Jealousy is a Curse


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"I know, I've just been told the news. I think a celebration is in order, call you parents, we are going out to dinner, I'll rob a bank and pay for it."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Anything for you, oh love of my life."

"Don't tell Daddy how you can afford this." She knew that I would never do this.

While the dinner was great, what happened after dinner was even greater.

"I suppose that you want a hand moving your stuff over to Pete's place." Her father said. "I hope he's got plenty of room, you got a lot of stuff to move."

He was right. It took all of Saturday and most of Sunday to move her stuff and stow it away, but we managed it. Sunday night we were invited to dinner with her parents, and it was quite late when we arrived back at our house for our first night together as semi-official husband and wife.

Have you ever thought that life was too good to be true? Well to me it was, I have just committed myself to the sexiest, most beautiful, funny woman I, have ever met. We only managed to make love once before tiredness took over and we went to sleep, but it was the best.

Next morning, I headed to work ten minutes after Zanna's final good-bye kiss. I got several comments as I walked into the police station, all suggesting that I had got lucky with some woman I guess it was pretty obvious, they'd never seen me this happy before.

Out on the road I had pulled over several errant motorists and let them off with a caution, I was feeling that good, before I saw a car being driven by an idiot, he was weaving all over the road at high speed and it was only the defensive driving of the other drivers that he hadn't hit anyone. My goodwill disappeared and I hit my lights and siren and took off after him.

It took a while before I managed to catch up with him. I pulled alongside and signalled him to pull over, that was when it happened. Instead of pulling over, he swerved across and hit me, pushing me into the guard rail. I was thrown from my bike, over the guard rail and down an embankment. The driver sped off, leaving me unconscious and badly injured.

Several motorists reported the incident and gave details of make, model and registration of the car involved, and the description was broadcast. Road spikes stopped him after several kilometres, and he was taken into custody. It was Dean. So much for not breaking the agreement.

"It doesn't look good," Zanna and George were told by the doctor. "It will be touch and go as to whether we can save his leg and even if we can, he will, in all probability walk with a limp. Apart from that he's a very lucky man, if he hadn't been thrown over the guard rail and rolled down a gentle grassy slope, he would have been lucky to survive."

I didn't know much about why I found myself in hospital unable to move my left leg and with pain in several parts of my body, that was until Zanna came in with a cup of coffee. She sat on my bed and kissed me. It was only a gentle kiss, but the emotion was powerful. "Thank God you're awake, you had me so worried. Darling, your leg is badly damaged, they've inserted a rod into the bone and screws in several places to keep the bits together while it heals."

"What happened, I was trying to pull over a total idiot, that's the last thing I remember."

"Would you believe that total idiot was Dean, he enticed you to chase him and when you caught him and tried to pull him over, he swerved over onto you, pushing you into a guard rail. Lucky for you, you were thrown from your bike, over the rail with little extra damage and down a gentle slope, otherwise I might have been organising a funeral."

A nurse came in to check the monitors and the intravenous drip bag. "Hi Zanna, I see your man's awake at last."

"Yeah, I slipped out for a coffee, and he woke up, how does it look?"

"His vital signs are fine, I can't say the same for that leg, he won't be throwing that over a bike for a while."

"A while, how about never. I don't want to have to go through this again."

"Do I have any say in this?"

"Only if it's what I want to hear."

"I won't be riding a bike again, ever." This answer was met with a kiss that went on forever.

"I'll leave the two of you, but no excitement."

Jim Cooper came in on his way home from work. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"As well as can be expected."

"This might cheer you up, we have spent several hours trying to get some sense out of Dean."

"Why him?"

"I've only just told him, we have a good idea why." Zanna said.

"It was him that ran you off the road. That is one seriously unhinged person. The gist of the conversation was that he followed Zanna home to your place..."

"It's our place." I said.

"He stated that he was across the road when Zanna arrived home, that was bad enough, but it was what she was wearing, as well as the greeting she got, that really got up his nose. He said something about the top she was wearing being borderline indecent and when she bent over was definitely indecent. He claims that he was never met with such enthusiasm." He pulled a small MP3 player from his pocket, Dean's almost incoherent voice screaming that Zanna's tits were hanging out and that she took your hand and placed it over one of them. He went on like this for over half an hour. He has been taken to a mental health facility for assessment. I don't think he'll be coming out any time soon." He stood up. "Take care and get better soon. I fully expect an invite to the wedding." With that he left.

I could get used to this, lying here doing not a lot, with Zanna telling me what a wonderful person I am, I did point out that the guy that she was comparing me with was nothing to write home about. We spoke often about our future. "I'll have to see what I can do when I go back to work, I won't be on the bike."

"That's really great. If you must know, while hospitals are a necessity at times, they are not my favourite place."

"I know that we can't get married for at least a year, but we don't really need that, none of the relatives are bothered by this situation."

"At least mine couldn't care less, but I don't want to be pushy, but I think it's time I met your parents, don't you?"

"I've been waiting until we're sure that we're going to be together for the duration before I sprang the good news on them. Because you're not yet listed as my next of kin, work has let them know where I am. They have to come from Townsville, so they probably be here tomorrow or the next day. I can introduce you to them, they'll love you."

"I can't wait, I can arrange for Mum and Dad to be here, we can kill two birds with one stone."

"No killing necessary."

