It's Always Been You


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"Mister Hennings was right about you," she giggled, her smile lighting up the room.

"Really," I knowingly grinned, "He told you that I was a pain in the ass then."

"Well, sort of," she said, "But I think you'd probably fire me if I told you what he did say, though."

"No really," I grinned, expecting anything at this point, "Tell me, what did he say?"

"Well," she stammered, "He...he said that you were full of shit."

I was certain that the whole office building probably heard the laughter that rolled out of me in waves, and once I'd regained my composure, I smiled at Tracy and told her, "I need for you to get me the progress reports on each of the jobs we've got going."

"You got it, Mark," she grinned, turning to look back as she walked out of my office, "One more thing...welcome back."

"Thanks, Tracy," I smiled, "I appreciate that, I really do."


It felt different not being on my old jobsite that morning. It felt even better to be able to wear more comfortable clothes and not having to wear my heavy-ass tool belt around my waist all day. But what I really enjoyed the most was being able to go the other jobsites that we had going, and getting to see some of the friends that I'd mentioned earlier that used to hang out at my house sometimes on the week-ends.

"What's the matter, Mark," teased Rick Miles, a friend of mine, as well as one of the other foremen, "Did you get tired of doing real work?"

"Go ask Gary," I laughed, "He said that the reason he put me in charge was so he could go play more rounds of Golf."


After a quick bite of lunch I was back in the office two at o'clock that afternoon. I hadn't been back for more than ten minutes when Tracy informed me that I had a phone call.

"Hennings Electrical Contractors," I said, into the receiver, "This is Mark. How may I help you?"

"My goodness, you sound so official," giggled my sister's voice, on the other end, "You even have your own secretary now, too. Wow, I'm impressed, big brother."

"Hey, Taylor," I smiled, "What's up?"

"Nothing really," she chirped, "I just called to see how you were enjoying your first day on your new job."

"I really like it," I replied, "It's a lot less stressful, that's for sure."

"And a lot less dangerous, too, Mark," she pointedly replied, "Don't forget about that."

"Alright, sis," I chuckled, "You're right."

"I know," she smiled, "I'm always right."

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" I teasingly barked, "I've got work to do."

"Yes, there is," she giggled, "I want you to meet me at Sam's Café around one o'clock for lunch tomorrow, can you do that?"

"Okay, I'll be there," I laughed, "Now I've got to go back to work."

Bye, Marky," she playfully teased, right before hanging the phone up.


When I got home after work that evening and walked into the house, a strange feeling began to overcome me. I looked around the house and realized that my sister had been right when she'd said that I had been "holed up" like Daniel Boone. All of the dreary memories of my relationship with Kerrie were all around me. So, with a new lease on life, I decided right then to do something about it.

I went all throughout the house and opened the drapes and let some light back into what was more like a dark self-imposed mausoleum than a house. Then I took every thing out of every room that reminded me of Kerrie, pictures, mementos etc, put them in boxes, closed and taped them up, then loaded them into the bed of my truck. I had plans for those boxes that, while it may not seem particularly sane to most people, would help me find some semblance of peace; but I'll go into that later. I cleaned, vacuumed, and polished my furniture like a mad housewife, and when I was done; my home took on the appearance of a whole new place.

After I'd eaten dinner that night, and once the kitchen was clean, the moment my head hit the pillow, I immediately fell into the peaceful slumber, which my soul had been missing for a very long time.


I went into the office next morning to check in with Tracy to see if there was anything on the contract board. And after finding that it was clear, I told Tracy, "I need to take care of some personal business this morning, but I'll back no later than eleven-thirty."

"Okay, Mark," she replied, looking up from whatever it was she'd been working on, "I'll see you when you get back."


After I left the office, I drove to the fishing docks over in San Pedro to look up an old friend of my Dad's who owned his own boat.

"Hey, Mister Tom," I smiled, finding him mending his nets, "How are you doing these days?"

"Well, hello, Stranger," he replied, hugging me, "How have you been doing?"

"I need to ask a favor, Mister Tom."

"Whatever it is," he smiled, "Consider it done."


"We're hovering at nine-hundred feet, Mark," Tom smiled, "Do you need any help with those boxes?"

"No, sir," smiled, throwing the boxes of my past over the side and into the Pacific Ocean, "I've got it."

