Intersexed Ch. 02 - Recruitment


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"So, Ms Anan," Tank asked. "What does it all mean?"

"That we're going to need more weights and a faster treadmill," Anan replied. "We need to keep pushing until we find your limits. The same goes for Julie because I doubt that she's anywhere near her limits either."

"And us?" Roque queried.

"I think you're already near or at your improvement limits," Anan responded. "I'm convinced it's having the Neanderthal DNA melded into your genes making the difference. We can possibly experiment and see if we can add it to your DNA sequence, but I suspect it will cause an immediate mutation that your body won't be able to contain."

Roque, Alban and Envet exchanged glances. Speaking for all of them, Roque said, "We'd like to volunteer for that trial."

"I'll discuss it with Major Tenerife," Anan reluctantly replied. "We'll run some computer simulations and see what they show. If it works there, Major Tenerife will run it past the higher-ups. Maybe they'll approve a trial."

"If that's the best we can hope for, then that's what we will accept," Roque said. The trio bowed to Tank and Julie and left, taking Genet with them.

"Captain Genet," Roque could be heard arguing as they left. "To be any chance against the Aridian Slavers, we need these improvements. Hell, if we can become half as strong and fast as Lieutenant Zaffra, we can face them on an equal footing. Captain, we are prepared to risk uncontrolled mutations if it guarantees our species' survival."

The rest of the conversation was lost behind the closing door.

"Anything else today, Researcher Anan?" Tank asked formally.

"No," Anan replied absently. "You both need to increase your exercise regimes to take advantage of what's happening inside you. I'd like to monitor those extra sessions. Otherwise, I'll see you when I need to run some tests next."

Julie and Tank ate at the cafeteria and then went to the ship's library. They spent three mostly enjoyable hours reading up on Providian history, trying to understand the people they were somehow aligned with.

"The problem is," Julie stated somewhat frustratedly towards the end. "Is that the winners get to write history. These tomes are full of Providian victories against vicious, unprincipled enemies who were hell-bent on destroying them. But I wonder what the history books of those races say?"

"I agree," Tank answered as he pondered a solution to their lack of knowledge. "But how else can we learn? It's not like being on Earth and logging onto the internet to verify the facts."

"If you can find the facts buried beneath all the misinformation piled into it by special interest groups and groups pushing their own agenda," Julie muttered.

They decided to get dinner and discuss anything else.

After dinner, and their growing attraction to each other remaining unspoken and unacted upon, Tank and Julie made their ways to their separate rooms.

'A doorway, an eight-foot corridor, and a million light years from the woman of my dreams,' Tank thought as he undressed and watched Anan and her assistants entering with the mutagen gas chamber. "Am I really back to having to do this?" Tank asked frustratedly. "I thought I was done with it."

"This is more to ensure your current mutations don't go wild," Anan stated as she dismissed the assistants. "Plus, in case you've forgotten, this chamber has the regeneration components combined with the gas ones. If anything is going wrong, the regen chamber should correct it before it becomes fatal. Put your hands against the rails, Lieutenant Tank."

"Why?" Tank questioned.

Anan sighed before saying, "Because, as you always do, you will fight the gas' effects, and your body will go into spasm, possibly flinging you off onto the floor." Tank echoed Anan's frustrated sigh and began to climb onto the bed. "You may as well strip," Anan added. "You'll be so sweaty after the treatment that you'll want to shower before sleeping anyway."

Tank suspected he was being set up, but nothing occurring that night was different from other times, so he reluctantly dropped his boxer briefs and got onto the bed. Anan had his hands cuffed and his swiftly inflating eleven-inch cock in her hands seconds later.

"If you wanted to fuck, you could have just asked," Tank playfully bitched.

"Yeah, because when you get overexcited and decide to shove this massive thing up me, I'm going to be able to resist, right?" Anan replied before lowering her head onto Tank's cock.

"I'm allowed to use that now?" Tank panted as his climax swiftly peaked.

Releasing his cock, Anan replied, "No. That was just to get you ready for this." She lifted Tank's heavy, tennis ball-sized testes aside and lowered her mouth onto Tank's mutagenically created clit.

"Oh, Gaaaawwwwdddd," Tank groaned as his prostate clenched and his thick cock spat cum.