Zanna was seated on my bed, close enough that she could lean over and kiss me. She was also close enough that my hand, the one not encumbered by the drip line, could reach out and slide up her leg. My fingers found their way under the s edge of her panties and one of them into her pussy. "That's not fair, you get to play with me, and I can't reciprocate."

"I'm sure, if you put your mind to it, you can find a way, I hope you can, because, I know it has only been a matter of days, but I want you so much."

She found a way, and what she did when her hand reached him was pure heaven. I have seen porn videos where the girl wraps her hand around the guy's cock and goes for it. That was not what Zanna did to me, her touch was almost non-existent, so light yet so expressive, in no time at all he was as hard as he'd ever been. Just when I couldn't hold on any longer, she threw the covers back, dragged my hospital gown up and engulfed me with her mouth.

I heard the door open. "What's going on here?" It was obvious. "Oh, Okay." the door shut, and the nurse retreated.

"We're going to have to get you out of here very soon or they'll find me in bed with you." She whispered.

Pretty soon was a week later. I was wheeled out of the hospital by the lovely Zanna, accompanied by both sets of parents.

Our first night alone, in my home, or is that now our home, was spent exploring different ways of making love, I particularly liked cowgirl, my damaged leg was out of the way and her glorious boobs were close to hand, and lips.

Zanna managed to arrange compassionate leave, even though we were not actually married. She told them that we would be as soon as she was free to marry. She helped me with the rehabilitation, taking me to the physio and hydrotherapy pool as I slowly got strength and movement back into my leg. As soon as I could hobble around and do the basic household jobs, she went back to work.

I came up with creative ways of welcoming her home from work. She began to give them marks out of ten. The tens were filed away for future reference while those that she rated as less than five were either consigned to be forgotten or, if they could be worked on and improved, were trotted out at a later date. One such welcome consisted of a series of helium filled condoms, attached to the front door handle by a red ribbon and linked, forming a line that went from the door, across the living room, down the hallway and into our bedroom, where the last condom was attached to me, lying naked on our bed with the ribbon tied to my ready for action penis. "What am I supposed to do with that?" Zanna asked as she began to undress.

"Allow your imagination to run free and let's see what happens."

Her imagination was amazing. My effort rated a ten plus.

"Do you know what I love so much about you?" Zanna asked as we lay in each other's arms.

"My good, no, great, looks and personality."

"No, that's not it. You are the first man that I've been with that has allowed me to be me."

"I'll return the favour. You have encouraged me to find the real me."

"When you were dragging me out of my car, with your arm around me, you were about to grab my tit, weren't you?"

"That thought did cross my mind, for a second or two, but I resisted the temptation."

"A pity, I believe that I would have enjoyed that. If you were to do it now, I certainly would."

I did and she did.

As soon as I was able to drive, I returned to work. I was given a desk job at first, but after six months it was decided that I would return to traffic branch with four wheels under me. Somehow this did not suit me, I was unhappy with having to achieve a quota of bookings each day.

It was George who came up with a solution. He had been impressed with my report on Zanna's 'accident' and my recognition that this was not a just case of driver error, or an inherent design fault in the vehicle. While these could be seen as contributing factors, the fact that I sought to expand the parameters of the investigation meant that I could, when required, think outside the square, to look beyond the obvious. This, he reasoned, could improve the role of investigating causes of incidents.

A position was created for me within the coroner's office, and I was soon working at a job that I found both interesting and rewarding, and not before time.

In the eighteen months since the incident that brought my career to a halt, many things have happened. Zanna and I are now married. We waited for a week after her divorce was finalised, we didn't want it to look like we were in a rush or anything. Zanna will have to apply for maternity leave shortly, and no, she was not pregnant when we married, but it could have been our honeymoon that did it.

For those of you that think I wrap up stories quickly, when there is little else to say I don't fill. Once the issues for the main characters have been resolved, I leave the secondary characters for you guys to use your imagination on. Dean is an inmate of a mental health institution doped to the eyeballs on anti-psychotic medication, so he is now effectively out of our lives. As for Zanna and me, that story is not finished, but I have not looked that far ahead. Maybe I will, maybe I won't, but for now, that's it.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

Cromagnonman is a very good writer. While women may enjoy the hunky MC who also in financially well off, has a very nice house, is a man who keeps neat clean house and is a marvellous cook, essentially this is a Romance story about what many men would consider the perfect woman. Those of us who have enjoyed a happily ever after with such a woman will testify that such women exist and once they have a good husband are very faithful. Mistreat us and you will face the tigress's claws.

Read and enjoy!!!

The Hoary Cleric

Diecast1Diecast17 days ago

Great story. AAAAAA++++++

Phxray54Phxray547 months ago

Many thanks. Another 5 in the books!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Nope. I have a hard time believing that anyone, especially a police officer, would walk away, leaving a riled up, jealous, abusive man with his wife.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Love this author's offerings (editorial concerns aside).

But hey, mate! This really was a story for erotic couplings!~

Of course, I would have missed it then. :)

J6480J64807 months ago

On ya mate, good tale well told.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Great Story! 5* Sandhill

JTassJTass7 months ago

I liked the plot and characters. The pacing was a bit too fast IMO.

Buster2UBuster2U7 months ago

5 Big Blazing Stars for a Nice Romantic Story. Thank You for the effort. Buster2U

des911des9117 months ago

Lovely. A cracker. Thank you

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy7 months ago

Our intrepid policeman picked up a real ball of dynamite!


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