Inheritance Ch. 02


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I tugged and twisted the nipple, bring more groans and moans from gran. But now something on the screen caught my attention. Jane had said her 'thing' was being bound into immobility, but on the screen she was being wrapped in cling film. Round and round they went, first round her waist, binding her to a pole, leaving her full breasts exposed but tying her arms tight to her torso. The wrapping went on around her thighs and legs, around her upper torso and shoulders.

Eventually Elizabeth and Master John wrapped mum's head, pulling it back to the pole and putting a tube in her mouth so she could breath. Soon all of Jane's body, except for her breasts, was wrapped in cling film. Having immobilised, her grand-dad began flogging the tips of her breasts. Even wrapped as she was, literally bound to a pole, mum twitched and flinched under the wrap. The flogging went on and on until mum's breasts were red and raw looking. Having achieved this state of redness and obvious tenderness, the scene changed again.

But my attention was drawn to the oral battle going on next to me, and out of nowhere Elizabeth began her orgasm. Less dramatic than Jane's earlier, it still made her vibrate, her body shaking and jerking, spasming, Jane's tongue forcing the events as she chased Elizabeth's pleasure centres with her tongue. It was erotic and primal at one and the same time. Elizabeth reached out and pulled Jane's head into her crotch.

"Jane!" I caught mum's attention, as I slid my track suit bottoms down. My mum wiped her face, drawing the back of her hand across her mouth, grinned and -- I swear -- licked her lips, before taking my cock in her mouth.

Basically I wanted to get off, and it didn't take long -- soon I had spurted strings of cum across my mum's face before I guided Elizabeth to clean it up.

And that was it. I had cum six or seven times that day and I was knackered. I sent both of my lovelies to clean themselves up as I watched the rest of the film. Master John wasn't an extreme sort of guy, so most of the film was just simple bondage techniques, I was pleased to see that no one else was involved, though to be honest I wouldn't have been surprised. But obviously who they were and what they were doing was enough for the three of them. And now it was part of my life.

Elizabeth and Jane returned as the film ended. "And now there is the matter of Elizabeth's orgasm." I announced. "Go to the playroom. And take your place on the cross bench, Elizabeth. I will be there soon."

My gran scampered off to the play-room.

As I got there Elizabeth was spread eagled across the polished wooden arms of the bench. The red leather pads under her stomach lifted her arse up and her arms reached out to the arms of the cross exposing her ribs and the side of her boobs.

I took some of the silk ropes that hung on the walls of the playroom, amongst other things, and tied her wrists and ankles to the rings on the ends of the arms.

I picked the implement I would use carefully, running my hands across the various floggers, paddles and canes -- until I found it! A switch just like the one in the film, probably even the same one. And it made a very sinister sounding swishing noise. Gran looked around as far as she could, her eyes a mix of anticipation and dread.

As she watched I indicated Jane should do the switching. Jane smiled, as she whipped the switch back and to. My plan was simple really - I thought I'd recreate the scene from the film for Elizabeth, but in the process I'd learn a bit more about how to use a switch, my mum's no stranger to them, so she could start and I'd see how hard to do it. Win-win really. I leaned over and whispered to Elizabeth, "I give you my permission to cum as hard and as often as you wish."

Jane started gently warming Elizabeth's bottom with the switch. As the skin on Elizabeth's bum started to redden Jane started to hit harder, red wheals began to appear and gran began to grind her hips as the pain -- and her pleasure -- increased. Soon the marks criss-crossed Elizabeth's bum making a lace work pattern, and Jane started to vary the impacts.

Gran was moaning and lifting her arse towards the blows. Her legs and arms flexed as she writhed, grinding her pubis against the leather of the main part of the bench. I watched fascinated. Gran was in pain, enough to make some men cry and she was getting off on it. Elizabeth shuddered and came as Jane switched her across the lower back, the tip of the switch reaching around as it landed and marking Elizabeth's ribs.

