Invasion of the Pussy-Snatchers Act 03: Sherri's Story


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Sherri thought everything had gone reasonably well for her first prison break. She had freed Candace as assigned and even brought along an additional guest who was more than willing to pledge her mind and body to the Hive. Sherri should be well rewarded for this. She had to admit she felt jealous of the increased attention Cassandra and the Queen were showing each other. Didn't they understand that Sherri was the very first to be assimilated and also that she had been enamored with Cassandra for years? What they were doing together hurt Sherri more than they realized. A reward of a threesome with Cassandra and the Queen would go a long way toward alleviating the envy that Sherri felt.

Sounds of female pleasure came from the backseat. Music to Sherri's ears. She angled the rearview mirror so she could view what was going on back there. Sherri knew from earlier experience that there was little room in the backseat, but Candace and Sharon somehow made it work. Candace sat on the edge of the seat with her legs spread wide and pants pulled down to her ankles. Sharon sat on the floor with her head between Candace's thighs, licking Candace's pussy and slurping up the cum that drained out of it. Maybe not the safest position in a moving vehicle on a wet road during a rain shower, but good luck trying to make Sharon stop now. Sherri had lost count of how many times Sharon made Candace come in the last hour. At least five, probably more. Candace and Sharon's moans of pleasure blended together and faded into background noise after a while. Sharon was definitely getting her fill of Essence tonight. She seemed content to please Candace without reciprocation, though out of the corner of her eye Sherri thought she detected Sharon rubbing herself beneath her skirt while in the midst of eating Candace.

Sharon wanted to make up for the last time she was with Candace. That was also in a car, but they were rudely interrupted in the middle of Sharon pleasuring her new friend. Sharon wanted to regain the feeling she had experienced right before Candace was apprehended. A wonderful, warm, wholesome, and safe feeling Sharon had never felt before until she was with another woman.

(Flashback: Two Days Ago)

It seemed like a chance encounter. Some random occurrence that should never have happened. Right time at the right place. When Sharon thought of the moment, it still felt like a dream. The problem with dreams is that they are always so fleeting.

She stood right next to her as Sharon stared at the painting. Sharon had been looking at it for so long it didn't feel like she stared into the painting but rather stared right through it. Sharon looked over and noticed the large woman standing next to her but turned her head back to continue admiring the art. The woman stood next to Sharon, not saying a word for minutes as they both looked at the painting.

It was a work from the Impressionistic era. There were several examples of this form at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, but Sharon felt drawn to this one. Up close, the painting looked like random blobs of chaotic color but the further away you were the more the painting attained definition. It somehow reminded Sharon of her pathetic excuse for a life. Her eyes poured over the colors, the lines and the definitions of the painting. The image conjured powerful feelings within her, it moved Sharon's spirit. All her trauma, her fear and anger channeled into the canvas colored by pigments and resins used by a painter that had been dead for over one hundred years. Sharon stifled a sob and felt a single tear drip down her cheek. The only person who might have understood her trauma had already died and left this masterpiece behind. She had never felt so isolated and alone before. Then she felt someone take her hand. Sharon looked over at the woman standing next to her who smiled affectionately.

"Hi, I'm Candace."

Sharon smiled back. "Sharon."

Candace didn't let go of her even after their introductions ended. Her fingers moved through the gaps between Sharon's digits and clasped her hand tightly to Sharon's. Sharon gasped as she felt Candace's palm in hers, sharing warmth between them. She felt excitement swelling in her chest and butterflies in her stomach. She hadn't felt like this since the first time she met Tom.

Sharon and Candace stood in place discussing what they liked about the painting before them and about art in general. Sharon had never met someone so pleasant and easygoing; it felt like she could tell Candace anything. Candace asked if Sharon wanted to show her around the museum. She admitted it was her first time being there. Sharon agreed to take a walk with her and show her around.