Surprised, Anan slid her middle finger into Tank's pussy and fingered his G-spot. "Haven't you been getting any?" She asked wonderingly. "There's probably not a Providian on this ship that wouldn't fuck you."

"That's the point," Tank growled. "I don't want to be fucked; I want to fuck someone!"

"That is a problem," Anan conceded. "Not a daily briefing goes by without Major Tenerife reminding everyone they're not to use your cock or Julie's cunt. Tenerife talks of court martial and imprisonment for anyone who does." She thought for a moment. "If it's any consolation," Anan added. "Julie is feeling the same way. Genet and she are having sex regularly, but it's always Julie fucking Genet, not the other way around."

Anan wrapped a surprisingly dainty hand around Tank's shaft and masturbated him as she fingered his G-spot.

"Faaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkk!" Tank moaned as his cock jumped and spat again.

"I'm going to fuck you," Anan stated as she dropped her jumpsuit and climbed between Tank's legs. Holding Tank's massive balls aside, Anan positioned her throbbing 8+ inch cock at Tank's entrance. Then, reaching up to cup Tank's muscular pec for balance, Anan slowly penetrated the powerful actor. Squeezing rhythmically, Anan mumbled, "This would be much better if you had breasts." She slid all the way home and began pumping into Tank's squelching pussy.

Tank's eyes rolled back as he surrendered to the pleasurable sensation Anan elicited from his soaking pussy. 'I should have jammed my thighs together and prevented Anan from fucking me,' Tank vaguely thought as he felt another pussy based climax racing toward him. 'I probably would if it didn't feel so damned good!'

Tank climaxed again, with his thick juices spurting between him and Anan. Then Anan moaned and unloaded into his gripping, slippery cunt. Feeling her semen flooding into his cervical canal caused Tank to climax again.

"It's okay for me to cum in you," Anan panted as she lay on Tank's broad chest. "I'm not a breeder and therefore not fertile."

"Genet and Margraine muttered something about Tenerife injecting sperm into my womb, ensuring the transmission of the genetic code that will bind me," Tank seemingly innocently offered. "What's with that? Is that what you're doing?" He asked. "Injecting sperm into my womb to bind me to your cause?"

"If I were a breeder, then yes," Anan answered. "But to use sperm that way needs someone who is fertile, and I am not."

"But Tenerife is?" Tank questioned. "He's clearly a clone and one that's from many generations of cloned clones before him. I thought all clones were infertile? How is he able to bind me with his sperm if he's infertile?"

Getting off Tank and getting dressed, Anan growled, "First, how the fuck did you hear that conversation? Even if Margraine were angry, she wouldn't have said anything like that within someone's hearing unless she thought you were unconscious. Second, how on Providia do you know Tenerife's a clone?"

"It doesn't matter how I heard it," Tank dismissed. "The point is I did, and you've just confirmed it."

"Shit!" Anan spat, frustrated that she'd been outthought. "How do you know that Tenerife's a clone?"

'Again, I didn't," Tank grinned. "It was mere conjecture on my behalf. However, the clones, especially those who are clones of clones going back, appear fuzzy around the edges to me."

"Fuzzy?" Anan asked.

"Yeah," Tank replied as he regretfully watched Anan zippering her jumpsuit closed, hiding her magnificently firm and rounded C-cup breasts. "Like a picture that's slightly out of focus."

"Okay, putting that aside for now," Anan continued as she began connecting pipes to the chamber. "How did you know that clones are infertile?"

"Again, I didn't," Tank repeated with a grin. "But it made sense given how you're all acting. Earth is the lost throw of the dice for you guys, isn't it? If you can't get the Earth's populace onside and fighting for you, then your choices are to flee into uncharted territory or fight them here anyway and hope the various Earth governments decide to support you."

"Fool me once; shame on you," Anan responded as she shifted the chamber until it surrounded Tank's bed. "Fool me twice; shame on me."

"What if I've fooled you three times?" Tank grinned. "Who's the shame on in that case?"

"This is going to hurt like a bitch!" Anan snarled as she locked the chamber's seals in place and turned the machines on.

Tank's laughter followed her from the room. His screams came soon after that.

Tank joined Genet and Julie for a quick breakfast the next morning. Julie and Tank both looked a little grey around the edges.

'Tough night?" Genet sympathised.

Julie and Tank ate without answering, and they were soon in step with their captain as they marched to the simulation room.

