Invasion of the Pussy-Snatchers Act 03: Sherri's Story


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A voice in her head had awoken her with a sending {Your Queen desires your presence immediately}

The other women beneath the blankets with their naked bodies pressed against Sherri hadn't stirred. The sending had been meant only for her. One of the women sleeping with Sherri was a full Hivesister, but the other two were merely Initiated. If Initiated women were not scheduled for assimilation by the Queen within the next day or two they essentially acted as servants at the mansion. They cooked, they cleaned, they performed yard work in the nude. Of course, their bodies were always available for the use of any Hivesister who desired them.

Sherri tried to remember the name of her fellow Hivesister lying naked next to her. I think her name is Rayne, thought Sherri. Or is it spelled Rain? Fuck if I know, I'd ask her if she was awake. Sherri and her new companion had hit it off at the orgy and decided to have a fun little after party. They selected two Initiates to join them who had formerly been freshman sorority girls at their college.

The girls were stereotypically pretty the way all popular sorority girls were to the point that they almost looked bland. Sherri didn't really care though; the girls looked good naked and were ready to do anything to please her. That was more than good enough to make up for a lack of any interesting personality. Sherri and Rayne (Rain?) staged a roleplaying session where Sherri and her companion acted as sorority members hazing new entrants by forcing them to put out for the older sisters at the greek house. It had been unbelievably fun making girls whose only previous interests had likely just been getting drunk and sleeping with frat boys to lick Rayne and Sherri's cunts and then play with each other while Sherri and Rayne watched and got each other off. Fun, but very exhausting after such a long and debauched weekend.

Sherri stumbled out of bed and didn't even bother donning underwear or a robe before leaving her room. One of the teenage girls stirred as Sherri pulled part of the blanket along with her when she rolled over, but other than a faint snore she heard none of her companions make a sound as she left. Sherri walked through darkened hallways to the Queen's master chamber and tapped the large, ornate door to the Queen's room using a brass knocker in the shape of a bird. After a half-moment, a woman wearing a robe with a hood that covered her face above the mouth swung the door open on her side and beckoned for Sherri to enter.

Sherri walked in and found the Queen in conference with a few more of the robed women. The hooded and cloaked women formed the Queen's inner circle; they never strayed far from her side and their only purpose seemed to be acting as the Queen's personal servants. Sherri didn't know what they did to qualify for this service. She would have loved spending her life serving the Queen's every need, but Sherri didn't think her servants even had sex with her and that was all that really interested Sherri. Really though, other than the first sexual encounter that was part of the assimilation process Sherri didn't think the Queen had sex with anyone else in the Hive. Except for Cassandra, of course.

Sherri still didn't know what to think of the Queen and her relationship with Sherri's best friend. She couldn't help feeling somewhat jealous. Sherri had been the first to be assimilated into the Hive; the Queen had even referred to her as First Amongst my Daughters. But Cassandra seemed to fall into the Queen's good graces effortlessly until she became even closer to the Queen than Sherri was. It didn't help the situation that Sherri had practically been in love with Cassandra for years. After nearly two decades of pining Sherri had finally converted Cassandra to lesbianism but ironically she spent most of her time having sex with the Queen instead of with Sherri. Really, Sherri was jealous of both of them when she thought about it.

Cassandra seemed different ever since she had been with the Queen. She still acted like the same old Cassie, though the straight woman Sherri had known her whole life now loved sticking her fingers and tongue into other women's orifices. She behaved just like good old Cass, quick with a quip or snarky comment and still possessing an innate friendliness and good nature that always made everyone around her happier. She overall was still an introverted and shy person, though that personality trait had just endeared her to Sherri even more. Cassandra truly had no idea what a beautiful and lovely person she was. Yet the way she carried herself seemed different now; more confident and sure of herself than she had ever been. Actually, she reminded Sherri a lot of the Queen, who could dominate a room even when sitting quietly in her chair. Sherri vowed she would get to the bottom of what exactly the Queen and Cassandra were doing together. Though she was part of the Hive's collective, her emotions and identity still remained though her mind had been enslaved to the Queen's will. It wouldn't be a betrayal to investigate a mystery directly related to the Hive's operation. She knew they had sex every single day, but what exactly happened behind the Queen's closed doors had been blocked from Sherri's psychic probings. She didn't even know it was possible to do that.