As they visited the museum, Sharon and Candace discussed the merits of whichever painting they were viewing and pointed out their favorites to each other. They talked of their lives and some of their history. Sharon stayed at home while her husband worked but since she didn't have kids or a job she quickly got bored. That was the reason she was at the museum today, she had already cleaned every inch of the house and ran all her errands she could run. She desired a bit of 'me' time for once. Candace said she lived in New York City but was visiting Boston for the first time. She was vague about what she was visiting for, she only referred to it as a 'scouting mission' which made it sound like Candace was a headhunter or recruiter for some large company.

They held hands the entire time as they walked together. Sharon realized she would normally be horrified to be sighted in public holding another woman's hand so intimately, but strangely enough she thought nothing of it. Candace was so nice to her and so caring, and it was great to have someone who actually listened to her for a change. As Sharon explained her daily routine she realized how boring her life really was, but Candace listened avidly.

The way Candace's thumb rubbed against Sharon's clasped hand made Sharon feel a strange warmth inside her. What the hell, Sharon wondered. I'm not falling for this person, am I? To put it bluntly, Candace was not an attractive woman and even if she was hot Sharon was not into girls. But Candace's spirit and friendliness more than made up for her looks. Sharon had never considered a relationship with a woman, but for the first time she was interested. Sharon squeezed Candace's hand and massaged it with her thumb. Candace flashed Sharon a toothy smile that made Sharon's heart melt. Oh yes, very interested.

Female or not, Sharon felt an instant connection to this person. Sharon didn't believe in soul mates, she had always found the idea sappy and ridiculous. Besides, Sharon thought she had found hers already and look how that had turned out. But Sharon formed an instant bond with Candace and she had to admit that physical attraction played some component as well. Sharon didn't even care that Candace's green eyes, while pretty, didn't look quite right. Soul mates might be a little strong, but she would settle for best mates at this point.

After a lovely afternoon spent walking hand in hand around the museum twice over, Candace invited Sharon to dinner with her. Tom didn't get off work for hours still, so Sharon saw no reason to refuse. Candace took her to a classy upscale restaurant within walking distance of the museum. It was a beautiful day for a walk and Sharon held Candace's hand the whole way and didn't care who saw them. Between receiving their drinks (a Cosmopolitan for Sharon and an Old Fashioned for Candace) and dinner, Sharon bared everything to her new friend. She copped to her loveless marriage, her inability to conceive, and Tom's verbal abuse that had since devolved into physical abuse.

Candace held Sharon's hand the whole time as she wept and spoke truths that had previously been unspeakable. When it was over Candace handed Sharon a tissue to dry her tears and took ahold of her with both hands. It felt so nice when Candace held her like that. Candace told Sharon straight up that she was a lesbian and explained how difficult coming out of the closet had been for her. Candace had a neglectful mother and an abusive father who hurt her for being fat, for being queer, and for being different in general. Candace talked about how she internalized the abuse and blamed herself and her sexuality for all the pain she endured rather than blaming her shitty parents. Candace admitted that it took years for her to get over that notion until she could finally have healthy relationships again.

Sharon realized that Candace was someone who completely understood her and knew what she was going through. Understood how Sharon blamed herself even though she wasn't at fault. It was such a relief to finally talk to someone about it. It felt like a weight off her shoulders.

Once their dirty laundry had been aired, the two women could actually enjoy their meal. The food and the bottle of wine they ordered with it was excellent. As they left the restaurant, Candace did something totally unexpected but completely inevitable. She took Sharon's face in her hands and planted her lips on Sharon's mouth. Once Sharon got over the initial shock of a woman's lips pressed against hers, she felt energy moving through her. The warmth and butterflies she felt earlier when Candace held her hand returned but seemed to flutter and pulse even more strongly inside her. Before she knew it, Sharon threw her arms around Candace's neck and kissed her back. They were quite a sight. A large, homely butch pressing a pretty middle-aged femme up against the brick wall of the restaurant and making out with her while the femme wrapped her hands around the kisser's waist.

