Insect Sex Ch. 02

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Daughter's Plan Succeeds.
12.3k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/15/2021
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For compliance purposes, all sexually active characters are over the age of eighteen. Any underage activities are literary insinuations or take place only in the reader's imagination.

It's probably a good idea to read Ch. 01 first.


As we started Daddy-Daughter date night my sexual frustration was the worst it had been in my life. I felt as horny as a three-balled cat and the prospect of going on a date, even an innocuous one with this gorgeous woman was playing havoc with my libido. My cock didn't care that Terri was my daughter. So that I would not embarrass myself by getting aroused, I tried to flog the log but my nightly attempts ended in frustration because of Terri dominating my thoughts.

Terri had made all the arrangements all I had to do was dress up and meet her downstairs at 6:30. I put on my best outfit and with quite a bit of anxiety went downstairs. Terri had taken the center leaf out of the dining room table so that it was smaller and more intimate. Upon this, she had put a checkered tablecloth and candles. Good china, silverware, and crystal glasses completed the table setting. A cabernet was on the counter, opened to breathe. On the counter were the containers of food Terri had ordered. I could smell Maiale Siciliana and some of my favorite sides from our go-to fancy restaurant.

Then I saw her. Terri had put her braids into a small bun and ponytail that were decorated with gold clips and plum-colored beads. Tonight she wore a little make-up; pale golden eyeshadow that made her dark eyes pop and a plum-colored lipstick that accentuated her full lips. She had also changed her nail color to a vibrant purple.

I should not have been surprised but seeing my little girl looking so grown up and gorgeous was both a thrill and a bit of a shock. Her dress really brought home how adult she had become. She wore a plum-colored dress that both complimented and contrasted with her chocolate complexion. The swooping curved neckline that bared most of her cleavage revealing smooth, brown hills. The dress snugly fit around her breasts, torso, and rear and stopped at mid-thigh except that it fell to just above her knee on her left side. Her ensemble was completed by golden strappy sandals with heels.

My heart thrummed and to my horror my cock twitched and hardened as she walked over to her chair. She stood by it and after a moment of standing gave me a questioning look. Okay, right, supposed to be a date. I walked over to her chair and pulled it out for her. As she sat my eyes were so focused on how tightly her dress clung to her magnificent ass that I nearly missed her smiling at me.

"Would you mind serving, Daddy?"

I filled our plates and after a moment's hesitation filled both wine glasses. What the hell, one or two glasses wouldn't hurt her, and it's not like we were going anywhere. Besides I needed it to get through this date. I used the wine bottle to hide my growing erection and then I placed it next to my place setting. Terri smiled with surprise as I handed her the wine glass. "I wasn't sure you'd let me have some so, thank you."

I nodded and took a large sip of wine. Terri raised her eyebrows at that and gave me one of her piercing looks. "For some reason, you're nervous or uncomfortable. Is it because I'm your daughter in such a grown-up situation? Well, you need to get used to the idea because I'm not going to regress in age. Why don't we ease into the idea? For the next hour, I'm not your daughter, I'm just your friend Terri. Can you do that? Can you talk to me like you would a friend from work?

"Okay, I'll try." I made an effort to mentally divorce that this young lady sitting in front of me was my daughter. How she was dressed and made up actually made it a little easier than I expected. This gorgeous and sexy young woman clashed with my inner image of what my daughter should look like so I was able to put the daughter part of the date out of my mind for a bit. With the wine's help and the good meal, I began to relax.

Now I talk to my daughter all the time but it's usually small talk. That night was the first time I really had an actual in-depth conversation with her. Although I knew vaguely about her plans after high school, I didn't know the details. Allie had told me not to worry about the finances because she had gotten scholarships and grants.

"Have your narrowed down your choices for college?"

"Yes, .... Uh, Rory, I have. I settled on MIT, which has both the degree programs I want; molecular biology and nanotechnology. I hope to use nanotechnology in concert with tailored viruses to cure diseases. "

"Ah, like the covid virus. " I replied it sounded like science fiction to me but I trusted she knew what she was talking about.

"More like genetic anomalies like ALS, Lupus, things of that nature." She looked at me with some concern. "Also hopefully, conditions like yours without using invasive surgery." Terry laid a hand on mine. "I know how scary this disease must be for you, Daddy. It scares me terribly. If you get it there's a high probability.... "She blinked back tears. "I don't want to even think it." And so within minutes, "my friend" Terri went back to simply being my loving daughter.