The Queen's room was unusually quiet for this time of night. Normally when Sherri visited, she would see both Anna and Genevieve breaking in a new girl. When she wasn't busy assimilating, the Queen enjoyed watching Cassandra's younger sister Anna and the feisty redhead Genevieve turning a woman into the Hive's plaything. The Hive's official dominatrices were so good they could ensnare and enslave a woman to their will before the taste of Essence even touched their captive's lips and bound her to the collective. Most times Sherri visited, there would be women waiting in line to see the Queen. The supplicants would usually fool around with each other while waiting their turns to speak with her. Sherri didn't think the Queen ever slept, so she had callers at all times of night. This evening however, the room was empty save for four cloaked servants including the one who had opened the door for Sherri.

"You called, my liege?" Sherri asked as she approached her ruler.

The Queen rested her hand on Sherri's cheek. Sherri couldn't help shuddering at the Queen's delicate touch. It felt like a surge of electricity coursing through her body. Sherri nuzzled her cheek against the Queen's palm.

"First among my servants," the Queen said warmly with a small smile on her face. "I have a task for you to undertake."

"Anything for the Hive," Sherri assented fervently. "I am yours to command, majesty."

"One of your sisters has been captured," the Queen explained. "She is being held at a jail within the city you refer to as Boston. I'm asking you to do everything in your power to free her from imprisonment."

"What, you want me to orchestrate a jailbreak!" Sherri exclaimed incredulously. "I love you majesty, but you have got the wrong woman for this job."

The Queen sighed. "I'm afraid very few of the women in the Hive will be qualified for what I require of them," the Queen said regretfully. "That is simply the truth. But it is at times when we face adversity that we must rise above our station. Know that I trust you more than any other to complete this task."

"Why don't you have Cassandra do it?" Sherri snapped as she pulled herself away from the Queen's caress. "She's your little pet now, isn't she?" Sherri regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth.

The Queen looked at Sherri with annoyance. "Your purpose is to obey, not to question," the Queen said coldly and firmly. "Cassandra Dworkin has her own task, also fraught with peril and equally important to yours. I do not play favorites."

Sherri looked down in shame. "I'm sorry, my Queen," Sherri said apologetically. "Forgive me. I forgot myself."

"Look up, Sherri Lawson," the Queen commanded.

Sherri raised her head and looked into the hypnotic beauty of the Queen's purple eyes. Unlike the rest of the Hive, the Queen's gaze did have sentience behind it. Her eyes looked impossibly old and wise, but also sad and somewhat weary.

On a dime, the Queen's look changed to be more warm and inviting. "You are still my first, and I will always love you for it," said the Queen. "Your fire is one of the things I admire most about you. Just be sure your emotions are directed toward what is best for the Hive."

Sherri grinned. "Yes, my Queen. Can I make it up to you, majesty?" Sherri laid her hands over her breasts and fondled them suggestively. She had lost all sense of modesty, Sherri didn't even think twice about walking around naked in front of several others any more. "Do you want this body? It is all yours, you know. Every part of it belongs to you. You can do whatever you want to me. Punish me for my insolence."

The Queen replied, "I must save my energy, my sweet darling. I added twenty new sisters to our family today, the most so far. Tomorrow I will try twenty-five more."

The Queen laid a hand on Sherri's cheek again. Sherri sighed at the elation she felt from the Queen's touch. When the Queen ran her thumb over Sherri's jawline, Sherri kissed the Queen's hand. Sherri had become aroused by the mere touch of the Queen's fingers.

{If it is release you desire then I can certainly arrange assistance for you} the Queen sent.

The Queen must have communicated privately with one of her servants. One of the robed women walked over to Sherri, sat down on her knees, and pushed Sherri's thighs apart. Sherri couldn't understand how the Queen did it; Sherri still had difficulty sending a message to one woman, let alone to multiple. The Queen told her daughters that sending and returning would eventually become as natural as breathing but Sherri wasn't yet that skilled at it.