Once all the boxes had been thrown over the side and were bobbing up and down in the water, I picked up the twelve-gauge, pump action shotgun that I was given as a gift, and began unloading into the boxes, smiling in satisfaction as each one began to sink into the dark depths of the water.

"You feel better now, Mark," Tom asked, after I explained what I had done and why.

"Hell yeah," I grinned, "Much better."


Chapter Three

At one o'clock that next afternoon, Taylor and I were having lunch on the out-door patio of Sam's Café, and surprisingly enough, I was on time.

"Hi, big brother," Taylor grinned, greeting me with a hug, as soon as I appeared at the table she'd reserved for us, "You look different today. Did you get a hair cut or something?"

"No," I chuckled, "No hair cut, just me."

"Something's different about you," she said, one eyebrow raised, "I can't put my finger on it, but something is definitely different."

"I haven't got the slightest idea what you're talking about, Taylor," I flatly said, "I thought we were here to eat, I'm starving."

"Typical man, always thinking with your stomach first," she smiled, leaning over and pulling out a chair across the table from her, "Here, sit down so that we can eat Mister 'I'm Starving'."

"It's about time," I teased, as I took the offered chair, "I guess I'm paying, yes?"

"You bet your ass you are," she giggled, "Besides, you're a very highly paid executive now, and you can damn well afford it."

Of course either one of us could've afforded to buy anything by this time in our lives, but that was just one of the many ways that my sister found to bust my balls, the little shit. She was, and still is, incorrigible, I swear.

To tell the truth, Taylor owned her own structural engineering firm. In the first six years of its operation, my little sister out-bid several other major firms for three of the newest high-rise office buildings in Los Angeles. My company has worked on one or two of her projects ourselves. She's brilliant, she really is, and I've always been so very proud of her and I know in my heart that Mom and Dad, may God bless their souls, are as equally proud.


"All bullshit aside, I really am happy for you about your new job, Mark," Taylor devilishly giggled, "Now maybe you can talk Gary into coming down on some of his fees."

"I don't know," I cryptically grinned, "Are you gonna give me a kickback?"

"Shit, Mark," she accusingly teased, "What do you think I am...some kind of crook?"

"Now you know how I feel about trying to talk Gary down on his fees, those same fees that pay my salary," I pointedly but gently replied, "And besides, in the future, per Gary's authorization, I'll be the person to deal with where anything with the company is concerned."

"Oh, shit," Taylor giggled, "My General Contractors are gonna be real pissed off at me."


I had enjoyed having lunch with Taylor that afternoon, and because she had covered for me during her lunch hour, I made sure that I brought my secretary, Tracy, a feast fit for the Queen she was.

"Here, Tracy," I smiled, handing her three larger delivery boxes packed full of food, "I'm sure you haven't eaten yet so; this is for covering my ass during your lunch hour today."

"Holy Cow, Mark," she exclaimed smiling, "I'll never be able to eat all of this."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I grinned.

"As a matter of fact, I do," she smiled, her cheeks blushing, "His name is Michael Haynes and he works on Rick Miles' crew."

"Then give it to him when he gets off today," I knowingly grinned, "I know, for a fact, that Rick works the shit out of his guys so; I'm quite sure your fella will be starving come quitting time."


"Hello," I said into the phone, which began ringing the moment I walked into my house that evening.

I knew who it was the minute I heard my ex-wife say, "Hi, Mark baby, it's been a long time."

"What in the hell do you want," I viciously seethed, my stomach turning into knots, "And why are you calling me, Kerrie?"

"There are still a few items that I was awarded in the divorce settlement that I never got which I would like to have," she sarcastically snipped, "Would tomorrow be good for me to come by and pick them up?"

"After all this time?" I spitefully asked, "Bullshit!"

"Come on now, Mark, sweetie, please don't be like that," she sweetly purred, changing tactics, "I haven't seen or spoken to you in a long time and you're being so mean to me."

"Mean?" I angrily growled "What you did to me went way beyond cruel, or have you forgotten, you fucking slut? Everything that was yours is long gone from here so, that means that I don't ever want you to call me again, and don't come over here or I'll have you arrested. Do you understand?"

"You're a spineless asshole, Mark," she laughed, with an evil tone of voice,

" You always were," and then she abruptly hung up.

"Fuck you, you fucking cunt," I spat, slamming the phone down onto the hook.