"I plan to be around for a long while, sweetheart. That's why I'm taking all the precautions I can. I just feel bad for you. You know you can go out and visit your friends if you are careful."

"I'm not taking any chances. Honestly, I'm not all that bothered by the lack of socialization." With a small smile "I do miss my friends and teachers but studies have shown that highly intelligent people often prefer to be alone. This is why I have plenty of school friends but only have one or two close friends. Besides I'm not really alone. I have you. The only good thing about the lockdown was that it gives me a chance to spend more time with you, Daddy. I've missed that these past few years since I was so busy with school and extracurricular activities." In the candlelight, her dark skin glowed as she gave me a brilliant smile.

We talked a little longer and then as I cleaned the table she picked out a film for us to watch. We watched "Date Night". We drank another glass of wine while we watched the film. Halfway through the film Terri grabbed my arm and put it around her shoulders and rested my hand on her side. I became all too aware of my daughter's lush body pressed against mine. Her head nestled on my shoulder and a faint, sweet smell rose from her braids which mingled with the spicy, yet muted flowery scent of her perfume. Despite the film being a comedy without anything erotic about it, I had to shift around a bit because I kept getting an erection.

Instead of watching the film my eyes kept drifting over her curvaceous form. Even when I forced myself to look away from her sexy, voluptuousness I found myself looking at Terri's gorgeous face. My mouth watered as a deep desire to taste her plump, plum-colored lips welled forth in me. Although Terri did not comment, every time I shifted my seat slightly, she sighed and snuggled closer to me.

Fortunately, by the end of the film, my arousal had worn off. I was about to tell Terri I was feeling tired and call it a night when she spoke first.

"You know I think the last time we were dressed up together was when we went to the final daddy-daughter dance at grade school. You remember those?"

I said yes cheerfully although inside I was dreading what I knew was coming next. Terri gave me a brilliant smile, "I used to love those so much. I so looked forward to getting all dolled up and then spending the night with my handsome daddy. I always felt so loved and protected in your arms as we danced." She then gave me an expectant look.

Although I knew I was going to regret it, who could say no to that. "Would you like to dance with me, Terri?"

"Yes, Daddy and I even found some songs from that last dance." Terri spoke to our speaker device, "Play Daddy Daughter playlist," and held her arms out to me as "Dance with my Daughter" started up. I realized with a start that the last time I'd danced with her, or even held her for other than quick hugs was four years ago at that dance. However, this was before she started to develop and before all these perverted thoughts began plaguing my mind.

I tried dancing with her at arms' length but she instead moved in and laid her head on my shoulder. Her arms encircled my back, so mine went around hers. The bumpy contours of her braids tickled my cheek as my nose was treated to the sweet, sensual scent of her perfume. The corner of my eye caught glimpses of the rolling valley that formed between the two brown hills pressing against my chest. They rose and fell with every breath she took. I delighted at the touch of her luscious warm cushions slowly rubbing against me. My chest tingled as I felt her nipples harden against me. My cock grew snaking up to its full length, tenting my pants.

Without saying a word Terri moved her leg a bit and gave my rigid prick a nudge upwards so that my erection was more comfortable. She moved a bit closer so that my hard cock was sandwiched between my thigh and her soft, yet toned abdomen.

After Dance with Your Daughter ended, Daddy's Little Girl began. When Michael Buble sang "And you're Daddy's Little Girl. You're the end of the rainbow. My Pot of Gold", Terri lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at me with a little smile. "Am I a pot of gold? Daddy's little girl to have and to hold?"

"Absolutely, sweetheart," I answered and kissed Terri's forehead. She seemed vaguely disappointed so I upped the compliment. "You're more than a pot, honey, to me you're Fort Knox." I was rewarded with the same wan smile I got for dad jokes.

As the song was winding down and I gazed into Terri's beautiful face, a small smile played on her full lips and her eyes were closed as she enjoyed our dance. I kept imagining kissing her neck and slowly slipping her dress off of her shoulders, so I could feast on the bountiful wonders of her sexy body. My raging cock clamored to push into the warm nest only inches away from it. I needed to get away from her very shortly before I did something I'd regret.

