Induction of Dylan Magee


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"Oh something I picked up after the game for player of the day."

"I see. So you were busy throughout the game?"

"Yeah and that's how I like it."

"And you powered one across to Carolyn on the other side of the field and she scored a sitter?"

"She worked well to take the header."

"Yeah so I wonder why she didn't get the player of the day award."

"Kath you are reading too much into I. I'm new and they just wish to encourage me."

"I love you for being modest darling but a very happy Uncle Dick called me to say Dan Daniels was chuffed about your debut performance today. Dick's final words before cutting the call was Dan said today you were the quality player coaches dream about adding to their team."

"Well that was lovely of Dick to tell you that, knowing that you'd care to hear it. You are so lucky having such a lovely husband."

"Yes darling. And thanks. Now let me have a go at this face and hair of yours. Oh I purchased a purple dress for you for your going away gift. I hope you wish to wear it tonight."

"Um yes."

"Darling can you imagine me buying you a conservative dress?"

"Now that you mention that, no I can't. You'll be out to have me display tit and upper thigh like you use to do."

"I still do darling. Cher and I have that in common."


Muzza arrived to collect Dylan and Dick brought him inside, saying Dylan was almost ready.

"As assistant coach, did you agree with Dan declaring her player of the day?"

"Yes, she was the fittest and fastest player on the field and ran rings around her opponent and dispossessed her of the ball four times through reacting so fast. Dylan's commitment was absolutely amazing. Come down Tuesday evening and see her in action. Dan and I will be working on her trapping technique and to try to teach her she doesn't have to be in her opponent's face every second of the game, that being just within cooee is sufficient. The poor girl was drenched in sweat when she came off the field, having played so intently."

"Good, very good," Dick said. "I will come down Tuesday. We'll see you down at the club later. We like eating late."

Kath entered the room and kissed Muzza.

"Your princess is on her way."

Dick and Muzza gaped when Dylan entered wearing a purple and white cotton and silk mix shoestring strap dress with a sweetheart neckline and purple embroidery over the bust line with a built-in bra. The dress was simple and elegant with an inexpensive look that appeared just right for a social evening at a soccer club. Dylan wore black fine denier stockings and white low heels, the white matching the white straps of the dress. Her make-up was superb and she had beading through the back of her hair. The cut of the dress make her appear reasonably slender.

"God you are beautiful Dylan," Muzza croaked.

Dylan gave him an almost shy smile while the proud Kath, acting as mother, gave him a huge smile.

"You look great and you are loosing weight," Dick said and Dylan gave him such a sweet smile.

Out at the car Muzza, who was wearing white pants and a black shirt with fine vertical stripes in red, green, orange and white, said he'd have to go home and change into a suit.

"Do other guys like you wear suits?"

"No just the old guys."

"Then no suit. Muzza don't be deceived, this is not an expensive dress and my hair only looks swell because Kath happens to be a former hairdresser."

He grinned. "Oh then that's okay. Off we go to the club."

Dylan suddenly appeared concerned. "Um the girls in the team won't realize until we appear that you are with me."

Muzza laughed and said he was a big boy and could handle the tongue wagging. "I probably won't get as many indecent proposals that I usually receive late in the evening."

"Oh you poor boy. Then should I leave early?"

"Hell no, you are with me and I say that proudly."

"Oh Muzza, you are so kind. Want to stop right now for sex?"

The vehicle lurched and Muzza said, "Cripes Dylan, don't over stimulate me like that when I'm driving."


"Um I liked hearing what you said."

"Good boy," she purred.

As they entered the clubhouse Dylan pulled away from Muzza but he moved in and took her hand.

"Come on, let's get it over in one dose."

The big room was crowded and noisy, somewhat like a nightclub.

Muzza steered Dylan to a far corner where the seniors, their partners and supports had reserved tables.

Dylan thought perhaps it would be like walking into a lynching mob now that she'd claimed Muzza. But it was fine. A few of her teammates screamed "Dylan" and Carolyn came through the group with her boyfriend to greet them.

Halfway through the evening before band began playing the club president welcomed everyone and read out the day's team results and the Blue Belles received an extra big applause when the president said it was the first time in four seasons they'd beaten the St Alban Angels.

The proud coach Dan Daniels was asked to make a small presentation.

