedroom. Right before we closed the door, we snickered at the sound of a frustrated Blake, then giggling. Looking over our shoulders, we saw Blake wrestle the twins to the ground while an exasperated Penny watched. Having been teased and taunted, I was certain my older sister give 'em hell.

They'd love it.

As Riley, Em, and I entered the heart of the little love-nest, all other sound seemed to stop. It was the three of us, our silence, and our melodic love for one another.

I realised the weirdness of my life for the first time. To me, fate had many names — fate was many people, many places, many sensations... It wasn't a supernatural force but a man-made engine, fuelled by a strange kind of love.

Riley looked beautiful in her all-white apparel. It dawned on me that the choice was intentional; that she knew what the night had in store for us. A fact further confirmed by rose petals strewn across the bed. That got rid of all my doubts, or at least the doubts I had about picking this moment. Sure, we could've waited for a wedding or a honeymoon. We could've insisted on candles and roses, accompanied by romantic music. But there was no love song that applied to what we had — no singer that could understand, or writer that could pretend.

Instead, petals on the bed and the presence of our beloved Emily, as our guide and witness, were all we needed.

This was the perfect moment, as we took a step towards one another. Our fingers interlaced, our bodies touched, our lips came within a millimetre of one another... I felt the grip on my hand tighten, and I squeezed back. We moved a little closer, our noses touched, our lungs inhaled... We kissed, knowing that this kiss was our most intimate moment; our most perfect encounter. While there would be many more kisses like it, this one was meant to be savoured more than any other. It was meant to be gentle as lips touched lips and tongues were withheld. We let them wait until passion burnt so hot we couldn't hold back any longer.

With one hand freeing itself, I reached around to touch the small of Riley's back. I wanted to pull her closer, even though she was already as close as she could ever be. Our minds registered the moment, then switched off. The brain surrendered control of our bodies to the heart and soul.

I wanted to feel more of my lover's warm skin; slipping my hand under her top to feel the notches of her spine, and the softness of her waist. Breaking our kiss, I wanted to see the little changes in Riley's eyes: the microscopic reactions to the light, the lust, the love... I slowly began guiding the garment off her body until she used her own hands to help me. With it flung aside, I took a deep breath at the sight of her athletic torso. Unclasping her bra, it fell to the ground and with it our last inhibitions faded.

Breathlessly, Riley made a shy confession to me and my little sister. "I wanted this to happen before anything else. I needed it to happen before anything else."