Genet spoke to the group, including the new sergeant, "The hover craft will hide in the setting sun and bring us down here." Gesturing around her at the heavily wooded area around them, she added. "It won't land, so we'll need to leap from about two metres (6.5 feet). That will prevent anyone from finding the demarcation point until it lands to pick us up. The craft will then move away and hide until dusk sets. Then it will drop Lieutenant Angelina on that knoll there," she pointed to a wooded knoll around four hundred metres away. "Julie, you will jump from the craft there and be on overwatch. When you see us skedaddling, you will move to meet us back here at the extraction point. Sergeant, you, Tank, and your men will move through the ravine and hide on its edge until it's fully dark. Then, you'll lead the men to the concrete building there," she pointed at a storage shed on top of a rise.

"After checking that it's unoccupied, you and your men will set up the ambush," Genet pointed at the barracks. "You're on a direct line to the fuel and ammunition dump, so they'll come up the hill straight at you when the dumps blow. Take as many as you can out in ninety seconds, and then run for the ravine and get yourselves back to here. The hover craft will be waiting to extract you."

"What will you and Lieutenant Zaffra be doing, Captain?" Anter, the sergeant asked.

"Lieutenant Tank will infiltrate the two dumps and place the explosives. I will be in the re-entry craft, watching for any unexpected troop movements. Now, obviously, this simulation floor cannot hold our craft, so I'll be watching these practice runs from the control room. Lieutenant Zaffra is in overall charge, but the men are yours from the moment we disembark from the craft. You've seen combat, Sergeant Anter, the rest of us have not, so we're trusting you to keep our asses from being set on fire."

Four men not chosen to go on the mission played the dump guards, whilst a full platoon imitated the off-duty soldiers resting in the barracks. The men were told nothing more than the bare bones of what would happen. They were only to guard the dump as they would typically do, and the others were to act like they would if they were off-duty and resting in the barracks as they did daily.

Tank did his part flawlessly, using his enhanced speed to glide between the circling guards and his exceptional strength to snap the padlocks open and slip through the gates. Tank used a simple hook to make the chains look like they remained chained together. Then, using his enhanced speed again, Tank quickly placed the firecrackers (in place of explosives) to 'blow up' the fuel and munitions, glided between the guards again, and returned to the fissure. The timers he'd placed set the 'explosives' off as he slid undercover in the wooded crevice.

Using his binoculars, Tank watched his squad mates make their ambush. They successfully took out over thirty men in the allotted ninety seconds before launching grenades at the barracks and retreating. Everything went well until the four dump guards, whom Tank had left alive, attacked the retreating squad. If this were a live exercise, four of the eleven men would have been killed. Worse, those four men would have to be left behind for any of the team to escape alive.

Genet met Tank's team in the debriefing room. "For a first attempt, that was pretty good," Genet stated to the clearly deflated squad. "Remember, all plans only last until the first shot is fired. Tank, can you eliminate those guards without giving yourself away, or do we need a second infiltrator to succeed in getting in and out unspotted?"

"Those are two fairly large storage areas," Tank mused. "Only two guards per dump made it easy to slip in and out without being spotted. However, they're wire fences, meaning there are only brief periods when the guards are out of sight of each other. In those momentary gaps, with my speed, I can nip between them and hide. Taking the guards out, even if I can hide the bodies before being spotted, will not be possible because there will be a guard-sized empty space where I removed them from."

"Sergeant?" Genet queried.

"How good are you with that thing?" Anter asked Julie. "You weren't involved in the drill at all, and, at overwatch, you should have spotted the guards attacking and taken them out. What happened?"

"I froze," Julie admitted. "I saw the first parts go off without a hitch and was watching to see if any of the soldiers from the barracks tried to flank around your men, completely missing the dump guards approaching from the side. When I did see them, I reacted too slowly to do any good."

Anter turned to Genet, "Captain, I cannot fault Lieutenant Angelina's thinking because ensuring our squad wasn't flanked is correct. I believe we need two snipers on that knoll. One to do as Angelina did, the other to take out the guards once the explosions go off."

"Let's try that," Genet said. "Sergeant, do you have anyone in mind for the second sniper position?"

"Specialist Coltan," Anter immediately replied. "He's only had his first series of genetic enhancements, so he'll be slower than the rest of the team but fast enough for this endeavour."

