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They were just about to leave for the airport when all hell broke loose. Three of his goons exploded into the room with their guns out.

"Boss, someone just broke through security at the gates and began taking out the guards on the grounds. Whoever they are is heavily armed and knows what they are doing." The leader of the guards announced.

Carlos immediately pulled up the security videos and displayed it on the large screen TV mounted to the wall. There was Melissa running across the yard with guns blazing. Another camera showed about a half dozen guards dropping their guns and running away. We could hear the gunfire as we watched her advance towards the house. They tracked her moves as she went through the house and took out the rest of the guards. She finally got to the room we were in. The three guards in the room lined up their guns on the door. Just as she was about to kick the door in, they fired, emptying their magazines at her. I screamed as I watched my lover fly backwards from the hail of bullets that hit her. Carlos and his nephews began laughing as she lay motionless on the floor. I just sobbed.

"Fuck, that hurt." We heard come over the speaker.

Everyone turned back to the monitor and watched in amazement as Melissa suddenly jumped back to her feet and rushed the door. The door suddenly broke open, and Melissa ran in with her guns blazing. The guards didn't have a chance. They were still trying to hurriedly reload their guns as melissa opened fire. Carlos went down next as he tried to pull out a pistol from his desk drawer. Tony and Gino just stood with their hands in the air.

"Lay down on your stomachs with your fingers laced behind your neck." Melissa ordered.

After they complied, she untied me from the chair.

"Fuck! What am I going to do with them now? If I leave them alive, they will start talking about me. Eventually, word will get back to the lab, and they will come looking for me. I'll need to disappear again."

"I really don't want to lose you. Besides, these two already now about us now. Even if you do leave, they will come after me and use me to get to you." I offered.

She realized that I was right. I was into this up to my neck now.

"I should just kill them, but it probably wouldn't matter much. A few of the guards outside got away. I'm sure that they will talk as well. They probably wouldn't be believed, but others will laugh about them telling everyone about the girl that was shot several times and got back up like she wasn't even injured. That will also get around and back to the lab."

"We can go away together." I offered.

"What about your career? As soon as you start practicing somewhere else, they will be able to find us again." Melissa argued.

"Let me work on that. I think I have an idea. If that doesn't work out, I have enough money set aside to live on for several years. Especially if we go to another country." I whispered to her. I didn't want the two idiots to hear what I said.

I was thinking about us moving to Costa Rica. I have a pretty good bank account from several bonuses, plus, I was not exactly poor before I went to college from a couple of inheritances from my wealthy family. Anyway, we could discuss that later. We needed to get out of here, as the sound of the gunshots probably got the neighbors attention. I was sure that the police were probably already on the way. We quickly tied the boys to chairs, made a quick 911 call to let them know where the two fugitives were, then left the building.

"Holy shit! Where did you get this car?" I asked.

"Don't ask." She replied. "It's registered and insured, so it's legal. I made a trade for it with some rather unscrupulous people."

She started it up with a deep roar from an obviously modified BIG engine. She slipped it into first gear, then dropped the clutch. Within seconds, we were screaming down the road. About a mile away, she slowed down to normal traffic speeds. An hour later, we were sitting in the office of the founding partner in the law firm. Melissa was decidedly uncomfortable as I described what had happened to me that afternoon.

"OK. I'm a little confused here. You said that you were being held at Carlos's mansion?" Mr. Dewy asked.

"Yes sir." I replied. "I was tied to a chair in his upstairs home office.

"And Carlos was there, as well as his two nephews?"

"Correct. They were getting ready to fly Tony and Gino to Columbia. They were going to take me and sell me to a whorehouse down there."

"What about the guards that he keeps there? Where were they?"

"They were all there. They were patrolling the grounds and stationed throughout the house."

"Right. There must have been at least 20 guards there."

"Yes sir. When the attach started, three of them came into the office to protect Carlos."

"And you were still tied up in the chair?"

"Yes sir."

"OK. So how the fuck did you get away? Who attacked the compound? Who released you? How did this happen?"

I looked over at my lover. She was really nervous. "Do you trust him with your life? Because that is pretty much what it is now." She asked.

"Yes. I do." I responded.

"Then I trust you." She confirmed.

I turned back to Mr. Dewy and told him how Melissa rescued me. He was obviously not convinced.

"You are telling me that one woman, that woman, alone, assaulted an armed compound with over 20 trained and heavily armed security personnel and fought her way through them? And she apparently didn't even get a scratch on her?" He asked incredulously.

"Well, not exactly." Melissa answered. "I did get shot a couple of dozen times. It hurt like hell too."