I knelt next to Elizabeth and kissed the cheek she turned to face me. I worked my way along her neck, lifting her hair out of the way. From her neck I worked across her shoulders, kissing down her spine. I avoided touching her red welted arse and carefully parted her cheeks. My gran was a woman in the throes of orgasm, her sphincter flexed and winked at me. I kissed it gently, then started rimming her. The change of sensation caught her out and she started to orgasm again. Just as that finished, I took the switch from Jane and gave Elizabeth five more strokes, quite hard, one on the opposite side of her back to where Jane had striped her ribs. Two more across Elizabeth's upper thighs and two more to her arse, one on each cheek.

With that I felt it was time to stop. Elizabeth had to become my gran again on Monday and talk business so I wanted her fit. I untied her feet and turned to Jane, indicating she should cross her wrists. I bound Jane's wrists behind her and walked her across the room.

I took some more of the silk rope, draped it round Jane's neck, with an equal length on either side. Letting it fall between her breasts I wrapped it round her until it came back to the front, looped it back on itself three times until Jane's arms were bound to her upper body. There was a hook in the ceiling, I took the clip that hung from it, and looped one of the rope tails (I know, I know! I need to learn the proper words) and clipped it into it. I then took the other tail of the rope and wrapped Jane's legs about the knee. Once I was convinced she could only jump if she wanted to go somewhere I put a bit more tension on the rope over the ceiling hook. Now Jane had to stand on the front part of her feet. To finish off I added a ball gag and took one of the vibrators off the shelf and slid it into my mum's pussy. Ah those magic words again "Only cum when I tell you to."

Going back to Elizabeth I untied her hands and helped her off the cross bench. Kissing her gently I led her from the playroom, to her room.

It was the first time I had been into my gran's room, which was _ well, pretty much how I expected my gran's room. It was spacious and it had an en-suite bathroom. There were family pictures and memorabilia. It could have been chintzy and flowery, but despite some cut flowers in vases the materials gran had chosen were feminine but not girlie.

I drew the top sheet back and laid Elizabeth on her bed. She quickly rolled onto her front, but not before she had kissed me good night. I didn't cover her up, there was no need, the room was warm.

I went back to the play-room. Jane had been immobilised for about ten or fifteen minutes. When I reached her she was breathing heavily around the bright red ball gag, and quivering with standing on the ball of her feet. The first thing I did was slacken off the cord and let her stand on her feet again. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief. "You may cum now!"

And cum she did shuddering, shaking, huffing around the ball gag. Jane leaned in against me till it was past. Her eyes -- momentarily lost their focus but when she looked at me again, it was a genuine, passionate love.

I started to untie her -- working in reverse, the last thing I removed was the vibrator. Even as I did this Jane rested her hand on my shoulder to steady herself as another small orgasm shook her.

I sent Jane to see if Elizabeth needed anything and to see to her if she did. Once she was done she could -- if she wished join me in bed.

I showered and climbed into bed. I don't even remember my head touching the pillow, but some time later I was aware of my mum beside me in the bed.

"Is Elizabeth okay?" I asked her.

"Yes Master." Once I knew that I slept again.

When I woke again there was daylight coming through the gaps in the curtains. My mum was still there lying next to me, watching me. Her eyes sparkled in the morning light. She still wore her collar. I leaned over and took it off her. She went to stop me.

"Not today mum." And kissed her.

"Okay, Master."

"Go and see how Elizabeth is this morning. I'm going to shower and we'll have breakfast, then I think we'll go out today for lunch. Oh and Jane?"


"I think today is a clothes day."

"Yes Master."

A quick shower later, I was sat in the kitchen with my tablet and the television on in the background, answering emails and catching up on the news. Yesterday had been intense and continuous, I couldn't believe how much sex there had been, and how deep it had all been. I mean I'm pretty certain that some S&M types get more intense and a lot more damage gets done. But I'm still new to this, and I was also worried about Elizabeth. I had seen some pretty scary wheals on her back. Gran had been tender on Friday night, and last night I had walked her to her room with me. As I ate my toast -- quite frankly I was worried I had nearly killed my gran! I mean you get sucked into the tying and the spanking and the fucking and the sucking, the fingerings and the teasing and the beating and_

"Good morning Master Michael!"