"Hi everyone. I'm still on a high after my girls nosed ahead of the Angels. Would Carolyn Withers come forward please? Move your ass sweetie."

Carolyn weaved around the tables at a lope and when she stepped up on to the small stage Coach Daniels kissed her.

"Carolyn please accept this big box of chocolates on behalf of your team and remember to share it out. You girls played with great heart today and I'm very proud of you."

Carolyn left the stage beaming and waving.

"Well most of you here today know this is my last season as coach of the senior women. I've been forty-eight years with the club as a player from the age of seventeen and worked my way up to play for the State of Victoria and had three trials to gain national selection but never made it. On my retirement as a player I began coaching and five years ago I stood aside to let someone else coach the senior men and bugger me if I wasn't corralled into coaching the senior women."

"Why I'm telling you this is to make sure you all are aware that I've seen hundreds of players pass through this club including our two heroes who gained national selection and played for Australia. So I kid myself I have a good nose for identifying players who are likely to become elite players if that's what they want. Today I saw a star arising although she's still in embryo. You won't know her because she only joined the club on Thursday. Would Dylan Magee, our girl from Chicago, please come forward and be introduced to this assembly."

"Omigod," Dylan said. "Oh this is so unfair."

"Go Dylan," said Yvonne who was sitting beside her. The nickname for Dan Daniels in this club is God. He's never known to lick butt or bullshit."

"Correct," Carolyn said. "Off you go baby.

Dylan, second youngest in the senior squad, stood and the team stood with her but remained silent.

Dylan walked to the stage and she heard someone to her left shout, "Go Dylan" and recognized Kath's voice.

"Hi Coach Daniels," she said in a loud and clear voice. "Thanks for embarrassing me like this."

"And hi to you young lady. Well here she is folk. Age twenty-three and not yet quite a month out of Chicago."

People clapped.

"And what brought you to Melbourne Dylan?"

"It was time to break my home ties and I couldn't decide where to go. Then fate took over. Mom's sister who lives here in Melbourne called to make contact with mom who was out. So we chatted and she said why not get a work visa and come to Melbourne. So here I am."

"And who is your aunt?"

"The irrepressible Kath Sloan who is married to Dick Sloan and both have strong ties with this club."

People broke into huge applause.

"Tell me, did you excel in soccer in Chicago, I understand you lived a little north of the CBD?"

"No but I received good coaching. I relied on swimming for fitness and I used to run out of puff and sometime was even replaced because my game was falling off. But then I began doing other things to increase my stamina, particularly hitting the bike in the gym and now I'm into jogging and already that's providing a great help in toning my fitness level."

"And what are your goals?"

"Well since you are my coach I have to stay to do my very best for my team. I'm also giving serious thought of applying for Australian citizenship when I gain the right qualifications. I love Melbourne, the climate that I've experienced so far is a cracker and people are so open and generally so positive. It's been like receiving a wake-up call."

"Good girl. Well folk, you now know Dylan is a player to watch amid a few more of our females coming through who, with the right coaching and possessing the right mix of application and desire, could very well be vying for selection to the premier league. Thanks Dylan and have a great night."

As Dylan walked away the president said, "Finally a few words from the club's major sponsor, Johnny Wheeler, managing director and chairman of J. J. Wheeler Electronic Appliances."

There was a huge cheer because Johnny was a club stalwart with an engaging personality.

"Hi folk, another great day for the club and tonight isn't too bad either and it's still got someway to go."

"I took a look at Dylan play today because she's a computer techie and we were about to offer her employment. Well she begins with us on Monday providing she signs up. If she sets up home computer networks and troubleshoots them as well as she plays soccer then we'll have one of the best computer techies in Melbourne. On the field today she grafted hard and looked little different from anyone else apart from two things and Dan and I agree on this: She was playing as hard at the finish as she had at the beginning and oh boy is she fast. The other thing is she has the gift to read ahead of play and be already moving in on her opponent before that luckless girl even is aware a pass is about to come her way. Those two things that Dylan exhibited today suggest she has star quality, but don't expect to see it exhibited flamboyantly. Dylan Magee appears to be a gifted, speedy hard grafter. Oh, one final thought. Coach Daniels presented Dylan with the player of the day award. We all know he's a tight-ass when it comes to dishing out accolades. Well today's award says something, doesn't it? Have a great night and don't drive if you're drinking and I mean that."