That night I had fitful dreams, none of which I can remember; and maybe that's a good thing. I do remember it being about something having to do with my ex-wife though, and that was enough; making me even more thankful for not being able to remember.


Having turned the alarm off the previous night, I woke up the next morning, Saturday, at nine-thirty to the sound of my telephone ringing...again...funny, huh?"

"Hello," I groggily replied.

"Good morning, big brother," my sister chirped, "Are you still in bed, sleepy head?"

"Oh, hi Taylor," I yawned, "Good morning to you, too. Now, what do you need?"

"Why, what do you mean," she asked, feigning innocence, "What makes you think I want something?"

"Because, "I laughed, "I know you like a book, and I know you didn't call me on your day off to simply say good morning."

"Oh, alright, you got me," she giggled, "I need you to pick Abbey up at the Athletic Center at three o'clock. I just got a call from one of my contractors and I won't be able to make it back in time. Please say you'll do this for me."

"Jeez," I teasingly groaned, "Okay, but you owe me, girl."

"Oh thank you, Mark," she cooed, "I'll call and tell her that you're picking her up, you're the best, gotta go, love you, bye," and then she hung up.

"You, too, little sister," I laughed aloud, as I set the receiver back into its cradle.


I mowed the grass, and trimmed the hedges, and then took a shower before I left to pick Abbey up. I didn't know that she worked on Saturday until I remembered what she'd said about being a fitness trainer or something. Then it made sense that most people would be more apt to take fitness classes in their off hours, as opposed to during the work week.


"Hi, Mark," Abbey smiled, when I pulled into the parking lot of the Athletic Center, "Thanks for picking me up."

"No problem," I grinned.

"Actually, I'm glad you're here," she said, "I could use your help for a second."

"Sure," I said, "Let me park my truck."


Abbey led me into the corner of an equipment room where two long staffs, called Hong Bo, or just plain old "Bo" staffs, and two short ones, called Escrima Sticks, sat on end in a corner behind a four foot, by two foot, wooden box which sat in front of them.

"Would you mind grabbing that box for me, Mark," she sweetly asked, "And I'll get the rest of this stuff."

"Sure," I smiled, "I don't mind at all."


I hadn't taken notice of Abbey's attire until I was following her back to the truck. She wore a pair of black baggy pants with a pair of white with green stripes on each side, leather soled, mat-style shoes on her feet. Her hair had been tied back in a pony tail and she wore a tank top with a gray sports bra beneath it. And even though it was obvious that she'd been working out, she was still beautiful (Did I just say that again?)


"Thanks again, for all your help, Mark," Abbey gently said, "I really appreciate this."

Just then, the name that I used to tease Abbey with when she and Taylor were little came to mind, making me chuckle and say, "You're welcome....Gabby."

"MARK," she loudly giggled, "You haven't called me that since I was a little girl."

"Yeah," I laughed, "Actually, it just came to mind."

"I remember," Abbey sweetly laughed, "I used to get so mad, too."

"It was funny, too," I chuckled, "You and Taylor were so cute then."

"What're you trying to say, Mark," Abbey indignantly asked, "You don't think I'm cute now?"

"NO...I mean, Yes," I stuttered, "Aw, hell," and then shook my head."

"Gotcha," Abbey delightfully giggled, "You should see your face. It was so......."

A sudden "BOOOOM," interrupted her, followed by the both of us being suddenly thrown forward then back in the cab of my truck, slightly jarring me. I looked into my rear view mirror when all at once, a large, black SUV passed beside us on the highway and then pulled in front of, and across our path, making me bring my truck to a slow halt.

"What the hell is this?" I asked, as two body builder types emerged from the SUV and came walking toward us.

"Don't worry, Mark," Abbey said, as she got out of the truck, "I've got this."

"Abbey, no," I warned. But before I could stop her, she'd retrieved one of the Hong Bo staffs from the bed of my truck and looked as if she was going to face them in a head to head confrontation.

I quickly walked over in order to step in between her and the two guys, but as I drew closer, I heard a harsh exchange of words, and then Abbey was all over the both of them. Her staff was spinning faster than the speed of light while her feet seemed to follow every blow of the staff. In a matter of seconds she had laid waste and devastation to the two assholes that had rear-ended my truck; and when it was all over with, the two would-be thugs were lying, prostrate, bloody and unconscious across the asphalt surface of the highway.