My gran led my mum into the kitchen like she was just back from holiday. She was dressed pretty much as gran would normally would dress, she walked like she would normally and she sounded so fucking cheerful!

I think both of them picked up on the toast paused half way to my mouth, and the chin hanging loose.

"Master?" They both asked at the same time, "Are you okay?"

"Der! Er _ I was going to ask Elizabeth the same thing."

"Master? I am fine thank you Master. I have a bit of tenderness, in my elbow probably an old tennis injury.

I wasn't buying it, her arse and her back were criss-crossed with raised wheals. That doesn't go away over night. I stood up and leaned over to kiss them both good morning. As I did I reached down and pulled her bum in. There was the slightest of winces but no lessening of the passion in Elizabeth's kiss. Wow! My gran's harder than your gran! (Actually she's probably harder than your granddad and your dad as well.)

"Get yourselves some breakfast, I want to go out for a drive later, we can have a pub lunch."

"Oh yes, Master that sounds good."

After breakfast we decided to go for a walk in the sunshine. We walked in the grounds at Thrallthorpe, and as she showed me the grounds my gran explained that the name was a joke based on two old Anglo-Saxon words and another famous local house. Thrall from a serf or slave and Thorpe from the word for wood, punning Althorpe the name of Spencer family -- y'know Lady Diana's family's place? All around the grounds there were places where with not too much effort someone could be tied up or immobilised or punished - all with a stunning backdrop, or a breath-taking vista. It made me wonder how with all the games he used to play with my Gran and my mum, how granddad ran so many businesses and made so much money. Well, he must have done it somehow.

We left the house in one of the larger cars and drove to a pub about ten miles away where we enjoyed a leisurely lunch just like a normal family. It was all really nice and "Sunday", we talked about this and that over the meal, then took some drinks out on to a terrace. The sun was hot and the pub looked out over a rural valley to a small village on a hill in the distance.

"So what's happening Monday?" I asked.

"You'll meet the management team first. Then there's someone coming from our lawyers in the morning. They're going to bring some papers through, which will be your contracts as CEO of the JE Group." My mum told me. "They'll also have a sheaf of documents to do with your grandfather's will which you need to sign to show we did our jobs as executors."

"Has it been tough? I mean five years as executors without saying anything and all the rest?"

"You wouldn't believe how tough it's been," gran laughed sadly. "Just after Master John died, was the hardest. He had been so involved in our lives and then he was gone."

"We knew he was ill, and he had left instructions -- as you've seen." Mum took a drink. "The will laid out what we could and couldn't do. Since Master John died we've made some of the additions around the house. I love the gardening, and we've got a really good contractor. But mainly it's just been carrying on and getting it done."

We had talked several times about the businesses but I wanted to know about their lives. I thought I had known my mum and gran, and all the time there they were, with these double lives.

"Oh we used to have to bite our tongues at times." Gran laughed, "You'd come up to your mum's house and say something_"

"Do you remember that time you had that fight with that chap at work and you were worried about your job?" Mum interrupted.

"Did you do something behind the scenes?" I remembered the incident, the guy had got in my face and I had responded by saying he was a total fuckwit and couldn't find his arse if he had a map. The fact that it had happened at a major meeting hadn't helped but he had seriously fucked me off. I often wondered how I had got away with it.

"Oh no, Master," Mum laughed.

"We didn't need to do anything," gran took carried on, "The man really was - er - a -- a fuckwit. If you remember he was moved sideways. It seems Allitt's management themselves decided that one. We operate with a distinctly hands-off policy."

"We just try to make sure we have the right people in the right jobs, and generally that does it." Mum finished for her.

"So -- I've been to a couple of Board meetings, how come I have never seen you two?"

"You'll meet them on Monday." Gran told me, "The management team are our link to the companies, and they're very good."

"So Monday morning is lawyers, what's Monday afternoon?