At her table Dylan said nervously, "Hey guys, nothing has changed. I'm just the same Dylan Magee you met on Thursday evening. All this has taken me by complete surprise. Those guys are just talking me up."

Sandy Jones said, "Dylan will you allow me to join you when you jog."

"Yes me too," said Meg Davies and Sandra Ryan from the next table called, "Me too Dylan."

"Well yes of course. The streets of Melbourne and the pathways through parks are public thoroughfares. If you want to run with Kath and me go ahead. It will make her feel she's Queen Bee and I reckon that's very appropriate."

Dylan was taking a spell between dances sitting at the bar drinking pineapple juice and talking to Carolyn when a thin woman wearing glasses and in her early forties came up and began talking to them. Carolyn introduced the woman as Janet McGeorge.

Dylan offered to buy Janet a drink but she said she had one at her table.

"I just wanted to say hi and welcome to the club Dylan. I used to play senior soccer for the club and now donate some of my professional time to the club. I'm a lawyer and work in the fields of family and immigration law. I'm prepared to handle your application for citizenship if you decide to proceed with it. There are some hoops to go through but I can take you through them."

"That is very kind of you. I can afford fees though."

"Well as I indicated, this one will be on the house. The club will want to keep its mitts on you. Perhaps if I succeed on your behalf you will consider becoming a client but that's over to you. This offer has no strings attached."

"Jesus," Carolyn said as Janet left them. "You probably couldn't do better than Janet."

"Well that's good to know. Tell me Carolyn, how's your sex life?"

"God you are I are likely to wind up being great friends," Carolyn giggled.

When they left the club Muzza went to a secluded parking spot because his outgoing flat mate was in the apartment having a farewell dinner with his girlfriend who didn't wish to move to Sydney.

A little later Dylan came up from his crotch breathing heavily, opened his car door and released a stream of semen in her mouth on to the dirt.

Muzza gave her his handkerchief to wipe her mouth and said, "I'll have to teach you to swallow."

"Ha-ha," she said.

"Sorry baby that was an unsympathetic remark. I should know to keep such comments to myself unless I think they really are funny."

"So you did think that comment was funny?"

He swallowed and said yeah. "Um but I now accept it was unsympathetic."

"Thank you," Dylan said coldly. "I thought it was funny but fucking unsympathetic."

"Right," Muzza said, still back-pedaling. "I'm relieved that we agree on that. You are fantastic at gobbling me."

"It has a proper name."

He sighed and said yeah, it was one of those names conjured up by a committee of dried-up medical people.

"Bloody oath. I can agree with you on that as well."

"Where did you pick up that term?"

"At the table tonight. I heard it used a couple of times. It's rather emphatic and I like it but I guess I shelve its use when moving in genteel company.

"Bloody oath."

Dylan removed her panties and hooked her right foot behind the steering wheel and suggested Muzza just go down on her, the main event could be deferred till tomorrow afternoon.

"I want you fully charged," she said.

"Bloody oath," Muzza grinned, stretching up to kiss Dylan.


Muzza called Dylan mid morning next day and sounded to be in quite a tizz.

"Pete's just driven off."

She said quietly, "You'll miss him. What's wrong Muzza?"

"It's mom. She called last night and said she is very upset that I'm allowing a women to move in with me, that she and dad and coming down to see if they approve of you."

"Well that's okay. It pays to keep onside with one's mother."

"But you don't understand. I don't want mom to see you and possibly label you."

"What because I'm American?"

Muzza remained silent.

"Come on baby, what's the problem?"

It burst out of Muzza. "Mom has this notion that I run around with the sluts of Melbourne."

Dylan was almost rolling on the floor laughing.

"It isn't funny Dylan."

"No but you are. You've been caught out by your mom chasing sluts to make sure you get your supply of pussy."

"Dylan," Muzza said indignantly.

Back-pedaling Dylan said, "Either that or she's a country woman and has this impression the city is awash with crime and prostitution."

"Ah so you do understand. Dad is a floater but mom is devout Presbyterian."

"Well farmland and church...that explains it all doesn't it?"