The Sherri's eyes popped out of her head as the woman began licking her pussy with admirable fervor. The Queen had ordered her servant to get Sherri off and she was going to do her absolute best to accomplish her Queen's task. Sherri didn't really think it was necessary to come again tonight, but now that the Queen's servant had started it was not as if Sherri was going to tell her to stop. The woman still wore her hood, though Sherri could make out the lower half of her face even in the dim light. She was a woman of color like Sherri, but her hair was long and bright like it was almost dyed blonde and she looked around twenty years older than her. She seemed vaguely familiar to Sherri, but she didn't have a clear enough view of the woman's face to recognize her.

"You only have a few hours before you must leave on this difficult task," the Queen said.

Okay, Sherri thought, I guess we are just going to have this conversation the same time this woman eats me. She laid a hand on top of the woman's hood and held her to Sherri's pussy to let the woman know that Sherri enjoyed what her tongue was doing. The Queen's servant was doing it right, extending her tongue all the way and running the flat of it right up Sherri's slit before starting at the bottom again.

"What am I supposed to do when I get there?" Sherri asked worriedly. She felt her attendant's hand running up the inside of her thigh. A quiet moan escaped from Sherri's lips as she felt the robed woman's fingers penetrating her vagina along with the woman's tongue.

The Queen admitted, "I'm not sure. I don't entirely comprehend the laws of this world. We have yet to add any arbitrators or judges to our cause; that lack must be remedied soon. The Hive is still far too weak for any type of frontal assault. We must rely on deception and subterfuge until we grow stronger. With your link, you will be able to locate Candace and can communicate with her without revealing your intentions to her captors. Then you must do everything in your power to free her."

"What if I can't do it?" Sherri croaked. The woman had moved one of her hands back around Sherri's hip and Sherri assumed she was just going to grasp Sherri's bottom. Instead she moved Sherri's asscheek to the side and slid her finger into Sherri's anus. Sherri's asshole had become remarkably loose after all the exercise it had endured over the last week and the woman's finger easily penetrated down to the knuckle inside Sherri's rectum. Apparently this woman was going to use every trick in her book to make Sherri come.

The Queen motioned to one of her other servants who walked forward bearing a small black plastic case she had kept hidden within her robe. The servant opened a latch on the side of the case to reveal a gray foam backing protecting a syringe and a small vial of light green fluid.

"Try as hard as you can to free her," the Queen said. "But if the obstacles are insurmountable you can take care of her using this. The full dose of this drug will terminate her life within minutes."

Sherri stared in openmouthed shock at the needle. She couldn't believe it was this easy for the Queen to sacrifice one of her daughters. Were they all this expendable?

"What, are you worried about her talking?" Sherri asked uncertainly as her body writhed. Oh fuck, that's good, Sherri thought. The woman below her fingered both her holes and licked her at the same time. It wouldn't be long now until Sherri exploded all over her.

The Queen shook her head. "She would never reveal anything of the Hive," the Queen said. "Candace would rather die first. But in the pursuit of the truth about our family, she will be made to suffer. I see pain and death in her future, and her future is linked with yours. I would like to avoid that fate if at all possible. Use this only as a last resort."

Sherri tried to hold her reserve around the Queen but her attendant's fingers and tongue had driven her to the edge. She cried out with a high-pitched whinny as pleasure exploded in and out of her. She had been drained of Essence so many times in the last few days that she hadn't yet refilled. A mere trickle of her grayish-green come leaked out of her pussy. The woman underneath her held her mouth open right beneath Sherri's pussy so that Sherri's slimy ejaculate dripped right onto her hanging tongue. Sherri heaved with her lower torso as she tried to squeeze as much Essence out of her body as she came. Sherri gasped as another spurt of thick, creamy ejaculate squirted into the servant's mouth. After swallowing Sherri's come, the woman brought her mouth up to clean Sherri's vagina with her tongue before scooting away. No hug, no kiss, no cuddling. Just get me off as ordered, swallow my come, and then we're done, Sherri thought. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am.