"A dozen times?" He shouted out. "But it doesn't look like you have even a scratch on you!"

"Well, there is a reason for that." Melissa went on to tell him what had happened to her. She described the effect of the nanites that were in her. She told him about how they would repair the damages done when she got injured. She also told him about her enhanced physical and mental abilities because of them.

He was skeptical. I looked over at her, and she nodded her head. I reached over to the desk and picked up his decorative letter opener. Melissa stood up and pulled her shirt up to expose her flat stomach. I quickly lunged and buried the letter opener to the hilt into her tummy. I ripped up as I pulled it back out.

"Fuck! That hurts." Melissa exclaimed. As I wiped the blood off on a couple of tissues, Mr. Dewy watched in horror as the blood pouring out of the wound stopped, then started to run back into the opening. His horror turned into awe as he watched the ends of the cut beginning to close up and knit themselves back together. The wound grew smaller and smaller my the second. As the wound healed itself, there wasn't even a trace of a scar left behind. Within a minute, there was no trace of anything on her stomach. With that, she pulled her shirt back down and sat back in the chair.

"Now do you understand why we need to disappear?" I asked. "What lengths do you think that they will go to in order to recapture her and take her back to perform those horrible experiments on her? They will be torturing her and mutilating her every fucking day until they finally manage to kill her."

He sat back in his chair contemplating. We sat and waited. Finally, he spoke.

"We are thinking about opening an office I Alaska. You and your girlfriend will be traveling up there to look at locations for the office. There will be a plane crash I the wilderness. The pane will burn on impact, and there will be one burned up female body and the burned-up pilot's body found in the wreckage. There will be evidence that there was a survivor that escaped." He plucked the bloody tissues that I cleaned the letter opener off with from my hand. He placed them in a plastic baggie that he pulled from his desk. "These tissues will be found near the wreckage. It's a vast wilderness up there, so I'm sure that they will spend a long time searching for the survivor of the crash. Julia, I'm sure that we will have a beautiful funeral and memorial service for you. I'll even post the videos online so 'anyone' can see just how much you meant to all of us here.

"Now, you two need to prepare for your trip to Alaska. Go home and pack your bags. Leave your vehicle at your house. In a couple of hours, I will send a car to pick you up. That car will take you to my cabin in the mountains. In order to make everything easier on you, you are to leave your bags, purses, and any other personal belongings in the car. Everything you will need will be at the cabin ready for you. On Monday, a car will collect you and take you to the airport where you will board a corporate jet. The jet will take you to Seattle, Washington. That is the departure for the small bush plane to Alaska. Your personal belongings will be transferred to the small prop plane. Don't worry about the pilot and the female passenger on the plane. The pilot is a drug addicted criminal, and the passenger has terminal breast cancer. She accepted a deal where she would die painlessly, and her children will be well compensated. Coincidentally, in the harbor there will be a nice boat that will be sailing with two unregistered female passengers to Costa Rica.

"As a bonus for exceptional work on your last case, ass well as eliminating a future embarrassing issue for the firm, there will be a nice smaller hacienda waiting on the coast that will be purchased by a nameless corporation. For transportation, there will be a locally registered Chevy pickup in the garage. Sorry, but a GTO would not do well on the poorly maintained roads there." He finished with a grin.


Monday evening found Julia and me boarding a very nice yacht. We were led to our stateroom where we found a very nice wardrobe full of clothes that were all in our sizes. Sitting on the bed were two designer purses with all new driver's licenses (for both in the State of Florida as well as Costa Rica) new credit cards, and everything else required. The names on everything were different than what we had left behind. I was now Meghan Williams. Julia was now Joan Watson. Our passports and background were Australian. There was nothing in our new backgrounds that had any link to the United States. Also sitting on the bed were several Babble programs for different languages. Obviously, we started with Spanish, since we would be in a Spanish speaking country. There was also French, Italian, and German. Costa Rica had a very extensive expat community with citizens from all over the world living there. It was a slow trip by sea to our destination, but we managed to amuse ourselves.

Once we finally made it to our destination, we were escorted to the hacienda, we were surprised. Mr. Dewy had said it was a small hacienda. Well, his definition of small differed vastly from our definition. It was at least 4,000 square feet with lots of land for gardens and a huge swimming pool with an attached spa. There were 4 full bedrooms, each with its own bath. It had a full kitchen with restaurant quality appliances. Seriously, you could cook an entire Thanksgiving dinner for 50 people in it. There was a large living room with couches, loveseats, and recliners. One wall had a 90-inch HD TV mounted to it. The back yard had a huge, shaded patio wit hanging gardens and walking paths. The pool and spa were right off to the side. There were an abundance of fruit trees and vines. Bananas, papayas, pears, peaches, and several other fruit trees. There were several different types of grapes and berries growing on the walls in vines. It was beautiful.