When Candace finally broke the kiss, Sharon felt like a new woman. She was left breathless by the intense passion of Candace's embrace. Candace asked if Sharon wanted to stay out with her longer. Sharon couldn't refuse this woman anything by this point. Candace took Sharon to her first gay bar. It was a very unusual experience for Sharon, watching gay men kiss and dance together and lesbians sitting on each other's laps and necking with each other in booths. Candace held Sharon's hand as they drank and people watched, making her feel safe and secure as she became acclimated to this new world. A few woman came up to introduce themselves to Sharon, but a glare from Candace prevented them from moving to the flirting phase. Sharon realized that Candace had staked out her territory and was protecting it from all invaders. It gave her a strange sense of pride to know that she was wanted so badly.

Sharon got up to use the restroom and once inside she noticed two women making out against the tiled wall before one of them pulled the other into a bathroom stall. Sharon got to hear their noises of pleasure while she used the toilet. When she was wiping herself afterward, Sharon realized that the rubbing motion against her pussy actually felt good. When was the last time she had actually felt sexual pleasure? She had started disliking sex so much that she didn't even masturbate any more. But feeling suddenly very horny, Sharon continued touching herself as she listened to the other women doing God knows what three stalls down. Sharon gasped as she experienced an orgasm for the first time in months. Where the hell had that come from?

Sharon felt shame and embarrassment turning her face red as she washed her hands. Had she really just gotten herself off in a public restroom listening to other women have sex? Sharon looked in the mirror. Who was she really? What the hell was she doing? Sharon had never done anything like this in her life, had never felt any attraction for the same sex before. She hardly recognized herself in the mirror. The woman she saw staring back at her in the reflection was actually smiling. She seemed happy and content with her life. Why shouldn't Sharon allow herself to feel this way? Why couldn't she be happy and content as well? She certainly deserved it after everything she had been through.

When Sharon returned from the bathroom she saw Candace sitting forlornly on a leather bench. Sharon had been gone a long time while she used the bathroom, diddled herself, and then had a minor crisis over it. Candace likely wondered if the married straight woman had freaked out over this new and unusual situation she had found herself entangled in and ditched her. Instead, Sharon walked over to Candace and hopped in her lap. Sharon wrapped her arms around Candace's neck and pulled Candace's mouth down to hers to give her a long, slow, sensual kiss. She felt Candace's hands running up and down her back and her thighs. They were large, manly hands and they felt fantastic as they explored Sharon's body. Candace asked if Sharon wanted to go somewhere more private. Sharon had just been about to suggest that.

They found a cheap hotel nearby and rented a room for the night. They used Candace's credit card for payment. Sharon should have been home by this late in the night and had already received two missed calls and a voicemail from her husband. She turned her phone off. Looking at credit card usage and tracking purchases was exactly the kind of thing Tom would do to keep tabs on her so she made sure Candace paid for everything. For all she knew, Tom could track her using her phone's GPS. It irritated Sharon a little bit how amused Candace acted by all the precautions Sharon was taking. She wouldn't chuckle if she knew Tom the way Sharon did.

When they got to their room, Sharon and Candace slowly and delicately removed the clothing from each other's bodies. Sharon thought the only thing stranger than seeing another naked woman was being naked around one herself. Candace was adorably self-conscious of her naked body, so Sharon tried to make her comfortable by lying close to her and feeling her nakedness. Candace's body felt so warm and soft next to Sharon's. She took her time discovering the female form, running her hands up and down Candace's flab and bulk. Sharon became obsessed with Candace's huge breasts, cupping, squeezing, and weighing them in her hands for minutes at a time. Candace laid her hand on Sharon's bony hip, loving the way Sharon touched her and not wanting to interfere until her exploration was complete.

After Sharon had finished fondling Candace, the butch went against her normal inclinations of being the receiver rather than the giver and licked Sharon's pussy for the first time. It was the most heavenly experience of Sharon's life. Candace truly knew how to give a woman physical and emotional pleasure. After Candace made Sharon come, Sharon asked if Candace wanted her to reciprocate. To Sharon's relief, Candace said she wanted to take things slow at first. Sharon felt glad because she wasn't sure if she was ready for the next step yet. They fell asleep beneath the sheets, naked in each other's arms.