Now that Sherri's needs had been attended to, they could continue. Sherri's body shook and she breathed heavily as the robed servant holding the black case snapped it shut and handed it to her. Sherri took it hesitantly and held it snug between her upper arm and her side below the armpit. Evolution had not seen fit to grant the human form with natural pockets.

"Will I be able to see my friends before I go?" Sherri asked.

The Queen shook her head. "There is no time. They must be briefed on their missions as well and you have many preparations to undertake before you depart. You can send your farewells then."

Sherri sighed but assented, "Okay." Sherri looked down at her state of undress. "I suppose I should put some clothes on before I leave."

Sherri turned to leave but she heard the robed woman who had just been licking her speak up. The servant wiped Sherri's fluids and her own saliva off her mouth with the back of her hand. It was the first time Sherri had heard one of the Queen's servants speak. Sherri still couldn't shake the feeling that she knew her from somewhere.

"Sherri, you might want this," the woman said. "Just in case."

The robed woman held something dark and metallic out to her. She bore a 9mm pistol with her hand holding the barrel pointing down at the floor while she extended the handle toward Sherri.

Sherri took the gun in her hand. It was heavier than she'd expected. She said quietly, "I've never fired a gun before."

"You had better practice before you leave," the servant said. Sherri did not like the way the cloaked woman grinned at her. "Like I said. Just in case."

(Present Day)

Sherri hadn't slept another wink that night. She had never been to Boston before so she spent her time on a computer in one of the many studies at the mansion looking at maps, weather forecasts, locations of police stations, highway and byway routes. After a few hours of this, her head was swimming. How would she ever remember it all? Yeah, she had a smartphone but if she's being chased is she really going to be able to whip out Google Maps? Sherri would have to rely heavily on her link with the captured Hivesister to locate her and orchestrate the escape.

Sherri sought the only Hivesister she knew of who had any weapons training. The former National Guard member took her to a field behind the mansion and gave her a quick lesson in target practice. Lights from the mansion provided barely enough illumination for the training session. Sherri still couldn't quite handle the recoil of the weapon firing and her accuracy was shit, but at least she was reasonably sure she wouldn't put a bullet in her foot by accident. She had to admit experiencing a strange feeling of power when she held a firearm in her hands, but she feared that power all the same. Sherri would have been just fine going through her life having never fired a gun once.

Sherri stood glumly in line at the check-in desk in the lobby of the police station. She shivered in her rain-soaked clothing. Just dark blue jeans and a light grey jacket covering a black shirt for her today. Nothing fancy. The rain had changed from sprinkles to showers as Sherri walked from the parking garage to the police station because of course it had. The front lobby was a hum of activity, with officers in uniform and plainclothes scurrying about as the day began. Sherri figured she would be first in line due to the earliness of the morning but she was sorely mistaken. Sherri left her weapon in the car, knowing that obviously there would be a metal detector and security check-in at the entrance. The cheap cup of gas station coffee she had purchased was not doing it for her at all and she had to struggle through her intense sleepiness and boredom as she waited.

Sherri had given the woman gracious enough to suffer training someone as ignorant as her a little lick and tickle as a reward for helping her. When she came inside afterward she stumbled upon Janet, Ellen, and Pamela making love together on one of the couches in the lounge. So of course they had invited Sherri to join them, and of course Sherri had agreed to. By the time she finished having sex with each of them the sun was rising and Sherri realized with dismay that Anna and Cassandra had already departed on their own missions. She hadn't even had a chance to say goodbye.

Sherri had been given less than half an hour to shower, brush her teeth, and get dressed. The shower felt particularly lonely, it was the first time Sherri had washed herself without another naked woman assisting her for over three days. Before Sherri finished getting ready, the Queen's servants threw a set of car keys at her and practically pushed her out the door. Sherri had to work her way down a long row of cars to find the one the keys fit in.

Sherri tapped her foot nervously as she waited her turn in line. Finally, after an interminable amount of time she reached the front and announced to the guard sitting at the desk that she was here to visit a prisoner. She had to sign her name on a check-in sheet before continuing. It made Sherri a little bit nervous to be signing her real name, but if she wrote a fake name and was asked to show her driver's license the entire operation would be shot before it could even be implemented.