There were two envelopes on the coffee table. One was addressed to Juilia, the other was addressed to me. Both letters were from Mr. Dewy.


Then library in the house is stocked with legal books that you may need. From time to time, I will ask that you do research on a case from us. Don't worry, it will never take too much time away from you. For one thing, I know that you will get bored occasionally. This is to help with keeping you busy and keep you current on your knowledge of the law. Also, I have included in your new identity a legal degree as well as the required credentials so you can open your own law firm in the town you are in. You will be compensated appropriately for any work you do for us. This will help you from getting bored with your new life as well as giving you some additional income. I set up a secure site for us to pass information back and forth. Attached are the credentials that you will need. Maybe sometime we can figure out a way for me to visit you and catch up on your lives.


The letter addressed to me was a bit different.


I am sure that you will take good care of Julia for me. No, there is not and never was a romantic relationship between us. Actually, I considered her as a daughter. My only wish for her is to have a long happy life with someone that she loves and who loves her back. I saw that in the two of you from the first time I saw you together.

That being said, you have a unique skill set that I occasionally find useful. I don't see a way for you to find gainful employment wherever you go without taking the chance of exposing yourself. That would lead to boredom and unhappiness with you. Here are occasions where I could use someone with your skills. None of these would be anywhere near where you are residing, and there would be no way that anyone could track you back to where you are. None of these trips would last more than a week. Typically, they would only be for two or three days. At the end of each mission, the evidence would actually lead any possible pursuit inn a completely different direction. While I know that the two of you really don't need the money, the compensation for your help would be more than adequate. Perhaps you could even get the chance to extract a bit of revenge on those that did you wrong.


Dr. Phillips:

Something was wrong. Things just weren't adding up. No, that was wrong. Things were adding up, but they were adding up too perfectly. When you are discussing human nature, there is always an error factor thrown in. I mean, there is no possible way to judge exactly what a person will do in a given set of circumstances. Yes, there is always a good chance that someone will react exactly as you predict, but there is a far greater chance that the reaction will be slightly different with every individual.

Let's take an example here. Let's say that two countries are at war. One country sends a convoy of ships to support their troops. The enemy knows when the convoy leaves port, knows the approximate speed of the convoy, and know their ultimate destination. It is pretty easy for the enemy to calculate approximately where they will be at any given time on their journey. Notice I said 'approximate'. Several things could have happened. A mechanical failure on one of the ships that took time to repair, a ship slower than expected that slowed the entire convoy, bad weather that slowed them down, better than expected speed and weather that allowed faster sailing. There are thousands of permutations that could either slow, speed up, or minor change in heading that could cause the convoy to not be exactly in the place that the calculations show them to be. They could be a hundred or more miles away from where the calculations showed.

This is similar to human behavior. Maybe she took an extra few minutes deciding on what clothes she wanted to wear. Maybe he got up a couple minutes early. Maybe traffic was heavier or lighter than usual. Who knows what could happen to throw the calculations off just slightly. The upshot here is that whenever the reality exactly matches the calculation, whenever the target ends up dead center of the probability range, you should be warried. Yes, statistically, the center is the most probably result, but given all the possible chances for something to not be quite right, how likely is it that reality matches up so perfectly with theory?

No, this was just too perfect. Still, I had to expend the effort here. Perfect or not, the evidence was too overwhelming to ignore. We spent months combing through the wilds of Alaska. Sure, there were several leads as we went through towns and remote locations. It was just too pat of a hand. There was a plane crash. The pilot didn't matter, but the burned up female passenger did. Her purse and briefcase held enough clues to determine that she was our target's lover. Unfortunately, she was cremated before we could get her body for DNA testing. Other forensic evidence showed that there was another woman that survived the crash. We did find discarded bloody tissues that we were able to match our target. Would she be so careless to discard them where they could be easily found? I didn't think so.

It started with a few rumors. There were two brothers that broke out of jail just before they were to be sentenced for crimes they had been convicted of. They were found tied to chairs in their uncle's house. The uncle had been killed, along with most of his security guards. They were telling fantastic tales about a woman that attacked and killed everyone. Nobody believed them, of course, but they did spread the rumor. I sent a few investigators to check it out. It was when the ballistics came back that things got weird. Everyone outside the building was shot with the same gun, and AR-15. Even everyone inside the house except for those inside the office had been shot my that same gun. The four people killed inside the one room were hilled with two different guns 9 mm handguns. It was looking like a single attacker. They used the AR-15 for the initial assault, then switched to handguns for the final assault in the office.