I faked a yawn. "Sorry, Princess, this is gonna have to be my last dance. I'm beat."

Terri sighed with disappointment. "Okay, Daddy. If you really need to... sleep. Let's go to bed." My cock twitched at the innocent innuendo of that remark. After the song ended and stopped dancing Terri put one arm around my back and held onto my hip. She leaned against me, her head on my shoulder and we walked up the stairs to her room.

When we reached her door she turned to face me, her arm still around my back. As her full breasts pressed against me her full, inviting lips parted slightly in a half-smile, half pucker. Her soft dark eyes glowed with happiness and love. I stared at her, transfixed by her absolute beauty and sexuality. I had to fight with every fiber of my being not to seize her in my arms and kiss those beckoning lips.

"I know it's been a while for you, but this is the part where you give your date a good night kiss," Terri said with a small smile. Her lips curled into a small pucker.

I didn't trust myself to give her even a small peck on her lips so I bent down to give her a kiss on her forehead and tried to move away from her. Terri's eyes flickered with disappointment and frustration.

"Daddy, I need to be kissssssed. Soooo." She then planted a full-mouthed kiss on me that made me weak in the knees. As she kissed me Terri's thigh accidentally brushed against my rampant cock. Her kiss left me tingling. She moved out of my arms, "Night night, daddy. I can't wait until our next Daddy Daughter activity." With a final smile, she went inside her room and closed the door.

Although I needed release, I knew that there was no way I was going to be able to jack off without Terri's image and voice invading my thoughts. I hurried to my room to undress so I could take a frigid shower. As I stripped my clothes off I kept thinking about Terri's kiss. My lips continued to tingle and as I stood naked my cock still jutted out at full mast. I threw on a robe and opened my door hoping to beat Terri to the shower.

Once outside my door I heard Terri call for me so I walked towards her door. As I approached I heard moaning. The same type of moaning that I'd heard in the auditory hallucination that'd been plaguing me for weeks. I knocked on the door and the moaning stopped. I knocked again. Instead of inviting me inside as she usually did, I heard movement inside the room. In a few seconds, Terri answered the door.

My little darling was dressed in a short red silk robe that reached mid-thigh. From its wrinkling and positioning, I knew it had been hastily thrown on and pulled closed. Her nipples jutted against the silk like thimbles. I realized with a shock that this time she actually had been masturbating while thinking of me. She gazed at me with a questioning look that seemed both nervous and hopeful.

Terri had removed her makeup but her full lips still looked moist, ripe, and inviting. Her hastily tied robe fell open exposing her full, trembling breasts and toned, dark smooth-skinned legs and torso. A faint musk tickled my nose as her dark-haired pubes came into my view. That slight scent was the tipping point. The demon inside me broke through his cage.

I grabbed Terri's shoulders firmly and swiftly planted my still tingling lips upon hers. Terri's arms shot around my back as she kissed me back with fervor. During our kiss, I barely noticed as Terri walked us back towards her bed. Somewhere along the way both our robes fell away. Before I knew it we were standing in front of her bed. When we broke our kiss for air, Terri gave me a happy, brilliant smile and dove in for another kiss. This time our tongues fenced and a soft, smooth hand slid up and down my horny shaft. Just like in my wet dream her nails teased my balls, my pulsing veins, and the glans until I began to bead with pre-cum.

As if they had minds of their own my hands cupped my daughter's full, heavy breasts and slowly kneaded. Terri gasped in pleasure as my palms skated across her swollen nips. The contact sent a thrill through me that seemed directly connected to my dick. Terri sat on the edge of her bed where a black beach towel hung over the edge. The towel went across her bed. For a second I wondered what the hell a towel was doing on her bed. Then I realized that my first impression was true, she had been masturbating, the towel being there so she wouldn't mess up her bed.

When our kiss ended Terri looked down at my throbbing cock firmly held in her small brown hand. Her eyes danced with merriment as she smiled up at me with a laugh. "Daddy, are you going make me break my no sex on the first date rule?"

When she said that the enormity of the situation suddenly struck me. "Honey, Uh... I got carried away. We don't..... "

Terri put a finger across my lips. "Daddy, if you haven't figured it out yet, I want this. And really I've never had sex on any date."

"Wait, you're a.... a..."