"Jesus Christ," I said, stunned, "What the hell did you do that for, Abbey?"

"Your ex-wife sent those two fuck heads to rough you up, Mark," she venomously replied, looking back at the two men who were still unconscious, "I just let them know that they were fucking with the wrong person, that's all."

"Holy shit, that was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen," I excitedly said, "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

"Damn, boy," she giggled, "You don't listen very well, do you?"

"I don't understand," I said, "What do you mean?"

"Think back to when you were recuperating at Taylor's house," she knowingly teased, as we walked back to my truck, "Do you remember what I told you when you asked me what kind of work I did?"

"Yeah," I replied, starting my truck once we were both inside, "You said that you were some kind of fitness instructor, or something."

"Jeez, Mark," she giggled, and then began to laugh uncontrollably, "I guess the pain medicine that the doctor gave you must've really messed you up, huh"

"Shut up, little girl," I replied, trying not to laugh, "That's not funny."

"Seriously, sweetie," Abbey giggled, regaining her composure as I drove us away, "What I told you, was that I was a Karate Instructor; and in my off time, I like to train with the weapons used in the style of the Martial Arts that I teach, which, by the way is Togakure Ninjutsu." (Pronounced: Toe-gah-koo-rey Nin-joot-soo)

"Damn, Abbey," I ashamedly said, "I'm sorry for not remembering, but tell me how you learned to do all of what I saw back there."

"Alright, then," she smiled, "I went to college on a track scholarship to the University of Texas. One of my coaches told me that she saw something in me that I didn't even know existed."

"What was it, Abbey?" I mysteriously asked.

"You're gonna love it," she proudly continued, "The coach that I'm talking about, a lady named Lynn Sanderford, who also holds a fifth degree, or dan as it's called, Black Belt; and the thing she said she saw in me was herself when she was my age. She became my role model and taught me so many wonderful things. Not only did we become good friends but she was like a second mother to me and helped me through a lot of things I might've fallen victim to."

"She's a fifth degree Black Belt?" I asked, "Wow, is there such a thing a sixth degree?"

"No, not for Americans there isn't," she replied, "What I mean is, the discipline is of Japanese origin, therefore you have to be Japanese to be ranked any higher."

"So, what made you want to learn all this stuff?" I asked, "Don't get me wrong, I thought you were great. Hell," I laughed, "I'll put you up against all the men that I know."

"Oh hush, Mark," she demurely smiled, "You're embarrassing me."

"I'm sorry, Abbey," I apologetically replied, "But I'm really interested in why someone would want to learn all of that?"

"Well, for me it was the discipline at first," she explained, "But then after the first year or so, I began to feel better physically than I'd ever felt in my life. I also began to feel better about myself, and before I knew it, the confidence that I'd been lacking took its foothold and has been there ever since."

I knew better than to say anything right then so; I simply reached across the seat and squeezed her hand while giving her a wink and a smile."


"Would you like to come in for a minute?" Abbey shyly asked, when we pulled up in her driveway, "Besides, I've seen your house so, now it's your turn to see mine."

She was right; I'd never seen the inside of her house. I think I remembered my sister telling me that she'd bought it a couple of years ago when she came back to town. But that was when I was wallowing in my own self pity, and so I don't remember much about that time, or least I'm trying to forget.

With that in mind, I smiled and said, "I'd love to see your home. Lead the way, M'lady."

"My goodness," she giggled, "Follow me, kind sir."

Perhaps it was because her pants seemed less baggy than before, or maybe it was just me, but I could've sworn that I saw I definite sway in Abbey's hips as she led me to her front door. And after unlocking it, she smiled and purred, "Welcome to my humble abode," and then she took my hand and said, "Come on, handsome, I'll give you the nickel tour."

I felt like I had just stepped back in time to somewhere in medieval Japan. Every piece of furniture, bedding, and/or table, throughout the house was culturally accurate, all the way down the to rice paper privacy dividers. Even the bedroom doors had been replaced with sliding rice papered partitions.

"Wow," I grinned, "This is beautiful, Abbey, really. You've done an excellent job with this house, I swear."

"Just for that," she giggled, "You're going to stay for dinner."

"Please," I objected, "I don't want you to go to any trouble, Abbey."