A little more digging found that a local lawyer had run afoul of the local mob. She had suddenly disappeared, along with her redheaded girlfriend. A bit more investigation (it's nice to be a black government project, you can use resources from other agencies to get information) I found that the two of them were going to be quietly shipped to Alaska. That's where things went off the wire. The plane conveniently crashed in a remote wilderness area. It also burned upon impact. The two bodies that were found in the wreckage were too burned to be recognized. The identification came from the personal belongings of the victims. There was also evidence of a survivor that left the crash site and disappeared. The bloody tissues positively identified her as our target. Thus, the manpower spent searching the wilds of Alaska for her. It was obvious to me that this was a well thought out ruse to throw us off her trail. Still, without any evidence to the contrary, I had to pursue the leads that I had.


It's been five years since ewe landed in Costa Rica. Donald has kept Julie/Joan busy with research for cases for his firm. We are well compensated for that. I've also done several missions for him as well. Most of those have been getting people out of dangerous situations until the cases have been settled and/or the danger has been dealt with. Yes, I've been the one to deal with the dangerous situation a few times. After each mission, my return to Julia/Joan has included a false trail to somewhere else in the world. We are happy here and living a great life. We do keep an eye out for strangers, but so far things are peaceful. Anyway, I need to run. I see my lover heading out to the pool with only a towel on her arm, a tube of sunscreen, and a smile on her face. Gotta go.

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PurplefizzPurplefizzabout 2 months ago

Desperately in need of a beta reader/editor to sort out the errors, that said the premise is not exactly virgin ground, more originality would have made it a lot better, as it is, it’s a variation on the script for the 1970’s “$6 million Woman/Man” & “Charlie’s Angels” but updated with Nanites. 4⭐️

arrow013arrow0133 months ago

Great story but let down with a few spelling errors and repeats. Shame you didn't ensure the evil facility and Doctor were not given their deserved retribution. Maybe in the next chapter...

mccaseymccasey5 months ago

A great story! I don't know if I should ask for more, or not so not to ruin a great thing. It remindes me of that Ven Desil movie were he has nanites in his body, but his memory is erased again and again.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill698 months ago

Six million dollar women, ready for more .

Ravey19Ravey198 months ago

OK, the bad news first. A few too many annoying little typos and errors that should have been fixed. And the end just seemed to fizzle out leaving too many things unresolved.

Overall, an excellent story with nice character development of Melissa and a fair bit on Julia. Four Lit pages is enough for many readers including me but I do like a longer story and this had the possibilities for more development yet still leave it open it be continued.

Still a good 5⛤, nice to see you back with a Hot story.

PikaGelionPikaGelion8 months ago

I mean no offense (always a dangerous way to start a comment), but I think we have here a new team member for SaddleTramp1956's Justice Team!

Great 'foundation story.' I hope to see more of the ladies in future adventures.

AesirDraugrAesirDraugr8 months ago

5 Stars. We need a continuation, this is a great start to the series. What else can the nanites do with the heroine's body? Or will they begin to modify the body at her will? She may be the beginning of a new better female race. Futanari?

EastCoaster1EastCoaster18 months ago

Hmmm...I think this tale screams out for another chapter !

This isn't my usual wheelhouse for stories on Lit, but I follow you, and I have to say I liked this one (5 *****) and would definitely read more of their escapades if any were written.

Nicely done !

DragosLoveDragosLove8 months ago

Felt a bit rushed? The jumping between time periods was mostly fine, but it felt like there was stuff missing between them. The attack on the mod guys was kinda out of nowhere, and trusting some random dude at the end was out of character. I did like it though.

AmbulAmbul8 months ago

Terrific story! Well-written and well-plotted. I don’t know if the author intended to write subsequent chapters, but I hope he does, More sex would be nice, but not required if the story is as good as this first one.

sastapletonsastapleton8 months ago

A fun jaunt story,

Obviously it's really realistic and totally a work of fact *eye roll at those morons*

The opening reminded me of RoboCop but updated to 2023 (not a criticism just what I thought)

Well done!

pepepilotpepepilot8 months ago

The ending put this as a 4-star story. For me, there are too many dangling parts. Also, it seemed that the misspellings and grammar were getting worse towards the end. I don't normally downgrade a story for that, but I guess it did enter into my mind in a small manner. Thank you for a good story!

amadthonamadthon8 months ago

Great story! As Nicole said, I would love to see a continuation of it!

Nicole2023Nicole20238 months ago

Enjoyed this...I need revenge on Dr Phillips and it would be a twist if Julia was the other woman in the room

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