"Get him," Genet barked. "We'll meet back here at 1400 and try again."

"Yes, Sir!" Anter saluted, spun on his heel, and left.

"Is there somewhere close to get coffee?" Tank asked his squad.

"There's a mess hall across from the entrance into here," Elvin said.

"Cool," Tank replied. "Let's grab some and discuss what happened."

The ten remaining squad mates traipsed to the mess hall, got coffee and snacks, and found a group of tables to push together.

"Thoughts?" Tank asked, knowing it was better for these meetings to be informal.

"The plan's solid," Artur answered. "It's almost as if the cleft that leads to the defensive fence was purposefully put there to allow someone to infiltrate the camp. You'd think they'd at least mine it to make it impossible to do what we just did."

"You're thinking like an army man," Jovah, another squad member, dismissed. "These guys are amateur militia and haven't considered how easily they could be infiltrated."

Tank hid his grin at the typical army response towards civilian militia. However, it was easy to forget that the American Revolutionary War, on the American side, was fought mainly by 'civilian militia'.

The discussion continued until it was time to regroup at the embarkation point. This time, the attack went off without a hitch. Despite the 'defending army' now knowing what would happen, they were instructed to pretend they had no idea. But, even with the forewarned knowledge of the attack, the defenders were decimated and the camp destroyed.

Genet's team reran the simulation twice daily until she was satisfied they could almost do it in their sleep. She gave them a day off before the attack to rest and prepare for the mission.

A wilderness area near the Tennessee/North Carolina border, USA.

Following the rest day, Tank, Julie, Genet, and their crew sat in what Genet called a standard Providian re-entry craft. The size of a medium-sized meteor, the specially designed craft would give up so little heat signature on entry into Earth's atmosphere that it would be virtually invisible to the human eye. With its stealth technology, even Earth's missile sensors, satellites and radars should miss it. However, if there was something that did spot them, the craft approached the ground at an angle and speed consistent with a crashing meteor. Earth watchers, safe in the knowledge that humans are alone in the universe, would see what their brains told them to—a meteor crashing to Earth.

With its stealth technology fully engaged, the re-entry vehicle maintained a geosynchronous orbit 18,000 metres above the Aryan Supremacy camp. Also under full stealth, the hover ship backed out of the re-entry craft, eased through Earth's atmosphere, and flew towards the hiding spot.

The pilot parked the hover craft beneath a freeway bridge and engaged its invisibility shields. Discovery would only occur if some unfortunate soul walked into the craft. On the ground, the Providian re-entry craft appeared to resemble the American Black Hawk Utility helicopter. But only if you ignored that the Providian craft had short, stubby wings and no rotors. Nearly silent electric motors ran a series of fan-like blades along the craft's wings and belly, providing lift and direction. Slight alterations to the pitch of these blades and inertia dampeners allowed the craft to change direction instantly.

Genet's team hid beneath the overpass until the sun was barely above the horizon. Then, heading towards the fissure from directly west, the stealth craft dropped Tank and his team at the ravine's head. Julie and Coltan joined the others on the ground a few seconds later.

The squad moved in easy steps through the semi-dark in the ravine toward the fence. However, as they were around halfway along the cleft, Tank quietly barked, "Halt!" Something had nagged at Tank's awareness since the first day's drills, but no matter how much he dogged it, Tank couldn't bring that nag into a cohesive thought.

Turning to Artur, he said, "The day we first simulated this attack, you said something about this fissure. Do you remember what?"

"Not really," Artur replied. "Something about the plan being solid?"

"He said, 'It's almost as if the cleft that leads to the defensive fence was purposefully put there to allow someone to infiltrate the camp'," Rangan offered helpfully. "I remember thinking the same thing."

"Sergeant, what do you think of the possibility that this fissure is a trap?" Tank queried. "Either it's electronically monitored, mined, booby-trapped, or all three?"

"Shit, Lieutenant!" Anter exclaimed. "You have a nasty mind, Sir. I like it!" Sergeant Anter thought furiously, "It's what I'd do if I were in charge of this camp. Well, I wouldn't have placed the camp near a ravine that could be used to infiltrate it, to start with. But having that error forced on me, I'd make that the most obvious way into the camp, then mine it and set booby traps and electronic monitoring devices."