Muzza sighed in relief. "Thank god you understand. I didn't think you would."

"That means you can calm down now. When are they arriving?"

"About 1:00 for lunch. They are coming down from Beech worth situated about 180 miles to the northeast of here. They will come to me after having morning tea with dad's sister and his family and will stay tonight with mom's older sister and husband."

"Right, come and collect me and my luggage now. I must be moved in before your mom arrives because that eliminates one of her options of telling you emphatically I can't move in. We need to stop for supplies, I'll cook lunch."

"Can you cook?"

"Of course I can. Did you think I only know how to play soccer and how to fuck?"

"Um, um. No of course not. But I don't think many modern girls really know how to cook."

"I said I could cook. I didn't say I could cook as well as your mother."

"Jesus this is becoming too much for me. I should take a hike."

"You are staying at home buster. Let's get this over in one hit."

"W-whatever you say Dylan."

"Thank you."

Dylan briefed Kath who said, "Oh shit. I've met her a couple of times. To give it to your politely, she can be a bit of a bitch. She's used to running fruit pickers and the other itinerates who provide casual labor with their grapes but I understand she wins respect because she's tough. I know itinerants can be a motley lot but they come in all types and include lovely American girls picking up work while they are touring the country."

"So you are about to say I must avoid confrontations."

"Exactly. Use your dazzling smile, your impeccable manners and don't use four letter words and some of that Australian slang you've picked up. Regard her as been genteel... do you know what that is?"

"Sure like you," Dylan said slyly and almost sent Kath into hysterics.

Later as Kath and Dick were about to wave off the young couple, Kath leaned in through the open window and kissed her niece once more.

"I suppose you two had planned to mark this auspicious occasion with an afternoon sex orgy?"

"Yes but instead will have to settle for a quickie over the kitchen bench while I'm preparing lunch."

Dylan had not been to the apartment previously and found it exceeded her expectations and that made her happy.

"Let's try out the bed," she whispered.

Muzza asked anxiously, "Will we have time?"

"We will providing you don't loiter on the job."

"Oh god."

"Don't bother unless you can get it up really hard."

But it was fine and they rolled apart smiling happily.

"I feel relaxed now," Muzza said.

"I wonder why? Have you just discovered the therapeutic value of sex? Perhaps that's something you could discuss with your mother over a drink.... Just joking," Dylan said, noticing the look of panic arriving on Muzza's face.

At 12.55 Muzza sent Dylan back to the bedroom to put on make up, though light make-up.

"Mom is expecting to meet a slut, not a Nun," he said. "Take off that black dress and wear a sundress. Dad likes seeing a bit of tit."

"Muzza, stop panicking me," Dylan yelled as she ran to the bedroom.

She was standing in bra and panties when the doorbell went. She sighed and said, "What the fuck?" and made no effort to race out to meet the arrivals. Instead she dressed leisurely and got her make-up, hair and bust line just how she wanted and walked out and said to the gray-haired woman, "Hi Vera, how lovely to meet you. I'm Dylan Magee and in case you haven't been told by your wayward son, I'm American."

A moment's stunned silence was broken by Mr Coleman's laugh. "Jesus Dylan, you are beautiful and very classy. I'm Timothy Coleman. Please call me Tim."

"Thanks Tim. Pleased to meet you."

Dylan then bent over the seemingly semi-stunned Vera, kissed her cheek lightly and said, "I can see where Murray received his good looks. What lovely perfume that is. I think it's Yves Saint Laurent Parisienne. Mom has taken to wearing that on formal occasions."

"Yes it is. You appear to be a warm and lovely young woman?"

"Yes, I am my mother's daughter. I was last in line so received that extra attention that many American mothers give to their last born, at least they hope is their last born. Come out at chat with me in the kitchen Vera and let the men talk about the grapes of wrath."

"Are you cooking?"


"Murray usually gives us bought pies surrounded by mashed potato."

"Well Murray was nervous you wouldn't like me so pleaded to me to pull out all stops. I'm really such an uncouth slut who is drunk most of the time, has speech difficulties and my hair is always in such a mess."

"Yes and I'm the legendary bushranger Ned Kelly. I don't know what nonsense my son has been filling your head with but I always take people as I find them and I see you as a beautiful, well-educated and talented young woman."