When Sharon woke the next morning, she had the same freakout that all straight women likely have after their first lesbian sex. Sharon couldn't believe she had cheated on her husband, and with a woman too. What was he going to do to her when he found out? She became so upset that she actually began wailing and shaking back and forth. Candace held her close and comforted her with sweetly whispered sentiments and Sharon had to admit it felt very nice. Candace told Sharon what would help calm her down and spread her flabby thighs apart. Sharon stared into Candace's large, wet, hairy, swollen sex. She had never seen anything so lovely.

Sharon took her first steps into a new world as she licked Candace's pussy for the first time. She tasted amazing. Sharon's new friend hadn't been completely truthful with her, having not admitted the real reason her vagina was so flavorful. Her candidness made the feelings they had for each other feel more true since Candace didn't have to utilize her advantages as a Hivesister to coerce Sharon into having sex with her.

Sharon continued licking Candace until she felt the woman's orgasm. Sharon was shocked when Candace's come exploded into her mouth. She had no idea women could ejaculate so powerfully. It tasted wonderful, though, and Sharon swallowed it greedily. She entered the same initial stupor every Initiate feels the first time after tasting of Essence and she licked Candace like a brainless zombie until she recovered.

Once Sharon's change into an Initiate was complete, Candace begged her to leave everything behind and run away with her to New York. Sharon had never heard a more tempting offer. They spent the rest of the morning making love over and over until it was time to check out and then they got a quick bite to eat. Sharon requested that Candace take her home so Sharon could grab a few things before they left. Candace parked a few blocks away, and Sharon snuck in through an alleyway and used the back door to enter her house. Unbeknownst to her, Tom had a plainclothes officer in an unmarked vehicle staking out his house in case Sharon returned. Tom had taken certain precautions once she didn't show up at home last night. Right now though, he still acted under the assumption that she was sleeping around with another man.

Sharon was in such a rush to leave she didn't even bother changing out of her blouse and pencil skirt from the day before. She filled her suitcase full of clothes and toiletries and walked the few blocks to Candace's car. The officer watching her was smart; his vehicle followed slowly behind her and drove on ahead after she got into Candace's car so they wouldn't realize they were being tailed. The officer called in the make, model, and license plate number of Candace's vehicle to Dispatch and then called Captain Skern personally.

As they left in the early evening to drive out of town, Sharon complained of feeling thirsty. Even drinking an entire water bottle failed to quench her craving. Candace realized that Sharon required another dose of Essence before they could make it back to the Hive's mansion. She pulled over in a deserted alleyway and they climbed into the backseat.

Sharon fed upon Candace once again. Sharon had never felt so happy, so warm, so safe than she did with her lips between Candace's thighs as Candace caressed her hair. This is what had been missing all her life, she knew it now. Sharon ceased eating Candace's pussy for a minute and just smiled in contentment at how perfect this moment was. She didn't think she had ever been happier.

Sharon heard the car door open behind her and then all of a sudden she felt herself being pulled away from Candace. Sharon screamed as she stretched her arm out to grasp Candace one more time while Candace held her arm out toward her. Someone was also grabbing Candace from behind. Sharon and Candace's fingertips brushed together before they were pulled apart roughly. Sharon worried that she might never feel this happiness again.

Outside of the car, Sharon noticed several policemen along with her husband. He was being held back by four officers as he attempted to bull-rush Candace. Candace glared at him witheringly. How could anyone treat someone so delicate and wonderful as Sharon so poorly? Candace was thrown onto the hood of a police car and frisked before handcuffs were applied to her wrists. Sharon sobbed and slapped away the hands of the police officers mistakenly thinking they were comforting her. The dream, fleeting as dreams often are, was over.

(Present Day)

Sherri felt somewhat jealous that she had to drive while Sharon and Candace had all of the fun. Sherri really hoped that when they made it back to the mansion the two lovebirds would let Sherri join them as a sort of reward. I mean, if it wasn't for her quick thinking and awesome skills Candace would still be filling a jail cell and Sharon would be stuck sucking on her husband's gross penis, Sherri thought.