"The bank will come in on Monday afternoon they'll have another sheaf of papers for you, but you'll enjoy that one, because your bank account will explode." Mum laughed.

"Do we get the 'serious sucking up'?" I laughed.

"In a way you wouldn't imagine." Gran said.

"And we bloody should the amount of business we give them." Mum agreed laughing. And we left to go back to the house.

Because it was Sunday night and it was going to be busy, the evening was one of light bondage. I secured Jane on an ottoman in the living room, in front of the fire where I had first seen her naked. Bound lying on her back -- her wrists and ankles tied. I left her for a while with a vibrator buzzing away in her pussy.

I took Elizabeth to the play room and used a few clips around her body before using a riding crop strategically on her nipples and pussy and the soles of her feet. After half an hour of this, I undid the clips and we walked down to the sitting room, and found Jane straining against the ropes as she tried not to orgasm.

Once Jane had been untied we all three went upstairs to bed, but each to their own room.

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DocWordsDocWordsover 1 year ago

Another excellent chapter. Thank you.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aover 1 year ago

The author has almost grasped the emotional, mental and physical relationship between nastyer and submissive. The mental/emotional insecurity of the son/new master reflects real world situations. I appreciate the preparation the deceased grandfather gave to assist his grandson to evolve into a true master of the two women he loved more than himself, to wit: his wife and daughter.

scipioparkinsscipioparkinsover 2 years agoAuthor

Wait! Someone told you to look me up?!

mrfluffermrflufferover 2 years ago

I can see why I was told I needed to look you up. Great writing, great narration, and the fact that he is a newbie and is learning to be the Master and owner of these ladies make it all the better to read.

scipioparkinsscipioparkinsabout 9 years agoAuthor
Many thanks for your comments

Glad you're enjoying the story Ratu.

I appreciate what you're saying about using the switch, or any other device around the lumbar area and kidneys. I didn't know that,and if I had I probably would have phrased it differently. It's definitely something people should be aware of. However - and not in anyway intending to take it lightly - the two ladies in the story aren't new to the game, so I am sure they would be careful.

I hope you carry on enjoying the story and would like to hear more of what you think.

RatuJoneRatuJoneabout 9 years ago

I am enjoying the story very much, even though I have a history in D/s. I want to make one comment. In the switching scene you describe the following: "Jane switched her across the lower back, the tip of the switch reaching around as it landed and marking Elizabeth's ribs." I feel there should have been a disclaimer as this is not recommended for tyros. Any readers wishing to try something like this should be discouraged from hitting anywhere around the small of the back up to the lower ribs. The risk of damage to the kidneys is great! Apart from that I think it's great!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Wow. I cum to each of your stories!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
will be nice and not bother to vote

as this so called lifestyle is not my thing

My personal opinion and that is all it is,, any slut that wants to be owned and abused is totally worthless waste of skin

Again , my personal opinion,, any queer that wants to own a women and abuse her should be taken out behind the barn and beat to death

My opinion,, A relationship is 2 people madly in love and are EQUALS, not put before one another to use and abuse

Sorry I know this type of shit goes on everyday, just not my thing


scipioparkinsscipioparkinsover 9 years agoAuthor
Thank you for such an interesting question.

In so many of the stories I have read the dominant person is suddenly an expert, or the submissive is totally submissive, almost like a switch had been flipped on. The basic premise for this story isn't a particularly realistic one, but I have tried to keep it grounded in real human behaviour. Human relationships are never clear-cut black and white affairs, so yes sometimes the subs show Mike what they want, as he himself seeks to learn.

Mike is writing his own book on the subject and he's doing it his way, as long as everyone gets what they want from the relationships - and in this story that's what really counts isn't?

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
if I may, I have another question regarding this genre

if his mum and gran are subs, how do these comments within the story reconcile with what I am learning about acceptable behaviour?

"something I am still trying to come to terms with. Anyway she batted my hands away" --

there were a couple of other times when the "subs" directed him, or even admonished him to behave in a certain manner.

are these a moments of clarity? or a lapse in the "lifestyle"?

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