Terri gave me a sour, scolding look, although her eyes still twinkled. "Of course I'm a virgin, Daddy. I've been waiting for you." She sat on the edge of her bed with her legs spread wide. Her left arm looped over my neck as she pulled my face closer to hers. Our foreheads met and she looked directly into my eyes and smiled like she had just won the lottery. She tilted her face up and gave me a long, lingering kiss as her right hand grasped and stroked my hard, throbbing cock. My hands were still holding onto her full, warm breasts. I softly squeezed them, playing with her rock-hard nipples with my fingers. She hissed in pleasure as we kissed.

After a moment she drew her face back and gazed into my eyes with a big grin as she placed the tip of my cock right against her splayed pussy lips. Her little cunt exuded great heat and her lips were very, very moist. She rubbed my cockhead against her lips and through her small bush, tickling my cock with her wet thatch. Then she pressed it against her warm, welcoming entrance while looking me directly in the eyes. Her lips curled into a sexy grin and her eyes twinkled as she said, "You ready to pop me, papa?"

Terri angled her hips and pushed towards me. The bulb of my cock slipped past her pussy lips. I couldn't believe it. The moment that I had dreamed of for weeks was finally and irrevocably true. The entrance to her cunt was very tight, very wet, and utter heaven. Her hand shot down from around my neck. Both of her hands gripped the dark towel she had laid across the bed. Her sharp purple nails contrasted starkly against the black material.

"Oh my.... Her eyes widened and she made a little wince. "I didn't expect it to be quite that snug inside me. " She gave me a coy smile, "it's a bit different than a couple of fingers" She bit her lip and looked at me with a bit of uncertainty.

Had I thought that she truly wanted to stop, I would have stopped even though it would have killed me to do so. It was taking all my effort not to just plunge deep inside my daughter's pussy, the pussy that had been haunting my thoughts for all this time. However I'm a father first, so I was going to do whatever I could to make my daughter's first fuck as good as I possibly could. I slid my hands off her breasts and down her sides to stop at her hips. I softly stroked her belly with one hand and with the other I tickled her clit, which to my surprise was already swollen with desire.

Terri hissed in pleasure and gave me a grateful smile. She then gently pushed my hand aside. "I know what you're trying to do and I'm grateful. Buuuut, that's distracting." She looked down to where my cock was poised at her entrance and then up to me with a small, nervous smile. "I want to feel every bit of my first penetration." Her mouth suddenly widened in a big, toothy grin. "I wanna feel every millimeter of my father's penis sliding inside my tight, virgin vag.. pussy. No matter how much it stings I'm gonna love it. Just go slow, Daddy."

Oddly enough what brought home the fact that I was about to deflower my little girl was Terri's verbal hiccup. We didn't swear or curse in our home. Both Shanna and I had decided early on that we would not swear in front of our children. Part of this was due to our upbringing, both of our parents had been fairly religious, mine more so than hers. Plus as a teacher, Shanna thought that it showed a limited vocabulary. So Terri never cursed around me. Now I've overheard her have conversations in her room where she talked like any other teenager. I found it endearing that even in this situation she still had trouble cursing in front of her father.

I gave her a comforting smile and I cupped my hands under Terri's full, round butt and held onto her as I very slowly and gradually pushed inside her sweetness. The first thing I noticed was that she was very warm and very wet and very, very tight. I have an average-sized dick but when entering my daughter's tight little cunt, I felt like a porn star with an eggplant-sized cock.

Although her vaginal lips and walls quivered with the need to be filled, her tightness resisted my admission. I gripped her lovely ass and pushed harder. Slowly but surely her snug channel opened around my invading cock, her hot moist sheath expanded just enough to allow me to slip inside. Although my daughter's pussy was extraordinarily constrictive she was also well lubricated. My cock was in pure bliss as Terri's pussy contoured around it, clenching tightly but also palpating and caressing it, tickling and teasing all its pleasurable nerve endings.

Terri was slow breathing, her large breasts slowly rising and falling with every breath. Her dark brown nipples pointed at me like sweet chocolate kisses. My mouth watered at the sight. Despite desperately wanting to suck on them I didn't since Terri had said she didn't want to be distracted. Her eyes were locked onto the hard cylinder of flesh sinking into and distending her pussy. Although she forced herself to relax at the intrusion of her special private place, her hands still clutched the towel very tightly.